int32 UT_os_setup_fs()
    int32 res=OS_FS_SUCCESS;
    char text[UT_OS_LG_TEXT_LEN];

    res = OS_mkfs(g_fsAddrPtr, g_devName, " ", 512, 20);
    if (res != OS_FS_SUCCESS)
        goto UT_os_setup_fs_exit_tag;

    res = OS_mount(g_devName, g_mntName);
    if (res != OS_FS_SUCCESS)
        goto UT_os_setup_fs_exit_tag;

    memset(text, '\0', sizeof(text));
    UT_os_sprintf(text, "\nUT_os_setup_fs() returns %d\n", (int)res);

    return (res);
void OS_Application_Startup(void)
    int32  status;
    uint32 SymAddress;
    printf("Symbol and Symbol Table Dump test\n");

    /* Make the file system */
    status = OS_mkfs(0,"/ramdev0","RAM",512,2048);
    printf("status after mkfs = %d\n",status);

    if ( status != OS_SUCCESS )
       printf("symtest Error. OS_mkfs failed\n");

    status = OS_mount("/ramdev0","/ram");
    printf("status after mount = %d\n",status);
   ** dump the symbol table with a 32768 byte limit
   printf("Dumping symbol table with a limit of 32768 bytes\n");
   status = OS_SymbolTableDump("/ram/SymbolTable32k.dat", 32768);
   if ( status == OS_SUCCESS )
      printf("Symbol table dump complete\n");
      printf("Error calling OS_SymbolTableDump\n");

   ** dump the symbol table with a 128k byte limit
   printf("Dumping symbol table with a limit of 131072 bytes\n");
   status = OS_SymbolTableDump("/ram/SymbolTable128k.dat", 131072);
   if ( status == OS_SUCCESS )
      printf("Symbol table dump complete\n");
      printf("Error calling OS_SymbolTableDump\n");

   ** dump the symbol table with a 512k byte limit
   printf("Dumping symbol table with a limit of 524288 bytes\n");
   status = OS_SymbolTableDump("/ram/SymbolTable512k.dat", 524288);
   if ( status == OS_SUCCESS )
      printf("Symbol table dump complete\n");
      printf("Error calling OS_SymbolTableDump\n");

   ** Test the symbol lookup
   status =  OS_SymbolLookup (&SymAddress, "OS_BSPMain" );
   if ( status == OS_SUCCESS )
      printf("SymbolLookup --> OS_BSPMain symbol = 0x%08X\n",SymAddress);     
      printf("Error calling OS_SymbolLookup\n");

   ** Test a symbol lookup that does not exist
   status = OS_SymbolLookup(&SymAddress, "ShouldNotExist");
   if ( status == OS_SUCCESS )
      printf("SymbolLookup --> ShouldNotExist symbol = 0x%08X\n",SymAddress);     
      printf("Expected Error calling OS_SymbolLookup\n");

   printf("Complete: Symbol Table files should be in the RAM drive ( use devs cmd )\n"); 

} /* end OS_Application Startup */
** Name: CFE_ES_InitializeFileSystems
** Purpose: This function initializes the file systems used in the cFE core.
void CFE_ES_InitializeFileSystems(uint32 start_type)
   int32   RetStatus;
   uint32 *RamDiskMemoryAddress;
   uint32  RamDiskMemorySize;
   int32   BlocksFree;
   int32   PercentFree;
   ** Get the memory area for the RAM disk 
   RetStatus = CFE_PSP_GetVolatileDiskMem(&(RamDiskMemoryAddress), &(RamDiskMemorySize));

   if ( RetStatus != OS_FS_SUCCESS )
      CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Cannot Get Memory for Volatile Disk. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);

      ** Delay to allow the message to be read
      ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  

   ** Next, either format, or just initialize the RAM disk depending on
   ** the reset type
   if ( start_type == CFE_ES_POWERON_RESET )
      RetStatus = OS_mkfs((void *)RamDiskMemoryAddress, "/ramdev0", "RAM", CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_SECTOR_SIZE, CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS );
      if ( RetStatus != OS_FS_SUCCESS )
         CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Creating Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);

         ** Delay to allow the message to be read
         ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  
      RetStatus = OS_initfs((void *)RamDiskMemoryAddress, "/ramdev0", "RAM", CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_SECTOR_SIZE, CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS );
      if ( RetStatus != OS_FS_SUCCESS )
         CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Initializing Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);
         CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Formatting Volatile(RAM) Volume.\n");
         RetStatus = OS_mkfs((void *)RamDiskMemoryAddress, "/ramdev0", "RAM", CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_SECTOR_SIZE, CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS );
         if ( RetStatus != OS_SUCCESS )
            CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Creating Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);

            ** Delay to allow the message to be read
            ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  

   ** Now, mount the RAM disk
   RetStatus = OS_mount("/ramdev0", CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_MOUNT_STRING);
   if ( RetStatus != OS_FS_SUCCESS )
      CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Mounting Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);
      ** Delay to allow the message to be read
      ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  

   ** During a Processor reset, if the RAM disk has less than a defined 
   ** amount of free space, reformat and re-mount it.
   ** The parameter being checked is CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_PERCENT_RESERVED
   ** Note: When CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_PERCENT_RESERVED is set to 0, this feature is 
   **       disabled.
      ** See how many blocks are free in the RAM disk
      BlocksFree = OS_fsBlocksFree(CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_MOUNT_STRING);   
      if ( BlocksFree >= 0 )
         ** Need a sanity check for the desktop systems.
         ** Because the desktop ports map the volatile disk to the host 
         ** hard disk, it will report more free blocks than the defined number
         ** of sectors ( blocks ). Therefore it must be truncated.
         if ( BlocksFree > CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS )
             BlocksFree = CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS - 1;
         ** Determine if the disk is too full 
         BlocksFree = BlocksFree * 100;
         PercentFree = BlocksFree / CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS;
         CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("Volatile Disk has %d Percent free space.\n",PercentFree);

         if ( PercentFree < CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_PERCENT_RESERVED )
            CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Insufficent Free Space on Volatile Disk, Reformatting.\n");
            ** First, unmount the disk
            RetStatus = OS_unmount(CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_MOUNT_STRING);
            if ( RetStatus == OS_FS_SUCCESS )

               ** Remove the file system from the OSAL
               RetStatus = OS_rmfs("/ramdev0");
               if ( RetStatus == OS_FS_SUCCESS )
                  ** Next, make a new file system on the disk
                  RetStatus = OS_mkfs((void *)RamDiskMemoryAddress, "/ramdev0", 
                                      "RAM", CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_SECTOR_SIZE, 
                                       CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_NUM_SECTORS );
                  if ( RetStatus == OS_FS_SUCCESS )
                     ** Last, remount the disk
                     RetStatus = OS_mount("/ramdev0", CFE_ES_RAM_DISK_MOUNT_STRING);
                     if ( RetStatus != OS_FS_SUCCESS )
                        CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Re-Mounting Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);
                        ** Delay to allow the message to be read
                        ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  
                     } /* end if mount */

                     CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Re-Formating Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);
                     ** Delay to allow the message to be read
                     ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  
                  } /* end if mkfs */

              else /* could not Remove File system */

                  CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Removing Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);
                  ** Delay to allow the message to be read
                  ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  

              } /* end if OS_rmfs */

            else /* could not un-mount disk */
               CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Un-Mounting Volatile(RAM) Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",RetStatus);
               ** Delay to allow the message to be read
               ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  
         } /* end if enough free space */
      else  /* could not determine free blocks */
         /* Log error message -- note that BlocksFree returns the error code in this case */
         CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("ES Startup: Error Determining Blocks Free on Volume. EC = 0x%08X\n",BlocksFree);

         ** Delay to allow the message to be read

         ** cFE Cannot continue to start up.  
      } /* end if BlocksFree */
   } /* end if processor reset */
} /* end function */