void ON_Matrix::RowOp( int dest_row, double s, int src_row )
  double** this_m = ThisM();
  dest_row -= m_row_offset;
  src_row -= m_row_offset;
  ON_Array_aA_plus_B( m_col_count, s, this_m[src_row], this_m[dest_row], this_m[dest_row] );
    double zero_tolerance,
    double* B,
    double* pivot 
  double t;
  double x, piv;
  int i, k, ix, rank;

  double** this_m = ThisM();
  piv = 0.0;
  rank = 0;
  const int n = m_row_count <= m_col_count ? m_row_count : m_col_count;
  for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
    ix = k;
    x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      if ( fabs(this_m[i][k]) > x ) {
        ix = i;
        x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    if ( x < piv || k == 0 ) {
      piv = x;
    if ( x <= zero_tolerance )

    if ( ix != k )
      // swap rows of matrix and B
      SwapRows( ix, k );
      t = B[ix]; B[ix] = B[k]; B[k] = t;

    // scale row k of matrix and B
    x = 1.0/this_m[k][k];
    this_m[k][k] = 1.0;
    ON_ArrayScale( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[k][k+1] );
    B[k] *= x;

    // zero column k for rows below this_m[k][k]
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      x = -this_m[i][k];
      this_m[i][k] = 0.0;
      if ( fabs(x) > zero_tolerance ) {
        ON_Array_aA_plus_B( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1] );
        B[i] += x*B[k];

  if ( pivot )
    *pivot = piv;

  return rank;
    double zero_tolerance,
    double& determinant,
    double& pivot 
  double x, piv, det;
  int i, k, ix, rank;

  double** this_m = ThisM();
  piv = det = 1.0;
  rank = 0;
  const int n = m_row_count <= m_col_count ? m_row_count : m_col_count;
  for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
    ix = k;
    x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      if ( fabs(this_m[i][k]) > x ) {
        ix = i;
        x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    if ( x < piv || k == 0 ) {
      piv = x;
    if ( x <= zero_tolerance ) {
      det = 0.0;

    if ( ix != k )
      // swap rows
      SwapRows( ix, k );
      det = -det;

    // scale row k of matrix and B
    det *= this_m[k][k];
    x = 1.0/this_m[k][k];
    this_m[k][k] = 1.0;
    ON_ArrayScale( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[k][k+1] );

    // zero column k for rows below this_m[k][k]
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      x = -this_m[i][k];
      this_m[i][k] = 0.0;
      if ( fabs(x) > zero_tolerance ) {
        ON_Array_aA_plus_B( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1] );

  pivot = piv;
  determinant = det;

  return rank;
    double zero_tolerance,
    ON_3dPoint* B,
    double* pivot 
  ON_3dPoint t;
  double x, piv;
  int i, k, ix, rank;

  double** this_m = ThisM();
  piv = 0.0;
  rank = 0;
  const int n = m_row_count <= m_col_count ? m_row_count : m_col_count;
  for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
    //onfree( onmalloc( 1)); // 8-06-03 lw for cancel thread responsiveness
    onmalloc( 0); // 9-4-03 lw changed to 0
    ix = k;
    x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      if ( fabs(this_m[i][k]) > x ) {
        ix = i;
        x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    if ( x < piv || k == 0 ) {
      piv = x;
    if ( x <= zero_tolerance )

    // swap rows of matrix and B
    SwapRows( ix, k );
    t = B[ix]; B[ix] = B[k]; B[k] = t;

    // scale row k of matrix and B
    x = 1.0/this_m[k][k];
    this_m[k][k] = 1.0;
    ON_ArrayScale( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[k][k+1] );
    B[k] *= x;

