ResourceCache::ResourceCache() { PHYSFS_init(NULL); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("data/", 1); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("data/", 1); al_init_image_addon(); al_init_acodec_addon(); al_set_physfs_file_interface(); }
void ResourceManager::initialize() { PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1); const std::string worldDataPath = Configuration::getValue("worldDataPath", "example"); // world first to allow overriding of server's libraries PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(worldDataPath.c_str(), 1); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(".", 1); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(PKG_DATADIR, 1); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Init physfs\n"); PHYSFS_init(argv[0]); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(PHYSFS_getBaseDir(), 1); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("data.7z", 1); printf("Init physfs end\n"); Main main; main.Execute(); return 0; }
int main() { // Set up the library and paths PHYSFS_init("blah"); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("", 1); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("./", 1); // Create our interface PhysVFS vfs; // Run the test testAll(vfs); return 0; }
ZipFileSystem::ZipFileSystem(const String& filePath, const String& root) : mRoot(root){ PHYSFS_init(NULL); // TODO handle root directory PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(filePath.c_str(), 0); }
static int Lua_FS_setSearchPath(lua_State *L) { const char *str; char **search_path = PHYSFS_getSearchPath(); char **copy = search_path; int n, maxn; luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE); /* clear the search path */ while (*copy != NULL) { PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(*copy++); } PHYSFS_freeList(search_path); maxn = lua_objlen(L, 1); for (n = 1; n <= maxn; n++) { lua_pushinteger(L, n); lua_gettable(L, -2); str = lua_tostring(L, -1); if (PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str, 1) == 0) { return luaL_error(L, "Error: Could not add directory or archive '%s' " "to search path: %s", str, PHYSFS_getLastError()); } /* remove the string */ lua_pop(L, 1); } return 0; }
/**Prepends an archive to be searched for files * \param ardhivename The path to the archive (can also be a folder) * \return Nonzero on success */ int Filesystem::PrependPath( const string& archivename ) { int retval; if ( (retval = PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(archivename.c_str(), 0)) == 0 ) LogMsg(ERR,"Error on prepends to search path %s.\n%s",archivename.c_str(), PHYSFS_getLastError()); return retval; }
void ObjectClass::loadSettings() { std::stringstream file; file.str(utils::getTextFile(this->package, "objects/" + this->objectClass + ".txt")); std::string line; while (file.good()) { getline(file, line); std::string value; float valueFloat; if (line.length() == 0 || == '#') { // Ignore comment lines } else if (this->parseLine(line, "name", value)) { this->name = value; } else if (this->parseLine(line, "flipside", value)) { if (value.find(".") != std::string::npos) { std::vector<std::string> path = utils::splitString(value, '.'); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath((path[0] + ".zip").c_str(), 1); this->flipsideImage = path[0] + "/objects/" + path[1]; } else { this->flipsideImage = this->package + "/objects/" + value; } } else if (this->parseLineFloat(line, "gridwidth", valueFloat)) { this->gridSize.x = valueFloat; } else if (this->parseLineFloat(line, "gridheight", valueFloat)) { this->gridSize.y = valueFloat; } else if (this->parseLineFloat(line, "scale", valueFloat)) { this->scale = valueFloat; } else { std::cout << "Warning: Could not parse '" << line << "' in " << this->objectClass << ".txt" << std::endl; } } }
