const std::string parameter_reader_t::get_value(const std::string& key) const
            std::string value;
                if( root.getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct )
                    if( key.empty() )
                        value = get_xmlrpc_as_string(root);
                        PRX_WARN_S("Expected dictionary in " << trace() << " for key " << key);
                    if( has_key(key) )
                        value = get_xmlrpc_as_string(root[key]);
                        PRX_WARN_S("Expected key " << key << " in " << trace());
            catch( XmlRpc::XmlRpcException e )
                PRX_FATAL_S("Exception (" << e.getMessage() << ")"
                            << " reading ROS parameter server value: "
                            << path << '/' << key);

            return value;
        void apc_sampler_t::init(const parameter_reader_t* reader, const parameter_reader_t* template_reader)
            theta_error = parameters::get_attribute_as<int>("theta_error", reader, template_reader, 10);
            max_tries = parameters::get_attribute_as<int>("max_tries", reader, template_reader, 10);
            neighs = parameters::get_attribute_as<int>("neighbors", reader, template_reader, 50);

            std::string mode = parameters::get_attribute("mode", reader, template_reader, "transit");
            if( mode == "transit" )
                gripper_mode = GRIPPER_OPEN;
            else if( mode == "transfer" )
                gripper_mode = GRIPPER_CLOSED;
                PRX_WARN_S("Invalid sampling mode for apc_sampler_t!\n Transfer mode will be used.");
                gripper_mode = GRIPPER_CLOSED;

            //Shouldn't we read this in from input or something maybe?
            relative_configuration.set_position(0, 0, 0);
            relative_configuration.set_orientation(0, 0.707106, 0, 0.707106);
        std::auto_ptr<const parameter_reader_t> parameter_reader_t::get_child(const std::string& path) const
            std::string name;
            std::string subpath;
            boost::tie(name, subpath) = split_path(path);

            if( path.empty() )
                PRX_FATAL_S("Calling get child with empty path");

            else if( subpath.empty() ) // No slash found
                return std::auto_ptr<const parameter_reader_t > (get_subreader(path));
                if( !has_element(name) )
                    PRX_WARN_S("Can't follow path \"" << path << "\" from " << trace());

                const parameter_reader_t* subreader = get_subreader(name);
                std::auto_ptr<const parameter_reader_t> child_reader = subreader->get_child(subpath);
                delete subreader;
                return child_reader;
 bool geometry_t::contains_point(const vector_t& v, double buffer)
     double squared_rad;
     vector_t n;
         case PRX_SPHERE://sphere
             squared_rad = info[0]*info[0];
             if(v.squared_norm() < squared_rad+buffer)
                 return true;
         case PRX_BOX://box
             if(v[0]>-.5*info[0]-buffer && v[0]<.5*info[0]+buffer &&
                v[1]>-.5*info[1]-buffer && v[1]<.5*info[1]+buffer &&
                v[2]>-.5*info[2]-buffer && v[2]<.5*info[2]+buffer)
                 return true;
         case PRX_CONE:
             PRX_WARN_S("Cannot check point containment in cone");
         case PRX_CYLINDER://cylinder
         case PRX_OPEN_CYLINDER:
             n = v;
             n[2] = 0;
             squared_rad = info[0]*info[0]+buffer;
             if(v.squared_norm() < squared_rad &&
                v[2]>-.5*info[1]-buffer && v[2]<.5*info[1]+buffer )
                 return true;
         case PRX_CAPSULE:
             PRX_WARN_S("Cannot check point containment in capsule");
         case PRX_MESH:
             // PRX_WARN_S(trimesh.min_x<<" "<<trimesh.max_x<<" "<<trimesh.min_y<<" "<<trimesh.max_y<<" "<<trimesh.min_z<<" "<<trimesh.max_z);
             if(  trimesh.min_x - buffer < v[0] && trimesh.max_x + buffer > v[0] 
                 && trimesh.min_y - buffer < v[1] && trimesh.max_y + buffer > v[1] 
                 && trimesh.min_z - buffer < v[2] && trimesh.max_z + buffer > v[2])
                 return true;
             PRX_WARN_S("Cannot check point containment in geometry");
     return false;
        void minimal_avoidance_controller_t::compute_control()
            /** Check proximity info */
            if (prox_info->get_closest_obstacle_distance() < obstacle_distance || prox_info->get_closest_plant_distance() < plant_distance)
                PRX_WARN_S ("Executing safety control: " << output_control_space->print_memory());

