int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    char c;
    unsigned int i, j, k;
    MMPool *mmPool;
    dictionary *programInput, *ini;
    char argumentText[11] = "argument:0";
    double startTime;
    double elapsedTime = 0, totalElapsedTime = 0;

    BWT *bwt;
    HSP *hsp;

    unsigned char charMap[256];

    unsigned char *convertedKey;
    unsigned int *packedKey;

    unsigned int found;
    unsigned int numberOfPattern, numberOfPatternFound;
    unsigned int saIndexLeft, saIndexRight;
    SaIndexGroupNew *saIndexGroup;
    SaIndexList *tempSaIndex1, *tempSaIndex2;
    unsigned int numberOfSaIndexGroup;
    HitList *hitList;
    unsigned int textPositionMatched, textPositionRetrieved;
    unsigned long long totalTextPositionMatched, totalTextPositionRetrieved;
    BWTSaRetrievalStatistics BWTSaRetrievalStatistics;

    FILE *logFile;

    init(textPositionRetrieved);    // to avoid compiler warning only
    init(textPositionMatched);        // to avoid compiler warning only

    programInput = ParseInput(argc, argv);
    ini = ParseIniFile();



    if (Confirmation == TRUE) {
        printf("BWT Search. Press Y to go or N to cancel. ");
        c = (char)getchar();
        while (c != 'y' && c != 'Y' && c != 'n' && c!= 'N') {
            c = (char)getchar();
        if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {

    startTime = setStartTime();

    MMMasterInitialize(1, 0, FALSE, NULL);
    mmPool = MMPoolCreate(PoolSize);

    // Load Database
    printf("Loading Database..");

    bwt = BWTLoad(mmPool, BWTCodeFileName, BWTOccValueFileName, SaValueFileName, NULL, SaIndexFileName, NULL);
    hsp = HSPLoad(mmPool, PackedDNAFileName, AnnotationFileName, AmbiguityFileName, MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH / CHAR_PER_WORD);
    if (bwt->textLength != hsp->dnaLength) {
        fprintf(stderr, "BWT-BLAST: Database length inconsistent!\n");

    if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
        logFile = fopen64(LogFileName, "w");
        if (logFile == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open log file!\n");
    } else {
        logFile = NULL;

    packedKey = MMPoolDispatch(mmPool, WordPackedLengthFromText(MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH, BIT_PER_CHAR));
    convertedKey = MMPoolDispatch(mmPool, MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH);

    saIndexGroup = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfHitGroups * sizeof(SaIndexGroup));
    hitList = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(HitList));
    tempSaIndex1 = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(SaIndexList));
    tempSaIndex2 = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(SaIndexList));

    elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
    printf("Elapsed time = ");
    printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
    totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;

    // Process search pattern files
    for (i=1; i<=NumberOfSearchPatternFile; i++) {

        argumentText[9] = '0' + (char)(i + 2);
        iniparser_copystring(programInput, argumentText, PatternFileName, PatternFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LEN);

        printf("Loading search pattern : %s\n", PatternFileName);
        numberOfPattern = ProcessSearchPattern();
        printf("Finished loading search pattern.\n");
        elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
        printf("Elapsed time = ");
        printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
        totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;

        if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
            fprintf(logFile, "Searching for pattern : %s\n", PatternFileName);

        if (SABinarySearch == TRUE) {

            printf("Start forward search with SA index.\n");
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Forward search with SA index.\n");

            numberOfPatternFound = 0;
            totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
            totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

            for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
                //ConvertTextToWordPacked(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], packedKey, charMap, ALPHABET_SIZE, 
                //                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                //found = BWTForwardSearchSaIndex(packedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
                //                         bwt, hsp->packedDNA, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight);

                ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
                                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                found = BWTSaBinarySearch(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
                                         bwt, hsp->packedDNA, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight, packedKey);

                if (found) {
                    textPositionMatched = saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1;
                    totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

                    if (FindTextPosition) {
                        saIndexGroup->startSaIndex = saIndexLeft;
                        if (textPositionMatched <= MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
                            saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = textPositionMatched;
                        } else {
                            saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
                            printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
                        saIndexGroup->posQuery = 0;
                        saIndexGroup->info = 0;
                        textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, 1, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
                        totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

                if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                    if (found) {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. SA Index from %u to %u.  ", 
                                j + 1, saIndexLeft, saIndexRight);
                        if (FindTextPosition) {
                            fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
                            for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
                                fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
                    fprintf(logFile, "\n");

            printf("Finished forward search with SA index.\n");
            printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
            if (FindTextPosition) {
                printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
            elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
            printf("Elapsed time = ");
            printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
            totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Finished forward search with SA index.\n");
                fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
                if (FindTextPosition) {
                    fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
                fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
                printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
                fprintf(logFile, "\n");


        if (BackwardSearch == TRUE) {

            printf("Start backward search.\n");
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Backward search.\n");

            numberOfPatternFound = 0;
            totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
            totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

            for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
                ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
                                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                found = BWTBackwardSearch(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
                                         bwt, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight);
                if (found) {
                    textPositionMatched = saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1;
                    totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

                    if (FindTextPosition) {
                        saIndexGroup->startSaIndex = saIndexLeft;
                        if (textPositionMatched <= MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
                            saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = textPositionMatched;
                        } else {
                            saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
                            printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
                        saIndexGroup->posQuery = 0;
                        saIndexGroup->info = 0;
                        textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, 1, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
                        totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

                if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                    if (found) {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. SA Index from %u to %u. Total %u occurrences ", j + 1, saIndexLeft, saIndexRight, saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1);
                        if (FindTextPosition) {
                            fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
                            for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
                                fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
                    fprintf(logFile, "\n");

            printf("Finished backward search.\n");
            printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
            if (FindTextPosition) {
                printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
            elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
            printf("Elapsed time = ");
            printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
            totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Finished backward search.\n");
                fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
                if (FindTextPosition) {
                    fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
                fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
                printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
                fprintf(logFile, "\n");


        if (BackwardSearchCheck == TRUE) {

            printf("Start backward search with text.\n");
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Backward search with text.\n");

            numberOfPatternFound = 0;
            totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
            totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

            for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
                ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
                                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                ConvertTextToWordPacked(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], packedKey, charMap, ALPHABET_SIZE, 
                                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                found = BWTBackwardSearchCheckWithText(convertedKey, packedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
                                                  bwt, hsp->packedDNA, TextCheckCostFactor, MaxNumberOfTextPosition, 
                                                  hitList, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight);
                if (found) {
                    textPositionMatched = saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1;
                    totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

                    // Find text position if text check not used
                    if (FindTextPosition && saIndexLeft != 0) {
                        saIndexGroup->startSaIndex = saIndexLeft;
                        if (textPositionMatched <= MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
                            saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = textPositionMatched;
                        } else {
                            saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
                            printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
                        saIndexGroup->posQuery = 0;
                        saIndexGroup->info = 0;
                        textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, 1, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
                        totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;
                    } else {
                        textPositionRetrieved = textPositionMatched;
                        totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

                if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                    if (found) {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. ", j + 1);
                        if (FindTextPosition) {
                            fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
                            for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
                                fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
                    fprintf(logFile, "\n");

            printf("Finished backward search with text.\n");
            printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
            if (FindTextPosition) {
                printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
            elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
            printf("Elapsed time = ");
            printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
            totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Finished backward search with text.\n");
                fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
                if (FindTextPosition) {
                    fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
                fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
                printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
                fprintf(logFile, "\n");


        if (HammingDistSearch == TRUE) {

            printf("Start hamming distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Hamming distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);

            numberOfPatternFound = 0;
            totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
            totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

            for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
                ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
                                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                numberOfSaIndexGroup = BWTHammingDistMatchOld(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
                                                           bwt, MaxErrorAllowed, saIndexGroup, MaxNumberOfHitGroups, 0, 0);
                if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
                    textPositionMatched = 0;
                    for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
                        textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
                    if (textPositionMatched > MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
                        textPositionMatched = 0;
                        for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup && textPositionMatched < MaxNumberOfTextPosition; k++) {
                            textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
                        numberOfSaIndexGroup = k - 1;
                        saIndexGroup[numberOfSaIndexGroup].numOfMatch -= textPositionMatched - MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
                        for (; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
                            textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
                        printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
                    totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

