文件: debug.cpp 项目: jemmyw/openttd
static void debug_print(const char *dbg, const char *buf)
#if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK)
	if (_debug_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
		char buf2[1024 + 32];

		snprintf(buf2, lengthof(buf2), "%sdbg: [%s] %s\n", GetLogPrefix(), dbg, buf);
		send(_debug_socket, buf2, (int)strlen(buf2), 0);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
	if (strcmp(dbg, "desync") != 0) {
#if defined(WINCE)
		/* We need to do OTTD2FS twice, but as it uses a static buffer, we need to store one temporary */
		TCHAR tbuf[512];
		_sntprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), _T("%s"), OTTD2FS(dbg));
		NKDbgPrintfW(_T("dbg: [%s] %s\n"), tbuf, OTTD2FS(buf));
		fprintf(stderr, "%sdbg: [%s] %s\n", GetLogPrefix(), dbg, buf);
		IConsoleDebug(dbg, buf);
	} else {
		static FILE *f = FioFOpenFile("commands-out.log", "wb", AUTOSAVE_DIR);
		if (f == NULL) return;

		fprintf(f, "%s%s\n", GetLogPrefix(), buf);
文件: fileio.cpp 项目: a7omic/OpenTTD
 * Test whether the fiven filename exists.
 * @param filename the file to test.
 * @return true if and only if the file exists.
bool FileExists(const char *filename)
#if defined(WINCE)
	/* There is always one platform that doesn't support basic commands... */
	HANDLE hand = CreateFile(OTTD2FS(filename), 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
	if (hand == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1;
	return 0;
	return access(OTTD2FS(filename), 0) == 0;
static bool MidiIntPlaySong(const char *filename)
	MidiSendCommand(_T("close all"));

	if (MidiSendCommand(_T("open \"%s\" type sequencer alias song"), OTTD2FS(filename)) != 0) {
		/* Let's try the "short name" */
		if (GetShortPathName(OTTD2FS(filename), buf, MAX_PATH) == 0) return false;
		if (MidiSendCommand(_T("open \"%s\" type sequencer alias song"), buf) != 0) return false;

	return MidiSendCommand(_T("play song from 0")) == 0;
 * Create a directory with the given name
 * @param name the new name of the directory
static void FioCreateDirectory(const char *name)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WINCE)
	CreateDirectory(OTTD2FS(name), NULL);
#elif defined(OS2) && !defined(__INNOTEK_LIBC__)
#elif defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__AMIGAOS__)
	char buf[MAX_PATH];
	ttd_strlcpy(buf, name, MAX_PATH);

	size_t len = strlen(name) - 1;
	if (buf[len] == '/') {
		buf[len] = '\0'; // Kill pathsep, so mkdir() will not fail

	mkdir(OTTD2FS(buf), 0755);
	mkdir(OTTD2FS(name), 0755);
static FILE *FioFOpenFileSp(const char *filename, const char *mode, Searchpath sp, Subdirectory subdir, size_t *filesize)
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
	/* fopen is implemented as a define with ellipses for
	 * Unicode support (prepend an L). As we are not sending
	 * a string, but a variable, it 'renames' the variable,
	 * so make that variable to makes it compile happily */
	wchar_t Lmode[5];
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, mode, -1, Lmode, lengthof(Lmode));
	FILE *f = NULL;
	char buf[MAX_PATH];

	if (subdir == NO_DIRECTORY) {
		strecpy(buf, filename, lastof(buf));
	} else {
		snprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), "%s%s%s", _searchpaths[sp], _subdirs[subdir], filename);

#if defined(WIN32)
	if (mode[0] == 'r' && GetFileAttributes(OTTD2FS(buf)) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return NULL;

	f = fopen(buf, mode);
#if !defined(WIN32)
	if (f == NULL) {
		strtolower(buf + ((subdir == NO_DIRECTORY) ? 0 : strlen(_searchpaths[sp]) - 1));
		f = fopen(buf, mode);
	if (f != NULL && filesize != NULL) {
		/* Find the size of the file */
		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
		*filesize = ftell(f);
		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
	return f;
 * Starts playing a new song.
 * @param filename Path to a MIDI file.
void MusicDriver_Cocoa::PlaySong(const char *filename)
	DEBUG(driver, 2, "cocoa_m: trying to play '%s'", filename);