        void goal_state_t::init(const parameter_reader_t* reader, const parameter_reader_t* template_reader)
            goal_t::init(reader, template_reader);

            if( parameters::has_attribute("goal_state", reader, template_reader) )
                state_vec = parameters::get_attribute_as< std::vector<double> >("goal_state", reader, template_reader);
                PRX_WARN_S("Missing goal_state attribute in input files.");
            void insert(astar_node_t* element)
                if( finder.find(element) != finder.end() )
                    PRX_WARN_S("Element already exists in open set, should be using update instead.");
//                PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Heap size: " << heap.size() << "    heap_size: " << heap_size, PRX_TEXT_LIGHTGRAY);
                if( heap.size() > heap_size )
                    heap[heap_size] = element;
                finder[element] = heap_size - 1;
                reheap_up(heap_size - 1);
        std::vector<const parameter_reader_t*> parameter_reader_t::get_list(const std::string& path) const
            std::string name;
            std::string subpath;
            boost::tie(name, subpath) = split_path(path);

            if( subpath.empty() ) // No slash found
                return get_subreaders(path);
                if( !has_element(name) )
                    PRX_WARN_S("Can't follow path \"" << path << "\" from " << trace());

                const parameter_reader_t* subreader = get_subreader(name);
                std::vector<const parameter_reader_t*> subreaders = subreader->get_list(subpath);
                delete subreader;
                return subreaders;
 int arc_t::intersection( const arc_t* other, std::vector< intersection_point_t >& ret  ) const
     //  PRX_LOG_DEBUG ("Inside arc intersection");
     // The two circles are |X-C0| = R0 and |X-C1| = R1.  Define U = C1 - C0
     // and V = Perp(U) where Perp(x,y) = (y,-x).  Note that Dot(U,V) = 0 and
     // |V|^2 = |U|^2.  The intersection points X can be written in the form
     // X = C0+s*U+t*V and X = C1+(s-1)*U+t*V.  Squaring the circle equations
     // and substituting these formulas into them yields
     //   R0^2 = (s^2 + t^2)*|U|^2
     //   R1^2 = ((s-1)^2 + t^2)*|U|^2.
     // Subtracting and solving for s yields
     //   s = ((R0^2-R1^2)/|U|^2 + 1)/2
     // Then replace in the first equation and solve for t^2
     //   t^2 = (R0^2/|U|^2) - s^2.
     // In order for there to be solutions, the right-hand side must be
     // nonnegative.  Some algebra leads to the condition for existence of
     // solutions,
     //   (|U|^2 - (R0+R1)^2)*(|U|^2 - (R0-R1)^2) <= 0.
     // This reduces to
     //   |R0-R1| <= |U| <= |R0+R1|.
     // If |U| = |R0-R1|, then the circles are side-by-side and just tangent.
     // If |U| = |R0+R1|, then the circles are nested and just tangent.
     // If |R0-R1| < |U| < |R0+R1|, then the two circles to intersect in two
     // points.
     vector_t U = other->get_point_c()->get_data() - center.get_data();
     double USqrLen = U.squared_norm();
     double R0 = this->rad, R1 = other->get_rad();
     double R0mR1 = R0 - R1;
     //    PRX_LOG_DEBUG ("U vector is");
     //    U.print();
     //    PRX_LOG_DEBUG (" Squared Length is %f", USqrLen);
     //    PRX_LOG_DEBUG ( " R0: %f, R1: %f, R0-R1: %f", R0, R1, R0mR1);
     if (USqrLen < PRX_ZERO_CHECK && std::fabs(R0mR1) < PRX_ZERO_CHECK)
         // Circles are essentially the same.
         ret[0].set_valid( false );
         ret[1].set_valid( false );
         PRX_WARN_S ("WARNING! Coincidental arcs !");
         return 0;
     double R0mR1Sqr = R0mR1*R0mR1;
     if (USqrLen < R0mR1Sqr)
         ret[0].set_valid( false );
         ret[1].set_valid( false );
         return 0;
     double R0pR1 = R0 + R1;
     double R0pR1Sqr = R0pR1*R0pR1;
     if (USqrLen > R0pR1Sqr)
         ret[0].set_valid( false );
         ret[1].set_valid( false );
         return 0;
     if (USqrLen < R0pR1Sqr)
         if (R0mR1Sqr < USqrLen)
             double invUSqrLen = ((double)1)/USqrLen;
             double s = (0.5)*((R0*R0-R1*R1)*invUSqrLen + 1.0);
             vector_t tmp = center.get_data() + U*s;
             // In theory, diskr is nonnegative.  However, numerical round-off
             // errors can make it slightly negative.  Clamp it to zero.
             double diskr = R0*R0*invUSqrLen - s*s;
             if (diskr < PRX_ZERO_CHECK)
                 diskr = 0.0;
             double t = std::sqrt(diskr);
             vector_t V(U[1], -U[0]);
             ret[0] = tmp - V*t;
             ret[1] = tmp + V*t;
             ret[0].set_valid( true );
             ret[1].set_valid( true );
             return 2;
             //PRX_LOG_DEBUG ("|U| = |R0-R1|, circles are tangent. ");
             ret[0] = center.get_data() + U*(R0/R0mR1);
             ret[0].set_valid( true );
             ret[1].set_valid( false );
             return 1;
         //PRX_LOG_DEBUG ("|U| = |R0+R1|, circles are tangent. ");
         ret[0] = center.get_data() + U*(R0/R0pR1);
         ret[0].set_valid( true );
         ret[1].set_valid( false );
         return 1;
int graph_proximity_t::find_k_close( abstract_node_t* state, proximity_node_t** close_nodes, double* distances, int k )
    if( nr_nodes == 0 )
        return 0;
	if(k > MAX_KK)
		PRX_WARN_S("Trying to return "<<k<<" points when the max is "<<MAX_KK);
		k = MAX_KK;