    // zero column k for rows below this_m[k][k]
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      x = -this_m[i][k];
      this_m[i][k] = 0.0;
      if ( fabs(x) > zero_tolerance ) {
        ON_Array_aA_plus_B( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1] );
        B[i] += x*B[k];

  if ( pivot )
    *pivot = piv;

  return rank;
    double zero_tolerance,
    int pt_dim, int pt_stride, double* pt,
    double* pivot 
  const int sizeof_pt = pt_dim*sizeof(pt[0]);
  double* tmp_pt = (double*)onmalloc(pt_dim*sizeof(tmp_pt[0]));
  double *ptA, *ptB;
  double x, piv;
  int i, k, ix, rank, pti;

  double** this_m = ThisM();
  piv = 0.0;
  rank = 0;
  const int n = m_row_count <= m_col_count ? m_row_count : m_col_count;
  for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
//    onfree( onmalloc( 1)); //  8-06-03 lw for cancel thread responsiveness
    onmalloc( 0); // 9-4-03 lw changed to 0
    ix = k;
    x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      if ( fabs(this_m[i][k]) > x ) {
        ix = i;
        x = fabs(this_m[ix][k]);
    if ( x < piv || k == 0 ) {
      piv = x;
    if ( x <= zero_tolerance )

    // swap rows of matrix and B
    if ( ix != k ) {
      SwapRows( ix, k );
      ptA = pt + (ix*pt_stride);
      ptB = pt + (k*pt_stride);
      memcpy( tmp_pt, ptA, sizeof_pt );
      memcpy( ptA, ptB, sizeof_pt );
      memcpy( ptB, tmp_pt, sizeof_pt );

    // scale row k of matrix and B
    x = 1.0/this_m[k][k];
    if ( x != 1.0 ) {
      this_m[k][k] = 1.0;
      ON_ArrayScale( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[k][k+1] );
      ptA = pt + (k*pt_stride);
      for ( pti = 0; pti < pt_dim; pti++ )
        ptA[pti] *= x;

    // zero column k for rows below this_m[k][k]
    ptB = pt + (k*pt_stride);
    for ( i = k+1; i < m_row_count; i++ ) {
      x = -this_m[i][k];
      this_m[i][k] = 0.0;
      if ( fabs(x) > zero_tolerance ) {
        ON_Array_aA_plus_B( m_col_count - 1 - k, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1] );
        ptA = pt + (i*pt_stride);
        for ( pti = 0; pti < pt_dim; pti++ ) {
          ptA[pti] += x*ptB[pti];

  if ( pivot )
    *pivot = piv;


  return rank;
bool ON_Matrix::Invert( double zero_tolerance )
  ON_Workspace ws;
  int i, j, k, ix, jx, rank;
  double x;
  const int n = MinCount();
  if ( n < 1 )
    return false;

  ON_Matrix I(m_col_count, m_row_count);

  int* col = ws.GetIntMemory(n);

  rank = 0;

  double** this_m = ThisM();

  for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
    // find largest value in sub matrix
    ix = jx = k;
    x = fabs(this_m[ix][jx]);
    for ( i = k; i < n; i++ ) {
      for ( j = k; j < n; j++ ) {
        if ( fabs(this_m[i][j]) > x ) {
          ix = i;
          jx = j;
          x = fabs(this_m[ix][jx]);

    SwapRows( k, ix );
    I.SwapRows( k, ix );

    SwapCols( k, jx );
    col[k] = jx;

    if ( x <= zero_tolerance ) {
    x = 1.0/this_m[k][k];
    this_m[k][k] = 1.0;
    ON_ArrayScale( m_col_count-k-1, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[k][k+1] );
    I.RowScale( k, x );

    // zero this_m[!=k][k]'s 
    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
      if ( i != k ) {
        x = -this_m[i][k];
        this_m[i][k] = 0.0;
        if ( fabs(x) > zero_tolerance ) {
          ON_Array_aA_plus_B( m_col_count-k-1, x, &this_m[k][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1], &this_m[i][k+1] );
          I.RowOp( i, x, k );

  // take care of column swaps
  for ( i = k-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
    if ( i != col[i] )

  *this = I;

  return (k == n) ? true : false;