int SummaryCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; SizeMap sizemap; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( mType == Size ) { RecordSizes( row, sizemap ); } else { mRows.push_back( row ); } } if ( mType == Size ) { PrintSizes( io, sizemap ); } else { if ( mRows.size() == 0 ) { CSVTHROW( "No input" ); } Summarise( io ); } return 0; }
int DateReadCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { GetSkipOptions( cmd ); ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( Skip( io, row ) ) { continue; } if( Pass( io, row ) ) { io.WriteRow( row ); continue; } if ( ConvertDates( row ) ) { io.WriteRow( row ); } } return 0; }
/** \fn MythSystem::setCommand(const QString &command, const QStringList &args) * \brief Resets an existing MythSystem object to a new command */ void MythSystem::SetCommand(const QString &command, const QStringList &args, uint flags) { m_status = GENERIC_EXIT_START; m_command = QString(command).trimmed(); m_args = QStringList(args); ProcessFlags(flags); // check for execute rights if (!GetSetting("UseShell") && access(command.toUtf8().constData(), X_OK)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("MythSystem(%1) command not executable, ") .arg(command) + ENO); m_status = GENERIC_EXIT_CMD_NOT_FOUND; } m_logcmd = (m_command + " " + m_args.join(" ")).trimmed(); if( GetSetting("AnonLog") ) { m_logcmd.truncate(m_logcmd.indexOf(" ")); m_logcmd.append(" (anonymized)"); } }
BOOL CStdioFile_i::Open(LPCTSTR lpszFileName,UINT nOpenFlags,CFileException* pError /*=NULL*/) { // Process any Unicode stuff ProcessFlags(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags); return CStdioFile::Open(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags, pError); }
int DateFormatCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { FormatDates( row ); io.WriteRow( row ); } return 0; }
int AsciiTableCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { GetSkipOptions( cmd ); ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( ! Skip( row ) ) { AddRow( row ); } } OutputTable( io.Out() ); return 0; }
/** \fn MythSystemLegacy::setCommand(const QString &command, const QStringList &args) * \brief Resets an existing MythSystemLegacy object to a new command */ void MythSystemLegacy::SetCommand(const QString &command, const QStringList &args, uint flags) { m_status = GENERIC_EXIT_START; m_command = QString(command).trimmed(); m_args = QStringList(args); ProcessFlags(flags); // add logging arguments if (GetSetting("PropagateLogs")) { if (GetSetting("UseShell") && m_args.isEmpty()) { m_command += logPropagateArgs; if (logPropagateQuiet()) m_command += " --quiet"; if (logPropagateNoServer()) m_command += " --nologserver"; } else { m_args << logPropagateArgList; if (logPropagateQuiet()) m_args << "--quiet"; if (logPropagateNoServer()) m_args << "--nologserver"; } } // check for execute rights if (!GetSetting("UseShell") && access(command.toUtf8().constData(), X_OK)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("MythSystemLegacy(%1) command not executable, ") .arg(command) + ENO); m_status = GENERIC_EXIT_CMD_NOT_FOUND; } m_logcmd = (m_command + " " + m_args.join(" ")).trimmed(); if (GetSetting("AnonLog")) { m_logcmd.truncate(m_logcmd.indexOf(" ")); m_logcmd.append(" (anonymized)"); } }
int PivotCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { ColRow cr = MakeColRow( row ); AddFact( cr, GetFact( row )); mCols.insert( row[mCol] ); mRows.insert( row[mRow] ); } OutputPivot( io ); return 0; }
int RemoveNewlineCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { GetSkipOptions( cmd ); ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( Skip( row ) ) { continue; } if ( ! Pass( row ) ) { RemoveNewlines( row ); } io.WriteRow( row ); } return 0; }
int CallCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { GetSkipOptions( cmd ); ProcessFlags( cmd ); std::vector <char> outbuf( mOutBufSize ); HMODULE dll = LoadLibrary( mDLL.c_str() ); if ( dll == NULL ) { CSVTHROW( "LoadLibrary call on " << mDLL << " failed" ); } mFunc = (FuncType) GetProcAddress( dll, mFuncName.c_str() ); if ( mFunc == NULL ) { CSVTHROW( "Cannot load function " << mFuncName << "from DLL " << mDLL ); } IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( ! Skip( io, row ) ) { continue; } if ( Pass( io, row ) ) { io.WriteRow( row ); continue; } int rv = CallOnFields( row, &outbuf[0] ); if ( rv == 0 ) { io.WriteRow( row ); } else if ( rv > 0 ) { CSVTHROW( mFuncName << " returned error code " << rv ); } else { // do nothing - negative values just mean skip output } } return 0; }
int ShuffleCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { ProcessFlags( cmd ); mRows.clear(); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; if ( mFields.size() == 0 ) { while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { mRows.push_back( row ); } Shuffle( io ); } else { while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { ShuffleFields( row ); io.WriteRow( row ); } } return 0; }
int ExcludeCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { GetSkipOptions( cmd ); ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( Skip( row ) ) { continue; } if ( ! Pass( row ) ) { if ( EvalExprOnRow( io, row ) ) { Exclude( row ); } } io.WriteRow( row ); } return 0; }
int FileSplitCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) { GetSkipOptions( cmd ); ProcessFlags( cmd ); IOManager io( cmd ); CSVRow row; while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) { if ( Skip( row ) ) { continue; } if ( Pass( row ) ) { io.WriteRow( row ); } else { WriteRow( io, row ); } } mOutFile.flush(); return 0; }
CStdioFile_i::CStdioFile_i(LPCTSTR lpszFileName,UINT nOpenFlags) :CStdioFile(lpszFileName, ProcessFlags(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags)) { m_nFileCodePage = -1; }
void ResourcePackerScreen::RecursiveTreeWalk(const String & inputPath, const String & outputPath) { uint64 packTime = SystemTimer::Instance()->AbsoluteMS(); FileList * fileList = new FileList(inputPath); /* New $process folder structure */ String dataSourceRelativePath = inputPath; StringReplace(dataSourceRelativePath, excludeDirectory, std::string("")); // printf("%s\n", dataSourceRelativePath.c_str()); String processDirectoryPath = excludeDirectory + String("/") + GetProcessFolderName() + String("/") + dataSourceRelativePath; if (FileSystem::Instance()->CreateDirectory(processDirectoryPath, true) == FileSystem::DIRECTORY_CANT_CREATE) { //Logger::Error("Can't create directory: %s", processDirectoryPath.c_str()); } if(clearProcessDirectory) { FileSystem::Instance()->DeleteDirectoryFiles(processDirectoryPath, false); } //String outputPath = outputPath; if (FileSystem::Instance()->CreateDirectory(outputPath) == FileSystem::DIRECTORY_CANT_CREATE) { //Logger::Error("Can't create directory: %s", outputPath.c_str()); } CommandLineParser::Instance()->ClearFlags(); std::list<DefinitionFile *> definitionFileList; // Find flags and setup them for (int fi = 0; fi < fileList->GetCount(); ++fi) { if (!fileList->IsDirectory(fi)) { if (fileList->GetFilename(fi) == "flags.txt") { String fullname = inputPath + String("/") + fileList->GetFilename(fi); ProcessFlags(fullname); break; } } } bool modified = isGfxModified; // Process all psd / png files if (IsMD5ChangedDir(processDirectoryPath, inputPath, "dir.md5", false)) { modified = true; //if (Core::Instance()->IsConsoleMode()) // printf("[Directory changed - rebuild: %s]\n", inputGfxDirectory.c_str()); } if (modified) { FileSystem::Instance()->DeleteDirectoryFiles(outputPath, false); for (int fi = 0; fi < fileList->GetCount(); ++fi) { if (!fileList->IsDirectory(fi)) { String fullname = inputPath + String("/") + fileList->GetFilename(fi); if (FileSystem::GetExtension(fullname) == ".psd") { DefinitionFile * defFile = ProcessPSD(processDirectoryPath, fullname, fileList->GetFilename(fi)); definitionFileList.push_back(defFile); } else if(isLightmapsPacking && FileSystem::GetExtension(fullname) == ".png") { DefinitionFile * defFile = new DefinitionFile(); defFile->LoadPNG(fullname, processDirectoryPath); definitionFileList.push_back(defFile); } else if (FileSystem::GetExtension(fullname) == ".pngdef") { DefinitionFile * defFile = new DefinitionFile(); if (defFile->LoadPNGDef(fullname, processDirectoryPath)) { definitionFileList.push_back(defFile); } else { SafeDelete(defFile); } } } } // if (definitionFileList.size() > 0 && modified) { TexturePacker packer; String outputPathWithSlash = outputPath + String("/"); if(isLightmapsPacking) { packer.UseOnlySquareTextures(); packer.SetMaxTextureSize(2048); } if (CommandLineParser::Instance()->IsFlagSet("--split")) { packer.PackToTexturesSeparate(excludeDirectory.c_str(), outputPathWithSlash.c_str(), definitionFileList); } else { packer.PackToTextures(excludeDirectory.c_str(), outputPathWithSlash.c_str(), definitionFileList); } } } packTime = SystemTimer::Instance()->AbsoluteMS() - packTime; if (Core::Instance()->IsConsoleMode()) { if (CommandLineParser::Instance()->IsExtendedOutput()) { printf("[%d files packed with flags: %s]\n", (int)definitionFileList.size(), currentFlags.c_str()); } String result = "[unchanged]"; if (modified) result = "[REPACKED]"; printf("[%s - %.2lf secs] - %s\n", inputPath.c_str(), (float64)packTime / 1000.0f, result.c_str()); } for (std::list<DefinitionFile*>::iterator it = definitionFileList.begin(); it != definitionFileList.end(); ++it) { DefinitionFile * file = *it; SafeDelete(file); } definitionFileList.clear(); for (int fi = 0; fi < fileList->GetCount(); ++fi) { if (fileList->IsDirectory(fi)) { String filename = fileList->GetFilename(fi); if ((filename != ".") && (filename != "..") && (filename != "$process") && (filename != ".svn")) { if ((filename.size() > 0) && (filename[0] != '.')) RecursiveTreeWalk(inputPath + String("/") + fileList->GetFilename(fi), outputPath + String("/") + fileList->GetFilename(fi)); } } } SafeRelease(fileList); }
CStdioFileEx::CStdioFileEx(LPCTSTR lpszFileName,UINT nOpenFlags) :CStdioFile(lpszFileName, ProcessFlags(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags)) { }