static void waterReset(CompScreen * s) { int size, i, j; WATER_SCREEN(s); ws->height = TEXTURE_SIZE; ws->width = (ws->height * s->width) / s->height; if (s->textureNonPowerOfTwo || (POWER_OF_TWO(ws->width) && POWER_OF_TWO(ws->height))) { ws->target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; ws->tx = ws->ty = 1.0f; } else { ws->target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV; ws->tx = ws->width; ws->ty = ws->height; } if (!s->fragmentProgram) return; if (s->fbo) { loadWaterProgram(s); if (!ws->fbo) (*s->genFramebuffers) (1, &ws->fbo); } ws->fboStatus = 0; for (i = 0; i < TEXTURE_NUM; i++) { if (ws->texture[i]) { glDeleteTextures(1, &ws->texture[i]); ws->texture[i] = 0; } } if (ws->data) free(ws->data); size = (ws->width + 2) * (ws->height + 2); ws->data = calloc(1, (sizeof(float) * size * 2) + (sizeof(GLubyte) * ws->width * ws->height * 4)); if (!ws->data) return; ws->d0 = ws->data; ws->d1 = (ws->d0 + (size)); ws->t0 = (unsigned char *)(ws->d1 + (size)); for (i = 0; i < ws->height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ws->width; j++) { (ws->t0 + (ws->width * 4 * i + j * 4))[0] = 0xff; } } }
FFT* newFFT(int size) { FFT* fft = (FFT*)malloc(sizeof(FFT)); if (fft == NULL) return NULL; // Check if the size is a power of two assert(POWER_OF_TWO(size)); fft->size = size; fft->sizeOverTwo = fft->size / 2; fft->normalize = 1.0 / (2.0 * fft->size); // create fft setup fft->logTwo = log2f(fft->size); fft->fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(fft->logTwo, FFT_RADIX2); if (fft->fftSetup == 0) { freeFFT(fft); return NULL; } fft->window = NULL; return fft; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5I_init_group * * Purpose: Initialize an ID group whose ID number is specified by GRP, * If the group has already been initialized, this routine just * increments the count of number of initializations and returns * without trying to change the size of the hash table. A * specific number (RESERVED) of group entries may be reserved * to enable "constant" values to be handed out which are valid * IDs in the group, but which do not map to any data structures * and are not allocated dynamicly later. HASH_SIZE is the * minimum hash table size to use for the group. FREE_FUNC is * called with an object pointer when the object is removed from * the group. * * Return: Success: Non-negative * * Failure: Negative * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Friday, February 19, 1999 * * Modifications: * Bill Wendling, 2000-05-05 * Instead of the ugly test of whether hash_size is a power of * two, I placed it in a macro POWER_OF_TWO which uses the fact * that a number that is a power of two has only 1 bit set. * * Bill Wendling, 2000-05-09 * Changed POWER_OF_TWO macro to allow 1 as a valid power of two. * Changed test below accordingly. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int H5I_init_group(H5I_type_t grp, size_t hash_size, unsigned reserved, H5I_free_t free_func) { H5I_id_group_t *grp_ptr = NULL; /*ptr to the atomic group*/ int ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5I_init_group, FAIL); /* Check arguments */ if ((grp <= H5I_BADID || grp >= H5I_NGROUPS) && hash_size > 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "invalid group number"); #ifdef HASH_SIZE_POWER_2 if (!POWER_OF_TWO(hash_size) || hash_size == 1) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "invalid hash size"); #endif /* HASH_SIZE_POWER_2 */ if (H5I_id_group_list_g[grp] == NULL) { /* Allocate the group information for new group */ if (NULL==(grp_ptr = H5MM_calloc(sizeof(H5I_id_group_t)))) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed"); H5I_id_group_list_g[grp] = grp_ptr; } else { /* Get the pointer to the existing group */ grp_ptr = H5I_id_group_list_g[grp]; } if (grp_ptr->count == 0) { /* Initialize the ID group structure for new groups */ grp_ptr->hash_size = hash_size; grp_ptr->reserved = reserved; grp_ptr->wrapped = 0; grp_ptr->ids = 0; grp_ptr->nextid = reserved; grp_ptr->free_func = free_func; grp_ptr->id_list = H5MM_calloc(hash_size*sizeof(H5I_id_info_t *)); if (NULL==grp_ptr->id_list) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed"); } /* Increment the count of the times this group has been initialized */ grp_ptr->count++; done: if (ret_value<0) { /* Error condition cleanup */ if (grp_ptr != NULL) { H5MM_xfree(grp_ptr->id_list); H5MM_xfree(grp_ptr); } } FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); }
AGLPbuffer glitz_agl_pbuffer_create (glitz_agl_thread_info_t *thread_info, int width, int height) { AGLPbuffer pbuffer; glitz_gl_enum_t target; if (!POWER_OF_TWO (width) || !POWER_OF_TWO (height)) { if (thread_info->agl_feature_mask & GLITZ_AGL_FEATURE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_MASK) target = GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE; else return (AGLPbuffer) 0; } else target = GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_2D; aglCreatePBuffer (width, height, target, GLITZ_GL_RGBA, 0, &pbuffer); return pbuffer; }
void glitz_texture_init (glitz_texture_t *texture, int width, int height, glitz_gl_int_t texture_format, glitz_fourcc_t fourcc, unsigned long feature_mask, glitz_bool_t unnormalized) { texture->param.filter[0] = texture->param.filter[1] = GLITZ_GL_NEAREST; texture->param.wrap[0] = texture->param.wrap[1] = GLITZ_GL_CLAMP; texture-> = texture-> = texture-> = texture->param.border_color.alpha = 0; texture->format = texture_format; texture->fourcc = fourcc; texture->name = 0; switch (fourcc) { case GLITZ_FOURCC_YV12: /* U and V plane added below */ texture->box.x1 = texture->box.y1 = 0; texture->box.x2 = width; texture->box.y2 = height; texture->width = (width + 1) & ~1; texture->height = (height + 1) & ~1; texture->height += texture->height >> 1; texture->flags = GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_PADABLE_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FOURCC_YUY2: /* 1 RGBA texel for 2 YUY2 pixels */ texture->box.x1 = texture->box.y1 = 0; texture->box.x2 = texture->width = width >> 1; texture->box.y2 = texture->height = height; texture->flags = GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPABLE_MASK | GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_REPEATABLE_MASK | GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_PADABLE_MASK; break; default: texture->box.x1 = texture->box.y1 = 0; texture->box.x2 = texture->width = width; texture->box.y2 = texture->height = height; texture->flags = GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_PADABLE_MASK | GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_REPEATABLE_MASK; if (feature_mask & GLITZ_FEATURE_TEXTURE_BORDER_CLAMP_MASK) texture->flags |= GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPABLE_MASK; } if (!unnormalized && ((feature_mask & GLITZ_FEATURE_TEXTURE_NON_POWER_OF_TWO_MASK) || (POWER_OF_TWO (texture->width) && POWER_OF_TWO (texture->height)))) { texture->target = GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_2D; } else { texture->flags &= ~GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_REPEATABLE_MASK; if (feature_mask & GLITZ_FEATURE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_MASK) { texture->target = GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE; } else { texture->target = GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_2D; texture->flags &= ~GLITZ_TEXTURE_FLAG_PADABLE_MASK; if (!POWER_OF_TWO (texture->width)) texture->width = glitz_uint_to_power_of_two (texture->width); if (!POWER_OF_TWO (texture->height)) texture->height = glitz_uint_to_power_of_two (texture->height); } } if (texture->target == GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_2D) { texture->texcoord_width_unit = 1.0f / texture->width; texture->texcoord_height_unit = 1.0f / texture->height; } else { texture->texcoord_width_unit = 1.0f; texture->texcoord_height_unit = 1.0f; } }
