NTSTATUS PhGetServiceDllParameter( _In_ PPH_STRINGREF ServiceName, _Out_ PPH_STRING *ServiceDll ) { static PH_STRINGREF servicesKeyName = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"); static PH_STRINGREF parameters = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"\\Parameters"); NTSTATUS status; HANDLE keyHandle; PPH_STRING keyName; keyName = PhConcatStringRef3(&servicesKeyName, ServiceName, ¶meters); if (NT_SUCCESS(status = PhOpenKey( &keyHandle, KEY_READ, PH_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &keyName->sr, 0 ))) { PPH_STRING serviceDllString; if (serviceDllString = PhQueryRegistryString(keyHandle, L"ServiceDll")) { PPH_STRING expandedString; if (expandedString = PhExpandEnvironmentStrings(&serviceDllString->sr)) { *ServiceDll = expandedString; PhDereferenceObject(serviceDllString); } else { *ServiceDll = serviceDllString; } } else { status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } NtClose(keyHandle); } PhDereferenceObject(keyName); return status; }
VOID PhShellExecuteUserString( __in HWND hWnd, __in PWSTR Setting, __in PWSTR String, __in BOOLEAN UseShellExecute, __in_opt PWSTR ErrorMessage ) { static PH_STRINGREF replacementToken = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"%s"); PPH_STRING executeString; PH_STRINGREF stringBefore; PH_STRINGREF stringMiddle; PH_STRINGREF stringAfter; PPH_STRING newString; PPH_STRING ntMessage; executeString = PhGetStringSetting(Setting); // Make sure the user executable string is absolute. // We can't use RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U here because the string // may be a URL. if (PhFindCharInString(executeString, 0, ':') == -1) { newString = PhConcatStringRef2(&PhApplicationDirectory->sr, &executeString->sr); PhDereferenceObject(executeString); executeString = newString; } // Replace "%s" with the string, or use the original string if "%s" is not present. if (PhSplitStringRefAtString(&executeString->sr, &replacementToken, FALSE, &stringBefore, &stringAfter)) { PhInitializeStringRef(&stringMiddle, String); newString = PhConcatStringRef3(&stringBefore, &stringMiddle, &stringAfter); } else { newString = executeString; PhReferenceObject(newString); } PhDereferenceObject(executeString); if (UseShellExecute) { PhShellExecute(hWnd, newString->Buffer, NULL); } else { NTSTATUS status; status = PhCreateProcessWin32(NULL, newString->Buffer, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (ErrorMessage) { ntMessage = PhGetNtMessage(status); PhShowError(hWnd, L"Unable to execute the command: %s\n%s", PhGetStringOrDefault(ntMessage, L"An unknown error occurred."), ErrorMessage); PhDereferenceObject(ntMessage); } else { PhShowStatus(hWnd, L"Unable to execute the command", status, 0); } } } PhDereferenceObject(newString); }