int cp_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_FILE *fSource, *fDest; FF_ERROR Error; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_UINT8 copybuf[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; FF_T_SINT32 BytesRead; //LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; //LARGE_INTEGER start_ticks, end_ticks, cputime; float transferRate = 0; //QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond); if(argc == 3) { if(strstr(argv[1], "*") || strstr(argv[2], "*")) { return wildcopy(argc, argv, pEnv); } ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); fSource = FF_Open(pIoman, path, FF_MODE_READ, &Error); if(fSource) { ProcessPath(path, argv[2], pEnv); fDest = FF_Open(pIoman, path, FF_GetModeBits("w"), &Error); if(fDest) { // Do the copy //QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_ticks); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_ticks); do{ BytesRead = FF_Read(fSource, COPY_BUFFER_SIZE, 1, (FF_T_UINT8 *)copybuf); FF_Write(fDest, BytesRead, 1, (FF_T_UINT8 *) copybuf); //QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_ticks); //cputime.QuadPart = end_ticks.QuadPart - start_ticks.QuadPart; //time = ((float)cputime.QuadPart/(float)ticksPerSecond.QuadPart); //transferRate = (fSource->FilePointer / time) / 1024; //cons_printf("%f% - %10ld Bytes Copied, %f Kb/S\r", ((float)((float)fSource->FilePointer/(float)fSource->Filesize) * 100), fSource->FilePointer, transferRate); }while(BytesRead > 0); //cons_printf("%f% - %10ld Bytes Copied, %f Kb/S\n", ((float)((float)fSource->FilePointer/(float)fSource->Filesize) * 100), fSource->FilePointer, transferRate); FF_Close(fSource); FF_Close(fDest); } else { FF_Close(fSource); cons_printf("Could not open destination file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Could not open source file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [source file] [destination file]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int mkfile_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_FILE *f; FF_T_UINT32 Bytes; FF_T_UINT32 BytesWritten = 0; FF_T_UINT32 ElementSize = 0, Elements = 0, Multiplier = 0; FF_T_UINT8 IntBuffer[4096*4]; // 16Kb of Integers! FF_T_UINT32 i = 0, x; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; FF_T_UINT64 TicksPerSecond, TicksStart, TicksEnd, Ticks; float transferRate = 0.0, time; TicksPerSecond = FFTerm_GetTickRate(pEnv->pConsole); if(argc == 5) { sscanf(argv[1], "%lu", &ElementSize); /*if(!ElementSize) { printf("Invalid Element Size!\n"); return 0; }*/ sscanf(argv[2], "%lu", &Elements); /*if(!Elements) { printf("Invalid Number of Elements\n"); return 0; }*/ sscanf(argv[3], "%lu", &Multiplier); /*if(!Multiplier) { printf("Invalid Multiplier\n"); return 0; }*/ Bytes = ElementSize * Elements * Multiplier; printf("Creating file of size %lu Bytes (%0.2f MB) (%0.3f GB)\n", Bytes, (float)((float)Bytes / 1048576.0), (float)(((float)Bytes / 1048576.0)/1024.0)); ProcessPath(path, argv[4], pEnv); f = FF_Open(pEnv->pIoman, path, FF_GetModeBits("wb"), &Error); if(f) { while(Bytes) { for(x = 0; x < 4096*4; x++) { IntBuffer[x] = (FF_T_UINT8)i++; } TicksStart = FFTerm_GetTicks(pEnv->pConsole); if(Bytes >= (4096 * 4)) { BytesWritten += 4096 * 4; Bytes -= FF_Write(f, 1, 4096 * 4, (FF_T_UINT8 *) IntBuffer); } else { BytesWritten += Bytes; Bytes -= FF_Write(f, 1, Bytes, (FF_T_UINT8 *) IntBuffer); } TicksEnd = FFTerm_GetTicks(pEnv->pConsole); Ticks += (TicksEnd - TicksStart); time = ((float)Ticks/(float)TicksPerSecond); transferRate = (BytesWritten / time) / 1024; printf("Written %0.2f MB (%7.2f KB/s)\r", (float) ((float)BytesWritten / 1048576.0), transferRate); } printf("Written %0.2f MB (%7.2f KB/s)\n", (float) ((float)BytesWritten / 1048576.0), transferRate); FF_Close(f); } else { printf("Error opening file: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { printf("Generates a File filled with 32-bit integers.\n\n"); printf("Usage: %s [Element Size] [Elements] [Multiplier] [filename]\n\n", argv[0]); printf("E.g. a 1Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 1\t 1m.dat\n", argv[0]); printf("E.g. a 2Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 2\t 2m.dat\n", argv[0]); printf("E.g. a 10Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 10\t 10m.dat\n", argv[0]); printf("E.g. a 100Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 100\t 100m.dat\n\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