void find_datadir() { std::string datadir; if (m_forced_datadir) { datadir = *m_forced_datadir; } else if (const char* env_datadir = getenv("SUPERTUX2_DATA_DIR")) { datadir = env_datadir; } else { // check if we run from source dir char* basepath_c = SDL_GetBasePath(); std::string basepath = basepath_c; SDL_free(basepath_c); datadir = FileSystem::join(basepath, "data"); std::string testfname = FileSystem::join(datadir, "credits.txt"); if (!FileSystem::exists(testfname)) { // if the game is not run from the source directory, try to find // the global install location datadir = datadir.substr(0, datadir.rfind(INSTALL_SUBDIR_BIN)); datadir = FileSystem::join(datadir, INSTALL_SUBDIR_SHARE); } } if (!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(datadir.c_str(), 1)) { log_warning << "Couldn't add '" << datadir << "' to physfs searchpath: " << PHYSFS_getLastError() << std::endl; } }
/*! * Tries to mount a list of directories, found in /basedir/subdir/<list>. * \param basedir Base directory * \param subdir A subdirectory of basedir * \param appendToPath Whether to append or prepend * \param checkList List of directories to check. NULL means any. */ void addSubdirs( const char * basedir, const char * subdir, const bool appendToPath, char * checkList[], bool addToModList ) { char tmpstr[PATH_MAX]; char buf[256]; char ** subdirlist = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles( subdir ); char ** i = subdirlist; while( *i != NULL ) { #ifdef DEBUG debug( LOG_NEVER, "addSubdirs: Examining subdir: [%s]", *i ); #endif // DEBUG if (*i[0] != '.' && (!checkList || inList(checkList, *i))) { snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%s%s%s%s", basedir, subdir, PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(), *i); #ifdef DEBUG debug( LOG_NEVER, "addSubdirs: Adding [%s] to search path", tmpstr ); #endif // DEBUG if (addToModList) { addLoadedMod(*i); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "mod: %s", *i); addDumpInfo(buf); } PHYSFS_addToSearchPath( tmpstr, appendToPath ); } i++; } PHYSFS_freeList( subdirlist ); }
bool Resources::addToSearchPath(const char* directory, bool append) { if(!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(directory, append)) { PError << "Couldn't add '" << directory << "' to searchpath: " << PHYSFS_getLastError() << endl; return PFalse; }; return PTrue; }
void AddonManager::enable_addon(const AddonId& addon_id) { log_debug << "enabling addon " << addon_id << std::endl; Addon& addon = get_installed_addon(addon_id); if (addon.is_enabled()) { log_warning << "Tried enabling already enabled Add-on" << std::endl; } else { log_debug << "Adding archive \"" << addon.get_install_filename() << "\" to search path" << std::endl; //int PHYSFS_mount(addon.installed_install_filename.c_str(), "addons/", 0) if (PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(addon.get_install_filename().c_str(), 0) == 0) { log_warning << "Could not add " << addon.get_install_filename() << " to search path: " << PHYSFS_getLastError() << std::endl; } else { if(addon.get_type() == Addon::LANGUAGEPACK) { PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback(addon.get_id().c_str(), add_to_dictionary_path, NULL); } addon.set_enabled(true); } } }
//================================================== //! Constructor //================================================== System::VFS::VFS() { // Initialize PhysicsFS PHYSFS_init( NULL ); // Hardcoded paths for now PHYSFS_addToSearchPath( "/Users/aaron/Documents/Phaedrus-FPS/Resources/", 1 ); }
util::VersionInfo Application::initPhysFS(const std::string& arg0) { PHYSFS_Version ver; PHYSFS_init(arg0.c_str()); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(PHYSFS_getBaseDir(),0); PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion(&ver); return util::VersionInfo(ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch); }
bool ResourceManager::addToSearchPath(const std::string& path, bool insertInFront) { if(!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(path.c_str(), insertInFront ? 0 : 1)) return false; //g_logger.debug(stdext::format("Add search path %s", path)); m_hasSearchPath = true; return true; }
