static  name    *GetNTTLSDataRef( instruction *ins, name *op, type_class_def tipe )
    Emit instructions to load allow a reference to op (a piece of
    TLS data) and return the resulting index name.
    name                *tls_index;
    name                *tls_array;
    name                *t1;
    name                *t2;
    name                *t3;
    name                *temp_index;
    name                *result_index;
    instruction         *new_ins;

    tls_index = RTMemRef( RT_TLS_INDEX );
    tls_array = RTMemRef( RT_TLS_ARRAY );
    t1 = AllocTemp( WD );
    t2 = AllocTemp( WD );
    t3 = AllocTemp( WD );
    new_ins = MakeMove( tls_array, t1, WD );
    AddSegOverride( new_ins, HW_FS );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins = MakeMove( tls_index, t2, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins = MakeBinary( OP_MUL, t2, AllocS32Const( 4 ), t2, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins = MakeBinary( OP_ADD, t1, t2, t1, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    temp_index = AllocIndex( t1, NULL, 0, WD );
    new_ins = MakeMove( temp_index, t3, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    result_index = ScaleIndex( t3, op, op->v.offset, tipe, TypeClassSize[ tipe ], 0, 0 );
    return( result_index );
static instruction      *PromoteOperand( instruction *ins ) {

    name                *temp;
    instruction         *new_ins;

    if( _IsFloating( ins->type_class ) ) {
        if( ins->type_class == FS ) {
            temp = AllocTemp( FD );
            new_ins = MakeConvert( ins->operands[0], temp, ins->type_class, FD );
            ins->operands[0] = temp;
            PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
            UpdateLive( new_ins, ins );
            return( new_ins );
    } else {
        if( ins->type_class < U8 ) {
            temp = AllocTemp( U8 );
            new_ins = MakeConvert( ins->operands[0], temp, ins->type_class, U8 );
            ins->operands[0] = temp;
            PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
            UpdateLive( new_ins, ins );
            return( new_ins );
    return( NULL );
static  void    CheckOp( name **offsets, instruction *ins, name **pop ) {
    used by FixFarLocalRefs to change one far local reference to
    an index, using the appropriate multiple of 4K constant to get
    at the temporary. The constant values are adjusted after the
    prolog is generated.

    name        *op;
    name        *base;
    name        *temp;
    unsigned_32 place;
    int         i;
    instruction *new_ins;

    op = *pop;
    if( op->n.class == N_INDEXED ) {
        temp = op->i.index;
        if( temp->n.class != N_TEMP ) return;
        if( !( temp->t.temp_flags & FAR_LOCAL ) ) return;
        new_ins = MakeMove( temp, AllocTemp( temp->n.name_class ), temp->n.name_class );
        *pop = ScaleIndex( new_ins->result, op->i.base,
                          op->i.constant, op->n.class, op->n.size,
                          op->i.scale, op->i.index_flags );
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
        CheckOp( offsets, new_ins, &new_ins->operands[ 0 ] );
    if( op->n.class != N_TEMP ) return;
    if( !( op->t.temp_flags & FAR_LOCAL ) ) return;
    base = DeAlias( op );
    place = base->t.location + ( op->v.offset - base->v.offset );
    i = place/_4K;
    if( offsets[ i ] == NULL ) {
        /*set the symbol field in the AddrConst to non-NULL for score-boarder*/
        new_ins = MakeMove( AllocAddrConst( (name *)&CurrProc, i,
                                            CONS_OFFSET, WD ),
                        AllocTemp( WD ), WD );
        offsets[ i ] = new_ins->result;
        PrefixIns( HeadBlock->ins.hd.next, new_ins );
    temp = AllocTemp( WD ),
    new_ins = MakeMove( offsets[ i ], temp, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins = MakeBinary( OP_ADD, temp, AllocRegName( DisplayReg() ), temp, WD);
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    *pop = ScaleIndex( temp, op, place%_4K,
                        op->n.name_class, op->n.size, 0, X_FAKE_BASE );
extern  instruction     *NeedIndex( instruction *ins ) {
    Mark conflicts for any name used in instruction as as segment as
    NEEDS_SEGMENT, or split out the segment if it is marked as
    NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT (move the segment operand to a temp and use the
    temp as the segment override).  Also, if any index conflicts are
    marked as NEEDS_INDEX_SPLIT, split them out into a temp as well.