	if (_sequence != NULL) {
		_sequence = NULL;

	if (NewMusicSequence(&_sequence) != noErr) {
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to create music sequence");

	const char *os_file = OTTD2FS(filename);
	CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)os_file, strlen(os_file), false);

	if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
		if (MusicSequenceFileLoad(_sequence, url, 0, 0) != noErr) {
			DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to load MIDI file");
	} else
		FSRef ref_file;
		if (!CFURLGetFSRef(url, &ref_file)) {
			DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to make FSRef");
		if (MusicSequenceLoadSMFWithFlags(_sequence, &ref_file, 0) != noErr) {
			DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to load MIDI file old style");

	/* Construct audio graph */
	AUGraph graph = NULL;

	MusicSequenceGetAUGraph(_sequence, &graph);
	if (AUGraphInitialize(graph) != noErr) {
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_m: Failed to initialize AU graph");

	/* Figure out sequence length */
	UInt32 num_tracks;
	MusicSequenceGetTrackCount(_sequence, &num_tracks);
	_seq_length = 0;
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < num_tracks; i++) {
		MusicTrack     track = NULL;
		MusicTimeStamp track_length = 0;
		UInt32         prop_size = sizeof(MusicTimeStamp);
		MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(_sequence, i, &track);
		MusicTrackGetProperty(track, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength, &track_length, &prop_size);
		if (track_length > _seq_length) _seq_length = track_length;
	/* Add 8 beats for reverb/long note release */
	_seq_length += 8;

	MusicPlayerSetSequence(_player, _sequence);
	if (MusicPlayerStart(_player) != noErr) return;
	_playing = true;

	DEBUG(driver, 3, "cocoa_m: playing '%s'", filename);
文件: ini.cpp 项目: Junky2008/OpenTTD
 * Save the Ini file's data to the disk.
 * @param filename the file to save to.
 * @return true if saving succeeded.
bool IniFile::SaveToDisk(const char *filename)
	 * First write the configuration to a (temporary) file and then rename
	 * that file. This to prevent that when OpenTTD crashes during the save
	 * you end up with a truncated configuration file.
	char file_new[MAX_PATH];

	strecpy(file_new, filename, lastof(file_new));
	strecat(file_new, ".new", lastof(file_new));
	FILE *f = fopen(file_new, "w");
	if (f == NULL) return false;

	for (const IniGroup *group = this->group; group != NULL; group = group->next) {
		if (group->comment) fputs(group->comment, f);
		fprintf(f, "[%s]\n", group->name);
		for (const IniItem *item = group->item; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
			if (item->comment != NULL) fputs(item->comment, f);

			/* protect item->name with quotes if needed */
			if (strchr(item->name, ' ') != NULL ||
					item->name[0] == '[') {
				fprintf(f, "\"%s\"", item->name);
			} else {
				fprintf(f, "%s", item->name);

			fprintf(f, " = %s\n", item->value == NULL ? "" : item->value);
	if (this->comment) fputs(this->comment, f);

 * POSIX (and friends) do not guarantee that when a file is closed it is
 * flushed to the disk. So we manually flush it do disk if we have the
 * APIs to do so. We only need to flush the data as the metadata itself
 * (modification date etc.) is not important to us; only the real data is.
	int ret = fdatasync(fileno(f));
	if (ret != 0) return false;

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)
	/* _tcsncpy = strcpy is TCHAR is char, but isn't when TCHAR is wchar. */
	#undef strncpy
	/* Allocate space for one more \0 character. */
	TCHAR tfilename[MAX_PATH + 1], tfile_new[MAX_PATH + 1];
	_tcsncpy(tfilename, OTTD2FS(filename), MAX_PATH);
	_tcsncpy(tfile_new, OTTD2FS(file_new), MAX_PATH);
	/* SHFileOperation wants a double '\0' terminated string. */
	tfilename[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0';
	tfile_new[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0';
	tfilename[_tcslen(tfilename) + 1] = '\0';
	tfile_new[_tcslen(tfile_new) + 1] = '\0';

