int32_t DRV_SPI_MasterEBMReceive8BitISR( struct DRV_SPI_DRIVER_OBJECT * pDrvInstance )
    register SPI_MODULE_ID spiId = pDrvInstance->spiId;
    register DRV_SPI_JOB_OBJECT * currentJob = pDrvInstance->currentJob;
    /* Figure out how many bytes are waiting to be received."*/
    uint8_t bufferBytes = PLIB_SPI_FIFOCountGet(spiId, SPI_FIFO_TYPE_RECEIVE);
    /* Calculate the maximum number of data bytes that can be received*/
    size_t dataUnits = MIN(currentJob->dataLeftToRx, bufferBytes);
    size_t counter;

    if (dataUnits != 0)
        bufferBytes -= dataUnits;
        currentJob->dataLeftToRx -= dataUnits;
        /* Set the buffer location to receive bytes from the SPI to*/
        uint8_t *bufferLoc = &(currentJob->rxBuffer[currentJob->dataRxed]);
        for (counter = 0; counter < dataUnits; counter++)
            /* Receive the data from the SPI */
            bufferLoc[counter] = PLIB_SPI_BufferRead(spiId);
        /* Adjust the amount of data that has been received */
        currentJob->dataRxed += dataUnits;
        /* Update the symbols in progress so we can send more units later */
        pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress -= dataUnits;
    /* Figure out the maximum number of dummy data to be received */
    size_t dummyUnits = MIN(currentJob->dummyLeftToRx, bufferBytes);
    if (dummyUnits != 0)
        /* Lower the number of dummy bytes to be received */
        currentJob->dummyLeftToRx -= dummyUnits;
        pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress -= dummyUnits;       
        for (counter = 0; counter < dummyUnits; counter++)
            /* Receive and throw away the byte.  Note: We cannot just clear the 
               buffer because we have to keep track of how many symbols/units we
               have received, and the number may have increased since we checked
               how full the buffer is.*/
    /* Figure out how many bytes are left to be received */
    size_t bytesLeft = currentJob->dataLeftToRx + currentJob->dummyLeftToRx;

    /* If the bytes left are smaller than the HW mark we have to change the interrupt mode */    
    if (bytesLeft < PLIB_SPI_RX_8BIT_HW_MARK(spiId))
    return 0;    
int32_t DRV_SPI_MasterEBMSend8BitISR( struct DRV_SPI_DRIVER_OBJECT * pDrvInstance )
    register SPI_MODULE_ID spiId = pDrvInstance->spiId;
    register DRV_SPI_JOB_OBJECT * currentJob = pDrvInstance->currentJob;
    /* Determine the maximum number of bytes we can send to the FIFO*/
        uint8_t symbolsInTransit = MAX(pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress, PLIB_SPI_FIFOCountGet(spiId, SPI_FIFO_TYPE_TRANSMIT));
        uint8_t bufferBytes = PLIB_SPI_TX_8BIT_FIFO_SIZE(spiId) - symbolsInTransit;
    /* Figure out how much data we can send*/
    size_t dataUnits = MIN(currentJob->dataLeftToTx, bufferBytes);
    size_t counter;
    if (dataUnits != 0)
        /* Adjust the maximum buffer size downwards based on how much data we'll be sending*/
        bufferBytes -= dataUnits;
        currentJob->dataLeftToTx -= dataUnits;
        /* Set the location in the buffer of where to start sending from*/
        uint8_t *bufferLoc = &(currentJob->txBuffer[currentJob->dataTxed]);
        for (counter = 0; counter < dataUnits; counter++)
            /* Send a unit/symbol of data*/
            PLIB_SPI_BufferWrite(spiId, bufferLoc[counter]);
        /* Update the number of bytes transmitted*/
        currentJob->dataTxed += dataUnits;
        /* Adjust the symbols in progress */
        pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress += dataUnits;
    size_t dummyUnits = MIN(currentJob->dummyLeftToTx, bufferBytes);
    if (dummyUnits != 0)
        currentJob->dummyLeftToTx -= dummyUnits;
        /* Adjust the symbols in progress */
        pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress += dummyUnits;
        for (counter = 0; counter < dummyUnits; counter++)
            PLIB_SPI_BufferWrite(spiId, 0xff);
    if (currentJob->dataLeftToTx + currentJob->dummyLeftToTx == 0)
        /* We have no more data to send, turn off the TX interrupt*/
        pDrvInstance->txEnabled = false;
        /* Turn on the RX Interrupt*/
        pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = true;
    return 0;
int32_t DRV_SPI_ISRMasterEBM8BitTasks ( struct DRV_SPI_DRIVER_OBJECT * pDrvInstance )    
    bool continueLoop;
    /* Disable the interrupts */
    do {
        DRV_SPI_JOB_OBJECT * currentJob = pDrvInstance->currentJob;
        SPI_MODULE_ID spiId = pDrvInstance->spiId;
        /* Check for a new task */
        if (pDrvInstance->currentJob == NULL)
            if (DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_Dequeue(pDrvInstance->queue, (void *)&(pDrvInstance->currentJob)) != DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_SUCCESS)
                SYS_ASSERT(false, "\r\nSPI Driver: Error in dequeing.");
                return 0;       
            if (pDrvInstance->currentJob == NULL)
                pDrvInstance->txEnabled = false;
                return 0;
            currentJob = pDrvInstance->currentJob;

            pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress = 0;

            /* Call the operation starting function pointer.  This can be used to modify the slave select lines */
            DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT * pClient = (DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT*)currentJob->pClient;
            if (pClient->operationStarting != NULL)
                (*pClient->operationStarting)(DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_PROCESSING, (DRV_SPI_BUFFER_HANDLE)currentJob, currentJob->context);
            /* Check the baud rate.  If its different set the new baud rate*/
            if (pClient->baudRate != pDrvInstance->currentBaudRate)
                PLIB_SPI_BaudRateSet( spiId , SYS_CLK_PeripheralFrequencyGet(pDrvInstance->spiClk), pClient->baudRate );
                pDrvInstance->currentBaudRate = pClient->baudRate;
            /* List the new job as processing*/
            currentJob->status = DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_PROCESSING;
            if (currentJob->dataLeftToTx +currentJob->dummyLeftToTx > PLIB_SPI_RX_8BIT_FIFO_SIZE(spiId))
            /* Flush out the Receive buffer */

        /* Set up DMA Receive job.  This is done here to ensure that the RX job is ready to receive when TXing starts*/
        if ((pDrvInstance->rxDmaThreshold != 0) && (currentJob->dataLeftToRx > pDrvInstance->rxDmaThreshold))
            uint8_t * ptr = &(currentJob->rxBuffer[currentJob->dataRxed]);
            uint32_t len = MIN(MIN(PLIB_DMA_MAX_TRF_SIZE, DRV_SPI_DMA_TXFER_SIZE), currentJob->dataLeftToRx);
            void * spiPtr = PLIB_SPI_BufferAddressGet(spiId);
            currentJob->rxDMAProgressStage = DRV_SPI_DMA_DATA_INPROGRESS;
            currentJob->dataLeftToRx -= len;
            currentJob->dataRxed += len;
            pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = false;
            SYS_DMA_ChannelTransferAdd(pDrvInstance->rxDmaChannelHandle, spiPtr, 1, ptr, len, 1);
        else if ((currentJob->rxDMAProgressStage == DRV_SPI_DMA_NONE) && (currentJob->dataLeftToRx == 0) && (pDrvInstance->rxDmaThreshold != 0) && (currentJob->dummyLeftToRx > pDrvInstance->rxDmaThreshold))
            uint8_t * ptr = sDrvSpiRxDummy;
            uint32_t len = MIN(MIN(MIN(PLIB_DMA_MAX_TRF_SIZE, DRV_SPI_DMA_DUMMY_BUFFER_SIZE), DRV_SPI_DMA_TXFER_SIZE), currentJob->dummyLeftToRx);
            void * spiPtr = PLIB_SPI_BufferAddressGet(spiId);
            currentJob->rxDMAProgressStage = DRV_SPI_DMA_DUMMY_INPROGRESS;
            currentJob->dummyLeftToRx -= len;
            pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = false;
            SYS_DMA_ChannelTransferAdd(pDrvInstance->rxDmaChannelHandle, spiPtr, 1, ptr, len, 1);
        /* Set up the DMA Transmit job here.  This is done after the RX job to help prevent buffer overruns.*/
        if ((pDrvInstance->txDmaThreshold != 0) && (currentJob->dataLeftToTx > pDrvInstance->txDmaThreshold))
            uint8_t * ptr = &(currentJob->txBuffer[currentJob->dataTxed]);
            uint32_t len = MIN(MIN(PLIB_DMA_MAX_TRF_SIZE, DRV_SPI_DMA_TXFER_SIZE), currentJob->dataLeftToTx);
            void * spiPtr = PLIB_SPI_BufferAddressGet(pDrvInstance->spiId);
            currentJob->txDMAProgressStage = DRV_SPI_DMA_DATA_INPROGRESS;
            currentJob->dataLeftToTx -= len;
            currentJob->dataTxed += len;
            pDrvInstance->txEnabled = false;
            SYS_DMA_ChannelTransferAdd(pDrvInstance->txDmaChannelHandle, ptr, len, spiPtr, 1, 1);

