void CHudChatLine::PerformFadeout( void )
	// Flash + Extra bright when new
	float curtime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	int lr = m_clrText[0];
	int lg = m_clrText[1];
	int lb = m_clrText[2];
	//CSPort chat only fades out, no blinking.
	if ( curtime <= m_flExpireTime && curtime > m_flExpireTime - CHATLINE_FADE_TIME )
		float frac = ( m_flExpireTime - curtime ) / CHATLINE_FADE_TIME;

		int alpha = frac * 255;
		alpha = clamp( alpha, 0, 255 );

		wchar_t wbuf[4096];
		GetText(0, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));

		SetText( "" );
		if ( m_iNameLength > 0 )
			wchar_t wText[4096];
			// draw the first x characters in the player color
			wcsncpy( wText, wbuf, min( m_iNameLength + 1, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+32) );
			wText[ min( m_iNameLength, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+31) ] = 0;

			m_clrNameColor[3] = alpha;

			InsertColorChange( m_clrNameColor );
			InsertString( wText );

			wcsncpy( wText, wbuf + ( m_iNameLength ), wcslen( wbuf + m_iNameLength ) );
			wText[ wcslen( wbuf + m_iNameLength ) ] = '\0';
			InsertColorChange( Color( g_ColorYellow[0], g_ColorYellow[1], g_ColorYellow[2], alpha ) );
			InsertString( wText );
			InvalidateLayout( true );
			InsertColorChange( Color( lr, lg, lb, alpha ) );
			InsertString( wbuf );
void CBaseHudChatLine::PerformFadeout( void )
	// Flash + Extra bright when new
	float curtime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	int lr = m_clrText[0];
	int lg = m_clrText[1];
	int lb = m_clrText[2];
	if ( curtime >= m_flStartTime && curtime < m_flStartTime + CHATLINE_FLASH_TIME )
		float frac1 = ( curtime - m_flStartTime ) / CHATLINE_FLASH_TIME;
		float frac = frac1;

		frac *= 2 * M_PI;

		frac = cos( frac );

		frac = clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		frac *= (1.0f-frac1);

		int r = lr, g = lg, b = lb;

		r = r + ( 255 - r ) * frac;
		g = g + ( 255 - g ) * frac;
		b = b + ( 255 - b ) * frac;
		// Draw a right facing triangle in red, faded out over time
		int alpha = 63 + 192 * (1.0f - frac1 );
		alpha = clamp( alpha, 0, 255 );

		wchar_t wbuf[4096];
		GetText(0, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));

		SetText( "" );

		InsertColorChange( Color( r, g, b, 255 ) );
		InsertString( wbuf );
	else if ( curtime <= m_flExpireTime && curtime > m_flExpireTime - CHATLINE_FADE_TIME )
		float frac = ( m_flExpireTime - curtime ) / CHATLINE_FADE_TIME;

		int alpha = frac * 255;
		alpha = clamp( alpha, 0, 255 );

		wchar_t wbuf[4096];
		GetText(0, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));

		SetText( "" );

		InsertColorChange( Color( lr * frac, lg * frac, lb * frac, alpha ) );
		InsertString( wbuf );
		wchar_t wbuf[4096];
		GetText(0, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));

		SetText( "" );

		InsertColorChange( Color( lr, lg, lb, 255 ) );
		InsertString( wbuf );
