// dispatch all pending events to the various receivers. static void PumpEvents() { JSContext* cx = g_GUI->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); PROFILE3("dispatch events"); SDL_Event_ ev; while (in_poll_event(&ev)) { PROFILE2("event"); if (g_GUI) { JS::RootedValue tmpVal(cx); ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &tmpVal, ev); std::string data = g_GUI->GetScriptInterface()->StringifyJSON(&tmpVal); PROFILE2_ATTR("%s", data.c_str()); } in_dispatch_event(&ev); } g_TouchInput.Frame(); }
bool CShaderManager::NewProgram(const char* name, const CShaderDefines& baseDefines, CShaderProgramPtr& program) { PROFILE2("loading shader"); PROFILE2_ATTR("name: %s", name); if (strncmp(name, "fixed:", 6) == 0) { program = CShaderProgramPtr(CShaderProgram::ConstructFFP(name+6, baseDefines)); if (!program) return false; program->Reload(); return true; } VfsPath xmlFilename = L"shaders/" + wstring_from_utf8(name) + L".xml"; CXeromyces XeroFile; PSRETURN ret = XeroFile.Load(g_VFS, xmlFilename); if (ret != PSRETURN_OK) return false; #if USE_SHADER_XML_VALIDATION { TIMER_ACCRUE(tc_ShaderValidation); // Serialize the XMB data and pass it to the validator XML_Start(); XML_SetPrettyPrint(false); XML_WriteXMB(XeroFile); bool ok = m_Validator.ValidateEncoded(wstring_from_utf8(name), XML_GetOutput()); if (!ok) return false; } #endif // Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file #define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(attrib); EL(define); EL(fragment); EL(stream); EL(uniform); EL(vertex); AT(file); AT(if); AT(loc); AT(name); AT(semantics); AT(type); AT(value); #undef AT #undef EL CPreprocessorWrapper preprocessor; preprocessor.AddDefines(baseDefines); XMBElement Root = XeroFile.GetRoot(); bool isGLSL = (Root.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_type) == "glsl"); VfsPath vertexFile; VfsPath fragmentFile; CShaderDefines defines = baseDefines; std::map<CStrIntern, int> vertexUniforms; std::map<CStrIntern, CShaderProgram::frag_index_pair_t> fragmentUniforms; std::map<CStrIntern, int> vertexAttribs; int streamFlags = 0; XERO_ITER_EL(Root, Child) { if (Child.GetNodeName() == el_define) { defines.Add(CStrIntern(Child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_name)), CStrIntern(Child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_value))); } else if (Child.GetNodeName() == el_vertex) { vertexFile = L"shaders/" + Child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_file).FromUTF8(); XERO_ITER_EL(Child, Param) { XMBAttributeList Attrs = Param.GetAttributes(); CStr cond = Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_if); if (!cond.empty() && !preprocessor.TestConditional(cond)) continue; if (Param.GetNodeName() == el_uniform) { vertexUniforms[CStrIntern(Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name))] = Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_loc).ToInt(); } else if (Param.GetNodeName() == el_stream) { CStr StreamName = Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name); if (StreamName == "pos") streamFlags |= STREAM_POS; else if (StreamName == "normal") streamFlags |= STREAM_NORMAL; else if (StreamName == "color") streamFlags |= STREAM_COLOR; else if (StreamName == "uv0") streamFlags |= STREAM_UV0; else if (StreamName == "uv1") streamFlags |= STREAM_UV1; else if (StreamName == "uv2") streamFlags |= STREAM_UV2; else if (StreamName == "uv3") streamFlags |= STREAM_UV3; } else if (Param.GetNodeName() == el_attrib) { int attribLoc = ParseAttribSemantics(Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_semantics)); vertexAttribs[CStrIntern(Attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name))] = attribLoc; } } }
void Render() { PROFILE3("render"); if (g_SoundManager) g_SoundManager->IdleTask(); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler2.RecordGPUFrameStart(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // prepare before starting the renderer frame if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->BeginFrame(); if (g_Game) g_Renderer.SetSimulation(g_Game->GetSimulation2()); // start new frame g_Renderer.BeginFrame(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Renderer.RenderTextOverlays(); if (g_DoRenderGui) g_GUI->Draw(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // If we're in Atlas game view, render special overlays (e.g. editor bandbox) if (g_AtlasGameLoop && g_AtlasGameLoop->view) { g_AtlasGameLoop->view->DrawOverlays(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } // Text: glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); g_Console->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_DoRenderLogger) g_Logger->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Profile information g_ProfileViewer.RenderProfile(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Draw the cursor (or set the Windows cursor, on Windows) if (g_DoRenderCursor) { PROFILE3_GPU("cursor"); CStrW cursorName = g_CursorName; if (cursorName.empty()) { cursor_draw(g_VFS, NULL, g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, false); } else { bool forceGL = false; CFG_GET_VAL("nohwcursor", forceGL); #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement cursors for GLES #else // set up transform for GL cursor glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); CMatrix3D transform; transform.SetOrtho(0.f, (float)g_xres, 0.f, (float)g_yres, -1.f, 1000.f); glLoadMatrixf(&transform._11); #endif #if OS_ANDROID #warning TODO: cursors for Android #else if (cursor_draw(g_VFS, cursorName.c_str(), g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, forceGL) < 0) LOGWARNING("Failed to draw cursor '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(cursorName)); #endif #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement cursors for GLES #else // restore transform glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); #endif } } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); g_Renderer.EndFrame(); PROFILE2_ATTR("draw calls: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_DrawCalls); PROFILE2_ATTR("terrain tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_TerrainTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("water tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_WaterTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("model tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_ModelTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("overlay tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_OverlayTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("blend splats: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_BlendSplats); PROFILE2_ATTR("particles: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_Particles); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler2.RecordGPUFrameEnd(); ogl_WarnIfError(); }
static void Frame() { g_Profiler2.RecordFrameStart(); PROFILE2("frame"); g_Profiler2.IncrementFrameNumber(); PROFILE2_ATTR("%d", g_Profiler2.GetFrameNumber()); ogl_WarnIfError(); // get elapsed time const double time = timer_Time(); g_frequencyFilter->Update(time); // .. old method - "exact" but contains jumps #if 0 static double last_time; const double time = timer_Time(); const float TimeSinceLastFrame = (float)(time-last_time); last_time = time; ONCE(return); // first call: set last_time and return // .. new method - filtered and more smooth, but errors may accumulate #else const float realTimeSinceLastFrame = 1.0 / g_frequencyFilter->SmoothedFrequency(); #endif ENSURE(realTimeSinceLastFrame > 0.0f); // decide if update/render is necessary bool need_render = !g_app_minimized; bool need_update = true; // If we are not running a multiplayer game, disable updates when the game is // minimized or out of focus and relinquish the CPU a bit, in order to make // debugging easier. if(g_PauseOnFocusLoss && !g_NetClient && !g_app_has_focus) { PROFILE3("non-focus delay"); need_update = false; // don't use SDL_WaitEvent: don't want the main loop to freeze until app focus is restored SDL_Delay(10); } // TODO: throttling: limit update and render frequency to the minimum. // this is mostly relevant for "inactive" state, so that other windows // get enough CPU time, but it's always nice for power+thermal management. // this scans for changed files/directories and reloads them, thus // allowing hotloading (changes are immediately assimilated in-game). ReloadChangedFiles(); ProgressiveLoad(); RendererIncrementalLoad(); PumpEvents(); // if the user quit by closing the window, the GL context will be broken and // may crash when we call Render() on some drivers, so leave this loop // before rendering if (quit) return; // respond to pumped resize events if (g_ResizedW || g_ResizedH) { g_VideoMode.ResizeWindow(g_ResizedW, g_ResizedH); g_ResizedW = g_ResizedH = 0; } if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Poll(); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_GUI->TickObjects(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted() && need_update) { g_Game->Update(realTimeSinceLastFrame); g_Game->GetView()->Update(float(realTimeSinceLastFrame)); } // Immediately flush any messages produced by simulation code if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Flush(); g_UserReporter.Update(); g_Console->Update(realTimeSinceLastFrame); ogl_WarnIfError(); if(need_render) { Render(); PROFILE3("swap buffers"); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) SDL_GL_SwapWindow(g_VideoMode.GetWindow()); #else SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); #endif } ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler.Frame(); g_GameRestarted = false; }
