// GetSchedule - Decides which type of schedule best suits
// the monster's current state and conditions. Then calls
// monster's member function to get a pointer to a schedule
// of the proper type.
Schedule_t *CAGrunt :: GetSchedule ( void )
	if ( HasConditions(bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND) )
		CSound *pSound;
		pSound = PBestSound();

		ASSERT( pSound != NULL );
		if ( pSound && (pSound->m_iType & bits_SOUND_DANGER) )
			// dangerous sound nearby!
			return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND );

	switch	( m_MonsterState )
// dead enemy
			if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) )
				// call base class, all code to handle dead enemies is centralized there.
				return CBaseMonster :: GetSchedule();

			if ( HasConditions(bits_COND_NEW_ENEMY) )
				return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_WAKE_ANGRY );

	// zap player!
			if ( HasConditions ( bits_COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1 ) )
				AttackSound();// this is a total hack. Should be parto f the schedule
				return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK1 );

			if ( HasConditions ( bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE ) )
				return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH );

	// can attack
			if ( HasConditions ( bits_COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) && OccupySlot ( bits_SLOTS_AGRUNT_HORNET ) )
				return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1 );

			if ( OccupySlot ( bits_SLOT_AGRUNT_CHASE ) )
				return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_CHASE_ENEMY );

			return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_STANDOFF );

	return CSquadMonster :: GetSchedule();
文件: houndeye.cpp 项目: Skumek/hlsdk
// GetSchedule 
Schedule_t *CHoundeye :: GetSchedule( void )
	switch	( m_MonsterState )
// dead enemy
			if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) )
				// call base class, all code to handle dead enemies is centralized there.
				return CBaseMonster :: GetSchedule();

			if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE ) )
				if ( RANDOM_FLOAT( 0 , 1 ) <= 0.4 )
					TraceResult tr;
					UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles );
					UTIL_TraceHull( pev->origin, pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * -128, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, ENT( pev ), &tr );

					if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 )
						// it's clear behind, so the hound will jump
						return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_HOUND_HOP_RETREAT );

				return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY );

			if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) )
				if ( OccupySlot ( bits_SLOTS_HOUND_ATTACK ) )
					return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1 );

				return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_HOUND_AGITATED );

	return CSquadMonster :: GetSchedule();
// Purpose: Try to get one of a contiguous range of slots
// Input  : slotIDStart - start of slot range
//			slotIDEnd - end of slot range
//			hEnemy - enemy this slot is for
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_Squad::OccupyStrategySlotRange( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, int slotIDStart, int slotIDEnd, int *pSlot )
	// FIXME: combat slots need to be per enemy, not per squad.  
	// As it is, once a squad is occupied it stops making even simple attacks to other things nearby.
	// This code may make soldiers too aggressive
	if (GetLeader() && pEnemy != GetLeader()->GetEnemy())
		return true;

	// If I'm already occupying this slot
	if ( *pSlot >= slotIDStart && *pSlot <= slotIDEnd)
		return true;

	for ( int i = slotIDStart; i <= slotIDEnd; i++ )
		// Check enemy to see if slot already occupied
		if (!IsSlotOccupied(pEnemy, i))
			// Clear any previous spot;
			if (*pSlot != SQUAD_SLOT_NONE)
				// As a debug measure check to see if slot was filled
				if (!IsSlotOccupied(pEnemy, *pSlot))
					DevMsg( "ERROR! Vacating an empty slot!\n");

				// Free the slot
				VacateSlot(pEnemy, *pSlot);

			// Fill the slot
			OccupySlot(pEnemy, i);
			*pSlot = i;
			return true;
	return false;