LRESULT CRaidAnalyzerDlg::OnShowCuttingDialog(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //UINT iCurrentStep = 0; //CCuttingSectorsDlg *pCuttingDialog = new CCuttingSectorsDlg(this,0); //pCuttingDialog->Create(CCuttingSectorsDlg::IDD); //pCuttingDialog->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // //ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CString defaultString = _T("1000"); CString strReport = _T(""); CString strTextOut = _T(""); CString strStep = _T(""); CDiskOrder *pDiskOrder = NULL; CDiskNumber *pDiskNumber = NULL; CNewOrder *pNewOrder = NULL; auto setting = settings::CSettings::getSetting(); CString strWorkingDirectory( setting->getWorkFolder().c_str() ); INT_PTR iDlgResult = 0; CString strCreatePath = _T(""); // S T E P UINT iCurrentStep = 0; CDriveReader *pDriveReader = NULL; CFileCreater *pFileCreater = NULL; CCuttingSectorsDlg *pCuttingDialog = NULL; CJGShear *pJpgShear = NULL; CMapBlocks *pMapBlock = NULL; CDataBlock *pBlockData = NULL; CJPGChunk *pJpgChunk = NULL; CompositeSTEP *pComposite = NULL; BOOL bError = FALSE; BOOL bFinishJPG = FALSE; CString strError = _T(""); DWORD dwBlockSize = 0; DWORD dwSectorCount = 0; LONGLONG lJPGPosition = 0; LONGLONG lShearPos = 0; LONGLONG lReadPosition = 0; BYTE *pDataBuffer = NULL; BYTE iDiskNumber = 0; NUMBER_POS NumberDiskPosition = {0}; UINT iFileNumber = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; BOOL isNextDisk = FALSE; CString strHeader = _T(""); pDiskOrder = new CDiskOrder(); pComposite = new CompositeSTEP(0); pMapBlock = new CMapBlocks(); UINT iMinBlockSize = 0; DWORD bytesPerSector = SECTOR_SIZE; while (true) { bytesPerSector = SECTOR_SIZE; // Creating Directory... strCreatePath = Utility::getDirectoryPath(strWorkingDirectory,iCurrentStep); bError = Utility::CreateStepDirectory(strCreatePath); if (bError == FALSE) { strError = _T("Error Create Directory.."); break; } strStep.Format(_T("\r\nS T E P #%d\r\n"),iCurrentStep); m_ReportLog->AddText(strStep); switch (iCurrentStep) { /*------------------******************------------------*/ //Select File 1Mb to Determine "Continue work" -->>... /*------------------******************------------------*/ case enContinue: /*SuspendThreads();*/ //pMapBlock = new CMapBlocks(); //pDiskOrder = new CDiskOrder(); //pComposite = new CompositeSTEP(0); pCuttingDialog = new CCuttingSectorsDlg(this,iCurrentStep); pCuttingDialog->setHeader(_T("[Определения файла]")); strTextOut = _T("Введите номер файла для начала работы."); pCuttingDialog->setTextData(strTextOut); pCuttingDialog->setStateProgram(m_enStateProgram); iDlgResult = pCuttingDialog->DoModal(); //pCuttingDialog->Create(CCuttingSectorsDlg::IDD); //pCuttingDialog->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); if (iDlgResult == ID_YES) { m_enStateProgram = pCuttingDialog->getStatProgram(); NumberDiskPosition = pCuttingDialog->getDiskNumberPos(); lJPGPosition = NumberDiskPosition.m_lLBAPosition; iDiskNumber = NumberDiskPosition.m_iDiskNumber; pDiskNumber = new CDiskNumber(); pDiskNumber->setDiskDrive(; pDiskOrder->Add(pDiskNumber); //// Log ... //m_ReportLog->AddText(_T("Program found start JPG file\r\n")); //strReport.Format(_T(" Hard Disk # %d, Sector # %I64d\r\n"),>m_iDiskNumber).getDiskNumber(),lJPGPosition); //m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); pDiskOrder->MakeDiskOrder(); strReport = pDiskOrder->GetDiskOrder(); m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); //// Dialog Text //strTextOut = _T("Found the signature JPG-file\r\n"); //strTextOut += _T("\r\n\CONTINUE WORK ?"); //// Creating Dialog... //pCuttingDialog = new CCuttingSectorsDlg(this,iCurrentStep); //pCuttingDialog->setTextData(strTextOut); //iDlgResult = pCuttingDialog->DoModal(); //delete pCuttingDialog; //pCuttingDialog = NULL; } delete pCuttingDialog; pCuttingDialog = NULL; // End ContinueBlock break; /*------------------******************------------------*/ //Creating 1000 files. Determine of Shear -->>... /*------------------******************------------------*/ case enCuttingFiles: bytesPerSector =; dwSize = setting->getFileCount() * bytesPerSector; m_ReportLog->AddText(_T("Идет создание файлов для определение среза...