    name                *temp;
    name                *index;
    conflict_node       *conf;
    name                *name;

    if( ins->num_operands > NumOperands( ins ) ) {
        name = ins->operands[ins->num_operands - 1];
        conf = NameConflict( ins, name );
        if( conf != NULL && _Isnt( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT ) ) {
            _SetTrue( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT );
            MarkSegment( ins, name );
        } else if( name->n.class != N_REGISTER ) {
            if( conf != NULL ) {
                _SetFalse( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT );
                _SetTrue( conf, CST_WAS_SEGMENT );
            temp = AllocTemp( U2 );
            ins->operands[ins->num_operands - 1] = temp;
            PrefixIns( ins, MakeMove( name, temp, U2 ) );
            MarkSegment( ins, temp );
            _SetTrue( NameConflict( ins, temp ), CST_SEGMENT_SPLIT );
            ins = ins->head.prev;
/* 370 */
instruction      *rUSEREGISTER( instruction *ins )
    instruction         *new_ins;
    instruction         *ins2;
    name                *name1;

    name1 = ins->operands[0];
    if( CanUseOp1( ins, name1 ) ) {
        new_ins = MakeMove( name1, ins->result, ins->type_class );
        ins->result = name1;
        MoveSegRes( ins, new_ins );
        SuffixIns( ins, new_ins );
        new_ins = ins;
    } else {
        name1 = AllocTemp( ins->type_class );
        new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[0], name1, ins->type_class );
        CheckCC( ins, new_ins );
        ins->operands[0] = name1;
        MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
        ins2 = MakeMove( name1, ins->result, ins->type_class );
        ins->result = name1;
        MoveSegRes( ins, ins2 );
        SuffixIns( ins, ins2 );
        MarkPossible( ins, name1, ResultPossible( ins ) );
        ins->u.gen_table = NULL;
        GiveRegister( NameConflict( ins, name1 ), true );
    return( new_ins );
static  name    *GetGenericTLSDataRef( instruction *ins, name *op, type_class_def tipe )
    name                *tls;
    name                *result_index;
    name                *temp;
    instruction         *new_ins;

    tls = CurrProc->targ.tls_index;
    if( tls == NULL ) {
        tls = AllocTemp( WD );
        CurrProc->targ.tls_index = tls;
        if( !BlockByBlock ) {
            /* 2007-06-28 RomanT
             * Grrr... DropCall() inserts new ins _before_ old one, screwing
             * startup sequence. So keep call in first block, but make it
             * before next instruction of last one  (== after last one).
            DropCall( HeadBlock->ins.hd.prev->head.next, tls );
    if( BlockByBlock ) {
        DropCall( ins, tls );
    temp = AllocTemp( WD );
    new_ins = MakeMove( tls, temp, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    result_index = ScaleIndex( temp, op, op->v.offset, tipe, TypeClassSize[ tipe ], 0, 0 );
    return( result_index );
extern  instruction     *rSPLITMOVE( instruction *ins ) {

    instruction *new_ins;
    instruction *ins2;
    name        *temp;