void WaterScreen::waterSetup () { int size; std::string buffer; texHeight = TEXTURE_SIZE; texWidth = (texHeight * screen->width ()) / screen->height (); #ifdef USE_GLES target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; tx = ty = 1.0f; #else if (GL::textureNonPowerOfTwo || (POWER_OF_TWO (texWidth) && POWER_OF_TWO (texHeight))) { target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; tx = ty = 1.0f; } else { target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV; tx = texWidth; ty = texHeight; } #endif size = (texWidth + 2) * (texHeight + 2); data = calloc (1, (sizeof (float) * size * 2) + (sizeof (GLubyte) * texWidth * texHeight * 4)); if (!data) return; d0 = (float *)data; d1 = (d0 + (size)); t0 = (unsigned char *) (d1 + (size)); if (GL::vboEnabled && GL::shaders) { char buf[8192]; program[SET] = new GLProgram (set_water_vertices_vertex_shader, set_water_vertices_fragment_shader); if (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D) sprintf (buf, update_water_vertices_fragment_shader.c_str (), "2D", "2D", 1.0f / (float) texWidth, 1.0f / (float) texWidth, 1.0f / (float) texHeight, 1.0f / (float) texHeight, "2D", "2D", "2D", "2D"); else sprintf (buf, update_water_vertices_fragment_shader.c_str (), "RECT", "RECT", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, "RECT", "RECT", "RECT", "RECT"); buffer.assign (buf); program[UPDATE] = new GLProgram (update_water_vertices_vertex_shader, buffer); sprintf (buf, paint_water_vertices_fragment_shader.c_str (), screen->width (), screen->height ()); buffer.assign (buf); program[PAINT] = new GLProgram (paint_water_vertices_vertex_shader, buffer); vertexBuffer[SET] = new GLVertexBuffer (GL::DYNAMIC_DRAW); vertexBuffer[SET]->setProgram (program[SET]); vertexBuffer[UPDATE] = new GLVertexBuffer (GL::STATIC_DRAW); vertexBuffer[UPDATE]->setProgram (program[UPDATE]); vertexBuffer[PAINT] = new GLVertexBuffer (GL::STATIC_DRAW); vertexBuffer[PAINT]->setProgram (program[PAINT]); } if (GL::fboEnabled) { CompSize size(texWidth, texHeight); for (int i = 0; i < TEXTURE_NUM; i++) { waterFbo[i] = new GLFramebufferObject (); waterFbo[i]->allocate (size, (char *) t0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); // check if FBOs are working. If not, fallback to software textures oldFbo = waterFbo[i]->bind (); waterFbo[i]->rebind (oldFbo); if (!waterFbo[i]->checkStatus ()) { useFbo = false; delete waterFbo[i]; break; } } } }
static Bool imageToTexture(CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, const char *image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GLenum format, GLenum type) { char *data; int i; GLint internalFormat; data = malloc(4 * width * height); if (!data) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy(&data[i * width * 4], &image[(height - i - 1) * width * 4], width * 4); makeScreenCurrent(screen); releasePixmapFromTexture(screen, texture); if (screen->textureNonPowerOfTwo || (POWER_OF_TWO(width) && POWER_OF_TWO(height))) { texture->target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; texture->matrix.xx = 1.0f / width; texture->matrix.yy = -1.0f / height; texture->matrix.y0 = 1.0f; texture->mipmap = TRUE; } else { texture->target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV; texture->matrix.xx = 1.0f; texture->matrix.yy = -1.0f; texture->matrix.y0 = height; texture->mipmap = FALSE; } if (!texture->name) compiz_glapi->glGenTextures(1, &texture->name); compiz_glapi->glBindTexture(texture->target, texture->name); internalFormat = (screen->opt[COMP_SCREEN_OPTION_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION].value.b && screen->textureCompression ? GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB : GL_RGBA); compiz_glapi->glTexImage2D(texture->target, 0, internalFormat, width, height, 0, format, type, data); texture->filter = GL_NEAREST; compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texture->wrap = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; compiz_glapi->glBindTexture(texture->target, 0); free(data); return TRUE; }
Bool bindPixmapToTexture(CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, Pixmap pixmap, int width, int height, int depth) { unsigned int target = 0; CompFBConfig *config = &screen->glxPixmapFBConfigs[depth]; int attribs[7], i = 0; if (!config->fbConfig) { compLogMessage("core", CompLogLevelWarn, "No GLXFBConfig for depth %d", depth); return FALSE; } attribs[i++] = GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_EXT; attribs[i++] = config->textureFormat; attribs[i++] = GLX_MIPMAP_TEXTURE_EXT; attribs[i++] = config->mipmap; /* If no texture target is specified in the fbconfig, or only the TEXTURE_2D target is specified and GL_texture_non_power_of_two is not supported, then allow the server to choose the texture target. */ if (config->textureTargets & GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT && (screen->textureNonPowerOfTwo || (POWER_OF_TWO(width) && POWER_OF_TWO(height)))) target = GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT; //else if (config->textureTargets & GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_BIT_EXT) //target = GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT; /* Workaround for broken texture from pixmap implementations, that don't advertise any texture target in the fbconfig. */ if (!target) { //if (!