        else if ((currentJob->txDMAProgressStage == DRV_SPI_DMA_NONE) && (currentJob->dataLeftToTx == 0) && (pDrvInstance->txDmaThreshold != 0) && (currentJob->dummyLeftToTx > pDrvInstance->txDmaThreshold))
            uint8_t * ptr = sDrvSpiTxDummy;
            uint32_t len = MIN(MIN(MIN(PLIB_DMA_MAX_TRF_SIZE, DRV_SPI_DMA_DUMMY_BUFFER_SIZE), DRV_SPI_DMA_TXFER_SIZE), currentJob->dummyLeftToTx);
            void * spiPtr = PLIB_SPI_BufferAddressGet(pDrvInstance->spiId);
            currentJob->txDMAProgressStage = DRV_SPI_DMA_DUMMY_INPROGRESS;
            currentJob->dummyLeftToTx -= len;
            pDrvInstance->txEnabled = false;
            SYS_DMA_ChannelTransferAdd(pDrvInstance->txDmaChannelHandle, ptr, len, spiPtr, 1, 1);
        bool rxDMAInProgress = (currentJob->rxDMAProgressStage == DRV_SPI_DMA_DATA_INPROGRESS) || (currentJob->rxDMAProgressStage == DRV_SPI_DMA_DUMMY_INPROGRESS);
        bool txDMAInProgress = (currentJob->txDMAProgressStage == DRV_SPI_DMA_DATA_INPROGRESS) || (currentJob->txDMAProgressStage == DRV_SPI_DMA_DUMMY_INPROGRESS);
        continueLoop = false;
        /* Execute the sub tasks */

        /* Figure out how many bytes are left to be received */
        size_t bytesLeft = currentJob->dataLeftToRx + currentJob->dummyLeftToRx;
        // Check to see if we have any data left to receive and update the bytes left.

        if ((bytesLeft != 0) && !rxDMAInProgress)
            bytesLeft = currentJob->dataLeftToRx + currentJob->dummyLeftToRx;
            (!txDMAInProgress &&
            (currentJob->dataLeftToTx +currentJob->dummyLeftToTx != 0)
        if ((bytesLeft == 0) && !rxDMAInProgress && !txDMAInProgress)
                    // Disable the interrupt, or more correctly don't re-enable it later*/
                    pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = false;
                    /* Job is complete*/
                    currentJob->status = DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE;
                    /* Call the job complete call back*/
                    if (currentJob->completeCB != NULL)
                        (*currentJob->completeCB)(DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE, (DRV_SPI_BUFFER_HANDLE)currentJob, currentJob->context);
                    /* Call the operation complete call back.  This is different than the
                       job complete callback.  This can be used to modify the Slave Select line.
                       The job complete callback can be used to free a client that is blocked 
                       waiting for complete*/
                    DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT * pClient = (DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT*)currentJob->pClient;
                    if (pClient->operationEnded != NULL)
                        (*pClient->operationEnded)(DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE, (DRV_SPI_BUFFER_HANDLE)currentJob, currentJob->context);
                    /* Return the job back to the free queue*/
                    if (DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_FreeElement(pDrvInstance->queue, currentJob) != DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_SUCCESS)
                        SYS_ASSERT(false, "\r\nSPI Driver: Queue free element error.");
                        return 0;
                    /* Clean up */
                    pDrvInstance->currentJob = NULL;
                    if (!DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_IsEmpty(pDrvInstance->queue))
                        continueLoop = true;    
        else if (rxDMAInProgress)
            // DMA is in progress
            // Wipe out the symbols in Progress
            pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = false;
            pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress = 0;

