/* PutTargetFile: close and store waveform or parm file */
void PutTargetFile(char *s)
   if(tgtPK == WAVEFORM) {
         HError(1014,"PutTargetFile: Could not save waveform file %s", s);
   else {
         HError(1014,"PutTargetFile: Could not save parm file %s", s );
   if (trace & T_TOP){
      AppendTrace("->"); AppendTrace(s);
      trList.str = NULL;
   if(trans != NULL)
// Returns non-zero on unrecoverable error.
int ParseEBANKEquals(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    ParseOutput_t Dummy;
    Address_t Address;
    int Value, i;

    OutRecord->Extend = InRecord->Extend;
    OutRecord->IndexValid = InRecord->IndexValid;
    OutRecord->EBank = InRecord->EBank;
    OutRecord->SBank = InRecord->SBank;
    OutRecord->NumWords = 0;
    OutRecord->ProgramCounter = InRecord->ProgramCounter;

    if (*InRecord->Mod1) {
        strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Extra fields.");
        OutRecord->Warning = 1;

    i = GetOctOrDec(InRecord->Operand, &Value);
    if (!i) {
        PseudoToSegmented(Value, &Dummy);
        Address = Dummy.ProgramCounter;

        if (Address.Invalid) {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Destination address not resolved.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
            return (0);

        if (!Address.Erasable) {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Destination not erasable.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
            return (0);

        if (Address.SReg < 0 || Address.SReg > 01777) {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Destination address out of range.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
            return (0);

        OutRecord->EBank.last = OutRecord->EBank.current;
        OutRecord->EBank.current = Address;
        OutRecord->EBank.oneshotPending = 1;
        OutRecord->LabelValue = Address;
        OutRecord->LabelValueValid = 1;
    } else {
        // The operand is NOT a number.  Presumably, it's a symbol.
        i = FetchSymbolPlusOffset(&InRecord->ProgramCounter, InRecord->Operand, "", &Address);
        if (!i) {
            IncPc(&Address, OpcodeOffset, &Address);
            goto DoIt;

        sprintf(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Symbol \"%s\" undefined or offset bad", InRecord->Operand);
        OutRecord->Fatal = 1;

    PrintTrace(InRecord, OutRecord);

    return (0);
ParseBANK(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    int Value, i;

    // Pass EXTEND through.
    OutRecord->Extend = InRecord->Extend;

    if (InRecord->IndexValid) {
        strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Illegally preceded by INDEX.");
        OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
        OutRecord->Index = 0;

    // The case of no Operand has a special meaning.  It means simply to
    // advance the program counter by however many words have already
    // been used in the current bank.  It would be used after a SETLOC.
    if (!*InRecord->Operand) {
        OutRecord->ProgramCounter = InRecord->ProgramCounter;

        if (OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Invalid)
            return (0);

        if (!OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Address || !OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Fixed) {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Works only for fixed-memory.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
            return (0);

        if (OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Banked) {
            i = OutRecord->ProgramCounter.FB + 010 * OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Super;
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg = 02000 + UsedInBank[i];
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = 010000 + i * 02000 + UsedInBank[i];
        } else if (OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value >= 04000 && OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value <= 05777) {
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg = 04000 + UsedInBank[2];
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg;
        } else if (OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value >= 06000 && OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value <= 07777) {
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg = 06000 + UsedInBank[3];
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg;

        PrintTrace(InRecord, OutRecord);

        return (0);

    // Here's where we assume that an Operand field exists.
    i = GetOctOrDec(InRecord->Operand, &Value);
    if (!i) {
        if (Value >= 0 && Value <= 043) {
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter = (const Address_t) { 0 };
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Address = 1;
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg = 02000;
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Fixed = 1;
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Banked = 1;

            if (Value >= 040) {
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Super = 1;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.FB = Value - 010;
            } else {
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Super = 0;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.FB = Value;

            if (Block1 && Value >= 0 && Value <= 2)
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = 02000 * Value;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg = 02000 * Value;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Banked = 0;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Unbanked = 1;
            else if (Block1)
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = 06000;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg = 06000;
            else if (Value == 2 || Value == 3)
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = Value * 02000;
                OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value = 010000 + Value * 02000;

            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Value += UsedInBank[Value];
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.SReg += UsedInBank[Value];
        } else {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "BANK operand range is 00 to 43.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter = (const Address_t) { 0 };
            OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Invalid = 1;
    } else {