    if( k < nr_nodes )
	for( int i=0; i<k; i++ )
	    bool exists = true;
	    int index;
	    while( exists == true )
		index = rand() % nr_nodes;
		exists = does_node_exist( nodes[index], close_nodes, i );
	    close_nodes[i] = nodes[index];
	    added_nodes[nodes[index]] = true;
	    distances[i] = nodes[index]->distance( state );
	sort( close_nodes, distances, 0, k-1 );
	int nr_samples = sampling_function();

	double min_distance = distances[0];
	int min_index = close_nodes[0]->get_index();
	for( int i=0; i<nr_samples; i++ )
	    int index = rand() % nr_nodes;
	    if( does_node_exist( nodes[index], close_nodes, k ) == false )
		double distance = nodes[index]->distance( state );
		if( distance < min_distance )
		    min_distance = distance;
		    min_index = index;
            close_nodes[ k - 1 ] = nodes[min_index];
            distances[ k - 1 ] = min_distance;
            resort( close_nodes, distances, k-1 );        
        min_index = 0;
	int last_index = close_nodes[k-1]->get_index();
	int old_last_index;
	    old_last_index = last_index;
            int nr_neighbors;
            unsigned int* neighbors = nodes[ close_nodes[min_index]->get_index() ]->get_neighbors( &nr_neighbors );
            for( int j=0; j<nr_neighbors; j++ )
                if( does_node_exist( nodes[ neighbors[j] ], close_nodes, k ) == false )
                    double distance = nodes[ neighbors[j] ]->distance( state );
                    if( distance < distances[k-1] )
                        close_nodes[k-1] = nodes[ neighbors[j] ];
                        distances[k-1] = distance;
                        resort( close_nodes, distances, k-1 );

                        last_index = close_nodes[k-1]->get_index();
	while( min_index < k );
	return k;
	for( int i=0; i<nr_nodes; i++ )
	    close_nodes[i] = nodes[i];
	    distances[i] = nodes[i]->distance( state );
	sort( close_nodes, distances, 0, nr_nodes-1 );
	return nr_nodes;