// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OSStatus DoPrint(WindowRef parentWindow, void *ourDataP)
    OSStatus status = noErr;
    PMPrintSettings printSettings = NULL;
    PMPageFormat pageFormat = NULL;

    UInt32 minPage = 1, maxPage;
    PMPrintSession printSession;
    status = PMCreateSession(&printSession);
    if(status == noErr){
	status = MySetupPageFormatForPrinting(printSession, ourDataP, &pageFormat);
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMCreatePrintSettings(&printSettings);
            if(status == noErr)
                status = PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(printSession, printSettings);
                if(status == noErr){
                    CFStringRef windowTitleRef;
                    status = CopyWindowTitleAsCFString(parentWindow, &windowTitleRef);
                    if(status == noErr)
                        // set the job name before displaying the print dialog
                        status = PMSetJobNameCFString (printSettings, windowTitleRef);
                        CFRelease (windowTitleRef);
            if (status == noErr)
                maxPage = MyGetDocumentNumPagesInDoc(ourDataP);
                status = PMSetPageRange(printSettings, minPage, maxPage);
            if (status == noErr)
                Boolean accepted;
                SetPrintSettingsOnPrivateData(ourDataP, printSettings);
                status = PMSessionUseSheets(printSession, parentWindow, gMyPrintDialogDoneProc);
                if(status == noErr)
                    status = PMSessionPrintDialog(printSession, printSettings, 
		// when using sheets, the value of 'accepted' returned here is irrelevant
		// since it is our sheet done proc that is called when the dialog is dismissed
        if(status != noErr){
            // if we got an error our dialog done proc will not be called so we need to clean up
                SetPrintSettingsOnPrivateData(ourDataP, NULL);
    DoErrorAlert(status, kMyPrintErrorFormatStrKey);
    return status;
void wxOSXPrintData::TransferFrom( const wxPrintDialogData* data )
    // Respect the value of m_printAllPages
    if ( data->GetAllPages() )
        PMSetPageRange( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetMinPage() , (UInt32) kPMPrintAllPages ) ;
        PMSetPageRange( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetMinPage() , data->GetMaxPage() ) ;
    PMSetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetNoCopies() , false ) ;
    PMSetFirstPage( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetFromPage() , false ) ;

    if (data->GetAllPages() || data->GetFromPage() == 0)
        PMSetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , (UInt32) kPMPrintAllPages, true ) ;
        PMSetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , (UInt32) data->GetToPage() , false ) ;
// (Borrowed from /Developer/Examples/Printing/App/)
static OSStatus DoPrintDialog(PMPrintSession printSession, PMPageFormat pageFormat, PMPrintSettings* printSettings)
    OSStatus	status = noErr;
    Boolean     accepted;
    UInt32      realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
    //	In this sample code the caller provides a valid PageFormat reference but in
    //	your application you may want to load and unflatten the PageFormat object
    //	that was saved at PageSetup time.  See LoadAndUnflattenPageFormat below.
    //	Set up a valid PrintSettings object.
    if (*printSettings == kPMNoPrintSettings)
        status = PMCreatePrintSettings(printSettings);	
        check(status == noErr);
        // Note that PMPrintSettings is not session-specific, but calling
        // PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings assigns values specific to the printer
        // associated with the current printing session.
        if ((status == noErr) && (*printSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings))
            status = PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(printSession, *printSettings);
        check(status == noErr);
        status = PMSessionValidatePrintSettings(printSession, *printSettings, kPMDontWantBoolean);
        check(status == noErr);
    // Before displaying the Print dialog, we calculate the number of pages in the
    // document.  On Mac OS X this is useful because we can prime the Print dialog
    // with the actual page range of the document and prevent the user from entering
    // out-of-range numbers.  This is not possible on Mac OS 8 and 9 because the driver,
    // not the printing manager, controls the page range fields in the Print dialog.