    CnvOpToInt( ins, 0 );
    if( IndexOverlaps( ins, 0 ) ) {
        temp = AllocTemp( LONG_WORD );
        new_ins = MakeMove( LowPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], WORD ),
                             LowPart( temp, WORD ), WORD );
        ins2 = MakeMove( HighPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], WORD ),
                             HighPart( temp, WORD ), WORD );
        DupSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
        DupSegOp( ins, ins2, 0 );
        ins->operands[ 0 ] = temp;
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
        PrefixIns( ins, ins2 );
        ins2 = MakeMove( LowPart( temp, WORD ), LowPart( ins->result, WORD ), WORD );
        DupSegRes( ins, ins2 );
        PrefixIns( ins, ins2 );
        ins2 = MakeMove( HighPart( temp, WORD ),
                          HighPart( ins->result, WORD ), WORD );
        ReplIns( ins, ins2 );
    } else {
        HalfType( ins );
        new_ins = MakeMove( LowPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], ins->type_class ),
                             LowPart( ins->result, ins->type_class ),
                             ins->type_class );
        DupSeg( ins, new_ins );
        ins->operands[ 0 ] = HighPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], ins->type_class );
        ins->result = HighPart( ins->result, ins->type_class );
        if( new_ins->result->n.class == N_REGISTER
         && ins->operands[ 0 ]->n.class == N_REGISTER
         && HW_Ovlap( new_ins->result->r.reg, ins->operands[ 0 ]->r.reg ) ) {
            SuffixIns( ins, new_ins );
            new_ins = ins;
        } else {
            PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
instruction      *rCLRHI_BW( instruction *ins )
    instruction         *new_ins;
    instruction         *ins2;
    name                *name1;
    type_class_def      half_type_class;

    half_type_class = HalfClass[ins->type_class];
    name1 = AllocTemp( ins->type_class );
    new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[0], LowPart( name1, half_type_class ), half_type_class );
    ins->operands[0] = name1;
    MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    ins2 = MoveConst( 0, HighPart( name1, half_type_class ), half_type_class );
    PrefixIns( ins, ins2 );
    ins->head.opcode = OP_MOV;
    ins->table = NULL;
    ins->u.gen_table = NULL;
    return( new_ins );
static  void    DropCall( instruction *ins, name *temp )
    name                *eax_name;
    name                *null_name;
    instruction         *new_ins;

    null_name = AllocRegName( HW_EMPTY );
    eax_name = AllocRegName( HW_EAX );
    new_ins = NewIns( 3 );
    new_ins->head.opcode = OP_CALL;
    new_ins->type_class = WD;
    new_ins->operands[ CALL_OP_USED ] = null_name;
    new_ins->operands[ CALL_OP_USED2 ] = null_name;
    new_ins->operands[ CALL_OP_ADDR ]= RTMemRef( RT_TLS_REGION );
    new_ins->result = eax_name;
    new_ins->zap = &eax_name->r;
    new_ins->num_operands = 2;         /* special case for OP_CALL*/
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins = MakeMove( eax_name, temp, WD );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
instruction      *rMOVOP2TEMP( instruction *ins )
    instruction         *new_ins;
    name                *name1;

    name1 = AllocTemp( ins->type_class );
    new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[1], name1, ins->type_class );
    ins->operands[1] = name1;
    MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    return( new_ins );
instruction     *rMOVOP1TEMP( instruction *ins )
    instruction         *new_ins;
    type_class_def      type_class;
    name                *name;

    type_class = _OpClass( ins );
    name = AllocTemp( type_class );
    new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[0], name, type_class );
    ins->operands[0] = name;
    MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    return( new_ins );
instruction      *rOP2REG( instruction *ins )
    instruction         *new_ins;
    name                *name1;
    type_class_def      type_class;

    type_class = _OpClass( ins );
    name1 = AllocTemp( type_class );
    new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[1], name1, type_class );
    ins->operands[1] = name1;
    MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    MarkPossible( ins, name1, Op1Possible( ins ) );
    ins->u.gen_table = NULL;
    GiveRegister( NameConflict( ins, name1 ), true );
    return( new_ins );
instruction      *rOP1RESREG( instruction *ins )
    instruction         *new_ins;
    instruction         *ins2;
    name                *name1;
    name                *name2;

    name1 = AllocRegName( Op1Reg( ins ) );
    new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[0], name1, _OpClass( ins ) );
    ins->operands[0] = name1;
    MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
    PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    name2 = AllocRegName( ResultReg( ins ) );
    ins2 = MakeMove( name2, ins->result, ins->type_class );
    ins->result = name2;
    MoveSegRes( ins, ins2 );
    SuffixIns( ins, ins2 );
    return( new_ins );
void FlowSave( hw_reg_set *preg )
    int                 score;
    int                 i, j;
    int                 best;
    int                 num_blocks;
    int                 num_regs;
    int                 curr_reg;
    hw_reg_set          *curr_push;
    reg_flow_info       *reg_info;
    block               *save;
    block               *restore;
    instruction         *ins;
    type_class_def      reg_type;