                    if (FindTextPosition) {
                        textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, numberOfSaIndexGroup, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
                        totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

                if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                    if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. %u matches", j + 1, textPositionMatched);
                        if (FindTextPosition) {
                            fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
                            for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
                                fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
                    fprintf(logFile, "\n");

            printf("Finished hamming distance search.\n");
            printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
            if (FindTextPosition) {
                printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
            elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
            printf("Elapsed time = ");
            printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
            totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Finished hamming distance search.\n");
                fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
                if (FindTextPosition) {
                    fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
                fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
                printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
                fprintf(logFile, "\n");


        if (EditDistSearch == TRUE) {

            printf("Start edit distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Edit distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);

            numberOfPatternFound = 0;
            totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
            totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

            for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
                ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
                                    searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
                numberOfSaIndexGroup = BWTEditDistMatchOld(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
                                                        bwt, MaxErrorAllowed, (SaIndexGroupWithLengthError*)saIndexGroup, MaxNumberOfHitGroups);
                if (numberOfSaIndexGroup > MaxNumberOfHitGroups) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "numberOfSaIndexGroup > MaxNumberOfHitGroups!\n");
                if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
                    textPositionMatched = 0;
                    for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
                        textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
                    if (textPositionMatched > MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
                        textPositionMatched = 0;
                        for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup && textPositionMatched < MaxNumberOfTextPosition; k++) {
                            textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
                        numberOfSaIndexGroup = k - 1;
                        saIndexGroup[numberOfSaIndexGroup].numOfMatch -= textPositionMatched - MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
                        for (; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
                            textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
                        printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
                    totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

                    if (FindTextPosition) {
                        textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, numberOfSaIndexGroup, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
                        totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

                if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                    if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. %u matches. ", j + 1, textPositionMatched);
                        if (FindTextPosition) {
                            fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
                            for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
                                fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
                    fprintf(logFile, "\n");

            printf("Finished edit distance search.\n");
            printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
            if (FindTextPosition) {
                printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                              BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
            elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
            printf("Elapsed time = ");
            printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
            totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
            if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
                fprintf(logFile, "Finished edit distance search.\n");
                fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
                if (FindTextPosition) {
                    fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
                                  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
                fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
                printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
                fprintf(logFile, "\n");



    MMPoolReturn(mmPool, packedKey, WordPackedLengthFromText(MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH, BIT_PER_CHAR));
    MMPoolReturn(mmPool, convertedKey, MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH);

    BWTFree(mmPool, bwt);

    if (searchPattern != NULL) {
        MMUnitFree(searchPattern, searchPatternAllocated);
    if (searchPatternPosition != NULL) {
        MMUnitFree(searchPatternPosition, searchPatternPositionAllocated);
    MMUnitFree(saIndexGroup, MaxNumberOfHitGroups * sizeof(unsigned int));
    MMUnitFree(hitList, MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(unsigned int));



    return 0;

文件: diskcopy.c 项目: FDOS/diskcopy

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int memkind, handle;
  char loop1, loop2;
  struct dfree free;
  char buf[BUFFERSIZE];
  char cmpbuf[BUFFERSIZE];
  unsigned long sector, total, disksize, allocated, beginsector, endsector;
  unsigned long FilledDiskSize, FilledTotal, FileSize = 0;
  int Arg1IsFile, Arg2IsFile;
  int UseImageFile, ImageModus, Overwrite;
  int i, enable;
  int audible, verify, fallthrough, askdisk, asktdisk;
  char sdrive, tdrive;
  int HardDiskOk;
  int informative, copyfast;
  char switchchar;
  int tocopysectors;
  unsigned tobuffer;
  int recoverymode;
  int bytespersector;
  int CopyingToSameDisk = FALSE;
  int action, success;
  struct LFNAttribute attr;

  struct IniParserStruct *ParsedData;
  struct TwoDriveCopyData tdrvdata;

  attr.output = TRUE;

  memkind = UNALLOCATED;
  UseImageFile = FALSE;