	/* Rename file without any user confirmation. */
	MemSetT(&shfopt, 0);
	shfopt.wFunc  = FO_MOVE;
	shfopt.pFrom  = tfile_new;
	shfopt.pTo    = tfilename;
	if (rename(file_new, filename) < 0) {
		DEBUG(misc, 0, "Renaming %s to %s failed; configuration not saved", file_new, filename);

	return true;
FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
	FT_Error err = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
	HKEY hKey;
	LONG ret;
	TCHAR vbuffer[MAX_PATH], dbuffer[256];
	TCHAR *pathbuf;
	const char *font_path;
	uint index;
	size_t path_len;

	/* On windows NT (2000, NT3.5, XP, etc.) the fonts are stored in the
	 * "Windows NT" key, on Windows 9x in the Windows key. To save us having
	 * to retrieve the windows version, we'll just query both */
	ret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T(FONT_DIR_NT), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
	if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) ret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T(FONT_DIR_9X), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);

	if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		DEBUG(freetype, 0, "Cannot open registry key HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows (NT)\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts");
		return err;

	/* Convert font name to file system encoding. */
	TCHAR *font_namep = _tcsdup(OTTD2FS(font_name));

	for (index = 0;; index++) {
		TCHAR *s;
		DWORD vbuflen = lengthof(vbuffer);
		DWORD dbuflen = lengthof(dbuffer);

		ret = RegEnumValue(hKey, index, vbuffer, &vbuflen, NULL, NULL, (byte*)dbuffer, &dbuflen);
		if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto registry_no_font_found;

		/* The font names in the registry are of the following 3 forms:
		 * - ADMUI3.fon
		 * - Book Antiqua Bold (TrueType)
		 * - Batang & BatangChe & Gungsuh & GungsuhChe (TrueType)
		 * We will strip the font-type '()' if any and work with the font name
		 * itself, which must match exactly; if...
		 * TTC files, font files which contain more than one font are separated
		 * by '&'. Our best bet will be to do substr match for the fontname
		 * and then let FreeType figure out which index to load */
		s = _tcschr(vbuffer, _T('('));
		if (s != NULL) s[-1] = '\0';

		if (_tcschr(vbuffer, _T('&')) == NULL) {
			if (_tcsicmp(vbuffer, font_namep) == 0) break;
		} else {
			if (_tcsstr(vbuffer, font_namep) != NULL) break;

		DEBUG(freetype, 0, "SHGetFolderPath cannot return fonts directory");
		goto folder_error;

	/* Some fonts are contained in .ttc files, TrueType Collection fonts. These
	 * contain multiple fonts inside this single file. GetFontData however
	 * returns the whole file, so we need to check each font inside to get the
	 * proper font. */
	path_len = _tcslen(vbuffer) + _tcslen(dbuffer) + 2; // '\' and terminating nul.
	pathbuf = AllocaM(TCHAR, path_len);
	_sntprintf(pathbuf, path_len, _T("%s\\%s"), vbuffer, dbuffer);

	/* Convert the path into something that FreeType understands. */
	font_path = GetShortPath(pathbuf);

	index = 0;
	do {
		err = FT_New_Face(_library, font_path, index, face);
		if (err != FT_Err_Ok) break;

		if (strncasecmp(font_name, (*face)->family_name, strlen((*face)->family_name)) == 0) break;
		/* Try english name if font name failed */
		if (strncasecmp(font_name + strlen(font_name) + 1, (*face)->family_name, strlen((*face)->family_name)) == 0) break;
		err = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;

	} while ((FT_Long)++index != (*face)->num_faces);

	return err;
void OSOpenBrowser(const char *url)
	ShellExecute(GetActiveWindow(), _T("open"), OTTD2FS(url), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
void ShowOSErrorBox(const char *buf, bool system)
	MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), OTTD2FS(buf), _T("Error!"), MB_ICONSTOP);
 * Try to add a fios item set with the given filename.
 * @param filename        the full path to the file to read
 * @param basepath_length amount of characters to chop of before to get a relative filename
 * @return true if the file is added.
bool FiosFileScanner::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename)
	const char *ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
	if (ext == NULL) return false;

	char fios_title[64];
	fios_title[0] = '\0'; // reset the title;

	FiosType type = this->callback_proc(this->mode, filename, ext, fios_title, lastof(fios_title));
	if (type == FIOS_TYPE_INVALID) return false;

	for (const FiosItem *fios = _fios_items.Begin(); fios != _fios_items.End(); fios++) {
		if (strcmp(fios->name, filename) == 0) return false;