    HW_CAsgn( flowedRegs, HW_EMPTY );
    if( _IsntModel( FLOW_REG_SAVES ) ) return;
    if( !HaveDominatorInfo ) return;
    // we can't do this if we have push's which are 'live' at the end of a block
    // - this flag is set when we see a push being generated for a call in a different
    //   block
    if( CurrProc->targ.never_sp_frame ) return;
    num_regs = CountRegs( *preg );
    if( num_regs == 0 ) return;
    reg_info = CGAlloc( num_regs * sizeof( reg_flow_info ) );
    num_blocks = CountBlocks();
    curr_push = PushRegs;
    for( curr_reg = 0; curr_reg < num_regs; curr_reg++ ) {
        while( !HW_Ovlap( *curr_push, *preg ) ) curr_push++;
        HW_Asgn( reg_info[curr_reg].reg, *curr_push );
        reg_info[curr_reg].save = NULL;
        reg_info[curr_reg].restore = NULL;
        if( HW_COvlap( *curr_push, HW_BP ) ) continue;  // don't mess with BP - it's magical
        GetRegUsage( &reg_info[curr_reg] );
        best = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ ) {
            for( j = 0; j < num_blocks; j++ ) {
                if( PairOk( blockArray[i], blockArray[j], &reg_info[0], curr_reg ) ) {
                    // we use the number of blocks dominated by the save block plus
                    // the number of blocks post-dominated by the restore block as a
                    // rough metric for determining how much we like a given (valid)
                    // pair of blocks - the more blocks dominated, the further 'in'
                    // we have pushed the save, which should be good
                    score =  CountDomBits( &blockArray[i]->dom.dominator );
                    score += CountDomBits( &blockArray[j]->dom.post_dominator );
                    if( score > best ) {
                        best = score;
                        reg_info[curr_reg].save    = blockArray[i];
                        reg_info[curr_reg].restore = blockArray[j];
        // so now we know where we are going to save and restore the register
        // emit the instructions to do so, and remove reg from the set to push
        // in the normal prolog sequence
        save = reg_info[curr_reg].save;
        restore = reg_info[curr_reg].restore;
        if( ( save != NULL && save != HeadBlock ) && ( restore != NULL && !_IsBlkAttr( restore, BLK_RETURN ) ) ) {
            reg_type = WD;
        #if _TARGET & _TARG_INTEL
            if( IsSegReg( reg_info[curr_reg].reg ) ) {
                reg_type = U2;
            ins = MakeUnary( OP_PUSH, AllocRegName( reg_info[curr_reg].reg ), NULL, reg_type );
            ResetGenEntry( ins );
            PrefixIns( save->ins.hd.next, ins );
            ins = MakeUnary( OP_POP, NULL, AllocRegName( reg_info[curr_reg].reg ), reg_type );
            ins->num_operands = 0;
            ResetGenEntry( ins );
            SuffixIns( restore->ins.hd.prev, ins );
            HW_TurnOff( *preg, reg_info[curr_reg].reg );
            HW_TurnOn( flowedRegs, reg_info[curr_reg].reg );
            FixStackDepth( save, restore );
    CGFree( reg_info );
static  void    ExpandTlsOp( instruction *ins, name **pop )
    If *pop is a ref to a piece of thread-local data, replace
    it by a ref to an index [t1] and prepend the magic sequence
    to get the address of a piece of tls data to the instruction.
    Here is the sequence to access variable foo:
        mov fs:__tls_array -> t1
        mov __tls_index -> t2
        mov t2 * 4 -> t2
        add t1, t2 -> t1
        mov [ t1 ] -> t3
        mov foo[ t3 ] -> result
    fe_attr             attr;
    name                *op;
    name                *temp;
    name                *tls_data;
    name                *index;
    name                *base;
    instruction         *new_ins;