/** * @public * @brief Changes the Current Working Directory * * To change the directory, we simply check the provided path, if it exists, * then we change the environment's working directory to that path. * **/ int cd_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; int i; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); // Make path absolute if relative. ExpandPath(path); // Remove any relativity from the path (../ or ..\). if(FF_FindDir(pIoman, path, (FF_T_UINT16) strlen(path))) { // Check if path is valid. i = strlen(path) - 1; // Path found, change the directory. if(i) { if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/') { path[i] = '\0'; } } strcpy(pEnv->WorkingDir, path); //sprintf(pEnv->WorkingDir, path); } else { cons_printf("Path \"%s\" not found.\n", path); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [path]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
void CPDF_RenderStatus::ProcessObjectNoClip(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_Matrix* pObj2Device) { #if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ DebugVerifyDeviceIsPreMultiplied(); #endif FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; switch (pObj->GetType()) { case CPDF_PageObject::TEXT: bRet = ProcessText(pObj->AsText(), pObj2Device, nullptr); break; case CPDF_PageObject::PATH: bRet = ProcessPath(pObj->AsPath(), pObj2Device); break; case CPDF_PageObject::IMAGE: bRet = ProcessImage(pObj->AsImage(), pObj2Device); break; case CPDF_PageObject::SHADING: ProcessShading(pObj->AsShading(), pObj2Device); return; case CPDF_PageObject::FORM: bRet = ProcessForm(pObj->AsForm(), pObj2Device); break; } if (!bRet) DrawObjWithBackground(pObj, pObj2Device); #if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ DebugVerifyDeviceIsPreMultiplied(); #endif }
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawTextPathWithPattern( const CPDF_TextObject* textobj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, CPDF_Font* pFont, FX_FLOAT font_size, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pTextMatrix, FX_BOOL bFill, FX_BOOL bStroke) { if (!bStroke) { CPDF_PathObject path; CPDF_TextObject* pCopy = new CPDF_TextObject; pCopy->Copy(textobj); path.m_bStroke = FALSE; path.m_FillType = FXFILL_WINDING; path.m_ClipPath.AppendTexts(&pCopy, 1); path.m_ColorState = textobj->m_ColorState; path.m_Path.New()->AppendRect(textobj->m_Left, textobj->m_Bottom, textobj->m_Right, textobj->m_Top); path.m_Left = textobj->m_Left; path.m_Bottom = textobj->m_Bottom; path.m_Right = textobj->m_Right; path.m_Top = textobj->m_Top; RenderSingleObject(&path, pObj2Device); return; } CFX_FontCache* pCache; if (pFont->m_pDocument) { pCache = pFont->m_pDocument->GetRenderData()->GetFontCache(); } else { pCache = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache(); } CFX_FaceCache* pFaceCache = pCache->GetCachedFace(&pFont->m_Font); FX_FONTCACHE_DEFINE(pCache, &pFont->m_Font); CPDF_CharPosList CharPosList; CharPosList.Load(textobj->m_nChars, textobj->m_pCharCodes, textobj->m_pCharPos, pFont, font_size); for (FX_DWORD i = 0; i < CharPosList.m_nChars; i++) { FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos = CharPosList.m_pCharPos[i]; const CFX_PathData* pPath = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphPath( &pFont->m_Font, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_FontCharWidth); if (pPath == NULL) { continue; } CPDF_PathObject path; path.m_GraphState = textobj->m_GraphState; path.m_ColorState = textobj->m_ColorState; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) matrix.Set(charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0); matrix.Concat(font_size, 0, 0, font_size, charpos.m_OriginX, charpos.m_OriginY); path.m_Path.New()->Append(pPath, &matrix); path.m_Matrix = *pTextMatrix; path.m_bStroke = bStroke; path.m_FillType = bFill ? FXFILL_WINDING : 0; path.CalcBoundingBox(); ProcessPath(&path, pObj2Device); } }
void CPDF_RenderStatus::ProcessObjectNoClip( const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device) { FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; switch (pObj->m_Type) { case PDFPAGE_TEXT: bRet = ProcessText((CPDF_TextObject*)pObj, pObj2Device, NULL); break; case PDFPAGE_PATH: bRet = ProcessPath((CPDF_PathObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; case PDFPAGE_IMAGE: bRet = ProcessImage((CPDF_ImageObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; case PDFPAGE_SHADING: bRet = ProcessShading((CPDF_ShadingObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; case PDFPAGE_FORM: bRet = ProcessForm((CPDF_FormObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; } if (!bRet) { DrawObjWithBackground(pObj, pObj2Device); } }