    // Calculate the number of pages required to print the entire document.
    if (status == noErr)
        status = DetermineNumberOfPagesInDoc(pageFormat, &realNumberOfPagesinDoc);

    // Set a valid page range before displaying the Print dialog
    if (status == noErr)
        status = PMSetPageRange(*printSettings, 1, realNumberOfPagesinDoc);
    check(status == noErr);

    //	Display the Print dialog.
    if (status == noErr)
        status = PMSessionPrintDialog(printSession, *printSettings, pageFormat, &accepted);
        check(status == noErr);
        if (status == noErr && !accepted)
            status = kPMCancel;		// user clicked Cancel button

    return status;
}   // DoPrintDialog
文件: printmac.cpp 项目: EdgarTx/wx
void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPrintDialogData* data )
    PMSetPageRange( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetMinPage() , data->GetMaxPage() ) ;
    PMSetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetNoCopies() , false ) ;
    PMSetFirstPage( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetFromPage() , false ) ;

    int toPage = data->GetToPage();
    if (toPage < 1)
        toPage = data->GetFromPage();
    PMSetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , toPage , false ) ;
文件: printmac.cpp 项目: EdgarTx/wx
void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPrintDialogData* data )
    PMSetPageRange( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetMinPage() , data->GetMaxPage() ) ;
    PMSetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetNoCopies() , false ) ;
    PMSetFirstPage( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetFromPage() , false ) ;

    if (data->GetAllPages() || data->GetFromPage() == 0)
        PMSetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , (UInt32) kPMPrintAllPages, true ) ;
        PMSetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , (UInt32) data->GetToPage() , false ) ;
QPrinter::prepare(PMPrintSettings *s)
  if (!psession && PMCreateSession(&psession) != noErr)
    return FALSE;
  if (*s == kPMNoPrintSettings) {
    if (PMCreatePrintSettings(s) != noErr)
      return FALSE;
    if (PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(psession, *s) != noErr)
      return FALSE;
  } else {
    if (PMSessionValidatePrintSettings(psession, *s, kPMDontWantBoolean) != noErr)
      return FALSE;
  if (minPage() != 0 || maxPage() != 0)
    PMSetPageRange(*s, minPage(), maxPage());
  if (d->printRange != AllPages) {
    PMSetFirstPage(*s, fromPage(), TRUE);
    PMSetLastPage(*s, toPage(), TRUE);
  PMSetColorMode(*s, colorMode() == GrayScale ? kPMGray : kPMColor);
  PMSetCopies(*s, numCopies(), TRUE);
  if (outputToFile()) {
    CFStringRef cfstring = qstring2cfstring(outputFileName());
    CFURLRef outFile = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, cfstring,
                                                     kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
    PMSessionSetDestination(psession, *s, kPMDestinationFile, kPMDocumentFormatPDF, outFile);

  QString printName = printerName();
  if (!printName.isEmpty()) {
    CFStringRef pname = qstring2cfstring(printName);
    PMSessionSetCurrentPrinter(psession, pname);
  return TRUE;
OSStatus DoJobPrintDialog(char * jobNameStr) 
	Boolean accepted = false;

	OSStatus  err = 0;
	UInt32 realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
	CFStringRef jobNameRef = 0;

    // Set the job name
	if(jobNameStr) {
		jobNameRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, jobNameStr,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
		if (jobNameRef){
			(void)PMSetJobNameCFString (gPrintSettings,jobNameRef);
			CFRelease (jobNameRef); jobNameRef = 0;

    // Calculate the number of pages required to print the entire document.
   //  err = DetermineNumberOfPagesInDoc(gPageFormat, &realNumberOfPagesinDoc);
	if(err) goto done;

    // Set a valid page range before displaying the Print dialog
    err = PMSetPageRange(gPrintSettings, 1, realNumberOfPagesinDoc);
	if(err) goto done;

    //	Display the Print dialog.
    err = PMSessionPrintDialog(gPrintSession, gPrintSettings, gPageFormat, &accepted);

	#pragma unused(jobNameStr)
	accepted = PrJobDialog(gPrRecHdl);

	if(!accepted) return -1;
	return noErr;
boolean shellprint (WindowPtr w, boolean fldialog) {

	9/5/90 dmb:  open and close print resources each time we're called.  also, 
	make sure we close each page opened, even when errors occur
	9/28/91 dmb: for exit of edit mode before printing
	4/24/92 dmb: make sure bJDocLoop is bSpoolLoop before calling PrPicFile, as 
	per IM II-155.  otherwise, we can get bogus PrErrors

	OSStatus 		theErr;
	boolean			accepted;

	//remember that this is a grafport, TPPrPort isn't
	//but this should work because all the code that
	//messes with printing uses a grafport. 