    op = *pop;
    switch( op->n.class ) {
    case N_MEMORY:
        if( op->m.memory_type == CG_FE ) {
            attr = FEAttr( op->v.symbol );
            if( ( attr & FE_THREAD_DATA ) != 0 ) {
                *pop = GetTLSDataRef( ins, op, _OpClass(ins) );
    case N_INDEXED:
        // gotta check for the base being one of these stupid TLS things
        if( op->i.base != NULL && ( op->i.index_flags & X_FAKE_BASE ) == 0 ) {
            base = op->i.base;
            if( base->n.class != N_MEMORY || base->m.memory_type != CG_FE ) break;
            attr = FEAttr( base->v.symbol );
            if( ( attr & FE_THREAD_DATA ) == 0 ) break;
            tls_data = GetTLSDataRef( ins, base, _OpClass(ins) );
            temp = AllocTemp( WD );
            new_ins = MakeUnary( OP_LA, tls_data, temp, WD );
            PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
            index = op->i.index;
            if( op->i.scale != 0 ) {
                const signed_32 values[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 };
                if( op->i.scale > 4 ) _Zoiks( ZOIKS_134 );
                index = AllocTemp( WD );
                new_ins = MakeBinary( OP_MUL, op->i.index,
                                AllocS32Const( values[ op->i.scale ] ),
                                index, WD );
                PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
            new_ins = MakeBinary( OP_ADD, temp, index, temp, WD );
            PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
            *pop = ScaleIndex( temp, NULL, 0,
                            TypeClassSize[ _OpClass(ins) ],
                            0, 0 );
instruction     *rMAKECALL( instruction *ins )
    Using the table RTInfo[], do all the necessary stuff to turn
    instruction "ins" into a call to a runtime support routine.  Move
    the parms into registers, and move the return register of the
    runtime routine into the result. Used for 386 and 370 versions
    rtn_info            *info;
    label_handle        lbl;
    instruction         *left_ins;
    instruction         *new_ins;
    instruction         *last_ins;
    name                *reg_name;
    hw_reg_set          regs;
    hw_reg_set          all_regs;
    hw_reg_set          tmp;
    rt_class            rtindex;

    if( !_IsConvert( ins ) ) {
        rtindex = LookupRoutine( ins );
    } else { /* look it up again in case we ran out of memory during expansion*/
        rtindex = LookupConvertRoutine( ins );
    info = &RTInfo[rtindex];
    regs = _ParmReg( info->left );
    all_regs = regs;
    left_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[0], AllocRegName( regs ),
                          info->operand_class );
    ins->operands[0] = left_ins->result;
    MoveSegOp( ins, left_ins, 0 );
    PrefixIns( ins, left_ins );
    regs = _ParmReg( info->right );
    if( !HW_CEqual( regs, HW_EMPTY ) ) {
        new_ins = MakeMove( ins->operands[1], AllocRegName( regs ),
                                info->operand_class );
        ins->operands[1] = new_ins->result;
        MoveSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
        HW_TurnOn( all_regs, regs );
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
#if _TARGET & _TARG_370
    tmp = RAReg();
    HW_TurnOn( all_regs, tmp );
    tmp = LNReg();
    HW_TurnOn( all_regs, tmp );
#elif _TARGET & _TARG_80386
    tmp = ReturnReg( WD, false );
    HW_TurnOn( all_regs, tmp );
    reg_name = AllocRegName( all_regs );
    lbl = RTLabel( rtindex );
    new_ins = NewIns( 3 );
    new_ins->head.opcode = OP_CALL;
    new_ins->type_class = ins->type_class;
    new_ins->operands[CALL_OP_USED] = reg_name;
    new_ins->operands[CALL_OP_USED2] = reg_name;
    new_ins->operands[CALL_OP_ADDR] = AllocMemory( lbl, 0, CG_LBL, ins->type_class );
    new_ins->result = NULL;
    new_ins->num_operands = 2;         /* special case for OP_CALL*/
    HW_CTurnOn( all_regs, HW_FULL );
    HW_TurnOff( all_regs, SavedRegs() );
    HW_CTurnOff( all_regs, HW_UNUSED );
    HW_TurnOn( all_regs, ReturnAddrReg() );
    new_ins->zap = (register_name *)AllocRegName( all_regs );   /* all parm regs could be zapped*/
    last_ins = new_ins;
    if( ins->result == NULL || _OpIsCondition( ins->head.opcode ) ) {
        /* comparison, still need conditional jumps*/
        ins->operands[0] = AllocIntConst( 0 );
        ins->operands[1] = AllocIntConst( 1 );
        DelSeg( ins );
        DoNothing( ins );               /* just conditional jumps for ins*/
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
        new_ins->ins_flags |= INS_CC_USED;
        last_ins = ins;
    } else {
        regs = _ParmReg( info->result );
        tmp = regs;
        HW_TurnOn( tmp, new_ins->zap->reg );
        new_ins->zap = (register_name *)AllocRegName( tmp );
        reg_name = AllocRegName( regs );
        new_ins->result = reg_name;
        last_ins = MakeMove( reg_name, ins->result, ins->type_class );
        ins->result = last_ins->operands[0];
        MoveSegRes( ins, last_ins );
        SuffixIns( ins, last_ins );
        ReplIns( ins, new_ins );
    FixCallIns( new_ins );
    UpdateLive( left_ins, last_ins );
    return( left_ins );
extern  instruction     *rSPLITOP( instruction *ins ) {