  SetExePath (argv[0]);		/* Remember executable's path.     */
  CriticalHandlerOn ();		/* Install critical handler.       */
  InitLFNAPI ();		/* Initialise LFN API.             */


    switchchar = SwitchChar ();

  /* Check arguments */
  if ((argc == 2) && ((argv[1][0] == '/') || (argv[1][0] == switchchar)) &&
      (argv[1][1] == '?') && (argv[1][2] == '\0'))
      ShowHelp (switchchar);
      return COPYSUCCESS;

  if (argc > 2)
      Arg1IsFile = IsFile (argv[1]);
      Arg2IsFile = IsFile (argv[2]);

#ifdef DEF_HELP
  if (argc < 3)
      /* The way we do it.                */
      ShowHelp (switchchar);
      return INITERROR;
  else if ((!HasFloppyForm (argv[1]) && !Arg1IsFile) ||
	   (!HasFloppyForm (argv[2]) && !Arg2IsFile))
  if ((argc < 3) || (!HasFloppyForm (argv[1]) && !Arg1IsFile)
      || (!HasFloppyForm (argv[2]) && !Arg2IsFile))
      /* The way (DR and MS) DOS does it. */
      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 0, "Invalid drive specification or non removable media.");
      return INITERROR;

  if (ParseIniFile (NULL) < 0)	/* Parse .ini file. */
      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 1, "Error reading configuration file.");
      return INITERROR;

  ParsedData = GetParsedData ();

  audible = ParsedData->audible;
  verify = ParsedData->verify;
  HardDiskOk = ParsedData->UseSWAP;
  informative = ParsedData->informative;
  Overwrite = ParsedData->overwrite;
  fallthrough = ParsedData->autoexit;
  askdisk = ParsedData->askdisk;
  asktdisk = ParsedData->asktdisk;
  copyfast = (ParsedData->speed == FAST);
  recoverymode = ParsedData->mode;

  /* Check arguments. */
  for (i = 3; i < argc; i++)
      if (strlen (argv[i]) > 3)
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 2, "Invalid switch:");
	  printf (" %s\n", argv[i]);
	  return INITERROR;

      enable = TRUE;
      if (strlen (argv[i]) == 3)
	  if (argv[i][2] == '-')
	      enable = FALSE;
	      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 2, "Invalid switch");
	      printf (" %s\n", argv[i]);
	      return INITERROR;

      if ((argv[i][0] == switchchar) || (argv[i][0] == '/'))
	switch (argv[i][1])
	  case 'a':		/* DOS is case insensitive. */
	  case 'A':
	    audible = enable;
	  case 'v':
	  case 'V':
	    verify = enable;
	  case 'm':
	  case 'M':
	    HardDiskOk = !enable;
	  case 'i':
	  case 'I':
	    informative = enable;
	  case 'o':
	  case 'O':
	    Overwrite = enable;
	  case 'x':
	  case 'X':
	    fallthrough = enable;
	  case 'd':
	  case 'D':
	    askdisk = !enable;

	  case 'f':
	  case 'F':
	    copyfast = enable;

	  case 'r':
	  case 'R':
	    recoverymode = enable;
	  case 'r':
	  case 'R':
	  case 't':
	  case 'T':
	    asktdisk = !enable;

	  case '1':
	    NLS_PRINTSTRING (2, 0, "Warning: option");
	    printf (" %s ", argv[i]);
	    NLS_PUTSTRING (2, 1, "doesn't do anything!");

	    NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 2, "Invalid switch");
	    printf (" %s\n", argv[i]);
	    return INITERROR;
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 3, "Too many parameters:");
	  printf (" %s\n", argv[i]);
	  return INITERROR;

  if (Arg1IsFile && Arg2IsFile)
      ConvertToSFN (argv[1], INFILE_ID);
      ConvertToSFN (argv[2], OUTFILE_ID);

