  void initGl() {

    ovrFovPort eyeFovPorts[2];
    for_each_eye([&](ovrEyeType eye){
      ovrTextureHeader & eyeTextureHeader = textures[eye].Header;
      eyeFovPorts[eye] = hmd->DefaultEyeFov[eye];
      eyeTextureHeader.TextureSize = ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize(hmd, eye, hmd->DefaultEyeFov[eye], 1.0f);
      eyeTextureHeader.RenderViewport.Size = eyeTextureHeader.TextureSize;
      eyeTextureHeader.RenderViewport.Pos.x = 0;
      eyeTextureHeader.RenderViewport.Pos.y = 0;
      eyeTextureHeader.API = ovrRenderAPI_OpenGL;

      eyeFramebuffers[eye] = FramebufferWrapperPtr(new FramebufferWrapper());
      ((ovrGLTexture&)textures[eye]).OGL.TexId = oglplus::GetName(eyeFramebuffers[eye]->color);

    ovrGLConfig cfg;
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(ovrGLConfig));
    cfg.OGL.Header.API = ovrRenderAPI_OpenGL;
    cfg.OGL.Header.Multisample = 1;

     * In the Direct3D examples in the Oculus SDK, they make the point that the
     * onscreen window size does not need to match the Rift resolution.  However
     * this doesn't currently work in OpenGL, so we have to create the window at
     * the full resolution of the Rift and ensure that we use the same
     * size here when setting the BackBufferSize.
    cfg.OGL.Header.BackBufferSize = ovr::fromGlm(getSize());

      cfg.OGL.Disp = (Display*)glfw::getNativeDisplay(getWindow());

    int distortionCaps = 0
        | ovrDistortionCap_TimeWarp
        | ovrDistortionCap_Vignette;

      distortionCaps |= ovrDistortionCap_LinuxDevFullscreen;

    ovrEyeRenderDesc              eyeRenderDescs[2];
    int configResult = ovrHmd_ConfigureRendering(hmd, &cfg.Config,
        distortionCaps, eyeFovPorts, eyeRenderDescs);
    if (!configResult) {
      FAIL("Unable to configure SDK based distortion rendering");

    for_each_eye([&](ovrEyeType eye){
      eyeOffsets[eye] = eyeRenderDescs[eye].HmdToEyeViewOffset;
      eyeProjections[eye] = ovr::toGlm(
          ovrMatrix4f_Projection(eyeFovPorts[eye], 0.01f, 1000.0f, true));
   * Build a Direct HMD mode window, binding the OVR SDK to the native window object.
  GLFWwindow * createDirectHmdModeWindow(ovrHmd hmd, glm::uvec2 & outSize) {

    // On linux it's recommended to leave the screen in its default portrait orientation.
    // The SDK currently allows no mechanism to test if this is the case.
    // So in direct mode, we need to swap the x and y value.
    ON_LINUX([&] {
      std::swap(outSize.x, outSize.y);

    // In direct HMD mode, we always use the native resolution, because the
    // user has no control over it.
    // In direct mode, try to put the output window on a secondary screen
    // (for easier debugging, assuming your dev environment is on the primary)
    GLFWwindow * window = glfw::createSecondaryScreenWindow(outSize);

    // Attach the OVR SDK to the native window
    void * nativeWindowHandle = glfw::getNativeWindowHandle(window);
    if (nullptr != nativeWindowHandle) {
      ovrHmd_AttachToWindow(hmd, nativeWindowHandle, nullptr, nullptr);

    // A bug in some versions of the SDK (0.4.x) prevents Direct Mode from 
    // engaging properly unless you call the GetEyePoses function.
      static ovrVector3f offsets[2];
      static ovrPosef poses[2];
      ovrHmd_GetEyePoses(hmd, 0, offsets, poses, nullptr);

    return window;
 void * getNativeDisplay(GLFWwindow * window)
     void * nativeDisplay = nullptr;
         nativeDisplay = (void*)glfwGetX11Display();
     return nativeDisplay;
 void * getNativeWindowHandle(GLFWwindow * window)
     void * nativeWindowHandle = nullptr;
         nativeWindowHandle = (void*)glfwGetWin32Window(window);
         nativeWindowHandle = (void*)glfwGetX11Window(window);
         nativeWindowHandle = (void*)glfwGetCocoaWindow(window);
     return nativeWindowHandle;
void RiftRenderingApp::initializeRiftRendering() {
    ovrGLConfig cfg;
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
    cfg.OGL.Header.API = ovrRenderAPI_OpenGL;
    cfg.OGL.Header.BackBufferSize = ovr::fromGlm(hmdNativeResolution);
    cfg.OGL.Header.Multisample = 1;

      cfg.OGL.Window = (HWND)getNativeWindow();

    int distortionCaps = 0
      | ovrDistortionCap_Vignette
      | ovrDistortionCap_Overdrive
      | ovrDistortionCap_TimeWarp;

      distortionCaps |= ovrDistortionCap_LinuxDevFullscreen;

    ovrEyeRenderDesc eyeRenderDescs[2];
    int configResult = ovrHmd_ConfigureRendering(hmd, &cfg.Config,
      distortionCaps, hmd->MaxEyeFov, eyeRenderDescs);

    for_each_eye([&](ovrEyeType eye){
      const ovrEyeRenderDesc & erd = eyeRenderDescs[eye];
      ovrMatrix4f ovrPerspectiveProjection = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(erd.Fov, 0.01f, 100000.0f, true);
      projections[eye] = ovr::toGlm(ovrPerspectiveProjection);
      eyeOffsets[eye] = erd.HmdToEyeViewOffset;

    // Allocate the frameBuffer that will hold the scene, and then be
    // re-rendered to the screen with distortion
    glm::uvec2 frameBufferSize = ovr::toGlm(eyeTextures[0].Header.TextureSize);
    for_each_eye([&](ovrEyeType eye) {
      eyeFramebuffers[eye] = FramebufferWrapperPtr(new FramebufferWrapper());
      ((ovrGLTexture&)(eyeTextures[eye])).OGL.TexId =