    printf( "TPMT_SIGNATURE:\n" );
    printf( "\tsigAlg = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->sigAlg );
    printf( "\tsignature(TPMU_SIGNATURE):\n" );
    switch ( sig->sigAlg )
        case TPM_ALG_RSASSA:
        case TPM_ALG_RSAPSS:
            printf( "\t\tTPMS_SIGNATURE_RSA:\n" );
            printf( "\t\t\thash = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->signature.rsassa.hash );
            printf( "\t\t\tsig(PUBLIC_KEY_RSA_2B):\n" );
            printf( "\t\t\t\tsize = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->signature.rsassa.sig.t.size );
            printf( "\t\t\t\tbuffer = " );
            PrintSizedBuffer( &sig->signature.rsassa.sig.b );
        case TPM_ALG_ECDSA:
        case TPM_ALG_ECDAA:
        case TPM_ALG_SM2:
        case TPM_ALG_ECSCHNORR:
            printf( "\t\tTPMS_SIGNATURE_ECC:\n" );
            printf( "\t\t\thash = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->signature.ecdsa.hash);
            printf( "\t\t\tsignatureR(TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER):\n" );
            printf( "\t\t\t\tsize = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->signature.ecdsa.signatureR.t.size );
            printf( "\t\t\t\tbuffer = " );
            PrintSizedBuffer( &sig->signature.ecdsa.signatureR.b );
            printf( "\t\t\tsignatureS(TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER):\n" );
            printf( "\t\t\t\tsize = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->signature.ecdsa.signatureS.t.size );
            printf( "\t\t\t\tbuffer = " );
            PrintSizedBuffer( &sig->signature.ecdsa.signatureS.b );
        case TPM_ALG_HMAC:
            printf( "\t\tTPMS_HA:\n" );
            printf( "\t\t\thashAlg = 0x%4.4x\n", sig->signature.hmac.hashAlg);
            printf( "\t\t\tdigest = " );
            UINT16 size = 0;
            switch ( sig->signature.hmac.hashAlg )
                case TPM_ALG_SHA1:    size = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;    break;
                case TPM_ALG_SHA256:  size = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;  break;
                case TPM_ALG_SHA384:  size = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;  break;
                case TPM_ALG_SHA512:  size = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE;  break;
                case TPM_ALG_SM3_256: size = SM3_256_DIGEST_SIZE; break;
            PrintBuffer( (BYTE *)&sig->signature.hmac.digest, size );
int quote(TPM_HANDLE akHandle, PCR_LIST pcrList, TPMI_ALG_HASH algorithmId)
    UINT32 rval;
    TPM2B_DATA qualifyingData;
    UINT8 qualDataString[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa };
    TPMT_SIG_SCHEME inScheme;
    TPML_PCR_SELECTION  pcrSelection;
    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
    TPM2B_ATTEST quoted = { { sizeof(TPM2B_ATTEST)-2, } };
    TPMT_SIGNATURE signature;

    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];

    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;

    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];

    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;

    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
    if (sessionData.hmac.t.size > 0 && hexPasswd)
        sessionData.hmac.t.size = sizeof(sessionData.hmac) - 2;
        if (hex2ByteStructure((char *)sessionData.hmac.t.buffer,
                              sessionData.hmac.t.buffer) != 0)
            printf( "Failed to convert Hex format password for AK Passwd.\n");
            return -1;

      qualifyingData.t.size = sizeof( qualDataString );
      memcpy( &qualifyingData.t.buffer[0], qualDataString, sizeof( qualDataString ) );
      qualifyingData = qualifedData; // shallow copy ok since there are no pointers

    inScheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;

    pcrSelection.count = 1;
    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].hash = algorithmId;
    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].sizeofSelect = 3;

    // Clear out PCR select bit field
    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[0] = 0;
    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[1] = 0;
    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[2] = 0;

    // Now set the PCR you want
    for(int l=0;l<pcrList.size; l++)
        UINT32 pcrId = pcrList.id[l];
        pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[( pcrId/8 )] |= ( 1 << ( pcrId) % 8);

    memset( (void *)&signature, 0, sizeof(signature) );

    rval = Tss2_Sys_Quote(sysContext, akHandle, &sessionsData,
            &qualifyingData, &inScheme, &pcrSelection,  &quoted,
            &signature, &sessionsDataOut );
    if(rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS)
        printf("\nQuote Failed ! ErrorCode: 0x%0x\n\n", rval);
        return -1;

    printf( "\nquoted:\n " );
    PrintSizedBuffer( (TPM2B *)&quoted );
    printf( "\nsignature:\n " );
    PrintBuffer( (UINT8 *)&signature, sizeof(signature) );