	// CGrafPtr			printport;
		minPage = 1,
		maxPage = 9999;

	SInt32	firstPage = 1;
	SInt32	lastPage = 9999;

	short i;
	boolean fl = false;
	if (w == nil) /*defensive driving*/
		return (false);

	if (!carbonValidSession())
	fl = false; /*until sucessfull print, this is return value*/
	/*fills in fields of printinfo record*/
	(*shellglobals.setprintinfoproutine) ();

	//this only counts the number of pages.
	maxPage = shellprintinfo.ctpages;
	//set the page range
	theErr = PMSetPageRange(shellprintinfo.printsettings, minPage, maxPage);
	if(theErr != noErr){
		goto exit;

	//finally display the dialog
	if (fldialog)
		theErr = PMSessionPrintDialog(

		//either the user canceled or their was some other error.
		//don't print
		if (!accepted || (theErr != noErr)){
			goto exit;

	setcursortype (cursoriswatch);

	shellupdateallnow (); /*update all windows that were dirtied by the print dialog*/

	shellpushglobals (w);

	(*shellglobals.settextmoderoutine) (false); /*make sure editing changes are accepted*/

	pushport (nil); /*save current port on stack*/

	//Code change by Timothy Paustian Friday, June 16, 2000 4:19:04 PM
	//Changed to Opaque call for Carbon
	//I will have to watch out for this,
	//to save the port I need to use..
	//PMSessionGetGraphicsContext (
	//This does not return the printport, but TPrPort gPort field
	//I think I can get away with this because the only function that uses
	//it is pgInitDevice and that assumes you are passing a port.
	//It is OK in the old code because the first item in the struct is a port

	//we have to call this first before we can get the graphics context
	theErr = PMSessionBeginDocument(

	if(theErr != noErr)
		goto exit;

	/*prepares for printing*/
	(*shellglobals.beginprintroutine) ();

	/*fills in fields of printinfo record*/
	// (*shellglobals.setprintinfoproutine) ();
	//this only counts the number of pages.
	//limit this to the number of pages the user asked for. 

	theErr = PMGetFirstPage(shellprintinfo.printsettings, (UInt32 *) (&firstPage));
	if (theErr == noErr)
		theErr = PMGetLastPage(shellprintinfo.printsettings, (UInt32 *) (&lastPage));

	//sanity checks
	if(theErr != noErr)
		goto exit;

	if(lastPage > shellprintinfo.ctpages)
		lastPage = shellprintinfo.ctpages;

	for (i = 1; i <= lastPage; i++) { /*print one page*/

		theErr = PMSessionBeginPage(

		if (theErr != noErr)
		//now set the graphics context.
		//in carbon we have to set up the port each time
		//to make sure it is in the printer port. Since other things can be going on
		//during the printing, the port may have changed.
			GrafPtr thePort, oldPort;


			//the second parameter is currently ignored.
			theErr = PMSessionGetGraphicsContext(
									(void **) &thePort);

			shellprintinfo.printport = thePort;


			// Draw the page
			SetFractEnable (true);

			fl = (*shellglobals.printroutine) (i);

			//reset back to the old port.

		theErr = PMSessionEndPage(shellprintinfo.printhandle);

		if (!fl)

		if (keyboardescape ())
			theErr = PMSessionSetError(shellprintinfo.printhandle, iPrAbort);
	} /*for*/

	theErr = PMSessionEndDocument(shellprintinfo.printhandle);

	if(theErr !=  noErr)
		goto exit;

	//everything worked and printing is done. so set fl to true.
	fl = true;

	//the PrPicFile is not supported in carbon.

	popport ();

	(*shellglobals.endprintroutine) ();

	shellpopglobals ();


//	PMRelease(shellprintinfo.printhandle);
//	PMRelease(pageformat);
//	PMRelease(printsettings);

	currentprintport = NULL;

	return (fl);

	} /*shellprint*/
	Function:	DoPrintDialog
		If the caller passes an empty PrintSettings object, DoPrintDialog creates
		a new one, otherwise it validates the one provided by the caller.
		It then invokes the Print dialog and checks for Cancel.
		Note that the PrintSettings object is modified by this function.
OSStatus 	DoPrintDialog(PrintingLogicPtr printJob)
	OSStatus	status = noErr;
	Boolean		accepted;
	UInt32		realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
	//	In this sample code the caller provides a valid PageFormat reference but in
	//	your application you may want to load and unflatten the PageFormat object
	//	that was saved at PageSetup time.  See LoadAndUnflattenPageFormat below.
	//	Set up a valid PrintSettings object.
	if (printJob->printSettings == kPMNoPrintSettings)
            status = PMCreatePrintSettings(&printJob->printSettings);	

