 * Function DrawGraphicText
 * Draw a graphic text (like module texts)
 *  @param aClipBox = the clipping rect, or NULL if no clipping
 *  @param aDC = the current Device Context. NULL if draw within a 3D GL Canvas
 *  @param aPos = text position (according to h_justify, v_justify)
 *  @param aColor (enum EDA_COLOR_T) = text color
 *  @param aText = text to draw
 *  @param aOrient = angle in 0.1 degree
 *  @param aSize = text size (size.x or size.y can be < 0 for mirrored texts)
 *  @param aH_justify = horizontal justification (Left, center, right)
 *  @param aV_justify = vertical justification (bottom, center, top)
 *  @param aWidth = line width (pen width) (use default width if aWidth = 0)
 *      if width < 0 : draw segments in sketch mode, width = abs(width)
 *      Use a value min(aSize.x, aSize.y) / 5 for a bold text
 *  @param aItalic = true to simulate an italic font
 *  @param aBold = true to use a bold font. Useful only with default width value (aWidth = 0)
 *  @param aCallback() = function called (if non null) to draw each segment.
 *                  used to draw 3D texts or for plotting, NULL for normal drawings
 *  @param aPlotter = a pointer to a PLOTTER instance, when this function is used to plot
 *                  the text. NULL to draw this text.
void DrawGraphicText( EDA_RECT* aClipBox,
                      wxDC* aDC,
                      const wxPoint& aPos,
                      EDA_COLOR_T aColor,
                      const wxString& aText,
                      double aOrient,
                      const wxSize& aSize,
                      enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T aH_justify,
                      enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T aV_justify,
                      int aWidth,
                      bool aItalic,
                      bool aBold,
                      void (* aCallback)( int x0, int y0, int xf, int yf ),
                      PLOTTER* aPlotter )
    int         AsciiCode;
    int         x0, y0;
    int         size_h, size_v;
    unsigned    ptr;
    int         dx, dy;                     // Draw coordinate for segments to draw. also used in some other calculation
    wxPoint     current_char_pos;           // Draw coordinates for the current char
    wxPoint     overbar_pos;                // Start point for the current overbar
    int         overbar_italic_comp;        // Italic compensation for overbar
    #define        BUF_SIZE 100
    wxPoint coord[BUF_SIZE + 1];                // Buffer coordinate used to draw polylines (one char shape)
    bool    sketch_mode     = false;
    bool    italic_reverse  = false;            // true for mirrored texts with m_Size.x < 0

    size_h  = aSize.x;                          /* PLEASE NOTE: H is for HORIZONTAL not for HEIGHT */
    size_v  = aSize.y;

    if( aWidth == 0 && aBold ) // Use default values if aWidth == 0
        aWidth = GetPenSizeForBold( std::min( aSize.x, aSize.y ) );

    if( aWidth < 0 )
        aWidth = -aWidth;
        sketch_mode = true;

#ifdef CLIP_PEN      // made by draw and plot functions
    aWidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( aWidth, aSize, aBold );

    if( size_h < 0 ) // text is mirrored using size.x < 0 (mirror / Y axis)
        italic_reverse = true;

    unsigned char_count = NegableTextLength( aText );

    if( char_count == 0 )

    current_char_pos = aPos;

    dx  = GraphicTextWidth( aText, size_h, aItalic, aWidth );
    dy  = size_v;

    /* Do not draw the text if out of draw area! */
    if( aClipBox )
        int xm, ym, ll, xc, yc;
        ll = std::abs( dx );

        xc  = current_char_pos.x;
        yc  = current_char_pos.y;

        x0  = aClipBox->GetX() - ll;
        y0  = aClipBox->GetY() - ll;
        xm  = aClipBox->GetRight() + ll;
        ym  = aClipBox->GetBottom() + ll;

        if( xc < x0 )

        if( yc < y0 )

        if( xc > xm )

        if( yc > ym )

    /* Compute the position of the first letter of the text
     * this position is the position of the left bottom point of the letter
     * this is the same as the text position only for a left and bottom justified text
     * In others cases, this position must be calculated from the text position ans size

    switch( aH_justify )
        current_char_pos.x -= dx / 2;

        current_char_pos.x -= dx;


    switch( aV_justify )
        current_char_pos.y += dy / 2;

        current_char_pos.y += dy;


    // Note: if aPanel == NULL, we are using a GL Canvas that handle scaling
    if( aSize.x == 0 )

    /* if a text size is too small, the text cannot be drawn, and it is drawn as a single
     * graphic line */
    if( aDC && ( aDC->LogicalToDeviceYRel( std::abs( aSize.y ) ) < MIN_DRAWABLE_TEXT_SIZE ))
        // draw the text as a line always vertically centered
        wxPoint end( current_char_pos.x + dx, current_char_pos.y );

        RotatePoint( &current_char_pos, aPos, aOrient );
        RotatePoint( &end, aPos, aOrient );

        if( aPlotter )
            aPlotter->MoveTo( current_char_pos );
            aPlotter->FinishTo( end );
        else if( aCallback )
            aCallback( current_char_pos.x, current_char_pos.y, end.x, end.y );
            GRLine( aClipBox, aDC,
                    current_char_pos.x, current_char_pos.y, end.x, end.y, aWidth, aColor );


    if( aItalic )
        overbar_italic_comp = OverbarPositionY( size_v ) / 8;

        if( italic_reverse )
            overbar_italic_comp = -overbar_italic_comp;
        overbar_italic_comp = 0;

    int overbars = 0;   // Number of '~' seen (except '~~')
    ptr = 0;            // ptr = text index

    while( ptr < char_count )
        if( aText[ptr + overbars] == '~' )
            if( ptr + overbars + 1 < aText.length()
                && aText[ptr + overbars + 1] == '~' )   /* '~~' draw as '~' */
                ptr++;                                  // skip first '~' char and draw second

