bool kbLine::OkeForContour( kbLine* const nextline, double factor, kbNode* LastLeft, kbNode* LastRight, LinkStatus& _outproduct )
    assert( m_link );
    assert( m_valid_parameters );
    assert( nextline->m_link );
    assert( nextline->m_valid_parameters );

    factor = fabs( factor );

// PointStatus status=ON_AREA;
    double distance = 0;

    kbNode offs_end_next( nextline->m_link->GetEndNode(), m_GC );

    _outproduct = m_link->OutProduct( nextline->m_link, m_GC->GetAccur() );

    switch ( _outproduct )
            // current line lies on  leftside of prev line
        case IS_RIGHT :
            nextline->Virtual_Point( &offs_end_next, -factor );

            // status=
            nextline->PointOnLine( LastRight, distance, m_GC->GetAccur() );
            if ( distance > factor )
                PointOnLine( &offs_end_next, distance, m_GC->GetAccur() );
                if ( distance > factor )
                    return( true );
        // current line lies on  rightside of prev line
        case IS_LEFT :
            nextline->Virtual_Point( &offs_end_next, factor );

            // status=
            nextline->PointOnLine( LastLeft, distance, m_GC->GetAccur() );
            if ( distance < -factor )
                PointOnLine( &offs_end_next, distance, m_GC->GetAccur() );
                if ( distance < -factor )
                    return( true );
        // current line  lies on prev line
        case IS_ON  :
            return( true );
    }//end switch

    return( false );
//function that checks if line segment collides with another sphere object
bool Line3D::IsColliding(const Sphere3D& secondSphere) const

	glm::vec3 distanceFromLine;

	//calculate the distance the sphere and point on line segment are apart from each other
	//this makes use of inner function that calculates the point on line segment closest to sphere 
	distanceFromLine = secondSphere.GetPosition() - PointOnLine(secondSphere.GetPosition().x, 

	//return flag based on if line segment intersects with sphere
	return (glm::length(distanceFromLine) <= secondSphere.GetRadius());

// test if a point lies in the linesegment. If the point isn't on the line
// the function returns a value that indicates on which side of the
// line the point is (in linedirection from first point to second point
// returns LEFT_SIDE, when point lies on the left side of the line
//         RIGHT_SIDE, when point lies on the right side of the line
//         ON_AREA, when point lies on the infinite line within a range
//     IN_AREA, when point lies in the area of the linesegment
//     the returnvalues are declared in (LINE.H)
PointStatus kbLine::PointInLine( kbNode *a_node, double& Distance, double Marge )
    Distance = 0;

    //Punt must exist
    assert( a_node );
    // link must exist to get beginnode and endnode via link
    assert( m_link );

    // get the nodes form the line via the link
    kbNode *bp, *ep;
    bp = m_link->GetBeginNode();
    ep = m_link->GetEndNode();

    // both node must exist
    assert( bp && ep );
    // node may not be the same
    assert( bp != ep );

    //quick test if point is begin or endpoint
    if ( a_node == bp || a_node == ep )
        return IN_AREA;

    int Result_of_BBox = false;
    PointStatus Result_of_Online;

    // Checking if point is in bounding-box with marge
    B_INT xmin = bmin( bp->GetX(), ep->GetX() );
    B_INT xmax = bmax( bp->GetX(), ep->GetX() );
    B_INT ymin = bmin( bp->GetY(), ep->GetY() );
    B_INT ymax = bmax( bp->GetY(), ep->GetY() );

    if (  a_node->GetX() >= ( xmin - Marge ) && a_node->GetX() <= ( xmax + Marge ) &&
            a_node->GetY() >= ( ymin - Marge ) && a_node->GetY() <= ( ymax + Marge ) )
        Result_of_BBox = true;

    // Checking if point is on the infinite line
    Result_of_Online = PointOnLine( a_node, Distance, Marge );

    // point in boundingbox of the line and is on the line then the point is IN_AREA
    if ( ( Result_of_BBox ) && ( Result_of_Online == ON_AREA ) )
        return IN_AREA;
        return Result_of_Online;
bool C_CoordinateTransform::CalcTransformationMatrix()
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < p->m_oMarkerPoints.height - 1; ++j )
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < p->m_oMarkerPoints.width - 1; ++i )
			Point2f oIP1 = p->m_oImagePoints.get_element(i,     j);
			Point2f oIP2 = p->m_oImagePoints.get_element(i + 1, j);
			Point2f oIP3 = p->m_oImagePoints.get_element(i,     j + 1);
			Point2f oIP4 = p->m_oImagePoints.get_element(i + 1, j + 1);