      SetLFNAttribute (&attr, OUTFILE_ID);

      if ((access (GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID), EXISTS) == 0) &&
	  Overwrite &&
	  (remove (GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID)) == -1))
	  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 4, "File is write protected!");
	  return INITERROR;

      if (CopyFile (GetSFN (INFILE_ID), GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID)))
	  printf ("%s ", argv[1]);
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 5, "copied to");
	  printf (" %s", argv[2]);
	  if (audible)
	    Beep ();

	  SynchronizeLFNs ();
	  return COPYSUCCESS;
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (3, 0, "Problem copying");
	  printf (" %s ", argv[1]);
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (3, 1, "to");
	  printf (" %s.\n", argv[2]);
	  return CRITICAL;
  else if (Arg1IsFile)
      ConvertToSFN (argv[1], INFILE_ID);

      if (access (GetSFN (INFILE_ID), READPERMISSION) != 0)
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 6, "File not found:");
	  printf (" %s\n", argv[1]);
	  return INITERROR;

      CopyingToSameDisk = IsCopyToSameDisk (argv[1], argv[2]);
      UseImageFile = TRUE;
      ImageModus = READIMAGE;
  else if (Arg2IsFile)
      CopyingToSameDisk = IsCopyToSameDisk (argv[2], argv[1]);

      ConvertToSFN (argv[2], OUTFILE_ID);

      SetLFNAttribute (&attr, OUTFILE_ID);

      if (!CopyingToSameDisk)
	  if (access (GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID), EXISTS) == 0)
	      if (Overwrite)
		  if (remove (GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID)) != 0)
		      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 4, "File is write protected!");
		      return INITERROR;
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 7, "File already exists!");
		  return INITERROR;

      if (CopyingToSameDisk)
	copyfast = TRUE;
      UseImageFile = TRUE;
      ImageModus = WRITEIMAGE;

  sdrive = (char) toupper (argv[1][0]) - 65;
  tdrive = (char) toupper (argv[2][0]) - 65;

  loop1 = CatYES;		/* initialize loop1         */
  loop2 = CatYES;		/* initialize loop2         */

  ctrlbrk (OnCBreak);
  SavedCBreak = getcbrk ();
  setcbrk (1);			/* set control-break to ON  */
  atexit (OnExit);		/* make sure that all allocated memory is released when
				   program stops. */

  if ((sdrive != tdrive) && (!UseImageFile) && BiosReportsTwoDrives ())
      tdrvdata.sourcedrv = sdrive;
      tdrvdata.destdrv = tdrive;
      tdrvdata.cpybuf = buf;
      tdrvdata.cmpbuf = cmpbuf;
      tdrvdata.bufsize = BUFFERSIZE;
      tdrvdata.bel = audible;
      tdrvdata.fallthrough = fallthrough;
      tdrvdata.askdisk = askdisk;
      tdrvdata.copyfast = copyfast;
      tdrvdata.verify = verify;
      tdrvdata.recoverymode = recoverymode;
      tdrvdata.updateserial = ParsedData->serialnumber;

      TwoDriveCopy (&tdrvdata);

      return COPYSUCCESS;

  endsector = 0;
  while (!NLS_TEST_NO (loop1))	/* loop1 */
      if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
	  if (askdisk)
	      puts ("");
	      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 8, "Insert SOURCE diskette into drive");
	      printf (" %s\n\n", argv[1]);
	      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 9, "Press any key to continue . . .");
	      WaitForInput ();
	      puts ("");
	    askdisk = TRUE;	/* Always ask after the first run. */

      if (endsector == 0)
	  if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
	      if (!DiskReadBootInfo (sdrive, &free) ||
                  (DetermineFATType() != FAT12))
		  puts ("");
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 10, "Disk not ready!");
		  return CRITICAL;
	      /* Remember file size */
	      handle = open (GetSFN (INFILE_ID), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
	      if (handle < 0)
		  puts ("");
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 11, "Unable to open image file.");
		  return INITERROR;
	      FileSize = filelength (handle);
	      close (handle);

	      if (!FileReadBootInfo (GetSFN (INFILE_ID), &free))
		  puts ("");
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 11, "Unable to open image file.");
		  return INITERROR;

	  total = free.df_total * free.df_sclus;
	  bytespersector = free.df_bsec;
	  disksize = total * bytespersector;

	  if (disksize == 0)
	      puts ("");
	      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 0, "Invalid drive specification or non removable media.");
	      return INITERROR;

