int CMNet::GetFactors( int numberOfNodes, const int *nodes, pFactorVector *params ) const { // the function is to find all the factors which are set on // the domains which contain "nodes" as a subset // bad-args check PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER( numberOfNodes, 1 ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(nodes); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(params); // bad-args check end params->clear(); int numOfClqs; const int *clqsNums; GetClqsNumsForNode( *nodes, &numOfClqs, &clqsNums ); assert( numOfClqs > 0 ); intVector factsNums( clqsNums, clqsNums + numOfClqs ); const int *ndsIt = nodes + 1, *nds_end = nodes + numberOfNodes; for( ; ndsIt != nds_end; ++ndsIt ) { GetClqsNumsForNode( *ndsIt, &numOfClqs, &clqsNums ); intVector::iterator factsNumsIt = factsNums.end() - 1; intVector::const_iterator factsNums_before_begin = factsNums.begin() - 1; for( ; factsNumsIt != factsNums_before_begin; --factsNumsIt ) { if( std::find( clqsNums, clqsNums + numOfClqs, *factsNumsIt ) == clqsNums + numOfClqs ) { factsNums.erase(factsNumsIt); } if( factsNums.empty() ) { return 0; } } } intVector::const_iterator factsNumsIt = factsNums.begin(), factsNums_end = factsNums.end(); for( ; factsNumsIt != factsNums_end; ++factsNumsIt ) { params->push_back(GetFactor(*factsNumsIt)); } return 1; }
CSoftMaxCPD* CSoftMaxCPD::Create(const int *domain, int nNodes, CModelDomain* pMD) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(domain); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pMD); PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER(nNodes, 1); int i; int NumContPar = 0; for(i = 0; i<nNodes; i++) { if (!pMD->GetVariableType(domain[i])->IsDiscrete()) { NumContPar++; } } if(NumContPar == 0 ) { PNL_THROW(CInconsistentType, "SoftMax node does not have continuous parents"); } CSoftMaxCPD *pNewParam = new CSoftMaxCPD(domain, nNodes, pMD); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED(pNewParam); return pNewParam; }
PNL_USING PNL_BEGIN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //float C2DNumericDenseMatrix C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float> *C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>::Create( const int *lineSizes, const float *data, int Clamp ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( lineSizes ); PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER( Clamp, 0 ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( data ); int i = 0; for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if( lineSizes[i] < 0 ) { PNL_THROW( COutOfRange, "range is negative" ) } } PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( data ); C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float> *pxMatrix = new C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>( 2, lineSizes, data, (Clamp>0)); return pxMatrix; }
CGaussianCPD* CGaussianCPD::Create( const int *domain, int nNodes, CModelDomain* pMD ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( domain ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pMD ); PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER( nNodes, 1 ); CGaussianCPD *pNewParam = new CGaussianCPD( domain, nNodes, pMD); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED( pNewParam ); return pNewParam; }
CMNet* CMNet::ConvertFromBNetUsingEvidence( const CBNet *pBNet, const CEvidence *pEvidence ) { /* bad-args check */ PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pBNet); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pEvidence); /* bad-args check end */ CMNet *pMNet = new CMNet( pBNet, pEvidence ); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED(pMNet); return pMNet; }
int CMRF2::GetFactors( int numberOfNodes, const int *nodes, pFactorVector *params ) const { /* bad-args check */ PNL_CHECK_RANGES( numberOfNodes, 1, 2 ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(nodes); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(params); /* bad-args check end */ params->clear(); int numOfClqsFrstNode; const int *clqsFrstNode; GetClqsNumsForNode( *nodes, &numOfClqsFrstNode, &clqsFrstNode ); if( numberOfNodes == 1 ) { const int *clqsIt = clqsFrstNode, *clqs_end = clqsFrstNode + numOfClqsFrstNode; for( ; clqs_end - clqsIt; ++clqsIt ) { params->push_back(GetFactor(*clqsIt)); } } else { int numOfClqsScndNode; const int *clqsScndNode; GetClqsNumsForNode( *(nodes + 1), &numOfClqsScndNode, &clqsScndNode ); const int *pClqNum = std::find_first_of( clqsFrstNode, clqsFrstNode + numOfClqsFrstNode, clqsScndNode, clqsScndNode + numOfClqsScndNode ); if( pClqNum == clqsFrstNode + numOfClqsFrstNode ) { return 0; } params->push_back(GetFactor(*pClqNum)); } assert( params->size() != 0 ); return 1; }
void CBKInfEngine::ForwardFirst(const CEvidence *pEvidence, int maximize ) { PNL_CHECK_FOR_NON_ZERO(GetTime()); m_JTreeInfIter = m_CRingJtreeInf.begin(); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(*m_JTreeInfIter); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pEvidence); (*m_JTreeInfIter)->ShrinkObserved( pEvidence, maximize ); (*m_JTreeInfIter)->CollectEvidence(); m_CurrentTime++; }
void CGaussianCPD::AllocDistribution(const float* pMean, const float* pCov, float normCoeff, const float* const* pWeights, const int* parentCombination ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pMean ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pCov ); if( m_CorrespDistribFun->GetDistributionType() == dtGaussian ) { SetCoefficient( normCoeff, 0 ); AllocMatrix( pMean, matMean ); AllocMatrix( pCov, matCovariance ); if( pWeights ) { int numParents = m_Domain.size() - 1; for( int i = 0; i < numParents; i++ ) { if( pWeights[i] ) { m_CorrespDistribFun->AllocMatrix( pWeights[i], matWeights, i ); } } } } else { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( parentCombination ); SetCoefficient( normCoeff, parentCombination ); AllocMatrix( pMean, matMean, -1, parentCombination ); AllocMatrix( pCov, matCovariance, -1, parentCombination ); if( pWeights ) { intVector contParentsIndex; static_cast<CCondGaussianDistribFun*>(m_CorrespDistribFun)-> GetContinuousParentsIndices(&contParentsIndex); int numParents = contParentsIndex.size(); for( int i = 0; i < numParents; i++ ) { if( pWeights[i] ) { m_CorrespDistribFun->AllocMatrix( pWeights[i], matWeights, i, parentCombination ); } } } } }
void CLWSamplingInfEngine:: EnterEvidenceProbability( floatVecVector *pEvidenceProbIn ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pEvidenceProbIn); int i, j; float w; int iSamples = pEvidenceProbIn->size(); int iSampleSize = m_currentEvVec.size(); if(iSamples != iSampleSize) return; for( i = 0; i < iSamples; i++) { w = 1; for( j = 0; j < pEvidenceProbIn[i].size(); j++) { w = w * (*pEvidenceProbIn)[i][j]; } m_particleWeight[i] = w; } NormalizeWeight(); }
void CLWSamplingInfEngine:: EnterEvidence( const CEvidence *pEvidenceIn , int maximize , int sumOnMixtureNode ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pEvidenceIn); LWSampling(pEvidenceIn); // Given evidencs, calculate particle weight by CPD float w; int iSampleSize = m_currentEvVec.size(); const int* ObsNodes = pEvidenceIn->GetAllObsNodes(); int NumberObsNodes = pEvidenceIn->GetNumberObsNodes(); int i, j; for( i = 0; i < iSampleSize; i++) { w = 0; for( j = 0; j < NumberObsNodes; j++) { if(pEvidenceIn->IsNodeObserved(ObsNodes[j])) { CFactor* pFactor = m_pGraphicalModel->GetFactor(ObsNodes[j]); w = w + pFactor->GetLogLik( m_currentEvVec[i]); } } m_particleWeight[i] = (float)exp(w); } NormalizeWeight(); }
void CGraphPersistence::Save(CPNLBase *pObj, CContextSave *pContext) { CGraph *pG = dynamic_cast<CGraph*>(pObj); std::stringstream buf; PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pG); int nNode = pG->GetNumberOfNodes(); intVector neig; neighborTypeVector neigType; pContext->AddAttribute("SavingType", "ByEdges"); { char buf2[12]; sprintf(buf2, "%i", nNode); pContext->AddAttribute("NumberOfNodes", buf2); } for(int i = 0; i < nNode; ++i) { pG->GetNeighbors(i, &neig, &neigType); buf << i << ":"; for(int j = neig.size(); --j >= 0;) { buf << neig[j] << "_(" << neighTypeSymbols[neigType[j]] << ") "; } buf << '\n'; } pContext->AddText(buf.str().c_str()); }
CJtreeInfEngine* CJtreeInfEngine::Create( const CStaticGraphicalModel *pGraphicalModel, CJunctionTree *pJTree) { /* bad-args check */ PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pGraphicalModel); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pJTree); /* bad-args check end */ CJtreeInfEngine *pJTreeInfEngine = new CJtreeInfEngine( pGraphicalModel, pJTree ); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED(pJTreeInfEngine); return pJTreeInfEngine; }
void CMNet::ConstructClqsFromBNetsFamiliesAndInternalGraph(const CBNet *pBNet) { // bad-args check PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pBNet); // bad-args check end }
inline void CReferenceCounter::Release(void* pObject) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pObject); omp_set_lock(&m_release_lock); std::list<void*>::iterator location = std::find( m_refList.begin(), m_refList.end(), pObject ); assert( location != m_refList.end() ); while( location != m_refList.end() ) { location = std::find( m_refList.erase(location), m_refList.end(), pObject ); } if( m_refList.empty() ) { omp_unset_lock(&m_release_lock); delete this; } else { omp_unset_lock(&m_release_lock); }; }
void CFactor::SetStatistics( const CMatrix<float> *pMat, EStatisticalMatrix matrix, const int* parentsComb) { CDistribFun *pDistr = GetDistribFun(); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pDistr); pDistr->SetStatistics( pMat, matrix, parentsComb ); }
void CGaussianCPD::UpdateStatisticsEM( const CPotential *pMargPot, const CEvidence *pEvidence ) { if( !pMargPot ) { PNL_THROW( CNULLPointer, "evidences" )//no corresp evidences } intVector obsPos; pMargPot->GetObsPositions(&obsPos); if( obsPos.size() && (this->GetDistribFun()->GetDistributionType() != dtCondGaussian) ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pEvidence); CPotential *pExpandPot = pMargPot->ExpandObservedNodes(pEvidence, 0); m_CorrespDistribFun->UpdateStatisticsEM(pExpandPot->GetDistribFun(), pEvidence, 1.0f, &m_Domain.front()); delete pExpandPot; } else { m_CorrespDistribFun->UpdateStatisticsEM( pMargPot->GetDistribFun(), pEvidence, 1.0f, &m_Domain.front() ); } }
PNL_USING CStaticStructLearnSEM::CStaticStructLearnSEM( CBNet* pBNet, ELearningTypes LearnType, int nMaxFanIn, intVector* vAncestor, intVector* vDescent ): CStaticLearningEngine( pBNet, LearnType ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pBNet); int i; m_nMaxFanIn = nMaxFanIn; m_nNodes = pBNet->GetNumberOfNodes(); if(vAncestor) m_vAncestor.assign(vAncestor->begin(), vAncestor->end()); if(vDescent) m_vDescent.assign(vDescent->begin(), vDescent->end()); m_pCurrBNet = pBNet->Copy(pBNet); m_vGlobalRenaming.assign(m_nNodes, 0); for(i=0; i<m_nNodes; i++) { m_vGlobalRenaming[i] = i; } m_IterEM = 8; m_maxLoop = 50; m_minProgress = (float)1e-3; }
CBKInfEngine* CBKInfEngine:: Create(const CDynamicGraphicalModel *pGrModel, intVecVector& clusters) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pGrModel); std::string description; if( !pGrModel->IsValid( &description )) { PNL_THROW( CBadArg, description ); } if( pGrModel->GetModelType() != mtDBN ) { PNL_THROW( CInconsistentType, " input model is invalid " ); } intVector interfNds; pGrModel->GetInterfaceNodes( &interfNds ); if( !CheckClustersValidity(clusters, interfNds) ) { PNL_THROW( CBadArg, " clusters are invalid " ); } return new CBKInfEngine(pGrModel, clusters); }
void CSoftMaxCPD::AllocDistribution(const float* pWeights, const float* pOffsets, const int* parentCombination) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pWeights); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pOffsets); //////////////////////////////////////////////// const CNodeType *nt; nt = GetModelDomain()->GetVariableType( m_Domain[m_Domain.size()-1] ); int SoftMaxSize = nt->GetNodeSize(); if (SoftMaxSize == 2) { int matSize = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < m_Domain.size(); i++) { nt = GetModelDomain()->GetVariableType( m_Domain[i] ); if(!(nt->IsDiscrete())) { matSize ++; } } //matSize = matSize; for (i = 0; i < 2*matSize-1; i+=2) { if (pWeights[i] - pWeights[i+1] == 0) PNL_THROW(CNotImplemented, "sigmoid must have distinct weights"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// if (m_CorrespDistribFun->GetDistributionType() == dtSoftMax) { AllocMatrix(pWeights, matWeights); static_cast<CSoftMaxDistribFun*>(m_CorrespDistribFun)-> AllocOffsetVector(pOffsets); } else { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(parentCombination); AllocMatrix(pWeights, matWeights, -1, parentCombination); static_cast<CCondSoftMaxDistribFun*>(m_CorrespDistribFun)-> AllocOffsetVector(pOffsets, parentCombination); } }
