    void object::test<4>()
        ensure("SRS handle is NULL", nullptr != srs_);

        err_ = OSRSetGS(srs_, -117.0, 100000.0, 100000);
        ensure_equals("OSRSetGS failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);

        err_ = OSRSetGeogCS(srs_, "Test GCS", "Test Datum", "WGS84",
            nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0);
        ensure_equals("OSRSetGeogCS failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);

        err_ = OSRSetTOWGS84(srs_, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        ensure_equals("OSRSetTOWGS84 failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);

        const int coeffSize = 7;
        double coeff[coeffSize] = { 0 };
        const double expect[coeffSize] = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

        err_ = OSRGetTOWGS84(srs_, coeff, 7);
        ensure_equals("OSRSetTOWGS84 failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);
        ensure("GetTOWGS84 result is wrong",
            std::equal(coeff, coeff + coeffSize, expect));
        OSRSetLinearUnits(srs_, "Metre", 1);

        char* proj4 = nullptr;
        err_ = OSRExportToProj4(srs_, &proj4);
        ensure_equals("OSRExportToProj4 failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);

        OGRSpatialReferenceH srs2 = nullptr;
        srs2 = OSRNewSpatialReference(nullptr);

        err_ = OSRImportFromProj4(srs2, proj4);
        ensure_equals("OSRImportFromProj4 failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);

        err_ = OSRGetTOWGS84(srs2, coeff, 7);
        ensure_equals("OSRSetTOWGS84 failed", err_, OGRERR_NONE);
        ensure("GetTOWGS84 result is wrong",
            std::equal(coeff, coeff + coeffSize, expect));

文件: vhtjako.c 项目: jedbrown/dohp
static dErr VHTCaseSetUp_Jako(VHTCase scase)
  VHTCase_Jako *jako = scase->data;
  dErr err;
  OGRErr oerr;

  jako->utmref = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetProjCS(jako->utmref,"UTM 22N (WGS84)");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->utmref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetUTM(jako->utmref,22,1);dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetLinearUnits(jako->utmref,SRS_UL_METER,1.0);dOGRCHK(oerr);

  jako->llref  = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->llref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);

  jako->ianref = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetProjCS(jako->ianref,"Stereographic Greenland (WGS84)");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->ianref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetStereographic(jako->ianref,70.0,-45.0,100.0,-217.75e3,-2302.0e3);dOGRCHK(oerr);

  // The computational domain is in UTM 22N
  jako->myref = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
  oerr = OSRSetProjCS(jako->myref,"Computational Domain: UTM 22N (WGS84)");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS(jako->myref,"WGS84");dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetUTM(jako->myref,22,1);dOGRCHK(oerr);
  oerr = OSRSetLinearUnits(jako->myref,SRS_UL_METER,1.0);dOGRCHK(oerr);

  jako->fromutm = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(jako->utmref,jako->myref);
  jako->fromll  = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(jako->llref,jako->myref);
  jako->fromian = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(jako->ianref,jako->myref);

  if (jako->verbose) {err = VHTCaseView_Jako(scase,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);dCHK(err);}

  if (1) {
    GDALProgressFunc gdalprogress = jako->verbose ? GDALTermProgress : GDALDummyProgress;
    double x0,y0,Lx,Ly,dx,dy;
    GDALDatasetH filedata;
    GDALErr gerr;
    GDALRasterBandH band;
    CPLErr cplerr;

    x0 = scase->bbox[0][0];
    y0 = scase->bbox[1][0];
    Lx = scase->bbox[0][1] - x0;
    Ly = scase->bbox[1][1] - y0;
    // It appears from gdalwarp.cpp that pixels are cell centered
    dx = Lx / jako->nx;
    dy = Ly / jako->ny;

    // Extend the domain in the positive direction for slope evaluation
    jako->nx += 2;
    jako->ny += 2;
    Lx += 2*dx;
    Ly += 2*dy;

    // Convert a pixel to a physical coordinate in the current projection
    jako->mygeo[0] = x0 + dx/2;
    jako->mygeo[1] = dx;
    jako->mygeo[2] = 0;
    jako->mygeo[3] = y0 + Ly - dy/2; // Physical coordinates are "y up", pixels are "y down"
    jako->mygeo[4] = 0;
    jako->mygeo[5] = -dy;

    // Convert a physical coordinate in the current projection to a pixel coordinate
    gerr = GDALInvGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,jako->myinvgeo);dGDALCHK(gerr);
    if (jako->verbose) {
      dInt i,j;
      double a,b;
      err = dRealTableView(3,2,&scase->bbox[0][0],PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD,"bbox");dCHK(err);
      err = dRealTableView(2,3,jako->mygeo,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD,"mygeo");dCHK(err);
      GDALApplyGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,0,0,&a,&b); printf("geo[0,0] = %f,%f\n",a,b);
      GDALApplyGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,1,1,&a,&b); printf("geo[1,1] = %f,%f\n",a,b);
      GDALApplyGeoTransform(jako->mygeo,0.5,0.5,&a,&b); printf("geo[0.5,0.5] = %f,%f\n",a,b);
      err = JakoFindPixel(scase,(dReal[]){scase->bbox[0][0],scase->bbox[1][0]},&i,&j);dCHK(err);
      printf("xmin,ymin: (%d,%d)\n",i,j);
      err = JakoFindPixel(scase,(dReal[]){scase->bbox[0][1],scase->bbox[1][1]},&i,&j);dCHK(err);
      printf("xmax,ymax: (%d,%d)\n",i,j);