    FILE *fp = fopen(outFilePath,"w+");
    if(NULL == fp)
        printf("OutFile: %s Can Not Be Created !\n",outFilePath);
        return -2;
    if(fwrite(&quoted, calcSizeofTPM2B_ATTEST(&quoted), 1 ,fp) != 1)
        printf("OutFile: %s Write quoted Data In Error!\n",outFilePath);
        return -3;
    if(fwrite(&signature, calcSizeofTPMT_SIGNATURE(&signature), 1, fp) != 1)
        printf("OutFile: %s Write signature Data In Error!\n",outFilePath);
        return -4;

    return 0;
// This function calculates the session HMAC and updates session state.
UINT32 TpmComputeSessionHmac(
    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext,
    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *pSessionDataIn, // Pointer to session input struct
    TPM_HANDLE entityHandle,             // Used to determine if we're accessing a different
                                         // resource than the bound resoure.
    TPM_RC responseCode,                 // Response code for the command, 0xffff for "none" is
                                         // used to indicate that no response code is present
                                         // (used for calculating command HMACs vs response HMACs).
    TPM_HANDLE handle1,                  // First handle == 0xff000000 indicates no handle
    TPM_HANDLE handle2,                  // Second handle == 0xff000000 indicates no handle
    TPMA_SESSION sessionAttributes,      // Current session attributes
    TPM2B_DIGEST *result,                // Where the result hash is saved.
    TPM_RC sessionCmdRval    
    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER hmacKey;
    TPM2B *bufferList[7];
    TPM2B_DIGEST pHash;
    SESSION *pSession = 0;
    TPM2B_AUTH authValue;
    TPM2B sessionAttributesByteBuffer;
    UINT16 i;
    TPM_RC rval;
    UINT8 nvNameChanged = 0;
    ENTITY *nvEntity;
    UINT8 commandCode[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };  
    UINT32 *cmdCodePtr;
    UINT32 cmdCode;
    hmacKey.b.size = 0;

    rval = GetSessionStruct( pSessionDataIn->sessionHandle, &pSession );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;

    pHash.t.size = sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2;
    rval = ( *CalcPHash )( sysContext, handle1, handle2, pSession->authHash,
            responseCode, &pHash );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;
    // Use entityHandle to get authValue, if any.
    if( ( pSession->bind == TPM_RH_NULL ) ||
        ( ( pSession->bind != TPM_RH_NULL ) && ( pSession->bind == entityHandle ) ) )
        rval = GetEntityAuth( entityHandle, &authValue );
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            authValue.t.size = 0;
        authValue.t.size = 0;

    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCommandCode( sysContext, &commandCode );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;
    if( ( entityHandle >> HR_SHIFT ) == TPM_HT_NV_INDEX )
        // If NV index, get status wrt to name change.  If name has changed,
        // we have to treat it as if its not the bound entity, even if it was
        // the bound entity.
        nvNameChanged = pSession->nvNameChanged;
    rval = ConcatSizedByteBuffer( (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *)&hmacKey, &( pSession->sessionKey.b ) );

    if( ( pSession->bind == TPM_RH_NULL ) || ( pSession->bind != entityHandle )
            || nvNameChanged )
        rval = ConcatSizedByteBuffer( (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *)&hmacKey, &( authValue.b ) );

#ifdef  DEBUG
    DebugPrintf( 0, "\n\nhmacKey = " );
    PrintSizedBuffer( &(hmacKey.b) );
    // Create buffer list
    i = 0;
    bufferList[i++] = &pHash.b;
    bufferList[i++] = &( pSession->nonceNewer.b );
    bufferList[i++] = &( pSession->nonceOlder.b );
    bufferList[i++] = &( pSession->nonceTpmDecrypt.b );
    bufferList[i++] = &( pSession->nonceTpmEncrypt.b );
    sessionAttributesByteBuffer.size = 1;
    sessionAttributesByteBuffer.buffer[0] = *(UINT8 *)&sessionAttributes;
    bufferList[i++] = &( sessionAttributesByteBuffer ); 
    bufferList[i++] = 0;
    cmdCodePtr = (UINT32 *)&commandCode[0];
    cmdCode = *cmdCodePtr;