int more_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_FILE *f; FF_ERROR Error; FF_T_SINT32 c; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); f = FF_Open(pEnv->pIoman, path, FF_MODE_READ, &Error); if(f) { printf("//---------- START OF FILE\n"); while(!FF_isEOF(f)) { c = FF_GetC(f); if(c >= 0) { printf("%c", (FF_T_INT8) c); } else { printf("Error while reading file: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(c)); FF_Close(f); return -3; } } printf("\n//---------- END OF FILE\n"); FF_Close(f); } else { printf("Could not open file: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); return -2; } } else { printf("Usage: %s [filename]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int createthread_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { THREAD hThread = (THREAD) malloc(sizeof(struct _IO_THREAD)); THREAD hThreadList = g_ThreadList; FF_T_INT8 Path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; if(argc == 2) { if(hThread) { hThread->isDead = FF_FALSE; hThread->pNext = NULL; hThread->nThreadBytes = 0; hThread->nThreadNum = 0; hThread->tKill = FF_FALSE; ProcessPath(Path, argv[1], pEnv); hThread->pFile = FF_Open(pEnv->pIoman, Path, FF_GetModeBits("w+"), &Error); if(!hThread->pFile) { free(hThread); printf("Error opening file: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); return 0; } hThread->hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, IOTestThread, hThread, 0, &hThread->dwThreadID); if(hThread->hThread) { if(!hThreadList) { g_ThreadList = hThread; } else { hThread->nThreadNum = 1; while(hThreadList->pNext) { hThreadList = hThreadList->pNext; hThread->nThreadNum += 1; } hThreadList->pNext = hThread; } } else { FF_Close(hThread->pFile); free(hThread); printf("Error creating thread!\n"); } } else { printf("Not enough memory!\n"); } } else { printf("Usage: %s [filename]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int move_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_T_INT8 src[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 dest[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; if(argc == 3) { ProcessPath(src, argv[1], pEnv); ProcessPath(dest, argv[2], pEnv); Error = FF_Move(pEnv->pIoman, src, dest); if(Error) { cons_printf("Error: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [Source Path] [Destination Path]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
int StartupMain() { // Create a shortcut to this in Startup so // we run whenever the computer turns on. std::string here = ProcessPath(); std::string there = ShortcutPath(); std::ofstream out(there); out << "[InternetShortcut]" << std::endl; out << "URL=file:///" << replace(here, std::string("\\"), std::string("/")); return 0; }
/* A View command to type out the contents of a file using FullFAT. */ int rm_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_ERROR Error; FF_DIRENT mydir; // Used to detect if its a file or folder. FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 realpath[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 *pName; int i; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); for(i = strlen(path); ; i--) { if(path[i] == '\\' || path[i] == '/') { pName = &path[i + 1]; break; } } memcpy(realpath, path, i + 1); realpath[i+1] = '\0'; Error = FF_FindFirst(pEnv->pIoman, &mydir, realpath); while(!FF_strmatch(mydir.FileName, pName, 0)) { Error = FF_FindNext(pEnv->pIoman, &mydir); if(Error) { // File cons_printf("File or Folder not found!\n"); return 0; } } if(mydir.Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_DIR) { Error = FF_RmDir(pEnv->pIoman, path); } else { Error = FF_RmFile(pEnv->pIoman, path); } if(Error) { cons_printf("Could not remove file or folder: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [filename]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
/** * @brief A simple command for making dirs. **/ int mkdir_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEv) { FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEv); Error = FF_MkDir(pEv->pIoman, path); if(Error) { cons_printf("Could not mkdir - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [path]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
void AStar::FindPath() { // Process the path bit by bit to avoid lag if(m_initialized){ for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if(m_openList.empty() || PathComplete()) { break; } else { ProcessPath(); } } } }
FX_BOOL CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawObjWithBlend( const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device) { FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; switch (pObj->m_Type) { case PDFPAGE_PATH: bRet = ProcessPath((CPDF_PathObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; case PDFPAGE_IMAGE: bRet = ProcessImage((CPDF_ImageObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; case PDFPAGE_FORM: bRet = ProcessForm((CPDF_FormObject*)pObj, pObj2Device); break; } return bRet; }
FX_BOOL CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawObjWithBlend(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_Matrix* pObj2Device) { FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; switch (pObj->GetType()) { case CPDF_PageObject::PATH: bRet = ProcessPath(pObj->AsPath(), pObj2Device); break; case CPDF_PageObject::IMAGE: bRet = ProcessImage(pObj->AsImage(), pObj2Device); break; case CPDF_PageObject::FORM: bRet = ProcessForm(pObj->AsForm(), pObj2Device); break; default: break; } return bRet; }