	  /* Initialize fast copy:
	     - After checking if disk in drive is ok, BUT
	     - before initializing memory                  */
	     In case of writing an image file to disk. We'd like the
	     program to succeed regardless of wether we used the
	     /f switch or corresponding .ini file entry             */
	  if (((copyfast) ||
	       ((UseImageFile && (ImageModus == READIMAGE)) &&
		disksize != FileSize)) &&
	      (disksize != FileSize))
	      SetCopySpeed (FAST);

	      if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
		  if (!DiskReadFatInfo (sdrive))
		    SetCopySpeed (FULL);
	      else if (!FileReadFatInfo (GetSFN (INFILE_ID)))
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 32, "Can not copy image file");
		  return INITERROR;
	    SetCopySpeed (FULL);

      puts ("");

      /* Get the size of the meaningfull data on the disk */
      FilledDiskSize = GetDiskFilledSize (BUFFERSIZE);
      FilledTotal = (FilledDiskSize / free.df_bsec) / free.df_sclus;

      if ((UseImageFile) && (!CopyingToSameDisk))
	switch (SetImageFile (GetSFN (ImageModus - 1), ImageModus, FilledDiskSize))
	  case EZERO:
	    allocated = disksize;

	    puts ("");
	    NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 12, "Not enough disk space on target drive!");
	    return INITERROR;

	    NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 13, "Error accessing image file:");
	    printf (" %s\n", argv[ImageModus]);
	    return INITERROR;
	  if (CopyingToSameDisk)
	    switch (ImageModus)
	      case READIMAGE:
		memkind = InitializeFittingMemory (FilledDiskSize, HardDiskOk, &allocated,
						   '\0', argv[2][0]);
	      case WRITEIMAGE:
		memkind = InitializeFittingMemory (FilledDiskSize, HardDiskOk, &allocated,
						   argv[1][0], '\0');
	    memkind = InitializeFittingMemory (FilledDiskSize, HardDiskOk, &allocated,
					       argv[1][0], argv[2][0]);

	  if (memkind == 0)
	      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 14, "Insufficient memory for disk copy.\n");
	      return INITERROR;

      if (CopyingToSameDisk)
	  if (allocated != FilledDiskSize)
	      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 14, "Insufficient memory for disk copy.\n");
	      return INITERROR;

	  if (ImageModus == READIMAGE)
	      PrepareForWriting ();
	      if (!ReadFileIntoMemory (GetSFN (INFILE_ID), buf, BUFFERSIZE))
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 33, "Problem reading image file.");
		  return CRITICAL;
	    /* ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE */ if (!asktdisk)
	      if (!DiskLargeEnough (GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID), FilledDiskSize))
		  puts ("");
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 12, "Not enough disk space on target drive!");
		  return INITERROR;

      if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
	  beginsector = endsector;
	  endsector += allocated / BYTESPERSECTOR;
	  if ((endsector > total) || (allocated == FilledDiskSize))
	    endsector = total;

      if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 0, "Copying");
	  printf (" %d ", (int) FilledTotal);
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 1, "clusters");
	  printf (", %d ", free.df_sclus);
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 2, "sectors per cluster");
	  printf (", %d ", free.df_bsec);
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 3, "bytes per sector");
	  puts (".");
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 4, "Relevant drive size is");
	  printf (" %lu ", FilledDiskSize);
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 5, "bytes");
	  printf (".");

      if (informative && (!UseImageFile))
	  printf (" ");
	  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 15, "Using");
	  printf (" ");

	  switch (memkind)
	    case EMS:
	      puts ("EMS.\n");
	    case XMS:
	      puts ("XMS.\n");
	    case HARDDISK:
	      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 16, "temporary file");
	      puts ("");
	    case BUFFERS:
	      NLS_PRINTSTRING (5, 0, "buffer of");
	      printf (" %ld ", allocated);
	      NLS_PUTSTRING (5, 1, "bytes.");
	      puts ("");
      else if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
	puts ("\n");

      if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))

	  for (action = DISKREADING;
	       (verify) ? (action <= VERIFICATION) : (action < VERIFICATION);
	      if (action == DISKREADING)
		  if (!UseImageFile)
		      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 17, "Reading SOURCE diskette . . .");
		    NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 34, "Creating image file . . .");