\r\n")); pDriveReader = new CDriveReader(,lJPGPosition,dwSize); bError = pDriveReader->Execute(); if (bError == FALSE) { strError = _T("Error Read Drive..."); break; } pDataBuffer = pDriveReader->GetData(); pFileCreater = new CFileCreater(strCreatePath); for (UINT i = 1; i <= setting->getFileCount(); ++i) { pFileCreater->setData(pDataBuffer); pFileCreater->setFileNumber(i); pFileCreater->setSize(i*bytesPerSector); bError = pFileCreater->Execute(); if (bError == FALSE) { strError = _T("Error Create Files..."); break; } } if (bError == FALSE) break; strTextOut = strCreatePath; strTextOut += _T("\\0001.jpg"); ShellExecute(this->GetSafeHwnd(),_T("open"),strTextOut, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); delete pDriveReader; pDriveReader = NULL; delete pFileCreater; pFileCreater = NULL; strTextOut.Format(L"Создано %d файлов\r\n // Введите номер файла для определения \'конца блока\'. \r\n",setting->getFileCount()); pCuttingDialog = new CCuttingSectorsDlg(this,iCurrentStep); pCuttingDialog->setHeader(_T("[определения \'конца блока\']")); pCuttingDialog->setTextData(strTextOut); pCuttingDialog->setMinMax(1,setting->getFileCount()); pCuttingDialog->setStateProgram(m_enStateProgram); iDlgResult = pCuttingDialog->DoModal(); m_enStateProgram = pCuttingDialog->getStatProgram(); iFileNumber = pCuttingDialog->getNumber(); delete pCuttingDialog; pCuttingDialog = NULL; if (iDlgResult == ID_YES) { lShearPos = lJPGPosition; dwBlockSize = iFileNumber * bytesPerSector; iMinBlockSize = iFileNumber; lShearPos += iFileNumber; strReport.Format(_T("Граница блока по смешению = %I64d (секторов) диск № %d\r\n"), lShearPos , ); AfxMessageBox( strReport, MB_OK ); m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); pJpgShear = new CJGShear(); pJpgShear->setDataSize(dwBlockSize); // set Data Buffer size pJpgShear->setDiskNumber( (BYTE) ); // Set Disk Number pJpgShear->setJPGStartPostion(lJPGPosition); pJpgShear->setDevice(; pJpgShear->Execute(); pComposite->AddSTEP(pJpgShear); } dwBlockSize = 0; // End Cutting Files break; /*------------------******************------------------*/ //Determine "Block Size", Disk Order -->>... /*------------------******************------------------*/ default: pComposite->Execute(); pFileCreater = new CFileCreater(strCreatePath); pFileCreater->setData(pComposite->GetData()); pFileCreater->setSize(pComposite->GetSize()); pFileCreater->setFileNumber(0); pFileCreater->AddFileName(_T("Original")); bError = pFileCreater->Execute(); if (bError == FALSE) { strError = _T("Error Create Files..."); break; } strTextOut = pFileCreater->GetFilePath(); delete pFileCreater; pFileCreater = NULL; // strTextOut.Insert(0,_T("C:\\WINDOWS\\rundll32.exe ")); ShellExecute(this->GetSafeHwnd(),_T("open"),strTextOut, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); // system((char*)strTextOut.GetBuffer()); pMapBlock->ClearMap(); bFinishJPG = pComposite->isFinishJPG(); if (bFinishJPG) break; pMapBlock->setBlockSize(dwBlockSize); pMapBlock->setPosition(lShearPos); pMapBlock->setVecDrives(m_vecSelDrives); pMapBlock->setDirectory(strCreatePath); pMapBlock->setBaseData(pComposite->GetData(),pComposite->GetSize()); pMapBlock->DeterminateBlock(iMinBlockSize); //??????? switch (iCurrentStep) { case enDetermineBlockSize: strTextOut = _T("Размер блока : неизвестно\r\n Определение размера блока\r\n"); strHeader = _T("[Определение размера блока]"); break; case enDetermineNextDisk: strTextOut = _T("Поиск устройств в который есть продолжение jpg \r\n"); strReport.Format(_T("Граница блока по смешению = %I64d (секторов) диск № %d\r\n"), lShearPos , ); //AfxMessageBox( strReport, MB_OK ); strTextOut.Append( strReport ); strHeader = _T("[Поиск следущих устройств]"); break; default: strTextOut.Format(_T("Определение следущего устройства\r\nРазмер блока : %d(байт), %d(секторов)\r\n"),dwBlockSize,dwSectorCount); LONGLONG lShowShear = lJPGPosition; lShowShear += iFileNumber; strHeader = _T("[Define the Next Device]"); } //strTextOut += _T("Look in the folder "); //strTextOut += strStep; //strTextOut += _T("NUMBER FILE"); pDiskOrder->MakeDiskOrder(); strTextOut += pDiskOrder->GetDiskOrder(); pCuttingDialog = new CCuttingSectorsDlg(this,iCurrentStep); pCuttingDialog->setHeader(strHeader); pCuttingDialog->setTextData(strTextOut); pCuttingDialog->setMinMax(1,pMapBlock->getCount()); pCuttingDialog->setStateProgram(m_enStateProgram); iDlgResult = pCuttingDialog->DoModal(); m_enStateProgram = pCuttingDialog->getStatProgram(); iFileNumber = pCuttingDialog->getNumber(); //--iFileNumber; // decrement Number (from (1 - ...)) delete pCuttingDialog; pCuttingDialog = NULL; if (iDlgResult == ID_YES) { pBlockData = pMapBlock->getData(iFileNumber); if (pBlockData == NULL) { bError = FALSE; break; } if (iCurrentStep == enDetermineNextDisk) { isNextDisk = TRUE; for (size_t iDisk = 0; iDisk < m_vecSelDrives.size(); ++iDisk) { if ( == pBlockData->getDiskNumber()) { pMapBlock->setNextDisk(iDisk); break; } } pJpgChunk = new CJPGChunk(); pJpgChunk->setBackPos(lShearPos); pComposite->AddSTEP(pJpgChunk); } else { // check pBlockData for NULL ??????????? dwBlockSize = pBlockData->getBlockSize(); dwSectorCount = dwBlockSize /; if (pBlockData->getPosUpDown( ) == PosDown ) { pNewOrder = new CNewOrder(); pDiskOrder->Add(pNewOrder); } pJpgChunk = new CJPGChunk(); pJpgChunk->setDiskNumber(pBlockData->getDiskNumber()); for (size_t iDisk = 0; iDisk < m_vecSelDrives.size(); ++iDisk) { if ( == pBlockData->getDiskNumber()) { pJpgChunk->setDevice(; pDiskNumber = new CDiskNumber(); pDiskNumber->setDiskDrive(; pDiskOrder->Add(pDiskNumber); break; } } lReadPosition = lShearPos; pJpgChunk->setBackPos(lShearPos); if (pBlockData->getPosUpDown() == PosUP) lReadPosition -= dwSectorCount; pJpgChunk->setShearPosition(lReadPosition); pJpgChunk->setDataSize(dwBlockSize); pJpgChunk->Execute(); pComposite->AddSTEP(pJpgChunk); strReport.Format(_T("Размер блока : %d(байт), %d(секторов)\r\n"),dwBlockSize,dwSectorCount); m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); pDiskOrder->MakeDiskOrder(); strReport = pDiskOrder->GetDiskOrder(); m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); //pDiskOrder->MakeDiskOrder(_T(" # ")); //m_ReportLog->AddText(pDiskOrder->GetDiskOrder()); // increment Position if (pBlockData->getPosUpDown( ) == PosDown ) lShearPos += dwSectorCount; } } if (iDlgResult == ID_BACK) { lShearPos = pComposite->GetPositiom(); pComposite->RemoveSTEP(); pDiskOrder->Delete(); --iCurrentStep; if (iCurrentStep == enDetermineBlockSize) dwBlockSize = 0; if (iCurrentStep == enDetermineNextDisk) pMapBlock->setNextDisk(-1); continue; } // End Default } // if error Quit if (bError == FALSE) { AfxMessageBox(strError,MB_ICONERROR); break; } if (bFinishJPG) { strReport.Format(_T("Найден конец Jpg-файла...\r\n")); m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); if (AfxMessageBox(_T("Найден конец Jpg-файла...