void CSimulation2Impl::Update(int turnLength, const std::vector<SimulationCommand>& commands) { PROFILE3("sim update"); PROFILE2_ATTR("turn %d", (int)m_TurnNumber); fixed turnLengthFixed = fixed::FromInt(turnLength) / 1000; /* * In serialization test mode, we save the original (primary) simulation state before each turn update. * We run the update, then load the saved state into a secondary context. * We serialize that again and compare to the original serialization (to check that * serialize->deserialize->serialize is equivalent to serialize). * Then we run the update on the secondary context, and check that its new serialized * state matches the primary context after the update (to check that the simulation doesn't depend * on anything that's not serialized). */ const bool serializationTestDebugDump = false; // set true to save human-readable state dumps before an error is detected, for debugging (but slow) const bool serializationTestHash = true; // set true to save and compare hash of state SerializationTestState primaryStateBefore; if (m_EnableSerializationTest) { ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.SerializeState(primaryStateBefore.state)); if (serializationTestDebugDump) ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.DumpDebugState(primaryStateBefore.debug, false)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(primaryStateBefore.hash, false)); } UpdateComponents(m_SimContext, turnLengthFixed, commands); if (m_EnableSerializationTest) { // Initialise the secondary simulation CTerrain secondaryTerrain; CSimContext secondaryContext; secondaryContext.m_Terrain = &secondaryTerrain; CComponentManager secondaryComponentManager(secondaryContext, m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().GetRuntime()); secondaryComponentManager.LoadComponentTypes(); ENSURE(LoadDefaultScripts(secondaryComponentManager, NULL)); ResetComponentState(secondaryComponentManager, false, false); // Load the map into the secondary simulation LDR_BeginRegistering(); CMapReader* mapReader = new CMapReader; // automatically deletes itself // TODO: this duplicates CWorld::RegisterInit and could probably be cleaned up a bit std::string mapType; m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().GetProperty(m_InitAttributes.get(), "mapType", mapType); if (mapType == "random") { // TODO: support random map scripts debug_warn(L"Serialization test mode only supports scenarios"); } else { std::wstring mapFile; m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().GetProperty(m_InitAttributes.get(), "map", mapFile); VfsPath mapfilename = VfsPath(mapFile).ChangeExtension(L".pmp"); mapReader->LoadMap(mapfilename, CScriptValRooted(), &secondaryTerrain, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &secondaryContext, INVALID_PLAYER, true); // throws exception on failure } LDR_EndRegistering(); ENSURE(LDR_NonprogressiveLoad() == INFO::OK); ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.DeserializeState(primaryStateBefore.state)); SerializationTestState secondaryStateBefore; ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.SerializeState(secondaryStateBefore.state)); if (serializationTestDebugDump) ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.DumpDebugState(secondaryStateBefore.debug, false)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(secondaryStateBefore.hash, false)); if (primaryStateBefore.state.str() != secondaryStateBefore.state.str() || primaryStateBefore.hash != secondaryStateBefore.hash) { ReportSerializationFailure(&primaryStateBefore, NULL, &secondaryStateBefore, NULL); } SerializationTestState primaryStateAfter; ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.SerializeState(primaryStateAfter.state)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(primaryStateAfter.hash, false)); UpdateComponents(secondaryContext, turnLengthFixed, CloneCommandsFromOtherContext(m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface(), secondaryComponentManager.GetScriptInterface(), commands)); SerializationTestState