		  PrepareForWriting ();
		  puts ("");
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 38, "Verifying . . .");

		  PrepareForReading ();

	      for (sector = beginsector; sector < endsector;
		   sector = sector + TOCOPYSECTORS)
		  if (sector < endsector - TOCOPYSECTORS)
		    tocopysectors = TOCOPYSECTORS;
		    tocopysectors = (int) (endsector - sector);
		  tobuffer = (unsigned) (tocopysectors * BYTESPERSECTOR);

		  if (IsDiskReadRequired (sector, tocopysectors))	/* Fast copy */
		      if (recoverymode)

			ReadSectors (sdrive, tocopysectors, (int) sector, buf,
		      else if (absread (sdrive, tocopysectors, (int) sector, buf) != 0)
			  puts ("");
			  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 18, "Media error reading from sector");
			  printf (" %ld.\n", sector);
		      if (action == DISKREADING)
			success = WriteMemoryBlock (buf, tobuffer);
			success = ReadMemoryBlock (cmpbuf, tobuffer);

		      if (!success)
			  puts ("");
			  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 20, "Unsuspected memory error.");
			  SetErrorStopped ();
			  return CRITICAL;

		      if (action == VERIFICATION)
			  if (memcmp (buf, cmpbuf, 5 /*tobuffer */ ) != 0)
			      puts ("");
			      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 37, "Compare error on sector");
			      printf (" %ld.\n", sector);

      if (audible && (!UseImageFile))
	Beep ();

      if (!UseImageFile || (ImageModus == READIMAGE))
	  while (!NLS_TEST_NO (loop2))	/* loop2 */
	      if (askdisk)
		  if (!UseImageFile)
		    puts ("\n");
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 21, "Insert TARGET diskette into drive");
		  printf (" %s\n\n", argv[2]);
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 9, "Press any key to continue . . .");
		  WaitForInput ();
		askdisk = TRUE;

	      /* Check disk capacity is the same as that of the original
	         diskette. */
	      for (;;)
		  if (!DiskReadBootInfo (tdrive, &free))
		      puts ("");
		      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 10, "Disk not ready!");
		      total = 0;
		    total = free.df_total * free.df_sclus;

		  if (((UseImageFile) && (FileSize != FilledDiskSize)) ||
		      (disksize != total * free.df_bsec))
		      puts ("");
		      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 22, "Diskette does not have the same capacity as the original.");

		      if (fallthrough)
			return NONFATAL;

		      puts ("");
		      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 23, "Put a diskette with the right capacity in drive");
		      printf (" %s, \n", argv[2]);
		      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 24, "or press CTRL-C to cancel.");
		      WaitForInput ();	/* When the user presses CTRL-C this function does not return */

	      if (UseImageFile)
		  puts ("\n");
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 0, "Copying");
		  printf (" %d ", (int) FilledTotal);
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 1, "clusters");
		  printf (", %d ", free.df_sclus);
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 2, "sectors per cluster");
		  printf (", %d ", free.df_bsec);
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 3, "bytes per sector");
		  puts (".");
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 4, "Relevant drive size is");
		  printf (" %lu ", FilledDiskSize);
		  NLS_PRINTSTRING (4, 5, "bytes");
		  puts (".");

		  beginsector = endsector;
		  endsector += allocated / BYTESPERSECTOR;
		  if (endsector > total)
		    endsector = total;

	      for (action = DISKWRITING;
	      (verify) ? (action <= VERIFICATION) : (action < VERIFICATION);
		  if (action == DISKWRITING)
		      if (UseImageFile)
			  puts ("");
			  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 35, "Writing image file . . .");

			  puts ("\n");
			  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 25, "Writing to TARGET diskette in drive . . .");
		      PrepareForReading ();
		  else	/* VERIFICATION */
		      puts ("");
		      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 38, "Verifying . . .");
		      PrepareForReading ();	/* Rewind */


