void FEventGraphData::PopulateHierarchy_Recurrent
	const FProfilerSession * const ProfilerSession,
	const FEventGraphSamplePtr ParentEvent, 
	const FProfilerSample& ParentSample, 
	const IDataProviderRef DataProvider
	const FProfilerStatMetaDataRef& MetaData = ProfilerSession->GetMetaData();

	for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ParentSample.ChildrenIndices().Num(); ChildIndex++ )
		const FProfilerSample& ChildSample = DataProvider->GetCollection()[ ParentSample.ChildrenIndices()[ChildIndex] ];

		const FProfilerStat& ProfilerThread = MetaData->GetStatByID( ChildSample.ThreadID() );
		const FName& ThreadName = ProfilerThread.Name();

		const FProfilerStat& ProfilerStat = MetaData->GetStatByID( ChildSample.StatID() );
		const FName& StatName = ProfilerStat.Name();
		const FName& GroupName = ProfilerStat.OwningGroup().Name();

		FEventGraphSample* ChildEvent = new FEventGraphSample
			ThreadName,	GroupName, ChildSample.StatID(), StatName, 
			MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ChildSample.GetDurationCycles() ), (double)ChildSample.GetCallCount(),

		FEventGraphSamplePtr ChildEventPtr = MakeShareable( ChildEvent );
		ParentEvent->AddChildPtr( ChildEventPtr );

		PopulateHierarchy_Recurrent( ProfilerSession, ChildEventPtr, ChildSample, DataProvider );	
FEventGraphData::FEventGraphData( const FProfilerSession * const InProfilerSession, const uint32 InFrameIndex )
	: FrameStartIndex( InFrameIndex )
	, FrameEndIndex( InFrameIndex+1 )
	static FTotalTimeAndCount Current(0.0f, 0);
	PROFILER_SCOPE_LOG_TIME( TEXT( "FEventGraphData::FEventGraphData" ), &Current );

	Description = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s: %i"), *InProfilerSession->GetShortName(), InFrameIndex );

	// @TODO: Duplicate is not needed, remove it later.
	const IDataProviderRef& SessionDataProvider = InProfilerSession->GetDataProvider(); 
	const IDataProviderRef DataProvider = SessionDataProvider->Duplicate<FArrayDataProvider>( FrameStartIndex );

	const double FrameDurationMS = DataProvider->GetFrameTimeMS( 0 ); 
	const FProfilerSample& RootProfilerSample = DataProvider->GetCollection()[0];

	RootEvent = FEventGraphSample::CreateNamedEvent( FEventGraphConsts::RootEvent );

	PopulateHierarchy_Recurrent( InProfilerSession, RootEvent, RootProfilerSample, DataProvider );

	// Root sample contains FrameDurationMS
	const FProfilerStatMetaDataRef& MetaData = InProfilerSession->GetMetaData();
	RootEvent->_InclusiveTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( RootProfilerSample.GetDurationCycles() );
	RootEvent->_MaxInclusiveTimeMS = RootEvent->_MinInclusiveTimeMS = RootEvent->_AvgInclusiveTimeMS = RootEvent->_InclusiveTimeMS;
	RootEvent->_InclusiveTimePct = 100.0f;

	RootEvent->_MinNumCallsPerFrame = RootEvent->_MaxNumCallsPerFrame = RootEvent->_AvgNumCallsPerFrame = RootEvent->_NumCallsPerFrame;

	// Set root and thread event.
	// Fix all children. 
	const double MyNumFrames = 1.0;
	RootEvent->FixChildrenTimesAndCalcAveragesForAllChildren( MyNumFrames );
void FProfilerSession::PopulateHierarchy_Recurrent
	const FProfilerCycleGraph& ParentGraph, 
	const double ParentStartTimeMS, 
	const double ParentDurationMS,
	const uint32 ParentSampleIndex 
	const FProfilerStatMetaDataRef MetaData = GetMetaData();
	const uint32& ThreadID = MetaData->ThreadIDtoStatID.FindChecked( ParentGraph.ThreadId );

	const uint32 SampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample
		ParentStartTimeMS, ParentDurationMS, 