(config->textureTargets & GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT)) //target = GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT; //else if (!(config->textureTargets & GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_BIT_EXT)) target = GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT; } if (target) { attribs[i++] = GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT; attribs[i++] = target; } attribs[i++] = None; makeScreenCurrent(screen); texture->pixmap = (*screen->createPixmap)(screen->display->display, config->fbConfig, pixmap, attribs); if (!texture->pixmap) { compLogMessage("core", CompLogLevelWarn, "glXCreatePixmap failed"); return FALSE; } if (!target) (*screen->queryDrawable)(screen->display->display, texture->pixmap, GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT, &target); switch (target) { case GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT: texture->target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; texture->matrix.xx = 1.0f / width; if (config->yInverted) { texture->matrix.yy = 1.0f / height; texture->matrix.y0 = 0.0f; } else { texture->matrix.yy = -1.0f / height; texture->matrix.y0 = 1.0f; } texture->mipmap = config->mipmap; break; //case GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT: //texture->target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB; //texture->matrix.xx = 1.0f; //if (config->yInverted) //{ //texture->matrix.yy = 1.0f; //texture->matrix.y0 = 0; //} //else //{ //texture->matrix.yy = -1.0f; //texture->matrix.y0 = height; //} //texture->mipmap = FALSE; //break; default: compLogMessage("core", CompLogLevelWarn, "pixmap 0x%x can't be bound to texture", (int)pixmap); (*screen->destroyPixmap)(screen->display->display, texture->pixmap); texture->pixmap = None; return FALSE; } if (!texture->name) compiz_glapi->glGenTextures(1, &texture->name); compiz_glapi->glBindTexture(texture->target, texture->name); if (!strictBinding) { (*screen->bindTexImage)(screen->display->display, texture->pixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT, NULL); } texture->filter = GL_NEAREST; compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); compiz_glapi->glTexParameteri(texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texture->wrap = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; compiz_texture_bind(texture); compiz_glapi->glBindTexture(texture->target, 0); return TRUE; }
Bool readImageToTexture (CompScreen *screen, CompTexture *texture, char *imageFileName, unsigned int *returnWidth, unsigned int *returnHeight) { char *data, *image; unsigned int width, height; int i; if (!readPng (imageFileName, &image, &width, &height)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to load image: %s\n", programName, imageFileName); return FALSE; } data = malloc (4 * width * height); if (!data) { free (image); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy (&data[i * width * 4], &image[(height - i - 1) * width * 4], width * 4); free (image); releasePixmapFromTexture (screen, texture); if (screen->textureNonPowerOfTwo || (POWER_OF_TWO (width) && POWER_OF_TWO (height))) { texture->target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; texture->matrix.xx = 1.0f / width; texture->matrix.yy = -1.0f / height; texture->matrix.y0 = 1.0f; } else { texture->target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV; texture->matrix.xx = 1.0f; texture->matrix.yy = -1.0f; texture->matrix.y0 = height; } if (!texture->name) glGenTextures (1, &texture->name); glBindTexture (texture->target, texture->name); glTexImage2D (texture->target, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_BGRA, #if IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER == MSBFirst GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, #else GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, #endif data); texture->filter = COMP_TEXTURE_FILTER_FAST; glTexParameteri (texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri (texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri (texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri (texture->target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); glBindTexture (texture->target, 0); free (data); *returnWidth = width; *returnHeight = height; return TRUE; }