		  for (sector = beginsector; sector < endsector;
		       sector = sector + TOCOPYSECTORS)
		      if (sector < endsector - TOCOPYSECTORS)
			tocopysectors = TOCOPYSECTORS;
			tocopysectors = (int) (endsector - sector);
		      tobuffer = (unsigned) (tocopysectors * BYTESPERSECTOR);

		      if (IsDiskReadRequired (sector, tocopysectors))
			  if (!ReadMemoryBlock (buf, tobuffer))
			      puts ("");
			      NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 20, "Unsuspected memory error.");
			      SetErrorStopped ();
			      return CRITICAL;

			  if (action == DISKWRITING)
			      if (sector == 0)
				  if (ParsedData->serialnumber == UPDATE)
				    UpdateDiskSerialNumber (buf);
			      if (abswrite (tdrive, tocopysectors, (int) sector, buf) != 0)
				    if (sector == 0)
					if (abswrite(tdrive, 1, 0, buf) != 0)
					    NLS_PRINTSTRING(1, 41, "Sector 0 unwritable! Write protected?");
					    if (FilledDiskSize == allocated) 
						return CRITICAL;	
				  puts ("");
				  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 27, "Media error writing to sector");
				  printf (" %ld.\n", sector);

			      if (absread (tdrive, tocopysectors, (int) sector, cmpbuf) != 0)
				  puts ("");
				  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 18, "Media error reading from sector");
				  printf (" %ld.\n", sector);

			      if (sector == 0)
				  if (ParsedData->serialnumber == UPDATE)
				      ClearDiskSerialNumber (buf);
				      ClearDiskSerialNumber (cmpbuf);

			      if (memcmp (buf, cmpbuf, tobuffer) != 0)
				  puts ("");
				  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 37, "Compare error on sector");
				  printf (" %ld.\n", sector);
	      if (!UseImageFile)
		puts ("");

	      if (UseImageFile || (FilledDiskSize == allocated))	/* If everything fitted in memory */
		  loop2 = (fallthrough) ? CatNO : CatNO + 1;
		  if (loop2 == CatYES)
		  while (!NLS_TEST_YES_NO (loop2))
		      ClrKbd ();
		      if (audible)
			Beep ();
		      puts ("");
		      if (UseImageFile)
			puts ("");
		      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 28, "Do you want another copy of this ");
		      if (UseImageFile)
			  endsector = 0;
			  NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 29, "image file (Y/N)?");
			NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 30, "disk (Y/N)?");

		      loop2 = toupper (getch ());
		      puts ("");
		  if (UseImageFile && (NLS_TEST_YES (loop2)))
		    puts ("");
		  puts ("");
		  loop2 = CatNO;

	      /* Change the serial number of the target disk. */
	      if (ParsedData->serialnumber == UPDATE)
		  puts ("");
		  PrintDiskSerialNumber ();
		  puts ("");
	    }			/*  loop2 */

	  loop2 = CatYES;
	  if (loop2 == CatNO)
	  ReleaseMemory ();
	  if (CopyingToSameDisk)
	      PrepareForReading ();
	      if (!WriteFileFromMemory (GetSFN (OUTFILE_ID), buf, BUFFERSIZE,
					FilledDiskSize, asktdisk,
					fallthrough, Overwrite))
		  NLS_PUTSTRING (1, 36, "Problem writing image file.");
		  return CRITICAL;

      loop1 = CatYES + 1;
      if (loop1 == CatNO)
      if (!UseImageFile && !fallthrough && (endsector == total))
	  while (!NLS_TEST_YES_NO (loop1))
	      ClrKbd ();
	      puts ("");
	      NLS_PRINTSTRING (1, 31, "Copy another disk (Y/N)?");
	      loop1 = toupper (getch ());
	      puts ("");
	      endsector = 0;
      else if (UseImageFile || (fallthrough && (endsector == total)))
	  loop1 = CatNO;
	  if (fallthrough)
	    puts ("");
	  else if (audible && (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
	    Beep ();

    }				/* end loop1 */

  if ((UseImageFile) && (ImageModus == WRITEIMAGE))
    puts ("");