            //	Note that PMPrintSettings is not session-specific, but calling
            //	PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings assigns values specific to the printer
            //	associated with the current printing session.
            if ((status == noErr) && (printJob->printSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings))
                status = PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(printJob->printSession, printJob->printSettings);
            status = PMSessionValidatePrintSettings(printJob->printSession, printJob->printSettings, kPMDontWantBoolean);
	//	Before displaying the Print dialog, we calculate the number of pages in the
	//	document.  On Mac OS X this is useful because we can prime the Print dialog
	//	with the actual page range of the document and prevent the user from entering
	//	out-of-range numbers.  This is not possible on Mac OS 8 and 9 because the driver,
	//	not the printing manager, controls the page range fields in the Print dialog.

	//	Calculate the number of pages required to print the entire document.
	if (status == noErr)
            status = DetermineNumberOfPagesInDoc(&realNumberOfPagesinDoc,printJob);

	//	Set a valid page range before displaying the Print dialog
	if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetPageRange(printJob->printSettings, 1, realNumberOfPagesinDoc);

	//	Display the Print dialog.
	if (status == noErr)
            void * giLocker;
            giLocker = interpreterProxy->ioLoadFunctionFrom("getUIToLock", "");
            if (giLocker != 0) {
                long *foo;
                foo = malloc(sizeof(long)*7);
                foo[0] = 4;
                foo[1] =  (long)PMSessionPrintDialog;
                foo[2] =  (long)printJob->printSession;
                foo[3] =  (long)printJob->printSettings;
                foo[4] =  (long)printJob->pageFormat;
                foo[5] =  (long)&accepted;
                foo[6] = 0;
                ((int (*) (void *)) giLocker)(foo);
                status = foo[6];
            } else
                status = PMSessionPrintDialog(printJob->printSession, printJob->printSettings,
                        printJob->pageFormat, &accepted);
            if (status == noErr && !accepted)
                status = kPMCancel;		// user clicked Cancel button
	return status;
}	//	DoPrintDialog
int ioPrintPreProcessing(PrintingLogicPtr printJob,int numberOfPages) {
    OSStatus		status = noErr;
    UInt32	realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
    //	Display the Print dialog.
    if (printJob->printSession == NULL) 
        return -1;
    printJob->numberOfPages = numberOfPages;
    printJob->allowPostscript = false;
    status = DoPrintDialog(printJob);
    if (status == noErr) {
	    //issues with os 9 don't do CFStringRef	jobName = CFSTR("Squeak");
        //issues with os 9 don't do status = PMSetJobNameCFString(printJob->printSettings, jobName);
        //	Get the user's Print dialog selection for first and last pages to print.
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMGetFirstPage(printJob->printSettings, &printJob->firstPage);
            if (status == noErr)
                status = PMGetLastPage(printJob->printSettings, &printJob->lastPage);
        //	Check that the selected page range does not exceed the actual number of
        //	pages in the document.
        if (status == noErr)
            status = DetermineNumberOfPagesInDoc(&realNumberOfPagesinDoc,printJob);
            if (realNumberOfPagesinDoc < printJob->lastPage)
                printJob->lastPage = realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
        //	Before executing the print loop, tell the Carbon Printing Manager which pages
        //	will be spooled so that the progress dialog can reflect an accurate page count.
        //	This is recommended on Mac OS X.  On Mac OS 8 and 9, we have no control over
        //	what the printer driver displays.
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetFirstPage(printJob->printSettings, printJob->firstPage, false);
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetLastPage(printJob->printSettings, printJob->lastPage, false);
	if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetPageRange(printJob->printSettings, 1, printJob->lastPage-printJob->firstPage+1);
        //	Check if we can add PostScript to the spool file
        if (status == noErr) { 
			CFStringRef         strings[1];
			CFArrayRef          ourGraphicsContextsArray;
			OSErr               err = noErr;
            printJob->allowPostscript = true;   //IncludePostScriptInSpoolFile(printJob);
			//    at this point you've already created a print session
			strings[0] = kPMGraphicsContextCoreGraphics; // This is important!
			ourGraphicsContextsArray = CFArrayCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault,
								(const void **)strings,
								1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
			if (ourGraphicsContextsArray != NULL) {
					err = PMSessionSetDocumentFormatGeneration (printJob->printSession,
									ourGraphicsContextsArray, NULL);
					CFRelease (ourGraphicsContextsArray);
        //	Begin a new print job.
        status = PMSessionBeginDocument(printJob->printSession, printJob->printSettings, printJob->pageFormat);