        /* Check to see if the interrupts would fire again if so just go back into 
           the loop instead of suffering the interrupt latency of exiting and re-entering*/
        if (pDrvInstance->currentJob != NULL)
            /* Clear the Interrupts */
            /* Interrupts should immediately become active again if they're in a fired condition */
            if (((pDrvInstance->rxEnabled) && SYS_INT_SourceStatusGet(pDrvInstance->rxInterruptSource)) ||
                ((pDrvInstance->txEnabled) && SYS_INT_SourceStatusGet(pDrvInstance->txInterruptSource)) ||
                /* Interrupt would fire again anyway so we should just go back to the start*/
                continueLoop = true;
            /* If we're here then we know that the interrupt should not be firing again so we can exit cleanly*/
            /* Clear the interrupts now that we're done*/
            /* Re-enable the interrupts*/
            if (pDrvInstance->rxEnabled)
            if (pDrvInstance->txEnabled)
            return 0;            
    } while(continueLoop);
    /* if we're here it means that we have no more jobs in the queue, tx and rx interrupts will be re-enabled by the BufferAdd* functions*/
    return 0;
int32_t DRV_SPI_ISRSlaveEBM8BitTasks ( struct DRV_SPI_DRIVER_OBJECT * pDrvInstance )
    volatile bool continueLoop;
    do {
        continueLoop = false;
        DRV_SPI_JOB_OBJECT * currentJob = pDrvInstance->currentJob;
        SPI_MODULE_ID spiId = pDrvInstance->spiId;
        if (pDrvInstance->currentJob == NULL)
            if (DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_Dequeue(pDrvInstance->queue, (void *)&(pDrvInstance->currentJob)) != DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_SUCCESS)
                SYS_ASSERT(false, "\r\nSPI Driver: Error in dequeing.");
                return 0;       
            if (pDrvInstance->currentJob == NULL)
                pDrvInstance->txEnabled = false;
                return 0;
            currentJob = pDrvInstance->currentJob;
            pDrvInstance->symbolsInProgress = 0;

            /* Call the operation starting function pointer.  This can be used to modify the slave select lines */
            DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT * pClient = (DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT*)currentJob->pClient;
            if (pClient->operationStarting != NULL)
                (*pClient->operationStarting)(DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_PROCESSING, (DRV_SPI_BUFFER_HANDLE)currentJob, currentJob->context);
            /* List the new job as processing*/
            currentJob->status = DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_PROCESSING;
            if (currentJob->dataLeftToTx > PLIB_SPI_RX_8BIT_FIFO_SIZE(spiId))
            /* Flush out the Receive buffer */
        if (currentJob->dataLeftToRx + currentJob->dummyLeftToRx != 0)
        if (currentJob->dataLeftToTx != 0)
            pDrvInstance->txEnabled = false;
            pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = true;
        /* Check to see if the job is done */
        if (currentJob->dataLeftToRx + currentJob->dummyLeftToRx == 0)
            // Disable the interrupt, or more correctly don't re-enable it later*/
            pDrvInstance->rxEnabled = false;
            /* Job is complete*/
            currentJob->status = DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE;
            /* Call the job complete call back*/
            if (currentJob->completeCB != NULL)
                (*currentJob->completeCB)(DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE, (DRV_SPI_BUFFER_HANDLE)currentJob, currentJob->context);
            /* Call the operation complete call back.  This is different than the
               job complete callback.  This can be used to modify the Slave Select line.
               The job complete callback can be used to free a client that is blocked 
               waiting for complete*/
            DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT * pClient = (DRV_SPI_CLIENT_OBJECT*)currentJob->pClient;
            if (pClient->operationEnded != NULL)
                (*pClient->operationEnded)(DRV_SPI_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE, (DRV_SPI_BUFFER_HANDLE)currentJob, currentJob->context);
            /* Return the job back to the free queue*/
            if (DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_FreeElement(pDrvInstance->queue, currentJob) != DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_SUCCESS)
                SYS_ASSERT(false, "\r\nSPI Driver: Queue free element error.");
                return 0;
            /* Clean up */
            pDrvInstance->currentJob = NULL;
            if (!DRV_SPI_SYS_QUEUE_IsEmpty(pDrvInstance->queue))
                continueLoop = true;    

        /* Check to see if the interrupts would fire again if so just go back into 
           the loop instead of suffering the interrupt latency of exiting and re-entering*/
        if (pDrvInstance->currentJob != NULL)
            /* Clear the Interrupts */
            /* Interrupts should immediately become active again if they're in a fired condition */
            if ((SYS_INT_SourceStatusGet(pDrvInstance->rxInterruptSource)) ||
                /* Interrupt would fire again anyway so we should just go back to the start*/
                continueLoop = true;
            /* If we're here then we know that the interrupt should not be firing immediately so enable it and exit */

            return 0;            

    } while(continueLoop);
    return 0;