\r\n Продолжить работу с другими файлами?"),MB_YESNO) == IDNO) iDlgResult = ID_ABORD; else iDlgResult = ID_NO; bFinishJPG = FALSE; } if (iDlgResult == ID_ABORD) break; // increment STEP; ++iCurrentStep; if ( iDlgResult == ID_NO) { delete pComposite; pComposite = NULL; delete pMapBlock; pMapBlock = NULL; //delete pDiskOrder; //pDiskOrder = NULL; pDiskOrder->Clear(); dwBlockSize = 0; dwSectorCount = 0; iCurrentStep = 0; } } // Clear... //OnBnClickedButtonClearLog(); //if (dwBlockSize > 0) //{ // strReport.Format(_T("\r\n\Block Size : %d(bytes), %d(sectors)\r\n"),dwBlockSize,dwSectorCount); // m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); // pDiskOrder->MakeDiskOrder(); // strReport = pDiskOrder->GetDiskOrder(); // m_ReportLog->AddText(strReport); //} if (bFinishJPG) { } switch (iDlgResult) { case ID_ABORD: pResultCutting->m_ButtonResult = iResABORT; break; case ID_NO: pResultCutting->m_ButtonResult = iResNEXT; break; default: pResultCutting->m_ButtonResult = iResNEXT; } if (pComposite != NULL) { delete pComposite; pComposite = NULL; } if (pMapBlock != NULL) { //pMapBlock->ClearMap(); delete pMapBlock; pMapBlock = NULL; } if (pDiskOrder != NULL) { delete pDiskOrder; pDiskOrder = NULL; } ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); OnBnClickedButtonStop(); return TRUE; }
void CVideoPlayBack::OnNMDblclkListVideoplayback(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMITEMACTIVATE pNMItemActivate = reinterpret_cast<LPNMITEMACTIVATE>(pNMHDR); // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_PAUSE)->SetWindowText(m_strPasueS); // m_bIsPasue = FALSE; int iRet = -1; // if(m_lRecHandle != NULL) // { // AVP_Stop(gChannel); // AVP_ReleasePort(gChannel); // JNetRecClose(m_lRecHandle); // m_lRecHandle = NULL; // } OnBnClickedButtonStop(); int index = pNMItemActivate->iItem; if(index < 0) { //AfxMessageBox(_T("请选择要播放的录像")); return ; } CString strStartTime = _T(""); CString strEndTime = _T(""); CString str1 = m_VideoPlayBack.GetItemText(index, 2); CString str2 = m_VideoPlayBack.GetItemText(index, 3); CString strType = m_VideoPlayBack.GetItemText(index, 1); m_Filetimes = _ttoi(m_VideoPlayBack.GetItemText(index, 4)); //录像时长 m_PlayFiletime = 0; m_recodeScreenDlg.m_PlayProgress.SetRange(0, m_Filetimes); int iRec_type = GetRecodeType(strType); strStartTime = getDate(str1); strEndTime = getDate(str2); gChannel = AVP_GetFreePort(); m_nSpeed = 0; m_lRecHandle = JNetRecOpen4Time(g_PubData.g_vLoginHandle[g_PubData.g_iPlayBack], "", gNVRChn, 0, strStartTime.GetBuffer(0), strEndTime.GetBuffer(0) , m_RecType[index], 1, JRecStream, this, m_lRecHandle); if(m_lRecHandle > 0) { Sleep(1000); JNetRecCtrl(m_lRecHandle, JNET_PB_CTRL_START, NULL); } strStartTime.ReleaseBuffer(); strEndTime.ReleaseBuffer(); iRet = -1; // 设置显示窗口 iRet = -1; AVP_SetPlayPriority(gChannel, AVPPlaySmooth); AVP_SetDataProtocol(gChannel,AVP_PROTOCOL_JPF); //AVP_EnableYUVDraw(gChannel,TRUE); // 设置通道使用的解码器 iRet = AVP_SetCoder(gChannel,AVP_CODER_JXJ); if ( iRet!=AVPErrSuccess ) { AfxMessageBox(_T("AVP_SetCoder error!")); return; } // 设置显示窗口 AVP_AddPlayWnd(gChannel,NULL, m_recodeScreenDlg.GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_SHOWRECODEVIDEO)->GetSafeHwnd(),NULL,NULL); // 开启解码 AVP_Play(gChannel); m_PlayFiletime = 0; m_recodeScreenDlg.m_PlayProgress.SetRange(0, m_Filetimes); m_PlayFastTime = 1000; m_PlaySlowTime = 1000; m_SleepTime = 1000; if(!m_bClosePlayLocal) { HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)PlayThreadFun,this,0,0); CloseHandle(hThread); } *pResult = 0; }
LRESULT CRaidAnalyzerDlg::OnFinishGatherByJPG(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { OnBnClickedButtonStop(); return TRUE; }