 inline void setDestinationOutStream(){
     TokenId ti;
     tOutput[dOutput] = OutputToken(NULL, ti);
     destinationsMap.emplace((Computable*) NULL, dOutput);
     assert(dOutput <= MAX_INSTRUCTION_INPUTS);
 inline void setDestination(uint id, Computable* c = NULL){
     TokenId ti(graphId, id);
     tOutput[dOutput] = OutputToken(NULL, ti);
         destinationsMap.emplace(c, dOutput);
         throw std::runtime_error("Impossible to set NULL destination.");
     assert(dOutput <= MAX_INSTRUCTION_INPUTS);
BOOL PSPrintDC::StartOSOutput()
	if ((SafeToUseGDI == 0) && !GDIContextIsCurrent)
		// We need to restore the GDI context - this involves removing our dictionary
		// from the dictionary stack, and calling restore.
		if (!OutputToken(_T("end restore")) || !OutputNewLine())
			// Error
			return FALSE;
		// Flush our buffer so Camelot PS syncs correctly with GDI PS.
		if (!FlushPSBuffer())
			// Error
			return FALSE;

		GDIContextIsCurrent = TRUE;

	// Increment GDI count

	// Ok to use GDI now
	return TRUE;
BOOL PSPrintDC::OutputToken(TCHAR *Str)
	// Should we re-instate the Camelot context?
	if (!SafeToUseGDI && GDIContextIsCurrent)
		// Yes - just save the context (so we can restore GDI's context) and put our
		// dictionary on the dict stack.
		// Must do this first or else we get an infinite loop!
		GDIContextIsCurrent = FALSE;

		// Code by Mike
		// We need to work out where we are in order to render the correct bits of postscript header.
		BOOL AtStartOfPaper = FALSE;
		BOOL AtStartOfPatch = StartOfPage;

		// Work out whether this is the first call to output token for this page
		if (AtStartOfPatch)
			PrintView* pView = (PrintView*)(pPSRegion->GetRenderView());
			ERROR2IF(pView==NULL,FALSE,"No printview in this PS render region");
			ERROR3IF(!pView->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(PrintView)), "Not a PrintView in PSPrintDC output token");
			AtStartOfPaper = ((pView->PatchInfo.PatchNumber)==1);

		// ok now check our flag. This may be the first time we've
		// been called from this PSPrintDC construction. If so we
		// need to output page header stuff.
		if (AtStartOfPaper)
			// We need to get the name of the output plate here
			// this might be a bit tricky! Na easy...
			if (!pPSRegion->WritePlateName(this))
				return FALSE;

		// save the graphics state

		// wxWidgets and Windows both use (0,0) to mean the top left hand origin of the
		// paper in logical coordinates. However, they do something rather different in
		// terms of physical coordinates. What windows printer drivers do (and thus what
		// Camelot expects) is use a postcript page transformation matrix to invert the
		// page, and for the postscript to be written in native DPI coordinates with the
		// origin at the TOP left of the page. What wxWidgets does is write its postscript
		// in the more natural way with the origin at the BOTTOM of the page, and handle
		// the coordinate inversion wihin wxWidgets.
		// Note that this means while our internally generated PS expects a transformation
		// matrix that flips the Y coordinate (as the windows drivers produce). We
		// can't change the transformation matrix in the prologue because this would
		// affect wxWidgets output (and also it's technically difficult to do). We can't
		// change our own rendering matrix (so we produce the right coordinates) because
		// lots of things seem to explode with a matrix which flips the Y access (negative
		// scale factors etc.). We can't just change the coordinates we write because
		// other things (e.g. bitmaps) use the native render matrix. So what we do is
		// temporarily invert the PS transformation matrix during the period of our output.
		// This seems arcane but reasonably extensive research suggests it is the best
		// way forward. It's restored before we do any OS output.

		TCHAR flipbuf[256];
		INT32 translate = GetDC()->GetSize().GetHeight();
		camSprintf(flipbuf, _T("0 %d translate 1 -1 scale"), translate);

		// Now start plate writing etc.

		if (!pPSRegion->WritePhotoNegative(this))
			return FALSE;

		if (AtStartOfPaper)
			// We need to fill the page with black if the plate says we
			// need to negate everything.
			if (!pPSRegion->WriteRenderPaper(this))
				return FALSE;

		// Write out our procset.
		if (!pPSRegion->WriteProlog(this))
			// Error 
			return FALSE;

		OutputToken(_T("XaraStudio1Dict begin"));

		// Now output the setscreen function for this plate
		if (!pPSRegion->WritePlateScreen(this))
			return FALSE;

		// try to write out the sep tables if we need them
		if (!pPSRegion->WriteSepTables(this))
			return FALSE;

		// export any clip region we might need.
		if (!OutputPSClipping())
			return FALSE;

	// Special tokens
//	static TCHAR Space = _T(' ');
//	static TCHAR NewLine[] = _T("\n");

	if (LineWidth > 70)
		// Line is getting INT32 - wrap around

	// Pad with a space (unless at the beginning of the line)
	if (LineWidth > 0)
		// Make sure we have enough room in the buffer
		if (!MakeRoomInBuffer(1))
			// Error occured in buffer handling.
			return FALSE;

		// Add space to buffer
		camStrcat(Buffer.Data, _T(" "));

		// Update line width record.

	// Write the token out to the file
	INT32 Len = camStrlen(Str);

	// Make sure we have enough room in the buffer
	if (!MakeRoomInBuffer(Len))
		// Error occured in buffer handling.
		return FALSE;

	// Add space to buffer
	camStrcat(Buffer.Data, Str);
	Buffer.nCount += Len;

	// Update line width record.
	LineWidth += Len;

	// Success
	return TRUE;
	return FALSE;