/** * @public * @brief MD5 Data Hashing function. * * Generates and displays an MD5 hash of a file. This is really useful when * verify files for their integrity. We used MD5 extensively while stabilising * the read and write functionality of FullFAT. * **/ int md5_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_IOMAN *pIoman = pEnv->pIoman; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_UINT8 readBuf[8192]; FF_FILE *fSource; FF_ERROR Error; int len; md5_state_t state; md5_byte_t digest[16]; int di; if(argc == 2) { ProcessPath(path, argv[1], pEnv); fSource = FF_Open(pIoman, path, FF_MODE_READ, &Error); if(fSource) { md5_init(&state); do { len = FF_Read(fSource, 1, 8192, readBuf); md5_append(&state, (const md5_byte_t *)readBuf, len); } while(len); md5_finish(&state, digest); for (di = 0; di < 16; ++di) cons_printf("%02x", digest[di]); cons_printf ("\n"); FF_Close(fSource); } else { cons_printf("Could not open file - %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Usage: %s [filename]\n", argv[0]); } return 0; }
/** * Returns a list of nsILocalHandlerApp objects containing local * handlers associated with this mimeinfo. Implemented per * platform using information in this object to generate the * best list. Typically used for an "open with" style user * option. * * @return nsIArray of nsILocalHandlerApp */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMIMEInfoWin::GetPossibleLocalHandlers(nsIArray **_retval) { nsresult rv; *_retval = nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> appList = do_CreateInstance(";1"); if (!appList) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsTArray<nsString> trackList; nsCAutoString fileExt; GetPrimaryExtension(fileExt); nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowsRegKey> regKey = do_CreateInstance(";1"); if (!regKey) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowsRegKey> appKey = do_CreateInstance(";1"); if (!appKey) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsAutoString workingRegistryPath; bool extKnown = false; if (fileExt.IsEmpty()) { extKnown = true; // Mime type discovery is possible in some cases, through // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type, however, a number // of file extensions related to mime type are simply not defined, // (application/rss+xml & application/atom+xml are good examples) // in which case we can only provide a generic list. nsCAutoString mimeType; GetMIMEType(mimeType); if (!mimeType.IsEmpty()) { workingRegistryPath.AppendLiteral("MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\"); workingRegistryPath.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(mimeType)); rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoString mimeFileExt; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->ReadStringValue(EmptyString(), mimeFileExt))) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(mimeFileExt, fileExt); extKnown = false; } } } } nsAutoString fileExtToUse; if (fileExt.First() != '.') fileExtToUse = PRUnichar('.'); fileExtToUse.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(fileExt)); // Note, the order in which these occur has an effect on the // validity of the resulting display list. if (!extKnown) { // 1) Get the default handler if it exists workingRegistryPath = fileExtToUse; rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoString appProgId; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->ReadStringValue(EmptyString(), appProgId))) { // Bug 358297 - ignore the embedded internet explorer handler if (appProgId != NS_LITERAL_STRING("XPSViewer.Document")) { nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (GetProgIDVerbCommandHandler(appProgId, appFilesystemCommand, false) && !IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) { ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } } regKey->Close(); } // 2) list HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext\OpenWithList\ workingRegistryPath = fileExtToUse; workingRegistryPath.AppendLiteral("\\OpenWithList"); rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetValueCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { nsAutoString appName; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetValueName(index, appName))) continue; // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\firefox.exe = "path params" nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetAppsVerbCommandHandler(appName, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } regKey->Close(); } // 3) List HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext\OpenWithProgids, with