void RichardsBCInternal(
Problem     *problem,
ProblemData *problem_data,
Vector      *f,
Matrix      *A,
double       time,
Vector      *pressure,
int          fcn)
   PFModule      *this_module    = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra    = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   WellData         *well_data = ProblemDataWellData(problem_data);
   WellDataPhysical *well_data_physical;
   WellDataValue    *well_data_value;

   TimeCycleData    *time_cycle_data;

   int               num_conditions = (public_xtra -> num_conditions);
   int               num_wells, total_num;

   Type0            *dummy0;

   Grid             *grid = VectorGrid(pressure);

   SubgridArray     *internal_bc_subgrids = NULL;

   Subgrid          *subgrid, *subgrid_ind, *new_subgrid;

   Subvector        *p_sub;

   double           *pp;
   double           *internal_bc_conditions = NULL;

   double            dx, dy, dz;
   double            value;

   int               ix, iy, iz;
   int               nx, ny, nz;
   int               rx, ry, rz;
   int               process;

   int               i, j, k;
   int               grid_index, well, index;
   int               cycle_number, interval_number;
   int               ip, im;

    * gridify the internal boundary locations (should be done elsewhere?)

   if ( num_conditions > 0 )

      internal_bc_subgrids = NewSubgridArray();
      internal_bc_conditions = ctalloc(double, num_conditions);

      for (i = 0; i < num_conditions;i++)
         switch((public_xtra -> type[i]))

         case 0:
            dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data[i]);

            ix = IndexSpaceX((dummy0 -> xlocation), 0);
            iy = IndexSpaceY((dummy0 -> ylocation), 0);
            iz = IndexSpaceZ((dummy0 -> zlocation), 0);

            nx = 1;
            ny = 1;
            nz = 1;

            rx = 0;
            ry = 0;
            rz = 0;

            process = amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld);

            new_subgrid = NewSubgrid(ix, iy, iz,
                                     nx, ny, nz,
                                     rx, ry, rz,

            AppendSubgrid(new_subgrid, internal_bc_subgrids);

            internal_bc_conditions[i] = (dummy0 -> value);

void BCInternal(
                Problem *    problem,
                ProblemData *problem_data,
                Matrix *     A,
                Vector *     f,
                double       time)
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

  PFModule      *phase_density = ProblemPhaseDensity(problem);

  WellData         *well_data = ProblemDataWellData(problem_data);
  WellDataPhysical *well_data_physical;
  WellDataValue    *well_data_value;

  TimeCycleData    *time_cycle_data;

  int num_conditions = (public_xtra->num_conditions);

  Type0            *dummy0;

  Grid             *grid = VectorGrid(f);

  SubgridArray     *internal_bc_subgrids;

  Subgrid          *subgrid, *ibc_subgrid, *well_subgrid, *new_subgrid;

  Submatrix        *A_sub;
  Subvector        *f_sub;

  double           *internal_bc_conditions, *mp;

  double Z;

  double dx, dy, dz;
  int ix, iy, iz;
  int nx, ny, nz;
  int rx, ry, rz;
  int process;

  int i, j, k, i_sft, j_sft, k_sft;
  int grid_index, ibc_sg, well, index;
  int cycle_number, interval_number;

  double dtmp, ptmp, head, phead;

  int stencil[7][3] = { { 0, 0, 0 },
                        { -1, 0, 0 },
                        { 1, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, -1, 0 },
                        { 0, 1, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, -1 },
                        { 0, 0, 1 } };

  /***** Some constants for the routine *****/

  /* Hard-coded assumption for constant density. */
  PFModuleInvokeType(PhaseDensityInvoke, phase_density, (0, NULL, NULL, &ptmp, &dtmp, CALCFCN));
  dtmp = ProblemGravity(problem) * dtmp;

   * gridify the internal boundary locations (should be done elsewhere?)

  if (num_conditions > 0)
    internal_bc_subgrids = NewSubgridArray();
    internal_bc_conditions = ctalloc(double, num_conditions);

    for (i = 0; i < num_conditions; i++)
      switch ((public_xtra->type[i]))
        case 0:
          dummy0 = (Type0*)(public_xtra->data[i]);

          ix = IndexSpaceX((dummy0->xlocation), 0);
          iy = IndexSpaceY((dummy0->ylocation), 0);
          iz = IndexSpaceZ((dummy0->zlocation), 0);

          nx = 1;
          ny = 1;
          nz = 1;

          rx = 0;
          ry = 0;
          rz = 0;

          process = amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld);

          new_subgrid = NewSubgrid(ix, iy, iz,
                                   nx, ny, nz,
                                   rx, ry, rz,

          AppendSubgrid(new_subgrid, internal_bc_subgrids);

          internal_bc_conditions[i] = (dummy0->value);

void     SelectTimeStep(

double      *dt,          /* Time step size */
char        *dt_info,     /* Character flag indicating what requirement 
			     chose the time step */
double       time,
Problem     *problem,
ProblemData *problem_data)
   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra   = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   Type0         *dummy0;
   Type1         *dummy1;

   double         well_dt, bc_dt;

   switch((public_xtra -> type))
   case 0:
      double constant;

      dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data);

      constant = (dummy0 -> step);
      (*dt) = constant;

   }     /* End case 0 */

   case 1:
      double initial_step;
      double factor;
      double max_step;
      double min_step;

      dummy1 = (Type1 *)(public_xtra -> data);

      initial_step = (dummy1 -> initial_step);
      factor = (dummy1 -> factor);
      max_step = (dummy1 -> max_step);
      min_step = (dummy1 -> min_step);

      if ((*dt) == 0.0)
	 (*dt) = initial_step;
	 (*dt) = (*dt)*factor;
	 if ((*dt) < min_step) (*dt) = min_step;
	 if ((*dt) > max_step) (*dt) = max_step;

   }     /* End case 1 */

   }     /* End switch */

    * Get delta t's for all wells and boundary conditions.

   well_dt = TimeCycleDataComputeNextTransition(problem, time,

   bc_dt = TimeCycleDataComputeNextTransition(problem, time,

    * Compute the new dt value based on time stepping criterion imposed
    * by the user or on system parameter changes.  Indicate what 
    * determined the value of `dt'.

   if ( well_dt <= 0.0 ) well_dt = (*dt);
   if ( bc_dt   <= 0.0 ) bc_dt   = (*dt);
   if ((*dt) > well_dt)
      (*dt) = well_dt;
      (*dt_info) = 'w';
   else if ((*dt) > bc_dt)
      (*dt) = bc_dt;
      (*dt_info) = 'b';
      (*dt_info) = 'p';