inline void CReferenceCounter::AddRef(void* pObject) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pObject); omp_set_lock(&m_release_lock); m_refList.push_back(pObject); omp_unset_lock(&m_release_lock); }
CTreeCPD* CTreeCPD::Copy( const CTreeCPD* pTreeCPD ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pTreeCPD ); CTreeCPD *retCPD = new CTreeCPD( *pTreeCPD ); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED( retCPD ); return retCPD; }
PNL_USING void CGraphicalModel::GetNodeTypes(nodeTypeVector* nodeTypesOut) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(nodeTypesOut); m_pMD->GetVariableTypes(nodeTypesOut); };
CGaussianCPD* CGaussianCPD::Copy( const CGaussianCPD* pGauCPD ) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pGauCPD ); CGaussianCPD *retCPD = new CGaussianCPD( *pGauCPD ); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED( retCPD ); return retCPD; }
CGaussianCPD* CGaussianCPD::CreateUnitFunctionCPD(const int *domain, int nNodes, CModelDomain* pMD) { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( domain ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pMD ); PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER( nNodes, 1 ); CGaussianCPD* resCPD = new CGaussianCPD( domain, nNodes, pMD ); intVector dom = intVector( domain, domain + nNodes ); pConstNodeTypeVector ntVec; pMD->GetVariableTypes( dom, &ntVec ); CGaussianDistribFun* UniData = CGaussianDistribFun::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution( nNodes, &ntVec.front(), 0, 0); delete (resCPD->m_CorrespDistribFun); resCPD->m_CorrespDistribFun = UniData; return resCPD; }
PNL_USING CMNet* CMNet::Create( int numberOfCliques, const int *cliqueSizes, const int **cliques, CModelDomain* pMD ) { /* bad-args check */ PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER( numberOfCliques, 1 ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(cliqueSizes); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(cliques); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( pMD ); /* bad-args check end */ /* creating the model */ CMNet *pMNet = new CMNet( numberOfCliques, cliqueSizes, cliques, pMD); PNL_CHECK_IF_MEMORY_ALLOCATED(pMNet); return pMNet; }
void CFactor::AttachMatrix(CMatrix<float> *matrix, EMatrixType mType, int numberOfMatrix, const int* discrParentValuesIndices) { /*Attach the matrix as m_Type for this type of DistribFun*/ PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER( matrix ); m_CorrespDistribFun->AttachMatrix( matrix, mType, numberOfMatrix, discrParentValuesIndices ); }
void CJtreeInfEngine:: DivideJTreeNodePotByDistribFun( int clqPotNum, const int *domain, const CDistribFun *pDistrFun ) { // bad-args check PNL_CHECK_RANGES( clqPotNum, 0, m_pJTree->GetNumberOfNodes() - 1 ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(domain); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(pDistrFun); // bad-args check end CPotential *pNodePot = m_pJTree->GetNodePotential(clqPotNum); int nodePotDomSz; const int *nodePotDomain; pNodePot->GetDomain( &nodePotDomSz, &nodePotDomain ); pNodePot->GetDistribFun()->DivideInSelfData( nodePotDomain, domain, pDistrFun ); }
void CBKInfEngine::BackwardT() { PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(*m_JTreeInfIter); (*m_JTreeInfIter)->DistributeEvidence(); if(m_CRingDistrOnSep.size()) { m_CDistrOnSepIter--; } }
void CMNet::GetFactors( int numberOfNodes, const int *nodes, int *numberOfFactors, CFactor ***params ) const { // bad-args check PNL_CHECK_LEFT_BORDER( numberOfNodes, 1 ); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(nodes); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(numberOfFactors); PNL_CHECK_IS_NULL_POINTER(params); // bad-args check end if( GetFactors( numberOfNodes, nodes, &m_paramsForNodes ) ) { *numberOfFactors = m_paramsForNodes.size(); *params = &m_paramsForNodes.front(); } else { *numberOfFactors = 0; *params = NULL; } }