EBOOL eggListView_insert(HEGGLISTVIEW hEggListView, epointer pNodes, size32_t ndSz) { if(EGGLISTVIEW_IS_INVALID(hEggListView)) { return EGG_FALSE; } HVIEWSTREAM lp_view_stream = hEggListView->hViewStream; HEGGLISTINF lp_list_info = hEggListView->hInfo; offset64_t n_block_off = lp_list_info->headOff; EGGLISTBLOCK st_list_block = {0}; char* lp_cur_node = pNodes; size32_t n_cur_sz = ndSz; if(n_block_off) { ViewStream_read(lp_view_stream, &st_list_block, sizeof(st_list_block), n_block_off); // printf("[%u][%u][%u] \n", st_list_block.aCnt, st_list_block.uCnt, ); size32_t n_unused_sz = (st_list_block.aCnt - st_list_block.uCnt) * lp_list_info->nodeSz; offset64_t n_tmp_off = n_block_off + sizeof(st_list_block) + st_list_block.uCnt * lp_list_info->nodeSz; if(n_unused_sz >= n_cur_sz) { ViewStream_update(lp_view_stream, lp_cur_node, n_cur_sz, n_tmp_off); st_list_block.uCnt += n_cur_sz / lp_list_info->nodeSz; n_cur_sz = 0; ViewStream_update(lp_view_stream, &st_list_block, sizeof(st_list_block), n_block_off); } else { count_t n_real_cnt = st_list_block.uCnt + n_cur_sz / lp_list_info->nodeSz; count_t n_pow2_cnt = 0; count_t n_tmp_cnt = n_real_cnt; POWER_OF_TWO(n_pow2_cnt, n_tmp_cnt); if(n_pow2_cnt < EGGBLOCK_LIMIT_COUNT) { size32_t n_total_sz = n_pow2_cnt * lp_list_info->nodeSz + sizeof(st_list_block); size32_t n_read_sz = st_list_block.uCnt * lp_list_info->nodeSz; char* lp_total_buf = (char*)malloc(n_total_sz); memset(lp_total_buf, 0, n_total_sz); //read old nodes ViewStream_read(lp_view_stream, lp_total_buf + sizeof(st_list_block), n_read_sz, n_block_off + sizeof(EGGLISTBLOCK)); //copy new nodes memcpy(lp_total_buf + sizeof(st_list_block) + n_read_sz, pNodes, ndSz); //free old block ViewStream_free_area(lp_view_stream, n_block_off, sizeof(EGGLISTBLOCK) + st_list_block.aCnt * lp_list_info->nodeSz); //update block info st_list_block.aCnt = n_pow2_cnt; st_list_block.uCnt = n_real_cnt; memcpy((lp_total_buf), &st_list_block, sizeof(st_list_block)); lp_list_info->headOff = ViewStream_write(lp_view_stream, lp_total_buf, n_total_sz); free(lp_total_buf); n_cur_sz = 0; } else { ViewStream_update(lp_view_stream, lp_cur_node, n_unused_sz, n_tmp_off); st_list_block.uCnt = st_list_block.aCnt; lp_cur_node += n_unused_sz; n_cur_sz -= n_unused_sz; ViewStream_update(lp_view_stream, &st_list_block, sizeof(st_list_block), n_block_off); } } } while(n_cur_sz) { count_t n_real_cnt = n_cur_sz / lp_list_info->nodeSz; count_t n_total_cnt = 0; size32_t n_write_cnt = 0; size32_t n_write_sz = 0; size32_t n_total_sz = 0; char* lp_total_buf = EGG_NULL; count_t n_tmp_cnt = n_real_cnt; POWER_OF_TWO(n_total_cnt, n_tmp_cnt); n_total_cnt = (n_total_cnt < EGGBLOCK_LIMIT_COUNT ? n_total_cnt : EGGBLOCK_LIMIT_COUNT) ; n_total_sz = sizeof(st_list_block) + n_total_cnt * lp_list_info->nodeSz; n_write_cnt = n_total_cnt >= n_real_cnt ?n_real_cnt : n_total_cnt; n_write_sz = n_write_cnt * lp_list_info->nodeSz; st_list_block.aCnt = n_total_cnt; st_list_block.uCnt = n_write_cnt; = lp_list_info->headOff; lp_total_buf = (char*)malloc(n_total_sz); memset(lp_total_buf, 0, n_total_sz); memcpy(lp_total_buf, &st_list_block, sizeof(st_list_block)); memcpy((HEGGLISTBLOCK)(lp_total_buf) + 1, lp_cur_node, n_write_sz); lp_list_info->headOff = ViewStream_write(lp_view_stream, lp_total_buf, n_total_sz); lp_list_info->blkCnt ++; lp_cur_node += n_write_sz; n_cur_sz -= n_write_sz; free(lp_total_buf); } lp_list_info->nodeCnt += ndSz / lp_list_info->nodeSz; lp_list_info->curCnt += ndSz / lp_list_info->nodeSz; ViewStream_update_nolock(lp_view_stream, lp_list_info, sizeof(EGGLISTINF), hEggListView->hInfo->ownOff); return EGG_TRUE; }