	FiosItem *fios = _fios_items.Append();
#ifdef WIN32
	struct _stat sb;
	if (_tstat(OTTD2FS(filename), &sb) == 0) {
	struct stat sb;
	if (stat(filename, &sb) == 0) {
		fios->mtime = sb.st_mtime;
	} else {
		fios->mtime = 0;

	fios->type = type;
	strecpy(fios->name, filename, lastof(fios->name));

	/* If the file doesn't have a title, use its filename */
	const char *t = fios_title;
	if (StrEmpty(fios_title)) {
		t = strrchr(filename, PATHSEPCHAR);
		t = (t == NULL) ? filename : (t + 1);
	strecpy(fios->title, t, lastof(fios->title));
	str_validate(fios->title, lastof(fios->title));

	return true;

 * Fill the list of the files in a directory, according to some arbitrary rule.
 *  @param mode The mode we are in. Some modes don't allow 'parent'.
 *  @param callback_proc The function that is called where you need to do the filtering.
 *  @param subdir The directory from where to start (global) searching.
static void FiosGetFileList(SaveLoadDialogMode mode, fios_getlist_callback_proc *callback_proc, Subdirectory subdir)
	struct stat sb;
	struct dirent *dirent;
	DIR *dir;
	FiosItem *fios;
	int sort_start;
	char d_name[sizeof(fios->name)];


	/* A parent directory link exists if we are not in the root directory */
	if (!FiosIsRoot(_fios_path)) {
		fios = _fios_items.Append();
		fios->type = FIOS_TYPE_PARENT;
		fios->mtime = 0;
		strecpy(fios->name, "..", lastof(fios->name));
		strecpy(fios->title, ".. (Parent directory)", lastof(fios->title));

	/* Show subdirectories */
	if ((dir = ttd_opendir(_fios_path)) != NULL) {
		while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
			strecpy(d_name, FS2OTTD(dirent->d_name), lastof(d_name));

			/* found file must be directory, but not '.' or '..' */
			if (FiosIsValidFile(_fios_path, dirent, &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) &&
					(!FiosIsHiddenFile(dirent) || strncasecmp(d_name, PERSONAL_DIR, strlen(d_name)) == 0) &&
					strcmp(d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(d_name, "..") != 0) {
				fios = _fios_items.Append();
				fios->type = FIOS_TYPE_DIR;
				fios->mtime = 0;
				strecpy(fios->name, d_name, lastof(fios->name));
				snprintf(fios->title, lengthof(fios->title), "%s" PATHSEP " (Directory)", d_name);
				str_validate(fios->title, lastof(fios->title));

	/* Sort the subdirs always by name, ascending, remember user-sorting order */
		SortingBits order = _savegame_sort_order;
		_savegame_sort_order = SORT_BY_NAME | SORT_ASCENDING;
		QSortT(_fios_items.Begin(), _fios_items.Length(), CompareFiosItems);
		_savegame_sort_order = order;

	/* This is where to start sorting for the filenames */
	sort_start = _fios_items.Length();

	/* Show files */
	FiosFileScanner scanner(mode, callback_proc);
	if (subdir == NO_DIRECTORY) {
		scanner.Scan(NULL, _fios_path, false);
	} else {
		scanner.Scan(NULL, subdir, true, true);

	QSortT(_fios_items.Get(sort_start), _fios_items.Length() - sort_start, CompareFiosItems);

	/* Show drives */


 * Get the title of a file, which (if exists) is stored in a file named
 * the same as the data file but with '.title' added to it.
 * @param file filename to get the title for
 * @param title the title buffer to fill
 * @param last the last element in the title buffer
 * @param subdir the sub directory to search in
static void GetFileTitle(const char *file, char *title, const char *last, Subdirectory subdir)
	char buf[MAX_PATH];
	strecpy(buf, file, lastof(buf));
	strecat(buf, ".title", lastof(buf));

	FILE *f = FioFOpenFile(buf, "r", subdir);
	if (f == NULL) return;

	size_t read = fread(title, 1, last - title, f);
	assert(title + read <= last);
	title[read] = '\0';
	str_validate(title, last);