	double ChildStartTimeMS = ParentStartTimeMS;
	double ChildrenDurationMS = 0.0f;

	for( int32 DataIndex = 0; DataIndex < ParentGraph.Children.Num(); DataIndex++ )
		const FProfilerCycleGraph& ChildCyclesCounter = ParentGraph.Children[DataIndex];
		const double ChildDurationMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ChildCyclesCounter.Value );

		if (ChildDurationMS > 0.0)
			PopulateHierarchy_Recurrent( ChildCyclesCounter, ChildStartTimeMS, ChildDurationMS, SampleIndex );
		ChildStartTimeMS += ChildDurationMS;
		ChildrenDurationMS += ChildDurationMS;

	const double SelfTimeMS = ParentDurationMS - ChildrenDurationMS;
	if( SelfTimeMS > 0.0f && ParentGraph.Children.Num() > 0 )
		const FName& ParentStatName = MetaData->GetStatByID( ParentGraph.StatId ).Name();
		const FName& ParentGroupName = MetaData->GetStatByID( ParentGraph.StatId ).OwningGroup().Name();

		// Create a fake stat that represents this profiler sample's exclusive time.
		// This is required if we want to create correct combined event graphs later.
			0, // @see FProfilerStatMetaData.Update, 0 means "Self"
bool FProfilerSession::HandleTicker( float DeltaTime )
	// Update metadata if needed
	if( bRequestStatMetadataUpdate )
		StatMetaData->Update( ClientStatMetadata );
		bRequestStatMetadataUpdate = false;

	static double ProcessingTime = 1.0;
	ProcessingTime -= DeltaTime;

	static int32 NumFramesProcessedLastTime = 0;

	if (ProcessingTime < 0.0)
		UE_LOG( LogStats, Verbose, TEXT( "NumFramesProcessedLastTime: %4i / %4i" ), NumFramesProcessedLastTime, FrameToProcess.Num() );
		ProcessingTime = 1.0;
		NumFramesProcessedLastTime = 0;

	// Limit processing to 50ms per frame.
	const double TimeLimit = 50 / 1000.0;
	double Seconds = 0;
	for( int32 FrameNumber = 0; FrameNumber < FrameToProcess.Num(); FrameNumber++ )
		if( Seconds > TimeLimit )

		static FTotalTimeAndCount Current( 0.0f, 0 );
		PROFILER_SCOPE_LOG_TIME( TEXT( "1 FProfilerSession::HandleTicker" ), &Current );


		FSimpleScopeSecondsCounter SecondsCounter(Seconds);

		const uint32 FrameIndex = FrameToProcess[0];
		FrameToProcess.RemoveAt( 0 );

		FProfilerDataFrame& CurrentProfilerData = FrameToProfilerDataMapping.FindChecked( FrameIndex );

		TMap<uint32, float> ThreadMS;

		// Preprocess the hierarchical samples for the specified frame.
		const TMap<uint32, FProfilerCycleGraph>& CycleGraphs = CurrentProfilerData.CycleGraphs;

		// Add a root sample for this frame.
		// HACK 2013-07-19, 13:44 STAT_Root == ThreadRoot in stats2
		const uint32 FrameRootSampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample( 0, StatMetaData->GetStatByID(1).OwningGroup().ID(), 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1 );
		double GameThreadTimeMS = 0.0f;
		double MaxThreadTimeMS = 0.0f;

		double ThreadStartTimeMS = 0.0;
		for( auto ThreadIt = CycleGraphs.CreateConstIterator(); ThreadIt; ++ThreadIt )
			const uint32 ThreadID = ThreadIt.Key();
			const FProfilerCycleGraph& ThreadGraph = ThreadIt.Value();

			// Calculate total time for this thread.
			double ThreadDurationTimeMS = 0.0;
			ThreadStartTimeMS = CurrentProfilerData.FrameStart;
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ThreadGraph.Children.Num(); Index++ )
				ThreadDurationTimeMS += StatMetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadGraph.Children[Index].Value );

			if (ThreadDurationTimeMS > 0.0)
				// Check for game thread.
				const FString GameThreadName = FName( NAME_GameThread ).GetPlainNameString();
				const bool bGameThreadFound = StatMetaData->GetThreadDescriptions().FindChecked( ThreadID ).Contains( GameThreadName );
				if( bGameThreadFound )
					GameThreadTimeMS = ThreadDurationTimeMS;