the // different step of resolving the progids for the command handler. workingRegistryPath = fileExtToUse; workingRegistryPath.AppendLiteral("\\OpenWithProgids"); rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetValueCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext\OpenWithProgids\Windows.XPSReachViewer nsAutoString appProgId; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetValueName(index, appProgId))) continue; nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetProgIDVerbCommandHandler(appProgId, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } regKey->Close(); } // 4) Add any non configured applications located in the MRU list // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ // Explorer\FileExts\.ext\OpenWithList workingRegistryPath = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\FileExts\\"); workingRegistryPath += fileExtToUse; workingRegistryPath.AppendLiteral("\\OpenWithList"); rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetValueCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { nsAutoString appName, appValue; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetValueName(index, appName))) continue; if (appName.EqualsLiteral("MRUList")) continue; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->ReadStringValue(appName, appValue))) continue; // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\firefox.exe = "path params" nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetAppsVerbCommandHandler(appValue, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } } // 5) Add any non configured progids in the MRU list, with the // different step of resolving the progids for the command handler. // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ // Explorer\FileExts\.ext\OpenWithProgids workingRegistryPath = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\FileExts\\"); workingRegistryPath += fileExtToUse; workingRegistryPath.AppendLiteral("\\OpenWithProgids"); regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetValueCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { nsAutoString appIndex, appProgId; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetValueName(index, appProgId))) continue; nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetProgIDVerbCommandHandler(appProgId, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } regKey->Close(); } // 6) Check the perceived type value, and use this to lookup the perceivedtype // open with list. // workingRegistryPath = fileExtToUse; regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoString perceivedType; rv = regKey->ReadStringValue(NS_LITERAL_STRING("PerceivedType"), perceivedType); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoString openWithListPath(NS_LITERAL_STRING("SystemFileAssociations\\")); openWithListPath.Append(perceivedType); // no period openWithListPath.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\OpenWithList")); nsresult rv = appKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, openWithListPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetValueCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { nsAutoString appName; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetValueName(index, appName))) continue; // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\firefox.exe = "path params" nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetAppsVerbCommandHandler(appName, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } } } } } // extKnown == false // 7) list global HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\OpenWithList\ // Listing general purpose handlers, not specific to a mime type or file extension workingRegistryPath = NS_LITERAL_STRING("*\\OpenWithList"); rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetValueCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { nsAutoString appName; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetValueName(index, appName))) continue; // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\firefox.exe = "path params" nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetAppsVerbCommandHandler(appName, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } regKey->Close(); } // 8) General application's list - not file extension specific on windows workingRegistryPath = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Applications"); rv = regKey->Open(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, workingRegistryPath, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS| nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_QUERY_VALUE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRUint32 count = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(regKey->GetChildCount(&count)) && count > 0) { for (PRUint32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { nsAutoString appName; if (NS_FAILED(regKey->GetChildName(index, appName))) continue; // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\firefox.exe = "path params" nsAutoString appFilesystemCommand; if (!GetAppsVerbCommandHandler(appName, appFilesystemCommand, false) || IsPathInList(appFilesystemCommand, trackList)) continue; ProcessPath(appList, trackList, appFilesystemCommand); } } } // Return to the caller *_retval = appList; NS_ADDREF(*_retval); return NS_OK; }