    return status;
OSStatus MakePDFDocument(WindowRef parentWindow, void *documentDataP, CFURLRef saveURL)
#pragma unused (parentWindow)
    OSStatus err = noErr, tempErr;
    PMPrintSettings printSettings = NULL;
    PMPrintSession printSession;
    err = PMCreateSession(&printSession);
    if(err == noErr){
	// validate the page format we're going to use
	err = PMSessionValidatePageFormat(printSession, 
        if (err == noErr)
            err = PMCreatePrintSettings(&printSettings);
            if(err == noErr)
                err = PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(printSession, printSettings);
                if(err == noErr){
                    CFStringRef myDocumentNameRef;
                    err = CopyDocumentName(documentDataP, &myDocumentNameRef);
                    if(err == noErr)
                        // set the job name
                        err = PMSetJobNameCFString (printSettings, myDocumentNameRef);
                        CFRelease(myDocumentNameRef);	// release our reference to the document name

                if (err == noErr)
                    err = PMSetPageRange(printSettings, 1, MyGetDocumentNumPagesInDoc(documentDataP));
                // set our destination to be our target URL and the format to be PDF
                if(err == noErr){
                    // this API exists ONLY in MacOS X 10.1 and later only
                        err = Call_PMSessionSetDestination(printSession, printSettings,
                                    kPMDestinationFile, kPMDocumentFormatPDF, 
                    It looks a bit odd to call PMSessionUseSheets when we aren't even
                    using the print dialog BUT the reason we are doing so is so that
                    the printing status narration will use sheets and not a modal
                    dialog. NOTE: this is only called when this code is built with
                    !NO_SAVE_STATUS_DIALOG is true, i.e. we want status narration
                    of the save to PDF process.
                if(err == noErr){
                    err = PMSessionUseSheets(printSession, parentWindow, NULL);             

            if (err == noErr)
                err = MyDoPrintLoop(printSession, 
            tempErr = PMRelease(printSettings);
            if(err == noErr)
                err = tempErr;

        tempErr = PMRelease(printSession);    
        if(err == noErr)
            err = tempErr;
    DoErrorAlert(err, kMySaveAsPDFErrorFormatStrKey);
    return err;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OSStatus DoPrint(WindowRef parentWindow, void *documentDataP, Boolean printOne)
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    PMPrintSettings printSettings = NULL;

    UInt32 minPage = 1, maxPage;
    PMPrintSession printSession;
    err = PMCreateSession(&printSession);
    if(err == noErr){
	// validate the page format we're going to use
	err = PMSessionValidatePageFormat(printSession, 
        if (err == noErr)
            err = PMCreatePrintSettings(&printSettings);
            if(err == noErr)
                err = PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings(printSession, printSettings);
                if(err == noErr){
                    CFStringRef myDocumentNameRef;
                    err = CopyDocumentName(documentDataP, &myDocumentNameRef);
                    if(err == noErr)
                        // set the job name before displaying the print dialog
                        err = PMSetJobNameCFString (printSettings, myDocumentNameRef);
                        CFRelease(myDocumentNameRef);	// release our reference to the document name
            if (err == noErr)
                    On Mac OS X, calling PMSetPageRange has the following benefits:
                    (a) sets the From/To settings in the print dialog to the range of pages 
                        in the document 
                    (b) the print dialog code enforces this so that users can't enter 
                        values outside this range.
                maxPage = MyGetDocumentNumPagesInDoc(documentDataP);
                err = PMSetPageRange(printSettings, minPage, maxPage);

            if (err == noErr)
                Boolean accepted;
                static PMSheetDoneUPP myPrintDialogDoneProc = NULL;
                    myPrintDialogDoneProc = NewPMSheetDoneUPP(MyPrintDialogDoneProc);
                        err = memFullErr;