				// Add a root sample for each thread.
				const uint32& NewThreadID = StatMetaData->ThreadIDtoStatID.FindChecked( ThreadID );
				const uint32 ThreadRootSampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample
				ThreadMS.FindOrAdd( ThreadID ) = (float)ThreadDurationTimeMS;

				// Recursively add children and parent to the root samples.
				for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ThreadGraph.Children.Num(); Index++ )
					const FProfilerCycleGraph& CycleGraph = ThreadGraph.Children[Index];
					const double CycleDurationMS = StatMetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( CycleGraph.Value );
					const double CycleStartTimeMS = ThreadStartTimeMS;

					if (CycleDurationMS > 0.0)
						PopulateHierarchy_Recurrent( CycleGraph, CycleStartTimeMS, CycleDurationMS, ThreadRootSampleIndex );
					ThreadStartTimeMS += CycleDurationMS;

				MaxThreadTimeMS = FMath::Max( MaxThreadTimeMS, ThreadDurationTimeMS );

		// Fix the root stat time.
		FProfilerSampleArray& MutableCollection = const_cast<FProfilerSampleArray&>(DataProvider->GetCollection());
		MutableCollection[FrameRootSampleIndex].SetDurationMS( GameThreadTimeMS != 0.0f ? GameThreadTimeMS : MaxThreadTimeMS );

		FPSAnalyzer->AddSample( GameThreadTimeMS > 0.0f ? 1000.0f/GameThreadTimeMS : 0.0f );

		// Process the non-hierarchical samples for the specified frame.
			// Process integer counters.
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < CurrentProfilerData.CountAccumulators.Num(); Index++ )
				const FProfilerCountAccumulator& IntCounter = CurrentProfilerData.CountAccumulators[Index];
				const EProfilerSampleTypes::Type ProfilerSampleType = StatMetaData->GetSampleTypeForStatID( IntCounter.StatId );
				DataProvider->AddCounterSample( StatMetaData->GetStatByID(IntCounter.StatId).OwningGroup().ID(), IntCounter.StatId, (double)IntCounter.Value, ProfilerSampleType );

			// Process floating point counters.
			for( int32 Index = 0; Index < CurrentProfilerData.FloatAccumulators.Num(); Index++ )
				const FProfilerFloatAccumulator& FloatCounter = CurrentProfilerData.FloatAccumulators[Index];
				DataProvider->AddCounterSample( StatMetaData->GetStatByID(FloatCounter.StatId).OwningGroup().ID(), FloatCounter.StatId, (double)FloatCounter.Value, EProfilerSampleTypes::NumberFloat );

		// Advance frame
		const uint32 LastFrameIndex = DataProvider->GetNumFrames();
		DataProvider->AdvanceFrame( MaxThreadTimeMS );

		// Update aggregated stats
		UpdateAggregatedStats( LastFrameIndex );

		// Update aggregated events.
		UpdateAggregatedEventGraphData( LastFrameIndex );

			static FTotalTimeAndCount TotalOnAddThreadTime( 0.0f, 0 );
			PROFILER_SCOPE_LOG_TIME( TEXT( "5     FProfilerSession::HandleTicker.OnAddThreadTime" ), &Current );

			// Update mini-view.
			OnAddThreadTime.ExecuteIfBound( LastFrameIndex, ThreadMS, StatMetaData );

		FrameToProfilerDataMapping.Remove( FrameIndex );

	if( SessionType == EProfilerSessionTypes::StatsFile )
		if( FrameToProcess.Num() == 0 && bHasAllProfilerData )

			// Advance event graphs.
			EventGraphDataMaximum->Advance( 0, DataProvider->GetNumFrames() );
			EventGraphDataTotal->Advance( 0, DataProvider->GetNumFrames() );

			// Broadcast that a capture file has been fully processed.
			OnCaptureFileProcessed.ExecuteIfBound( GetInstanceID() );

			// Disable tick method as we no longer need to tick.
			return false;

	return true;