void CEntityMng::ProcessEntity() { worldentity_t *entity; int worldIdx; int visType; int idxClass; m_MDLMng->ClearRenderWorldLink(); m_MDLMng->ClearBlendWorldLink(); entity = m_linked; while( entity ) { if( !entity->inuse ) { entity = entity->next; continue; } switch( entity->classType ) { case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYER_POS : break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_MODEL : visType = ChechVisibleDistance( entity->origin , entity->mins , entity->maxs , entity->radius ); if( visType == ENTITY_OVER_THAN_VISIBLE ) { m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = false; break; } if( Cull( entity->mins , entity->maxs , entity->origin , entity->linkedCluster ) ) m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = false; else { idxClass = m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].idxClass; if( ( visType == ENTITY_CLOSED_THAN_CHARACTER ) && m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldClasses[ idxClass ].hideFlag ) { m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].blendNext = m_MDLMng->m_linkedBlendMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ]; m_MDLMng->m_linkedBlendMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ] = &m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ]; m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = visType; } else { m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].renderNext = m_MDLMng->m_linkedRenderMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ]; m_MDLMng->m_linkedRenderMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ] = &m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ]; m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = visType; } } break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_TELEPORT : if ( g_cgv.flagChangeWorld ) break; visType = ChechVisibleDistance( entity->origin , entity->mins , entity->maxs , entity->radius ); if( visType == ENTITY_OVER_THAN_VISIBLE ) { m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = false; break; } if( Cull( entity->mins , entity->maxs , entity->origin , entity->linkedCluster ) ) m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = false; else { idxClass = m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].idxClass; if( visType == ENTITY_CLOSED_THAN_CHARACTER ) { m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].blendNext = m_MDLMng->m_linkedBlendMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ]; m_MDLMng->m_linkedBlendMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ] = &m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ]; m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = visType; } else { m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].renderNext = m_MDLMng->m_linkedRenderMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ]; m_MDLMng->m_linkedRenderMDLWorldEntities[ idxClass ] = &m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ]; m_MDLMng->m_MDLWorldEntities[ entity->idxMDLEntity ].visible = visType; } } if( !ChechEffectiveDistance( entity->origin , entity->effectiveDist ) ) break; if(g_SkillLogic.CancelTransform(true)) return ; if(true == g_ifMng->m_Item_ScrollWin->IfWorldChangeing()) { g_ifMng->AddSysMessage( g_LPACK.GetMassage(LPACK_TYPE_NORMAL2, 588 )); return; } if( g_pApp->m_myCharacter->isTransform ) return ; worldIdx = GTH_WorldToIndex( entity->target ); if( worldIdx < 0 ) break; m_spawnID = entity->spawnid; GTH_RequestChangeWorld( worldIdx, m_spawnID ); break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_ACTIVATOR : if( !ChechEffectiveDistance( entity->origin , entity->effectiveDist ) ) break; break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_DEACTIVATOR : if( !ChechEffectiveDistance( entity->origin , entity->effectiveDist ) ) break; break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_DOOR : break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_PATH : ProcessPath( entity ); break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_CAMERA_PATH : ProcessCameraPath( entity ); break; case GTH_WORLD_ENTITY_TYPE_SOUND : if( !CheckEffectiveSoundDistance( entity->origin , entity->soundRangeX , entity->soundRangeY ) ) { if( entity->soundInPlaying ) { g_musicMng->Stop ( entity->soundIdx ); entity->soundInPlaying = false; } break; } if( entity->soundInPlaying ) break; g_musicMng->PlaySample ( entity->soundIdx, GTH_SOUND_PLAY_LOOP ); entity->soundInPlaying = true; break; default: break; } entity = entity->next; } }
