/** The Apply button is only enable when Selected / Unselected values
 are valid (only when checked), and at least one checkbox is
 selected.  The Target Field is not empty, but has not been
 checked for validity. */
void SaveSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
	int write_col = col_id_map[m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()];
	bool sel_checked = m_sel_check_box->GetValue() == 1;
	bool unsel_checked = m_unsel_check_box->GetValue() == 1;
	double sel_c = 1;
	if (sel_checked) {
		wxString sel_c_str = m_sel_val_text->GetValue();
		sel_c_str.Trim(false); sel_c_str.Trim(true);
	double unsel_c = 0;
	if (unsel_checked) {
		wxString unsel_c_str = m_unsel_val_text->GetValue();
		unsel_c_str.Trim(false); unsel_c_str.Trim(true);
	int sf_tm = 0;
	if (grid_base->col_data[write_col]->time_steps > 1 &&
		m_save_field_choice_tm) {
		sf_tm = m_save_field_choice_tm->GetSelection();
	std::vector<bool>& h = project->highlight_state->GetHighlight();
	// write_col now refers to a valid field in grid base, so write out
	// results to that field.
	int obs = h.size();
	DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[write_col];
	std::vector<bool> undefined;
	if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) {
		wxInt64 sel_c_i = sel_c;
		wxInt64 unsel_c_i = unsel_c;
		std::vector<wxInt64> t(grid_base->GetNumberRows());
		cd.GetVec(t, sf_tm);
		cd.GetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm);
		if (sel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (h[i]) {
					t[i] = sel_c_i;
					undefined[i] = false;
		if (unsel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (!h[i]) {
					t[i] = unsel_c_i;
					undefined[i] = false;
		cd.SetFromVec(t, sf_tm);
		cd.SetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm);
	} else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) {
		std::vector<double> t(grid_base->GetNumberRows());
		cd.GetVec(t, sf_tm);
		cd.GetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm);
		if (sel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (h[i]) {
					t[i] = sel_c;
					undefined[i] = false;
		if (unsel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (!h[i]) {
					t[i] = unsel_c;
					undefined[i] = false;
		cd.SetFromVec(t, sf_tm);
		cd.SetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm);
	} else {
		wxString msg = "Chosen field is not a numeric type.  This is likely ";
		msg << "a bug. Please report this.";
		wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
	if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh();
	wxString msg = "Values assigned to target field successfully.";
	wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Success", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION );
/** The Apply button is only enable when Selected / Unselected values
 are valid (only when checked), and at least one checkbox is
 selected.  The Target Variable is not empty, but has not been
 checked for validity. */
void SaveSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxLogMessage("Click SaveSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick");
    wxString field_name = m_save_sel_var_name->GetValue();
    if (field_name.empty()) {
        wxMessageDialog dlg(this, _("Variable name can't be empty."),
                            _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
    int col = table_int->FindColId(field_name);
    if ( col == wxNOT_FOUND) {
        // create a new integer field
        int col_insert_pos = table_int->GetNumberCols();
        int time_steps = 1;
        int m_length_val = GdaConst::default_dbf_long_len;
        int m_decimals_val = 0;
        col = table_int->InsertCol(GdaConst::long64_type, field_name, col_insert_pos, time_steps, m_length_val, m_decimals_val);
    if (col <= 0) {
    int write_col = col;
	bool sel_checked = m_sel_check_box->GetValue() == 1;
	bool unsel_checked = m_unsel_check_box->GetValue() == 1;
	double sel_c = 1;
	if (sel_checked) {
		wxString sel_c_str = m_sel_val_text->GetValue();
		sel_c_str.Trim(false); sel_c_str.Trim(true);
	double unsel_c = 0;
	if (unsel_checked) {
		wxString unsel_c_str = m_unsel_val_text->GetValue();
		unsel_c_str.Trim(false); unsel_c_str.Trim(true);
	int sf_tm = 0;
	if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(write_col) > 1 &&
		m_save_field_choice_tm) {
		sf_tm = m_save_field_choice_tm->GetSelection();
	std::vector<bool>& h = project->GetHighlightState()->GetHighlight();
	// write_col now refers to a valid field in grid base, so write out
	// results to that field.
	int obs = h.size();
	std::vector<bool> undefined;
	if (table_int->GetColType(write_col) == GdaConst::long64_type) {
		wxInt64 sel_c_i = sel_c;
		wxInt64 unsel_c_i = unsel_c;
		std::vector<wxInt64> t(table_int->GetNumberRows());
		table_int->GetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t);
		table_int->GetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined);
		if (sel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (h[i]) {
					t[i] = sel_c_i;
					undefined[i] = false;
		if (unsel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (!h[i]) {
					t[i] = unsel_c_i;
					undefined[i] = false;
		table_int->SetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t);
		table_int->SetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined);
	} else if (table_int->GetColType(write_col) == GdaConst::double_type) {
		std::vector<double> t(table_int->GetNumberRows());
		table_int->GetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t);
		table_int->GetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined);
		if (sel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (h[i]) {
					t[i] = sel_c;
					undefined[i] = false;
		if (unsel_checked) {
			for (int i=0; i<obs; i++) {
				if (!h[i]) {
					t[i] = unsel_c;
					undefined[i] = false;
		table_int->SetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t);
		table_int->SetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined);
	} else {
		wxString msg = _("Chosen field is not a numeric type.  Please select a numeric type field.");

		wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
	wxString msg = _("Values assigned to target field successfully.");
	wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Success", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION );