	AActor *mo = NULL;
	int i;

	for(i = (pr_pottery()&3)+3; i; i--)
		mo = Spawn ("PotteryBit", self->x, self->y, self->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (mo)
			mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + (pr_pottery()%5));
			mo->velz = ((pr_pottery()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
			mo->velx = (pr_pottery.Random2())<<(FRACBITS-6);
			mo->vely = (pr_pottery.Random2())<<(FRACBITS-6);
	S_Sound (mo, CHAN_BODY, "PotteryExplode", 1, ATTN_NORM);
	// Spawn an item?
	const PClass *type = P_GetSpawnableType(self->args[0]);
	if (type != NULL)
		if (!((level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS) || (dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS))
		|| !(GetDefaultByType (type)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
		{ // Only spawn monsters if not -nomonsters
			Spawn (type, self->x, self->y, self->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
	AActor *mo;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		mo = Spawn ("ZArmorChunk", self->x+((pr_soaexplode()-128)<<12),
			self->z+(pr_soaexplode()*self->height/256), ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (mo)
			mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + i);
			mo->velz = ((pr_soaexplode()&7)+5)*FRACUNIT;
			mo->velx = pr_soaexplode.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
			mo->vely = pr_soaexplode.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
	// Spawn an item?
	const PClass *type = P_GetSpawnableType(self->args[0]);
	if (type != NULL)
		if (!((level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS) || (dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS))
		|| !(GetDefaultByType (type)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
		{ // Only spawn monsters if not -nomonsters
			Spawn (type, self->x, self->y, self->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
	S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, self->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
	self->Destroy ();
void P_SpawnTeleportFog(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int spawnid)
	const PClass *fog = P_GetSpawnableType(spawnid);

	if (fog == NULL)
		AActor *mo = Spawn ("TeleportFog", x, y, z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		AActor *mo = Spawn (fog, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (mo != NULL) S_Sound(mo, CHAN_BODY, mo->SeeSound, 1.f, ATTN_NORM);
bool P_Thing_Spawn (int tid, AActor *source, int type, DAngle angle, bool fog, int newtid)
	int rtn = 0;
	PClassActor *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);

	kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);

	if (kind == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	if ((GetDefaultByType(kind)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);

		if (mobj != NULL)
			ActorFlags2 oldFlags2 = mobj->flags2;
			mobj->flags2 |= MF2_PASSMOBJ;
			if (P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
				mobj->Angles.Yaw = (angle != 1000000. ? angle : spot->Angles.Yaw);
				if (fog)
					P_SpawnTeleportFog(mobj, spot->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), false, true);
				if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
					mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;	// Don't respawn
				mobj->tid = newtid;
				mobj->AddToHash ();
				mobj->flags2 = oldFlags2;
				// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
				// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
				mobj->Destroy ();
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, DAngle angle,
	double speed, double vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	PClassActor *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);
	int defflags3;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindActor(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType(kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		FActorIterator tit (dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				double z = spot->Z();
				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
					z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
					z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)
					z -= spot->Floorclip;
				mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->PosAtZ(z), ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->Gravity = 1./8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;

					if (targ != NULL)
						DVector3 aim = mobj->Vec3To(targ);
						aim.Z += targ->Height / 2;

						if (leadTarget && speed > 0 && !targ->Vel.isZero())
							// Aiming at the target's position some time in the future
							// is basically just an application of the law of sines:
							//     a/sin(A) = b/sin(B)
							// Thanks to all those on the notgod phorum for helping me
							// with the math. I don't think I would have thought of using
							// trig alone had I been left to solve it by myself.

							DVector3 tvel = targ->Vel;
							if (!(targ->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && targ->waterlevel < 3)
							{ // If the target is subject to gravity and not underwater,
							  // assume that it isn't moving vertically. Thanks to gravity,
							  // even if we did consider the vertical component of the target's
							  // velocity, we would still miss more often than not.
								tvel.Z = 0.0;
								if (targ->Vel.X == 0 && targ->Vel.Y == 0)
									goto nolead;
							double dist = aim.Length();
							double targspeed = tvel.Length();
							double ydotx = -aim | tvel;
							double a = g_acos (clamp (ydotx / targspeed / dist, -1.0, 1.0));
							double multiplier = double(pr_leadtarget.Random2())*0.1/255+1.1;
							double sinb = -clamp (targspeed*multiplier * g_sin(a) / speed, -1.0, 1.0);

							// Use the cross product of two of the triangle's sides to get a
							// rotation vector.
							DVector3 rv(tvel ^ aim);
							// The vector must be normalized.
							// Now combine the rotation vector with angle b to get a rotation matrix.
							DMatrix3x3 rm(rv, g_cos(g_asin(sinb)), sinb);
							// And multiply the original aim vector with the matrix to get a
							// new aim vector that leads the target.
							DVector3 aimvec = rm * aim;
							// And make the projectile follow that vector at the desired speed.
							mobj->Vel = aimvec * (speed / dist);
							mobj->Angles.Yaw = mobj->AngleTo(targ);
							mobj->Vel = aim.Resized (speed);
						if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
							mobj->tracer = targ;
						mobj->Angles.Yaw = angle;
						mobj->Vel.Z = vspeed;
					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = mobj->VelToSpeed();
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->Vel.Z = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj, spot->radius))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
bool P_Thing_ProjectileEx (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, angle_t angle,
	fixed_t spawnx, fixed_t spawny, fixed_t spawnz,
	fixed_t speed, fixed_t vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	const PClass *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);
	double fspeed = speed;
	int defflags3;
	fixed_t x = 0;
	fixed_t y = 0;
	fixed_t z = 0;
	angle_t pitch;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindClass(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL || kind->ActorInfo == NULL)
		return false;

// [RC] I'm sure there was reason for this code here, but I'm not sure why anymore. Possibly
// deprecated ThingProjectile code.
	if (type_name == NULL)
		if (type >= MAX_SPAWNABLES)
			return false;

		if ((kind = SpawnableThings[type]) == NULL)
			return false;
		if ((kind = PClass::FindClass(type_name)) == NULL || kind->ActorInfo == NULL)
			return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType (kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		FActorIterator tit (dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				//fixed_t z = spot->z;
				z += spot->player->mo->z + (spot->player->mo->AttackZOffset+spawnz);//spot->player->mo->AttackZOffset;
				x += spot->player->mo->x + spawnx;
				y += spot->player->mo->y + spawny;
				pitch = spot->player->mo->pitch;

				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER) z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)z -= spot->floorclip;
				if (z < spot->floorz) z = spot->floorz;

				mobj = Spawn (kind, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->gravity = FRACUNIT/8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;
					mobj->master = spot; //Ideally, give the projectile an owner. That being the player.
					mobj->angle = angle;
					mobj->velx = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
					mobj->vely = FixedMul(speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
					mobj->velz = vspeed;

					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = fixed_t (sqrt (double(mobj->velx)*mobj->velx + double(mobj->vely)*mobj->vely + double(mobj->velz)*mobj->velz));
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->velz = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, angle_t angle,
	fixed_t speed, fixed_t vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	const PClass *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);
	double fspeed = speed;
	int defflags3;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindClass(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL || kind->ActorInfo == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType (kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		FActorIterator tit (dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				fixed_t z = spot->z;
				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
					z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
					z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)
					z -= spot->floorclip;
				mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->x, spot->y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->gravity = FRACUNIT/8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;

					if (targ != NULL)
						fixed_t spot[3] = { targ->x, targ->y, targ->z+targ->height/2 };
						FVector3 aim(float(spot[0] - mobj->x), float(spot[1] - mobj->y), float(spot[2] - mobj->z));

						if (leadTarget && speed > 0 && (targ->velx | targ->vely | targ->velz))
							// Aiming at the target's position some time in the future
							// is basically just an application of the law of sines:
							//     a/sin(A) = b/sin(B)
							// Thanks to all those on the notgod phorum for helping me
							// with the math. I don't think I would have thought of using
							// trig alone had I been left to solve it by myself.

							FVector3 tvel(targ->velx, targ->vely, targ->velz);
							if (!(targ->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && targ->waterlevel < 3)
							{ // If the target is subject to gravity and not underwater,
							  // assume that it isn't moving vertically. Thanks to gravity,
							  // even if we did consider the vertical component of the target's
							  // velocity, we would still miss more often than not.
								tvel.Z = 0.0;
								if ((targ->velx | targ->vely) == 0)
									goto nolead;
							double dist = aim.Length();
							double targspeed = tvel.Length();
							double ydotx = -aim | tvel;
							double a = acos (clamp (ydotx / targspeed / dist, -1.0, 1.0));
							double multiplier = double(pr_leadtarget.Random2())*0.1/255+1.1;
							double sinb = -clamp (targspeed*multiplier * sin(a) / fspeed, -1.0, 1.0);

							// Use the cross product of two of the triangle's sides to get a
							// rotation vector.
							FVector3 rv(tvel ^ aim);
							// The vector must be normalized.
							// Now combine the rotation vector with angle b to get a rotation matrix.
							FMatrix3x3 rm(rv, cos(asin(sinb)), sinb);
							// And multiply the original aim vector with the matrix to get a
							// new aim vector that leads the target.
							FVector3 aimvec = rm * aim;
							// And make the projectile follow that vector at the desired speed.
							double aimscale = fspeed / dist;
							mobj->velx = fixed_t (aimvec[0] * aimscale);
							mobj->vely = fixed_t (aimvec[1] * aimscale);
							mobj->velz = fixed_t (aimvec[2] * aimscale);
							mobj->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, mobj->velx, mobj->vely);
nolead:						mobj->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (mobj->x, mobj->y, targ->x, targ->y);
							aim.Resize (fspeed);
							mobj->velx = fixed_t(aim[0]);
							mobj->vely = fixed_t(aim[1]);
							mobj->velz = fixed_t(aim[2]);
						if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
							mobj->tracer = targ;
						mobj->angle = angle;
						mobj->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
						mobj->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
						mobj->velz = vspeed;
					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = fixed_t (sqrt (double(mobj->velx)*mobj->velx + double(mobj->vely)*mobj->vely + double(mobj->velz)*mobj->velz));
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->velz = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
bool FLevelLocals::EV_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, DAngle angle,
	double speed, double vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	PClassActor *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	auto iterator = GetActorIterator(tid);
	int defflags3;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindActor(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement(this);

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType(kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		auto tit = GetActorIterator(dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				double z = spot->Z();
				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
					z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
					z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)
					z -= spot->Floorclip;
				mobj = Spawn (spot->Level, kind, spot->PosAtZ(z), ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->Gravity = 1./8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;

					if (targ != nullptr)
						VelIntercept(targ, mobj, speed, false, false, leadTarget);

						if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
							mobj->tracer = targ;
						mobj->Angles.Yaw = angle;
						mobj->Vel.Z = vspeed;
					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = mobj->VelToSpeed();
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->Vel.Z = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj, spot->radius))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;