文件: pit.c 项目: MorS25/amcfc
void pit_init(uint8 pitno,uint32 timeout)
    SIM_SCGC6|=SIM_SCGC6_PIT_MASK;              //使能PIT时钟
    PIT_MCR&=~(PIT_MCR_MDIS_MASK);              //调试模式下禁止
    PIT_MCR|=PIT_MCR_FRZ_MASK;                  //使能PIT模块时钟
    PIT_LDVAL(pitno)=timeout;                   //设置周期
    PIT_TCTRL(pitno)|=PIT_TCTRL_TEN_MASK;       //使能pit模块运行
    PIT_TCTRL(pitno)&=~(PIT_TCTRL_TIE_MASK);    //关pit中断
*                             野火嵌入式開發工作室
*  函數名稱:pit_init
*  功能說明:PITn定時中斷
*  參數說明:PITn        模塊號(PIT0~PIT3)
             cnt         延時時間(單位為bus時鐘周期)
*  函數返回:無
*  修改時間:2012-1-24
*  備    注:
void pit_init(PITn pitn,u32 cnt)
    //PIT 用的是 Bus Clock 總線頻率
    //溢出計數 = 總線頻率 * 時間

    /* 開啟時鐘*/
    SIM_SCGC6       |=SIM_SCGC6_PIT_MASK;                             //使能PIT時鐘

    /* PIT模塊控制 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR) */
    PIT_MCR         &=~(PIT_MCR_MDIS_MASK | PIT_MCR_FRZ_MASK );       //使能PIT定時器時鐘 ,調試模式下繼續運行

    /* 定時器加載值設置 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVALn) */
    PIT_LDVAL(pitn)  =cnt;                                           //設置溢出中斷時間

    //定時時間到了後,TIF 置 1 。寫1的時候就會清0
    PIT_Flag_Clear(pitn);                                             //清中斷標志位

    /* 定時器控制寄存器 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL0) */
    PIT_TCTRL(pitn) |=( PIT_TCTRL_TEN_MASK | PIT_TCTRL_TIE_MASK );    //使能 PITn定時器,並開PITn中斷

    enable_irq(pitn+68);			                                  //開接收引腳的IRQ中斷
文件: pit.c 项目: pkaar/x-AHRS
 * void pit_init(uint32_t pit, uint32_t frq, uint32_t interrupt)
 * Description:
 *  Initialize specified periodic interrupt timer (PIT) with specified
 *  repetition frequency.
 * Parameters:
 *  pit             PIT channel to be initialized (PIT0, PIT1, PIT2, PIT3)
 *  frq             PIT repetition frequency in Hz
 *  interrupt       PIT interrupt generation (ENABLE_INT, DISABLE_INT)
 * Return:
 *  none
 * Example:
 *  pit_init(PIT0, 1000000, ENABLE_INT);
 *  Initialize PIT0 with a repetition frequency of 1000000 Hz. After the
 *  expiration of a period, PIT0 interrupt service routine calls PIT0 callback
 *  function.
 * Notes:
 *  PIT module is clocked by bus clock.
 * History:
 *  pka, 27/AUG/2014, removed automatic start of PIT module
 *  pka, 25/MAR/2014, initial code
void pit_init(uint32_t pit, uint32_t frq, uint32_t interrupt)
    /* Enable PIT module clock. */

    /* Enable PIT module. PIT_MCR[MDIS] bit MUST be enabled before any other
     * bit manipulation is done. */

    /* Set timer start value. The timer counts down until it reaches 0. When 0
     * is reached an interrupt will be generated. */
    PIT_LDVAL(pit) = PIT_CLK / frq - 1;

    /* Check if interrupts are enabled. */
    if (interrupt)
        /* Enable timer interrupt. */

        /* Enable PIT interrupt. */
文件: pit.c 项目: pkaar/x-AHRS
 * void pit_set(uint32_t pit, uint32_t frq)
 * Description:
 *  Set repetition frequency of specified periodic interrupt timer (PIT).
 * Parameters:
 *  pit             PIT channel to be set
 *  frq             PIT repetition frequency in Hz
 * Return:
 *  actual PIT repetition frequency
 * Example:
 *  pit0_frq = pit_set(PIT0, 1000000);
 *  Set PIT0 repetition frequency and get actual frequency value.
 * Notes:
 *  According to the specified PIT frequency the timer start value is
 *  calculated. The calculation of this start value contains a division. Since
 *  the start value is loaded to a 32-bit register this may cause rounding
 *  errors and subsequently a wrong PIT repetition frequency.
 * History:
 *  pka, 11/SEP/2014, initial code
void pit_set(uint32_t pit, uint32_t frq)
    /* Set timer start value. */
    PIT_LDVAL(pit) = PIT_CLK / frq - 1;