secondaryStateAfter; ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.SerializeState(secondaryStateAfter.state)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(secondaryStateAfter.hash, false)); if (primaryStateAfter.state.str() != secondaryStateAfter.state.str() || primaryStateAfter.hash != secondaryStateAfter.hash) { // Only do the (slow) dumping now we know we're going to need to report it ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.DumpDebugState(primaryStateAfter.debug, false)); ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.DumpDebugState(secondaryStateAfter.debug, false)); ReportSerializationFailure(&primaryStateBefore, &primaryStateAfter, &secondaryStateBefore, &secondaryStateAfter); } } // if (m_TurnNumber == 0) // m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().DumpHeap(); // Run the GC occasionally // (TODO: we ought to schedule this for a frame where we're not // running the sim update, to spread the load) if (m_TurnNumber % 1 == 0) m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC(); if (m_EnableOOSLog) DumpState(); // Start computing AI for the next turn CmpPtr<ICmpAIManager> cmpAIManager(m_SimContext, SYSTEM_ENTITY); if (cmpAIManager) cmpAIManager->StartComputation(); ++m_TurnNumber; }
void CSimulation2Impl::Update(int turnLength, const std::vector<SimulationCommand>& commands) { PROFILE3("sim update"); PROFILE2_ATTR("turn %d", (int)m_TurnNumber); fixed turnLengthFixed = fixed::FromInt(turnLength) / 1000; /* * In serialization test mode, we save the original (primary) simulation state before each turn update. * We run the update, then load the saved state into a secondary context. * We serialize that again and compare to the original serialization (to check that * serialize->deserialize->serialize is equivalent to serialize). * Then we run the update on the secondary context, and check that its new serialized * state matches the primary context after the update (to check that the simulation doesn't depend * on anything that's not serialized). */ const bool serializationTestDebugDump = false; // set true to save human-readable state dumps before an error is detected, for debugging (but slow) const bool serializationTestHash = true; // set true to save and compare hash of state SerializationTestState primaryStateBefore; ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface(); if (m_EnableSerializationTest) { ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.SerializeState(primaryStateBefore.state)); if (serializationTestDebugDump) ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.DumpDebugState(primaryStateBefore.debug, false)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(primaryStateBefore.hash, false)); } UpdateComponents(m_SimContext, turnLengthFixed, commands); if (m_EnableSerializationTest) { // Initialise the secondary simulation CTerrain secondaryTerrain; CSimContext secondaryContext; secondaryContext.m_Terrain = &secondaryTerrain; CComponentManager secondaryComponentManager(secondaryContext, scriptInterface.GetRuntime()); secondaryComponentManager.LoadComponentTypes(); std::set<VfsPath> secondaryLoadedScripts; ENSURE(LoadDefaultScripts(secondaryComponentManager, &secondaryLoadedScripts)); ResetComponentState(secondaryComponentManager, false, false); // Load the trigger scripts after we have loaded the simulation. { JSContext* cx2 = secondaryComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq2(cx2); JS::RootedValue mapSettingsCloned(cx2, secondaryComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().CloneValueFromOtherContext( scriptInterface, m_MapSettings)); ENSURE(LoadTriggerScripts(secondaryComponentManager, mapSettingsCloned, &secondaryLoadedScripts)); } // Load the map into the secondary simulation LDR_BeginRegistering(); CMapReader* mapReader = new CMapReader; // automatically deletes itself std::string mapType; scriptInterface.GetProperty(m_InitAttributes, "mapType", mapType); if (mapType == "random") { // TODO: support random map scripts debug_warn(L"Serialization test mode does not support random maps"); } else { std::wstring mapFile; scriptInterface.GetProperty(m_InitAttributes, "map", mapFile); VfsPath mapfilename = VfsPath(mapFile).ChangeExtension(L".pmp"); mapReader->LoadMap(mapfilename, scriptInterface.GetJSRuntime(), JS::UndefinedHandleValue, &secondaryTerrain, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &secondaryContext, INVALID_PLAYER, true); // throws exception on failure } LDR_EndRegistering(); ENSURE(LDR_NonprogressiveLoad() == INFO::OK); ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.DeserializeState(primaryStateBefore.state)); SerializationTestState secondaryStateBefore; ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.SerializeState(secondaryStateBefore.state)); if (serializationTestDebugDump) ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.DumpDebugState(secondaryStateBefore.debug, false)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(secondaryStateBefore.hash, false)); if (primaryStateBefore.state.str() != secondaryStateBefore.state.str() || primaryStateBefore.hash != secondaryStateBefore.hash) { ReportSerializationFailure(&primaryStateBefore, NULL, &secondaryStateBefore, NULL); } SerializationTestState primaryStateAfter; ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.SerializeState(primaryStateAfter.state)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(primaryStateAfter.hash, false)); UpdateComponents(secondaryContext, turnLengthFixed, CloneCommandsFromOtherContext(scriptInterface, secondaryComponentManager.GetScriptInterface(), commands)); SerializationTestState secondaryStateAfter; ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.SerializeState(secondaryStateAfter.state)); if (serializationTestHash) ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.ComputeStateHash(secondaryStateAfter.hash, false)); if (primaryStateAfter.state.str() != secondaryStateAfter.state.str() || primaryStateAfter.hash != secondaryStateAfter.hash) { // Only do the (slow) dumping now we know we're going to need to report it ENSURE(m_ComponentManager.DumpDebugState(primaryStateAfter.debug, false)); ENSURE(secondaryComponentManager.DumpDebugState(secondaryStateAfter.debug, false)); ReportSerializationFailure(&primaryStateBefore, &primaryStateAfter, &secondaryStateBefore, &secondaryStateAfter); } } // if (m_TurnNumber == 0) // m_ComponentManager.GetScriptInterface().DumpHeap(); // Run the GC occasionally // No delay because a lot of garbage accumulates in one turn and in non-visual replays there are // much more turns in the same time than in normal games. // Every 500 turns we run a shrinking GC, which decommits unused memory and frees all JIT code. // Based on testing, this seems to be a good compromise between memory usage and performance. // Also check the comment about gcPreserveCode in the ScriptInterface code and this forum topic: // http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18466&p=300323 // // (TODO: we ought to schedule this for a frame where we're not // running the sim update, to spread the load) if (m_TurnNumber % 500 == 0) scriptInterface.GetRuntime()->ShrinkingGC(); else scriptInterface.GetRuntime()->MaybeIncrementalGC(0.0f); if (m_EnableOOSLog) DumpState(); // Start computing AI for the next turn CmpPtr<ICmpAIManager> cmpAIManager(m_SimContext, SYSTEM_ENTITY); if (cmpAIManager) cmpAIManager->StartComputation(); ++m_TurnNumber; }
void CGUIManager::LoadPage(SGUIPage& page) { // If we're hotloading then try to grab some data from the previous page shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone> hotloadData; if (page.gui) { shared_ptr<ScriptInterface> scriptInterface = page.gui->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, scriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); JS::RootedValue hotloadDataVal(cx); scriptInterface->CallFunction(global, "getHotloadData", &hotloadDataVal); hotloadData = scriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(hotloadDataVal); } page.inputs.clear(); page.gui.reset(new CGUI(m_ScriptRuntime)); page.gui->Initialize(); VfsPath path = VfsPath("gui") / page.name; page.inputs.insert(path); CXeromyces xero; if (xero.Load(g_VFS, path, "gui_page") != PSRETURN_OK) // Fail silently (Xeromyces reported the error) return; int elmt_page = xero.GetElementID("page"); int elmt_include = xero.GetElementID("include"); XMBElement root = xero.GetRoot(); if (root.GetNodeName() != elmt_page) { LOGERROR("GUI page '%s' must have root element <page>", utf8_from_wstring(page.name)); return; } XERO_ITER_EL(root, node) { if (node.GetNodeName() != elmt_include) { LOGERROR("GUI page '%s' must only have <include> elements inside <page>", utf8_from_wstring(page.name)); continue; } std::string name = node.GetText(); CStrW nameW (node.GetText().FromUTF8()); PROFILE2("load gui xml"); PROFILE2_ATTR("name: %s", name.c_str()); TIMER(nameW.c_str()); if (name.back() == '/') { VfsPath directory = VfsPath("gui") / nameW; VfsPaths pathnames; vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, directory, L"*.xml", pathnames); for (const VfsPath& path : pathnames) page.gui->LoadXmlFile(path, page.inputs); } else { VfsPath path = VfsPath("gui") / nameW; page.gui->LoadXmlFile(path, page.inputs); } } // Remember this GUI page, in case the scripts call FindObjectByName shared_ptr<CGUI> oldGUI = m_CurrentGUI; m_CurrentGUI = page.gui; page.gui->SendEventToAll("load"); shared_ptr<ScriptInterface> scriptInterface = page.gui->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue initDataVal(cx); JS::RootedValue hotloadDataVal(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, scriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); if (page.initData) scriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(page.initData, &initDataVal); if (hotloadData) scriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(hotloadData, &hotloadDataVal); // Call the init() function if (!scriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid( global, "init", initDataVal, hotloadDataVal) ) { LOGERROR("GUI page '%s': Failed to call init() function", utf8_from_wstring(page.name)); } m_CurrentGUI = oldGUI; }
void CCmpPathfinder::ComputePath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, const Goal& goal, pass_class_t passClass, cost_class_t costClass, Path& path) { UpdateGrid(); PROFILE3("ComputePath"); PathfinderState state = { 0 }; // Convert the start/end coordinates to tile indexes u16 i0, j0; NearestTile(x0, z0, i0, j0); NearestTile(goal.x, goal.z, state.iGoal, state.jGoal); // If we're already at the goal tile, then move directly to the exact goal coordinates if (AtGoal(i0, j0, goal)) { Waypoint w = { goal.x, goal.z }; path.m_Waypoints.push_back(w); return; } // If the target is a circle, we want to aim for the edge of it (so e.g. if we're inside // a large circle then the heuristics will aim us directly outwards); // otherwise just aim at the center point. (We'll never try moving outwards to a square shape.) if (goal.type == Goal::CIRCLE) state.rGoal = (u16)(goal.hw / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToZero(); else state.rGoal = 0; state.passClass = passClass; state.moveCosts = m_MoveCosts.at(costClass); state.steps = 0; state.tiles = new PathfindTileGrid(m_MapSize, m_MapSize); state.terrain = m_Grid; state.iBest = i0; state.jBest = j0; state.hBest = CalculateHeuristic(i0, j0, state.iGoal, state.jGoal, state.rGoal); PriorityQueue::Item start = { std::make_pair(i0, j0), 0 }; state.open.push(start); state.tiles->get(i0, j0).SetStatusOpen(); state.tiles->get(i0, j0).SetPred(i0, j0, i0, j0); state.tiles->get(i0, j0).cost = 0; // To prevent units getting very stuck, if they start on an impassable tile // surrounded entirely by impassable tiles, we ignore the impassability state.ignoreImpassable = !IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i0, j0), state.passClass); while (1) { ++state.steps; // Hack to avoid spending ages computing giant paths, particularly when // the destination is unreachable if (state.steps > 40000) break; // If we ran out of tiles to examine, give up if (state.open.empty()) break; #if PATHFIND_STATS state.sumOpenSize += state.open.size(); #endif // Move best tile from open to closed PriorityQueue::Item curr = state.open.pop(); u16 i = curr.id.first; u16 j = curr.id.second; state.tiles->get(i, j).SetStatusClosed(); // If we've reached the destination, stop if (AtGoal(i, j, goal)) { state.iBest = i; state.jBest = j; state.hBest = 0; break; } // As soon as we find an escape route from the impassable terrain, // take it and forbid any further use of impassable tiles if (state.ignoreImpassable) { if (i > 0 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i-1, j), state.passClass)) state.ignoreImpassable = false; else if (i < m_MapSize-1 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i+1, j), state.passClass)) state.ignoreImpassable = false; else if (j > 0 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i, j-1), state.passClass)) state.ignoreImpassable = false; else if (j < m_MapSize-1 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i, j+1), state.passClass)) state.ignoreImpassable = false; } u32 g = state.tiles->get(i, j).cost; if (i > 0) ProcessNeighbour(i, j, (u16)(i-1), j, g, state); if (i < m_MapSize-1) ProcessNeighbour(i, j, (u16)(i+1), j, g, state); if (j > 0) ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i, (u16)(j-1), g, state); if (j < m_MapSize-1) ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i, (u16)(j+1), g, state); } // Reconstruct the path (in reverse) u16 ip = state.iBest, jp = state.jBest; while (ip != i0 || jp != j0) { PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(ip, jp); entity_pos_t x, z; TileCenter(ip, jp, x, z); Waypoint w = { x, z }; path.m_Waypoints.push_back(w); // Follow the predecessor link ip = n.GetPredI(ip); jp = n.GetPredJ(jp); } // Save this grid for debug display delete m_DebugGrid; m_DebugGrid = state.tiles; m_DebugSteps = state.steps; PROFILE2_ATTR("from: (%d, %d)", i0, j0); PROFILE2_ATTR("to: (%d, %d)", state.iGoal, state.jGoal); PROFILE2_ATTR("reached: (%d, %d)", state.iBest, state.jBest); PROFILE2_ATTR("steps: %u", state.steps); #if PATHFIND_STATS printf("PATHFINDER: steps=%d avgo=%d proc=%d impc=%d impo=%d addo=%d\n", state.steps, state.sumOpenSize/state.steps, state.numProcessed, state.numImproveClosed, state.numImproveOpen, state.numAddToOpen); #endif }
static void Frame() { g_Profiler2.RecordFrameStart(); PROFILE2("frame"); g_Profiler2.IncrementFrameNumber(); PROFILE2_ATTR("%d", g_Profiler2.GetFrameNumber()); ogl_WarnIfError(); // get elapsed time const double time = timer_Time(); g_frequencyFilter->Update(time); // .. old method - "exact" but contains jumps #if 0 static double last_time; const double time = timer_Time(); const float TimeSinceLastFrame = (float)(time-last_time); last_time = time; ONCE(return); // first call: set last_time and return // .. new method - filtered and more smooth, but errors may accumulate #else const float TimeSinceLastFrame = 1.0 / g_frequencyFilter->SmoothedFrequency(); #endif ENSURE(TimeSinceLastFrame > 0.0f); // decide if update/render is necessary bool need_render = !g_app_minimized; bool need_update = true; // If we are not running a multiplayer game, disable updates when the game is // minimized or out of focus and relinquish the CPU a bit, in order to make // debugging easier. if( g_PauseOnFocusLoss && !g_NetClient && !g_app_has_focus ) { PROFILE3("non-focus delay"); need_update = false; // don't use SDL_WaitEvent: don't want the main loop to freeze until app focus is restored SDL_Delay(10); } // TODO: throttling: limit update and render frequency to the minimum. // this is mostly relevant for "inactive" state, so that other windows // get enough CPU time, but it's always nice for power+thermal management. bool is_building_archive = ProgressiveBuildArchive(); // this scans for changed files/directories and reloads them, thus // allowing hotloading (changes are immediately assimilated in-game). // must not be done during archive building because it changes the // archive file each iteration, but keeps it locked; reloading // would trigger a warning because the file can't be opened. if(!is_building_archive) ReloadChangedFiles(); ProgressiveLoad(); RendererIncrementalLoad(); PumpEvents(); // if the user quit by closing the window, the GL context will be broken and // may crash when we call Render() on some drivers, so leave this loop // before rendering if (quit) return; // respond to pumped resize events if (g_ResizedW || g_ResizedH) { g_VideoMode.ResizeWindow(g_ResizedW, g_ResizedH); g_ResizedW = g_ResizedH = 0; } if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Poll(); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_GUI->TickObjects(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted() && need_update) { g_Game->Update(TimeSinceLastFrame); g_Game->GetView()->Update(float(TimeSinceLastFrame)); CCamera* camera = g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera(); CMatrix3D& orientation = camera->m_Orientation; float* pos = &orientation._data[12]; float* dir = &orientation._data[8]; float* up = &orientation._data[4]; // HACK: otherwise sound effects are L/R flipped. No idea what else // is going wrong, because the listener and camera are supposed to // coincide in position and orientation. float down[3] = { -up[0], -up[1], -up[2] }; { PROFILE3("sound update"); if (snd_update(pos, dir, down) < 0) debug_printf(L"snd_update failed\n"); } } else { PROFILE3("sound update (0)"); if (snd_update(0, 0, 0) < 0) debug_printf(L"snd_update (pos=0 version) failed\n"); } // Immediately flush any messages produced by simulation code if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Flush(); g_UserReporter.Update(); g_Console->Update(TimeSinceLastFrame); ogl_WarnIfError(); if(need_render) { Render(); PROFILE3("swap buffers"); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) SDL_GL_SwapWindow(g_VideoMode.GetWindow()); #else SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); #endif } ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler.Frame(); g_GameRestarted = false; }