void FileSystem::addToSearchPath(const std::string& dirname, bool append) { /// \todo check if dir exists? /// \todo use PHYSFS_mount? PHYSFS_addToSearchPath is listed as legacy function only there for binary /// compatibility with older version. /// \todo check return value PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(dirname.c_str(), append ? 1 : 0); }
physfsDrive::physfsDrive(const char * startdir,Bit16u _bytes_sector,Bit8u _sectors_cluster,Bit16u _total_clusters,Bit16u _free_clusters,Bit8u _mediaid) :localDrive(startdir,_bytes_sector,_sectors_cluster,_total_clusters,_free_clusters,_mediaid) { char newname[CROSS_LEN+1]; /* No writedir given, use capture directory */ if(startdir[0] == ':') { strcpy(newname,capturedir.c_str()); strcat(newname,startdir); } else { strcpy(newname,startdir); } CROSS_FILENAME(newname); if (!physfs_used) { PHYSFS_init(""); PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1); } physfs_used++; char *lastdir = newname; char *dir = strchr(lastdir+(((lastdir[0]|0x20) >= 'a' && (lastdir[0]|0x20) <= 'z')?2:0),':'); while (dir) { *dir++ = 0; if((lastdir == newname) && !strchr(dir+(((dir[0]|0x20) >= 'a' && (dir[0]|0x20) <= 'z')?2:0),':')) { // If the first parameter is a directory, the next one has to be the archive file, // do not confuse it with basedir if trailing : is not there! int tmp = strlen(dir)-1; dir[tmp++] = ':'; dir[tmp++] = CROSS_FILESPLIT; dir[tmp] = '\0'; } if (*lastdir && PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(lastdir,true) == 0) { LOG_MSG("PHYSFS couldn't add '%s': %s",lastdir,PHYSFS_getLastError()); } lastdir = dir; dir = strchr(lastdir+(((lastdir[0]|0x20) >= 'a' && (lastdir[0]|0x20) <= 'z')?2:0),':'); } const char *oldwrite = PHYSFS_getWriteDir(); if (oldwrite) oldwrite = strdup(oldwrite); if (!PHYSFS_setWriteDir(newname)) { if (!oldwrite) LOG_MSG("PHYSFS can't use '%s' for writing, you might encounter problems",newname); else PHYSFS_setWriteDir(oldwrite); } if (oldwrite) free((char *)oldwrite); strcpy(basedir,lastdir); allocation.bytes_sector=_bytes_sector; allocation.sectors_cluster=_sectors_cluster; allocation.total_clusters=_total_clusters; allocation.free_clusters=_free_clusters; allocation.mediaid=_mediaid; dirCache.SetBaseDir(basedir, this); }
/* * Add archives to the game. * 1) archives from Sharepath/Data to extend/replace builtin game content * 2) archived demos */ void PHYSFSX_addArchiveContent() { char **list = NULL; static const char *const archive_exts[] = { ".zip", ".7z", NULL }; char *file[2]; int i = 0, content_updated = 0; con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "PHYSFS: Adding archives to the game.\n"); // find files in Searchpath ... list = PHYSFSX_findFiles("", archive_exts); // if found, add them... for (i = 0; list[i] != NULL; i++) { MALLOC(file[0], char, PATH_MAX); MALLOC(file[1], char, PATH_MAX); snprintf(file[0], sizeof(char)*PATH_MAX, "%s", list[i]); PHYSFSX_getRealPath(file[0],file[1]); if (PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(file[1], 0)) { con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "PHYSFS: Added %s to Search Path\n",file[1]); content_updated = 1; } d_free(file[0]); d_free(file[1]); } PHYSFS_freeList(list); list = NULL; #if PHYSFS_VER_MAJOR >= 2 // find files in DEMO_DIR ... list = PHYSFSX_findFiles(DEMO_DIR, archive_exts); // if found, add them... for (i = 0; list[i] != NULL; i++) { MALLOC(file[0], char, PATH_MAX); MALLOC(file[1], char, PATH_MAX); snprintf(file[0], sizeof(char)*PATH_MAX, "%s%s", DEMO_DIR, list[i]); PHYSFSX_getRealPath(file[0],file[1]); if (PHYSFS_mount(file[1], DEMO_DIR, 0)) { con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "PHYSFS: Added %s to %s\n",file[1], DEMO_DIR); content_updated = 1; } d_free(file[0]); d_free(file[1]); } PHYSFS_freeList(list); list = NULL; #endif if (content_updated) { con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "Game content updated!