// initialization
bool CEntityTeamImagePanel::Init( KeyValues* pInitData, C_BaseEntity* pEntity )
	if (!BaseClass::Init( pInitData, pEntity))
		return false;

	if ( pInitData->GetInt( "showinnormalmode", 0 ) )
		m_bShowInNormal = true;

	// get the size...
	int w, h;
	if (!ParseCoord( pInitData, "offset", m_OffsetX, m_OffsetY ))
		return false;

	if (!ParseCoord( pInitData, "size", w, h ))
		return false;

	// Set the size...
	SetSize( w, h );

	m_iOrgWidth = w;
	m_iOrgHeight = h;
	m_iOrgOffsetX = m_OffsetX;
	m_iOrgOffsetY = m_OffsetY;

	const char *mouseover = pInitData->GetString( "mousehint", "" );
	if ( mouseover && mouseover[ 0 ] )
		Q_strncpy( m_szMouseOverText, mouseover, sizeof( m_szMouseOverText ) );

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++ )
		char teamname[ 32 ];
		Q_snprintf( teamname, sizeof( teamname ), "Team%i", i );

		memset( &m_Images[ i ], 0, sizeof( m_Images[ i ] ) );

		// Look for team section
		KeyValues *pTeamKV = pInitData->FindKey( teamname );
		if ( !pTeamKV )

		// modulation color
		if (!ParseRGBA( pTeamKV, "color", m_Images[i].m_r, m_Images[i].m_g, m_Images[i].m_b, m_Images[i].m_a ))
			return false;

		char const* pClassImage = pTeamKV->GetString( "material" );
		if ( !pClassImage || !pClassImage[ 0 ] )
			return false;

		// hook in the bitmap
		m_Images[ i ].m_pImage = new BitmapImage( GetVPanel(), pClassImage );

	// we need updating
	vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
	return true;
// initialization
bool CBitmapPanel::Init(KeyValues* pInitData)

    // modulation color
    if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "color", m_r, m_g, m_b, m_a))
        return false;

    int x, y, w, h;
    if (!ParseRect(pInitData, "position", x, y, w, h))
        return false;

    const char *mouseover = pInitData->GetString("mousehint", "");
    if (mouseover && mouseover[0])
        Q_strncpy(m_szMouseOverText, mouseover, sizeof(m_szMouseOverText));

    // Set the size...
    SetPos(x, y);
    SetSize(w, h);

    char const* pClassImage = pInitData->GetString("material");
    if (!pClassImage || !pClassImage[0])
        return false;

    // hook in the bitmap
    m_pImage = new BitmapImage(GetVPanel(), pClassImage);
    m_bOwnsImage = true;

    return true;
bool ParseRGBA( KeyValues* pValues, const char* pFieldName, Color& c )
	int r, g, b, a;
	if (!ParseRGBA( pValues, pFieldName, r, g, b, a ))
		return false;

	c.SetColor( r, g, b, a );
	return true;
// Purpose: Parse values from the file
bool CHealthBarPanel::Init( KeyValues* pInitData )
	if (!pInitData)
		return false;

	if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "okcolor", m_Ok ))
		return false;

	if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "badcolor", m_Bad ))
		return false;

	int x, y, w, h;
	if (!ParseRect(pInitData, "position", x, y, w, h ))
		return false;
	SetPos( x, y );
	SetSize( w, h );
	SetCursor( NULL );

	return true;
// Initialization 
bool CHudPlayerOverlaySquad::Init( KeyValues* pInitData )
	if (!pInitData)
		return false;

	SetContentAlignment( vgui::Label::a_west );

	if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "fgcolor", m_fgColor ))
		return false;

	if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "bgcolor", m_bgColor))
		return false;

	int x, y, w, h;
	if (!ParseRect(pInitData, "position", x, y, w, h ))
		return false;
	SetPos( x, y );
	SetSize( w, h );

	return true;
bool BitmapImage::Init( vgui::VPANEL pParent, KeyValues* pInitData )
	char const* pMaterialName = pInitData->GetString( "material" );
	if ( !pMaterialName || !pMaterialName[ 0 ] )
		return false;