#ifdef  DEBUG
    for( i = 0; bufferList[i] != 0; i++ )
        DebugPrintf( 0, "\n\nbufferlist[%d]:\n", i );
        PrintSizedBuffer( bufferList[i] );
    rval = (*HmacFunctionPtr)( pSession->authHash, &hmacKey.b, &( bufferList[0] ), result );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;

    if( ( responseCode != TPM_RC_NO_RESPONSE ) &&
            ( cmdCode == TPM_CC_NV_Write ||
            cmdCode == TPM_CC_NV_Increment ||
            cmdCode == TPM_CC_NV_SetBits )
        rval = GetEntity( entityHandle, &nvEntity );
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            return rval;
            // Only change session's nvNameChanged parameter when
            // the NV index's name changes due to a write.
            if( nvEntity->nvNameChanged == 0 )
                pSession->nvNameChanged = 1;
                nvEntity->nvNameChanged = 1;

    return rval;
// This function is a helper function used to calculate cpHash and rpHash.
// NOTE:  for calculating cpHash, set responseCode to TPM_RC_NO_RESPONSE; this
// tells the function to leave it out of the calculation.
TPM_RC TpmCalcPHash( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, TPM_HANDLE handle1, TPM_HANDLE handle2,
    TPMI_ALG_HASH authHash, TPM_RC responseCode, TPM2B_DIGEST *pHash )
    UINT32 i;
    TPM2B_NAME name1;
    TPM2B_NAME name2;
    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER hashInput; // Byte stream to be hashed to create pHash
    UINT8 *hashInputPtr;
    size_t parametersSize;
    const uint8_t *startParams;
    UINT8 cmdCode[4] = {0,0,0,0};
    UINT8 *cmdCodePtr = &cmdCode[0];
    name1.b.size = name2.b.size = 0;
    // Calculate pHash

    // Only get names for commands
    if( responseCode == TPM_RC_NO_RESPONSE )
        // Get names for the handles
        rval = TpmHandleToName( handle1, &name1 );
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            return rval;

#ifdef DEBUG
    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n\nNAME1 = \n" );
    PrintSizedBuffer( &(name1.b) );
    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
    // Only get names for commands
    if( responseCode == TPM_RC_NO_RESPONSE )
        rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCpBuffer( sysContext, &parametersSize, &startParams);
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            return rval;

        rval = TpmHandleToName( handle2, &name2 );
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            return rval;
        rval = Tss2_Sys_GetRpBuffer( sysContext, &parametersSize, &startParams);
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            return rval;
#ifdef DEBUG
    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n\nNAME2 = \n" );
    PrintSizedBuffer( &(name2.b) );
    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
    // Create pHash input byte stream:  first add response code, if any.
    hashInput.b.size = 0;
    if( responseCode != TPM_RC_NO_RESPONSE )
        hashInputPtr = &( hashInput.t.buffer[hashInput.b.size] );
        *(UINT32 *)hashInputPtr = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( responseCode );
        hashInput.b.size += 4;
        hashInputPtr += 4;

    // Create pHash input byte stream:  now add command code.
    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCommandCode( sysContext, &cmdCode );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;

    hashInputPtr = &( hashInput.t.buffer[hashInput.b.size] );    
    *(UINT32 *)hashInputPtr = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( *(UINT32 *)cmdCodePtr );
    hashInput.t.size += 4;

    // Create pHash input byte stream:  now add in names for the handles.
    rval = ConcatSizedByteBuffer( &hashInput, &( name1.b ) );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;
    rval = ConcatSizedByteBuffer( &hashInput, &( name2.b ) );
    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
        return rval;

    if( ( hashInput.t.size + parametersSize ) <= sizeof( hashInput.t.buffer ) )
        // Create pHash input byte stream:  now add in parameters byte stream
        for( i = 0; i < parametersSize; i++ )
            hashInput.t.buffer[hashInput.t.size + i ] = startParams[i];
        hashInput.t.size += (UINT16)parametersSize;

#ifdef DEBUG
    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n\nPHASH input bytes= \n" );
    PrintSizedBuffer( &(hashInput.b) );
    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
    // Now hash the whole mess.
    if( hashInput.t.size > sizeof( hashInput.t.buffer ) )
        rval = TpmHash( authHash, hashInput.t.size, &( hashInput.t.buffer[0] ), pHash );
        if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
            return rval;
#ifdef DEBUG
        OpenOutFile( &outFp );
        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n\nPHASH = " );
        PrintSizedBuffer( &(pHash->b) );
        CloseOutFile( &outFp );
    return rval;