\n"); PHYSFSX_listSearchPathContent(); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char filename[PATH_MAX]; char path[PATH_MAX], *delim; GAMEMAP *map; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s <map>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } strcpy(path, argv[1]); delim = strrchr(path, '/'); if (delim) { *delim = '\0'; delim++; strcpy(filename, delim); } else { path[1] = '.'; path[1] = '\0'; strcpy(filename, argv[1]); } PHYSFS_init(argv[0]); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(path, 1); map = mapLoad(filename); if (map) { char tilesetName[PATH_MAX]; if (map->tileset == TILESET_ARIZONA) { strcpy(tilesetName, "Arizona"); } else if (map->tileset == TILESET_URBAN) { strcpy(tilesetName, "Urban"); } else if (map->tileset == TILESET_ROCKIES) { strcpy(tilesetName, "Rockies"); } else { strcpy(tilesetName, "(unknown)"); } printf("Loaded map: %s\n", filename); printf("\tMap version: %d\n", (int)map->mapVersion); printf("\tGame version: %d\n", (int)map->gameVersion); printf("\tWidth: %d\n", (int)map->width); printf("\tHeight: %d\n", (int)map->height); printf("\tGateways: %d\n", (int)map->numGateways); printf("\tPlayers: %d\n", (int)map->numPlayers); printf("\tFeatures: %d\n", (int)map->numFeatures); printf("\tDroids: %d\n", (int)map->numDroids); printf("\tStructures: %d\n", (int)map->numStructures); printf("\tScroll limits: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (int)map->scrollMinX, (int)map->scrollMinY, (int)map->scrollMaxX, (int)map->scrollMaxY); printf("\tLevel name: %s\n", map->levelName); printf("\tTileset: %s\n", tilesetName); } mapFree(map); return 0; }
virtual void SetUp(void) { glfwInit(); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, GL_TRUE); window = glfwCreateWindow(TEST_WIDTH, TEST_HEIGHT, "gtest", nullptr, nullptr); glfwSetWindowPos(window, 300, 300); glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); ASSERT_EQ(GLEW_OK, glewInit()); PHYSFS_init("gtest"); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("data", true); }
static int l_filesystem_setSource(lua_State* state) { const char* p = l_tools_toStringOrError(state, 1); int a = PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(p, 1); if(!a) printf("%s %s \n", "Couldn't set source", p); return 1; }
bool ResourceManager::addToSearchPath(const std::string &path, bool append) { logger->log("Adding to PhysicsFS: %s", path.c_str()); if (!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(path.c_str(), append ? 1 : 0)) { logger->log("Error: %s", PHYSFS_getLastError()); return false; } return true; }
void ResourceManager::addPath(const std::string &path) { if (PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(path.c_str(), 0) == 0) { if (logger) { logger->logError("Unable to add path: " + path); logger->logError(PHYSFS_getLastError()); } } }
bool Lux::Core::FileHandler::AddResourcePath(const String a_Path) { int res = PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(a_Path.c_str(), 0); if (res == 0) { LUX_LOG(Utility::logWARNING) << "Directory: " << a_Path << " was not added to the search path. " << PHYSFS_getLastError(); return false; } return true; }
// Add a searchpath, but that searchpath is relative to an existing searchpath // It will add the first one it finds and return 1, if it doesn't find any it returns 0 int PHYSFSX_addRelToSearchPath(const char *relname, int add_to_end) { char relname2[PATH_MAX], pathname[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(relname2, sizeof(relname2), "%s", relname); PHYSFSEXT_locateCorrectCase(relname2); if (!PHYSFSX_getRealPath(relname2, pathname)) return 0; return PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(pathname, add_to_end); }