	// modulation color
	Color color;
	if (!ParseRGBA( pInitData, "color", color ))
		color.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	Init( pParent, pMaterialName );
	SetColor( color );

	return true;
bool CEntityImagePanel::Init( KeyValues* pInitData, C_BaseEntity* pEntity )
	if (!BaseClass::Init( pInitData, pEntity))
		return false;

	// modulation color
	if (!ParseRGBA( pInitData, "color", m_r, m_g, m_b, m_a ))
		return false;

	// get the size...
	int w, h;
	if (!ParseCoord( pInitData, "offset", m_OffsetX, m_OffsetY ))
		return false;

	if (!ParseCoord( pInitData, "size", w, h ))
		return false;

	char const* pClassImage = pInitData->GetString( "material" );
	if ( !pClassImage || !pClassImage[ 0 ] )
		return false;

	const char *mouseover = pInitData->GetString( "mousehint", "" );
	if ( mouseover && mouseover[ 0 ] )
		Q_strncpy( m_szMouseOverText, mouseover, sizeof( m_szMouseOverText ) );

	// hook in the bitmap
	m_pImage = new BitmapImage( GetVPanel(), pClassImage );

	// Set the size...
	SetSize( w, h );

	m_iOrgWidth = w;
	m_iOrgHeight = h;
	m_iOrgOffsetX = m_OffsetX;
	m_iOrgOffsetY = m_OffsetY;

	// we need updating
	vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );

	return true;
// Purpose:
bool CHudPlayerOverlay::Init( KeyValues* pInitData, C_BaseEntity* pEntity )

    m_hPlayer = dynamic_cast< C_BaseTFPlayer * >( pEntity );
    if (!m_hPlayer.Get())
        return false;

    if (!BaseClass::Init( pInitData, pEntity ))
        return false;

    if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "fgcolor", m_fgColor ))
        return false;

    if (!ParseRGBA(pInitData, "bgcolor", m_bgColor ))
        return false;

    if (!ParseCoord(pInitData, "offset", m_OffsetX, m_OffsetY ))
        return false;

    int w, h;
    if (!ParseCoord(pInitData, "size", w, h ))
        return false;

    SetSize( w, h );
    SetVisible( false );

    m_iOrgWidth = w;
    m_iOrgHeight = h;
    m_iOrgOffsetX = m_OffsetX;
    m_iOrgOffsetY = m_OffsetY;

    const char *mouseover = pInitData->GetString( "mousehint", "" );
    if ( mouseover && mouseover[ 0 ] )
        Q_strncpy( m_szMouseOverText, mouseover, sizeof( m_szMouseOverText ) );

    m_pHealth = new CHudPlayerOverlayHealth( this );
    KeyValues* pHealthValue = pInitData->FindKey("HealthBar");
    if (!m_pHealth->Init( pHealthValue ))
        return false;

    m_pHealth->SetVisible( false );
    m_pHealth->SetParent( this );

    m_pName = new CHudPlayerOverlayName( this, "" );
    KeyValues* pNameValue = pInitData->FindKey("Name");
    if (!m_pName->Init( pNameValue ))
        return false;

    m_pName->SetVisible( false );
    m_pName->SetParent( this );

    m_pClass = new CHudPlayerOverlayClass( this );
    KeyValues* pClassValue = pInitData->FindKey("Class");
    if (!m_pClass->Init( pClassValue ))
        return false;

    m_pClass->SetVisible( false );
    m_pClass->SetParent( this );

    m_pSquad = new CHudPlayerOverlaySquad( this, "" );
    KeyValues* pSquadValue = pInitData->FindKey("Squad");
    if (!m_pSquad->Init( pSquadValue ))
        return false;

    m_pSquad->SetVisible( false );
    m_pSquad->SetParent( this );

    m_pSelected = new CHudPlayerOverlaySelected( this );
    KeyValues* pSelectedValue = pInitData->FindKey("Selection");
    if (!m_pSelected->Init( pSelectedValue ))
        return false;

    m_pSelected->SetVisible( false );
    m_pSelected->SetParent( this );

    // Um, is there a better way?
    m_PlayerNum = GetEntity() ? GetEntity()->index : 0;
    if (m_PlayerNum == 0)
        return false;

    return true;