			Point2f oDP1 = p->m_oDisplayPoints.get_element(i,		j);
			Point2f oDP2 = p->m_oDisplayPoints.get_element(i + 1,	j);
			Point2f oDP3 = p->m_oDisplayPoints.get_element(i,		j + 1);
			Point2f oDP4 = p->m_oDisplayPoints.get_element(i + 1,	j + 1);

			long lHE = (p->m_oTransformationMatrix.matrix_size.height / (p->m_oMarkerPoints.height - 1));
			long lWE = (p->m_oTransformationMatrix.matrix_size.width  / (p->m_oMarkerPoints.width  - 1));
			for ( long lY = 0; lY < lHE; ++lY )
				for ( long lX = 0; lX < lWE; ++lX )
					Point2f oIPy1, oIPy2;
					PointOnLine(oIPy1, oIP1, oIP3, (float)lY / (float)lHE );
					PointOnLine(oIPy2, oIP2, oIP4, (float)lY / (float)lHE );

					Point2f oIP;
					PointOnLine(oIP, oIPy1, oIPy2, (float)lX / (float)lWE );

					Point2f oDPy1, oDPy2;
					PointOnLine(oDPy1, oDP1, oDP3, (float)lY / (float)lHE );
					PointOnLine(oDPy2, oDP2, oDP4, (float)lY / (float)lHE );

					Point2f oDP;
					PointOnLine(oDP, oDPy1, oDPy2, (float)lX / (float)lWE );

					p->m_oTransformationMatrix.set_element((unsigned int)oIP.x, (unsigned int)oIP.y, Point2i( (long)oDP.x, (long)oDP.y ));

	p->m_oCoordinateTransformationSystemStatus = E_ctssCALIBRATED;

	return true;
// Find closest points to each other from two lines (or segments).
uint32_t plClosest::PointsOnLines(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsVector3& v0, 
                  const hsPoint3& p1, const hsVector3& v1,
                  hsPoint3& cp0, hsPoint3& cp1,
                  uint32_t clamp)
    float invV0Sq = v0.MagnitudeSquared();
    // First handle degenerate cases.
    // v0 is zero length. Resolves to finding closest point on p1+v1 to p0
    if( invV0Sq < kRealSmall )
        cp0 = p0;
        return kClamp0 | PointOnLine(p0, p1, v1, cp1, clamp);
    invV0Sq = 1.f / invV0Sq;

    // The real thing here, two non-zero length segments. (v1 can
    // be zero length, it doesn't affect the math like |v0|=0 does,
    // so we don't even bother to check. Only means maybe doing extra
    // work, since we're using segment-segment math when all we really
    // need is point-segment.)

    // The parameterized points for along each of the segments are
    // P(t0) = p0 + v0*t0
    // P(t1) = p1 + v1*t1
    // The closest point on p0+v0 to P(t1) is:
    //  cp0 = p0 + ((P(t1) - p0) dot v0) * v0 / ||v0||  ||x|| is mag squared here
    //  cp0 = p0 + v0*t0 => t0 = ((P(t1) - p0) dot v0 ) / ||v0||
    //                      t0 = ((p1 + v1*t1 - p0) dot v0) / ||v0||
    //  The distance squared from P(t1) to cp0 is:
    //  (cp0 - P(t1)) dot (cp0 - P(t1))
    //  This expands out to:
    //  CV0 dot CV0 + 2 CV0 dot DV0 * t1 + (DV0 dot DV0) * t1^2
    //  where
    //  CV0 = p0 - p1 + ((p1 - p0) dot v0) / ||v0||) * v0 == vector from p1 to closest point on p0+v0
    //  and
    //  DV0 = ((v1 dot v0) / ||v0||) * v0 - v1 == ortho divergence vector of v1 from v0 negated.
    //  Taking the first derivative to find the local minimum of the function gives
    //  t1 = - (CV0 dot DV0) / (DV0 dot DV0)
    //  and
    //  t0 = ((p1 - v1 * t1 - p0) dot v0) / ||v0|| 
    // which seems kind of obvious in retrospect.

    hsVector3 p0subp1(&p0, &p1);

    hsVector3 CV0 = p0subp1;
    CV0 += v0 * p0subp1.InnerProduct(v0) * -invV0Sq;
    hsVector3 DV0 = v0 * (v1.InnerProduct(v0) * invV0Sq) - v1;
    // Check for the vectors v0 and v1 being parallel, in which case
    // following the lines won't get us to any closer point.
    float DV0dotDV0 = DV0.InnerProduct(DV0);
    if( DV0dotDV0 < kRealSmall )
        // If neither is clamped, return any two corresponding points.
        // If one is clamped, return closest points in its clamp range.
        // If both are clamped, well, both are clamped. The distance between
        //      points will no longer be the distance between lines.
        // In any case, the distance between the points should be correct.
        uint32_t clamp1 = PointOnLine(p0, p1, v1, cp1, clamp);
        uint32_t clamp0 = PointOnLine(cp1, p0, v0, cp0, clamp >> 1);
        return clamp1 | (clamp0 << 1);
bool Line::PointOnLine(const Point& pt) const
  DoublePoint dblPt(pt);
  return PointOnLine(dblPt);