                    Boolean sheetsAreAvailable = true;
                    err = SetPrintSettingsOnPrivateData(documentDataP, printSettings);
                        err = PMSessionUseSheets(printSession, parentWindow, myPrintDialogDoneProc);
                        if(err == kPMNotImplemented){
                            // we get here if sheets are not available, i.e. Mac OS 8/9
                            err = noErr;
                            sheetsAreAvailable = false;
                        if(err == noErr && !printOne){
                            err = PMSessionPrintDialog(printSession, printSettings, 
                            /*  when using sheets, the value of 'accepted' returned here is irrelevant
                                since it is our sheet done proc that is called when the dialog is dismissed.
                                Our dialog done proc will be called when the sheet is dismissed.
                                If sheets are NOT implemented then WE call our DialogDone proc here 
                                to complete the dialog.
                            if(err == noErr && !sheetsAreAvailable)
                                MyPrintDialogDoneProc(printSession, parentWindow, accepted);
                            // if we are doing print one we have no dialog, therefore
                            // we have to call our dialog done proc since there is no
                            // dialog to do so for us
                            if(err == noErr)
                                MyPrintDialogDoneProc(printSession, parentWindow, true);
	// need to release the print settings this function created.
            OSStatus tempErr = PMRelease(printSettings);
            if(err == noErr)
                err = tempErr;
	    printSettings = NULL;
        if(err != noErr){
            /* normally the printSettings set in the Private Data and printSession would be released 
		by our dialog done proc but if we got an error and therefore got to this point in our code, 
		the dialog done proc was NOT called and therefore we need to release the
		printSession here
                // this releases any print settings already stored on our private data
                (void)SetPrintSettingsOnPrivateData(documentDataP, NULL);
            (void)PMRelease(printSession);   // ignoring error since we already have one 
    DoErrorAlert(err, kMyPrintErrorFormatStrKey);
    return err;
int QPrintDialog::exec()
    QMacBlockingFunction func;
    Boolean result;

    // If someone is reusing a QPrinter object, the end released all our old
    // information. In this case, we must reinitialize.
    if (d->ep->session == 0)

    // Carbon's documentation lies.
    // It seems the only way that Carbon lets you use all is if the minimum
    // for the page range is 1. This _kind of_ makes sense if you think about
    // it. However, calling _q_setFirstPage or _q_setLastPage always enforces the range.
    PMSetPageRange(d->ep->settings, minPage(), maxPage());
    if (printRange() == PageRange) {
        PMSetFirstPage(d->ep->settings, fromPage(), false);
        PMSetLastPage(d->ep->settings, toPage(), false);
    { //simulate modality
	QWidget modal_widg(0, Qt::Window);
        modal_widg.setObjectName(QLatin1String(__FILE__ "__modal_dlg"));
        PMSessionPrintDialog(d->ep->session, d->ep->settings, d->ep->format, &result);
    if (result) {
        UInt32 frompage, topage;
        PMGetFirstPage(d->ep->settings, &frompage);
        PMGetLastPage(d->ep->settings, &topage);
        topage = qMin(UInt32(INT_MAX), topage);
        setFromTo(frompage, topage);

        // OK, I need to map these values back let's see
        // If from is 1 and to is INT_MAX, then print it all
        // (Apologies to the folks with more than INT_MAX pages)
        // ...that's a joke.
        if (fromPage() == 1 && toPage() == INT_MAX) {
        } else {
            setPrintRange(PageRange); // In a way a lie, but it shouldn't hurt.
            // Carbon hands us back a very large number here even for ALL, set it to max
            // in that case to follow the behavior of the other print dialogs.
            if (maxPage() < toPage())
                setFromTo(fromPage(), maxPage());
        // Keep us in sync with file output
        PMDestinationType dest;
        PMSessionGetDestinationType(d->ep->session, d->ep->settings, &dest);
        if (dest == kPMDestinationFile) {
            QCFType<CFURLRef> file;
            PMSessionCopyDestinationLocation(d->ep->session, d->ep->settings, &file);
            UInt8 localFile[2048];  // Assuming there's a POSIX file system here.
            CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(file, true, localFile, sizeof(localFile));
                = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(localFile));
    return result;