                // Found an overbar, adjust the pointers

                if( overbars & 1 )      // odd overbars count
                    // Starting the overbar
                    overbar_pos     = current_char_pos;
                    overbar_pos.x   += overbar_italic_comp;
                    overbar_pos.y   -= OverbarPositionY( size_v );
                    RotatePoint( &overbar_pos, aPos, aOrient );
                    // Ending the overbar
                    coord[0]        = overbar_pos;
                    overbar_pos     = current_char_pos;
                    overbar_pos.x   += overbar_italic_comp;
                    overbar_pos.y   -= OverbarPositionY( size_v );
                    RotatePoint( &overbar_pos, aPos, aOrient );
                    coord[1] = overbar_pos;
                    // Plot the overbar segment
                    DrawGraphicTextPline( aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aWidth,
                                          sketch_mode, 2, coord, aCallback, aPlotter );

                continue;    // Skip ~ processing

        AsciiCode = aText.GetChar( ptr + overbars );

        const char* ptcar = GetHersheyShapeDescription( AsciiCode );
        // Get metrics
        int         xsta    = *ptcar++ - 'R';
        int         xsto    = *ptcar++ - 'R';
        int         point_count = 0;
        bool        endcar = false;

        while( !endcar )
            int hc1, hc2;
            hc1 = *ptcar++;

            if( hc1 )
                hc2 = *ptcar++;
                // End of character, insert a synthetic pen up:
                hc1    = ' ';
                hc2    = 'R';
                endcar = true;

            // Do the Hershey decode thing:
            // coordinates values are coded as <value> + 'R'
            hc1 -= 'R';
            hc2 -= 'R';

            // Pen up request
            if( hc1 == -50 && hc2 == 0 )
                if( point_count )
                    if( aWidth <= 1 )
                        aWidth = 0;

                    DrawGraphicTextPline( aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aWidth,
                                          sketch_mode, point_count, coord,
                                          aCallback, aPlotter );

                point_count = 0;
                wxPoint currpoint;
                hc1 -= xsta; hc2 -= 10;    // Align the midpoint
                hc1  = KiROUND( hc1 * size_h * s_HersheyScaleFactor );
                hc2  = KiROUND( hc2 * size_v * s_HersheyScaleFactor );

                // To simulate an italic font,
                // add a x offset depending on the y offset
                if( aItalic )
                    hc1 -= KiROUND( italic_reverse ? -hc2 / 8.0 : hc2 / 8.0 );

                currpoint.x = hc1 + current_char_pos.x;
                currpoint.y = hc2 + current_char_pos.y;

                RotatePoint( &currpoint, aPos, aOrient );
                coord[point_count] = currpoint;

                if( point_count < BUF_SIZE - 1 )
        }    // end draw 1 char


        // Apply the advance width
        current_char_pos.x += KiROUND( size_h * (xsto - xsta) * s_HersheyScaleFactor );

    if( overbars % 2 )
        // Close the last overbar
        coord[0]       = overbar_pos;
        overbar_pos    = current_char_pos;
        overbar_pos.y -= OverbarPositionY( size_v );
        RotatePoint( &overbar_pos, aPos, aOrient );
        coord[1] = overbar_pos;

        // Plot the overbar segment
        DrawGraphicTextPline( aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aWidth,
                              sketch_mode, 2, coord, aCallback, aPlotter );
void SCH_GLOBALLABEL::CreateGraphicShape( std::vector <wxPoint>& aPoints, const wxPoint& Pos )
    int HalfSize  = m_Size.y / 2;
    int linewidth = (m_Thickness == 0) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );


    int symb_len = LenSize( m_Text ) + ( TXTMARGE * 2 );

    // Create outline shape : 6 points
    int x = symb_len + linewidth + 3;

    // Use negation bar Y position to calculate full vertical size
    #define Y_CORRECTION 1.22
    // Note: this factor is due to the fact the negation bar Y position
    // does not give exactly the full Y size of text
    // and is experimentally set  to this value
    int y = KiROUND( OverbarPositionY( HalfSize, linewidth ) * Y_CORRECTION );
    // add room for line thickness and space between top of text and graphic shape
    y += linewidth;

    // Starting point(anchor)
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( 0, -y ) );     // Up
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( -x, -y ) );    // left
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( -x, 0 ) );     // Up left
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( -x, y ) );     // left down
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( 0, y ) );      // down

    int x_offset = 0;

    switch( m_shape )
    case NET_INPUT:
        x_offset = -HalfSize;
        aPoints[0].x += HalfSize;

    case NET_OUTPUT:
        aPoints[3].x -= HalfSize;

    case NET_BIDI:
    case NET_TRISTATE:
        x_offset = -HalfSize;
        aPoints[0].x += HalfSize;
        aPoints[3].x -= HalfSize;


    int angle = 0;

    switch( m_schematicOrientation )
    case 0:             /* Orientation horiz normal */

    case 1:             /* Orientation vert UP */
        angle = -900;

    case 2:             /* Orientation horiz inverse */
        angle = 1800;

    case 3:             /* Orientation vert BOTTOM */
        angle = 900;

    // Rotate outlines and move corners in real position
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aPoints.size(); ii++ )
        aPoints[ii].x += x_offset;

        if( angle )
            RotatePoint( &aPoints[ii], angle );

        aPoints[ii] += Pos;

    aPoints.push_back( aPoints[0] ); // closing