bool buildMapList() { if (!loadLevFile("gamedesc.lev", mod_campaign, false, NULL)) { return false; } loadLevFile("addon.lev", mod_multiplay, false, NULL); WZ_Maps.clear(); MapFileList realFileNames = listMapFiles(); for (MapFileList::iterator realFileName = realFileNames.begin(); realFileName != realFileNames.end(); ++realFileName) { bool mapmod = false; struct WZmaps CurrentMap; std::string realFilePathAndName = PHYSFS_getRealDir(realFileName->c_str()) + *realFileName; PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(realFilePathAndName.c_str(), PHYSFS_APPEND); char **filelist = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(""); for (char **file = filelist; *file != NULL; ++file) { std::string checkfile = *file; size_t len = strlen(*file); if (len > 10 && !strcasecmp(*file + (len - 10), ".addon.lev")) // Do not add addon.lev again { loadLevFile(*file, mod_multiplay, true, realFileName->c_str()); } // add support for X player maps using a new name to prevent conflicts. if (len > 13 && !strcasecmp(*file + (len - 13), ".xplayers.lev")) { loadLevFile(*file, mod_multiplay, true, realFileName->c_str()); } } PHYSFS_freeList(filelist); if (PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(realFilePathAndName.c_str()) == 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "Could not unmount %s, %s", realFilePathAndName.c_str(), PHYSFS_getLastError()); } mapmod = CheckInMap(realFilePathAndName.c_str(), "WZMap", "WZMap"); if (!mapmod) { mapmod = CheckInMap(realFilePathAndName.c_str(), "WZMap", "WZMap/multiplay"); } CurrentMap.MapName = realFileName->c_str(); CurrentMap.isMapMod = mapmod; WZ_Maps.push_back(CurrentMap); } return true; }
static unsigned int init_datafile(char *argv[]) { /* load main game datafile (usually a zip) into memory */ if (!PHYSFS_init(argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not init PhysFS\n"); return false; } PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(DATAPACKNAME, 1); al_set_standard_file_interface(); al_set_physfs_file_interface(); return true; }
void find_datadir() { std::string datadir; if (m_forced_datadir) { datadir = *m_forced_datadir; } else if (const char* env_datadir = getenv("SUPERTUX2_DATA_DIR")) { datadir = env_datadir; } else { // check if we run from source dir char* basepath_c = SDL_GetBasePath(); std::string basepath = basepath_c; SDL_free(basepath_c); // If we are on windows, the data directory is one directory above the binary #ifdef WIN32 const std::array<std::string, 2> subdirs = { "data", "../data" }; #else const std::array<std::string, 1> subdirs = { "data" }; #endif bool found = false; for (const std::string &subdir : subdirs) { datadir = FileSystem::join(basepath, subdir); if (FileSystem::exists(FileSystem::join(datadir, "credits.txt"))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // if the game is not run from the source directory, try to find // the global install location datadir = datadir.substr(0, datadir.rfind(INSTALL_SUBDIR_BIN)); datadir = FileSystem::join(datadir, INSTALL_SUBDIR_SHARE); } } if (!PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(datadir.c_str(), 1)) { log_warning << "Couldn't add '" << datadir << "' to physfs searchpath: " << PHYSFS_getLastError() << std::endl; } }
void App::scanForPK3() { logstream() << "Scanning for pk3s...\n"; #ifdef WIN32 _finddatai64_t fdata; base::String str(m_WorkingPath); str+="/*.pk3"; intptr_t handle=_findfirsti64(str.cstr(),&fdata); if (handle!=-1) { do { logstream() << "Found " << << "\n"; PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(,0); } while (_findnexti64(handle,&fdata)==0); _findclose(handle); } #else // POSIX #endif }
/**Initialize the PhysFS system * \return Nonzero on success. */ int Filesystem::Init( const char* argv0 ) { int retval; if ( (retval = PHYSFS_init(argv0)) == 0 ) LogMsg(ERR,"Error initializing PhysicsFS. Reason: %s\n",PHYSFS_getLastError()); if ( (retval = PHYSFS_setSaneConfig("games", "epiar", NULL, 0, 0 ) ) == 0 ) LogMsg(ERR,"Could not set sane paths for PhysFS: %s\n", PHYSFS_getLastError()); // Set up userDir if ( (retval = PHYSFS_mkdir("Resources/Definitions/") ) == 0 ) LogMsg(ERR,"Could not set up the user dir: %s\n", PHYSFS_getLastError()); #ifdef DATADIR // If using autotools, include this prefix to help binary find data files for cases where 'make install' was used if ( (retval = PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(DATADIR, 1)) == 0 ) LogMsg(INFO,"Not using DATADIR directory due to error, probably 'make install' not run yet. Reason: %s\n", PHYSFS_getLastError()); #endif /* DATADIR */ return retval; }