                offsetof(pycbc_Bucket, dur_testhook),
                PyDoc_STR("Internal hook for durability tests")

        { NULL }

static PyMethodDef Bucket_TABLE_methods[] = {

#define OPFUNC(name, doc) \
{ #name, (PyCFunction)pycbc_Bucket_##name, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, \
    PyDoc_STR(doc) }

        /** Basic Operations */
        OPFUNC(upsert, "Unconditionally store a key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(insert, "Add a key in Couchbase if it does not already exist"),
        OPFUNC(replace, "Replace an existing key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(append, "Append to an existing value in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(prepend, "Prepend to an existing value in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(upsert_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(insert_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(replace_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(append_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(prepend_multi, NULL),

        OPFUNC(get, "Get a key from Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(touch, "Update the expiration time of a key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(lock, "Lock a key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(get_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(touch_multi, NULL),
        { "_privflags", T_UINT, offsetof(pycbc_Connection, flags),
                PyDoc_STR("Internal flags.")

        { NULL }

static PyMethodDef Connection_TABLE_methods[] = {

#define OPFUNC(name, doc) \
{ #name, (PyCFunction)pycbc_Connection_##name, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, \
    PyDoc_STR(doc) }

        /** Basic Operations */
        OPFUNC(set, "Unconditionally store a key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(add, "Add a key in Couchbase if it does not already exist"),
        OPFUNC(replace, "Replace an existing key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(append, "Append to an existing value in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(prepend, "Prepend to an existing value in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(set_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(add_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(replace_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(append_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(prepend_multi, NULL),

        OPFUNC(get, "Get a key from Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(touch, "Update the expiration time of a key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(lock, "Lock a key in Couchbase"),
        OPFUNC(get_multi, NULL),
        OPFUNC(touch_multi, NULL),
文件: x-layout1.c 项目: RhysU/ESIO
hid_t METHODNAME(hid_t plist_id, hid_t dset_id, QUALIFIER void *field,
                 int cglobal, int cstart, int clocal, int cstride,
                 int bglobal, int bstart, int blocal, int bstride,
                 int aglobal, int astart, int alocal, int astride,
                 hid_t type_id)
    (void) cglobal; /* Unused but present for API consistency */
    (void) bglobal; /* Unused but present for API consistency */
    (void) aglobal; /* Unused but present for API consistency */

    /* Determine in-memory size of type_id */
    const size_t type_size = H5Tget_size(type_id);
    assert(type_size > 0);

    /* Establish contiguous filespace details */
    const hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(dset_id);
    assert(filespace >= 0);

    /* Strategy changes depending on whether or not data is contiguous. */
    if (   (astride == 1)
        && (bstride == astride * alocal)
        && (cstride == bstride * blocal)) {

         * If contiguous, perform on single operation handling all data.

        /* Establish contiguous memspace details */
        const hsize_t nelems = clocal * cstride;
        const hid_t memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &nelems, NULL);
        assert(memspace > 0);

        /* Select appropriate hyperslab within the file */
        const hsize_t start[3] = { cstart, bstart, astart };
        const hsize_t count[3] = { clocal, blocal, alocal };
        if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0) {
            ESIO_ERROR("Selecting file hyperslab failed", ESIO_EFAILED);

        /* Transfer hyperslab to or from memory */
        const herr_t status = OPFUNC(dset_id, type_id, memspace,
                                     filespace, plist_id, field);
        if (status < 0) {
            ESIO_ERROR("Operation failed", ESIO_EFAILED);

        /* Release temporary resources */

    } else {
         * Perform multiple regular hyperslab operations for strided memory.
         * See http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/PHDF5/parallelhdf5hints.pdf
         * for the motivation.

        /* Establish strided memspace details for a single pencil of data.   */
        /* We'll specify different in-memory offsets for this HDF5 concepts. */
        hsize_t count[3]  = { 1, 1, astride * alocal };
        const hid_t memspace = H5Screate_simple(3, count, NULL);
        assert(memspace > 0);
        hsize_t offset[3] = { 0, 0, 0                };
        hsize_t stride[3] = { 1, 1, astride          };
        count[0] = 1;
        count[1] = 1;
        count[2] = alocal;
        if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                offset, stride, count, NULL) < 0) {
            ESIO_ERROR("Selecting memory hyperslab failed", ESIO_EFAILED);

        /* Loop over each pencil of data and perform the operation. */
        for (int i = 0; i < clocal; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < blocal; ++j) {

                /* Select contiguous pencil within the file */
                offset[0] = i + cstart;
                offset[1] = j + bstart;
                offset[2] = astart;
                stride[0] = 1;
                stride[1] = 1;
                stride[2] = 1;
                count[0]  = 1;
                count[1]  = 1;
                count[2]  = alocal;
                H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                    offset, stride, count, NULL);

                /* Compute memory offset to hyperslab's data */
                const size_t moffset = j*bstride + i*cstride;
/* warning #1338: arithmetic on pointer to void or function type */
#pragma warning(push,disable:1338)
                /* Note use of type_size when adding to (void *) field */
                QUALIFIER void *p_field = field + (type_size * moffset);
#pragma warning(pop)
                /* Transfer hyperslab to or from memory */
                const herr_t status = OPFUNC(dset_id, type_id, memspace,
                                             filespace, plist_id, p_field);
                if (status < 0) {
                    ESIO_ERROR("Operation failed", ESIO_EFAILED);

        /* Release temporary resources */

    return ESIO_SUCCESS;