    instruction *new_ins;
    instruction *ins2;
    name        *temp;

    if( IndexOverlaps( ins, 0 ) || IndexOverlaps( ins, 1 ) ) {
        temp = AllocTemp( LONG_WORD );
        HalfType( ins );
        new_ins = MakeBinary( ins->head.opcode,
                        LowPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], WORD ),
                        LowPart( ins->operands[ 1 ], WORD ),
                        LowPart( temp,               WORD ),
                        WORD );
        ins2 = MakeBinary( ins->head.opcode,
                        HighPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], WORD ),
                        HighPart( ins->operands[ 1 ], WORD ),
                        HighPart( temp,               WORD ),
                        WORD );
        if( ins->head.opcode == OP_ADD ) {
            ins2->head.opcode = OP_EXT_ADD;
        } else if( ins->head.opcode == OP_SUB ) {
            ins2->head.opcode = OP_EXT_SUB;
        ins2->table = CodeTable( ins2 );
        new_ins->table = ins2->table;
        DupSegOp( ins, new_ins, 0 );
        DupSegOp( ins, ins2, 0 );
        DupSegOp( ins, new_ins, 1 );
        DupSegOp( ins, ins2, 1 );
        ins->operands[ 0 ] = temp;
        ins->operands[ 1 ] = temp;
        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
        PrefixIns( ins, ins2 );
        ins2 = MakeMove( LowPart( temp, WORD ), LowPart( ins->result, WORD ), WORD );
        DupSegRes( ins, ins2 );
        PrefixIns( ins, ins2 );
        ins2 = MakeMove( HighPart( temp, WORD ),
                          HighPart( ins->result, WORD ), WORD );
        DupSegRes( ins, ins2 );
        ReplIns( ins, ins2 );
    } else {
        HalfType( ins );
        new_ins = MakeBinary( ins->head.opcode,
                        LowPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], ins->type_class ),
                        LowPart( ins->operands[ 1 ], ins->type_class ),
                        LowPart( ins->result,        ins->type_class ),
                        ins->type_class );
        DupSeg( ins, new_ins );
        ins->operands[ 0 ] = HighPart( ins->operands[ 0 ], ins->type_class );
        ins->operands[ 1 ] = HighPart( ins->operands[ 1 ], ins->type_class );
        ins->result = HighPart( ins->result, ins->type_class );
        if( ins->head.opcode == OP_ADD ) {
            ins->head.opcode = OP_EXT_ADD;
        } else if( ins->head.opcode == OP_SUB ) {
            ins->head.opcode = OP_EXT_SUB;
/* Assign fake reduce table (from OP_EXT) to new_ins; default reduce table
   can generate INC and DEC which'll not set condition codes
        ins->table = CodeTable( ins );
        new_ins->table = ins->table;

        PrefixIns( ins, new_ins );
    new_ins->ins_flags |= INS_CC_USED;
    return( new_ins );