/* Copies with wild-cards! cp_cmd redirects here if it detects a wildCard in the source or destination paths. */ int wildcopy(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_T_INT8 pathsrc[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 pathdest[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 tmpsrc[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 tmpdest[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 srcWild[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_T_INT8 destWild[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_DIRENT mydir; FF_ERROR Tester; FF_T_INT8 *p; if(argc != 3) { cons_printf("Copy command is invalid\n"); return 0; } ProcessPath(pathsrc, argv[1], pEnv); ProcessPath(pathdest, argv[2], pEnv); p = strstr(pathdest, "*"); if(!p) { cons_printf("Missing Wildcard!\n"); return 0; } strcpy(destWild, p); *p = '\0'; p = strstr(pathsrc, "*"); if(!p) { cons_printf("Missing Wildcard!\n"); return 0; } strcpy(srcWild, p); *p = '\0'; if(!FF_strmatch(srcWild, destWild, 0)) { cons_printf("Source and Destination Wildcards do not match!\n"); return 0; } Tester = FF_FindFirst(pEnv->pIoman, &mydir, pathsrc); while(!Tester) { if(wildCompare(srcWild, mydir.FileName)) { // Do Copy! if(!FF_strmatch(mydir.FileName, ".", 0) && !FF_strmatch(mydir.FileName, "..", 0)) { cons_printf("Copying file %s\n", mydir.FileName); strcpy(tmpsrc, pathsrc); strcat(tmpsrc, mydir.FileName); strcpy(tmpdest, pathdest); strcat(tmpdest, mydir.FileName); if(filecopy(tmpsrc, tmpdest, pEnv) == FF_ERR_FILE_OBJECT_IS_A_DIR) { // Recurse through a dir copy with the same wildcards. // Make the DIR etc. FF_MkDir(pEnv->pIoman, tmpdest); } } } Tester = FF_FindNext(pEnv->pIoman, &mydir); } return 0; }
bool CConverToMK::WriteToMKFile() { filesystem::path kPath(m_pszMKFile); string strParentPath = kPath.parent_path().string(); StringVector kPathSet = m_kMKFileData; StringVector::iterator pkIterator = kPathSet.begin(); for (unsigned int i = 0;i < m_uiKeyStringPosition;i++) { pkIterator++; } kPathSet.insert(pkIterator,string("LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \\")); unsigned int uiPos = m_uiKeyStringPosition + 1; for (ModuleInfoMap::iterator it = m_kModuleInfoMap.begin(); it != m_kModuleInfoMap.end();it++) { ModuleInfo kInfo = it->second; StringVector kStringVector = m_kFilesPathData[string(kInfo.szModuleName)]; for (unsigned int uiIndex = 0;uiIndex < kStringVector.size();uiIndex++) { string strFullPath = kStringVector[uiIndex]; string strProcessedPath = ""; if (!ProcessPath(kInfo.szVCProjFile,strFullPath.c_str(),strProcessedPath)) { cout << "文件 " << strFullPath << " 找不到!请检查vcproj文件" << endl; continue; } replace_all(strProcessedPath,"\\","/"); if (uiIndex != kStringVector.size() - 1) { strProcessedPath = strProcessedPath + string(" \\"); } kPathSet.insert(kPathSet.begin() + uiPos,strProcessedPath); uiPos++; } } ofstream kOutStream(""); cout << "正在写入到" << "" << "文件里" << endl; progress_display kProgressDisplay(kPathSet.size()); for (unsigned int uiIndex = 0;uiIndex < kPathSet.size();uiIndex++) { kOutStream << kPathSet[uiIndex] << endl; ++kProgressDisplay; Sleep(20); } kOutStream.close(); cout << "已经写完并且关闭文件" << endl; return true; }
XPath::PathType XPath::LookupImpl(bool bCreate) { LookupState state = S_START; LookupInfo info = {0}; for (LPCTSTR p = m_szPath; state < S_FINAL; ++p) { switch (state) { case S_START: ProcessPath(info, bCreate); if (!m_hXml) { state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; } switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T('@'): info.attrName.Begin(p + 1); state = S_ATTR_STEP; break; case _T('/'): break; default: info.nodeName.Begin(p); state = S_NODE_NAME; break; }; break; case S_ATTR_STEP: switch (*p) { case 0: info.attrName.End(p); state = S_FINAL_ATTR; break; default: break; }; break; case S_NODE_NAME: switch (*p) { case 0: info.nodeName.End(p); state = S_FINAL_NODESET; break; case _T('['): info.nodeName.End(p); state = S_NODE_OPENBRACKET; break; case _T('/'): info.nodeName.End(p); state = S_START; break; default: break; }; break; case S_NODE_OPENBRACKET: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T('@'): info.attrName.Begin(p + 1); state = S_NODE_ATTRNAME; break; case _T('0'): case _T('1'): case _T('2'): case _T('3'): case _T('4'): case _T('5'): case _T('6'): case _T('7'): case _T('8'): case _T('9'): info.nodeIndex.Begin(p); state = S_NODE_INDEX; break; default: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; }; break; case S_NODE_INDEX: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T(']'): info.nodeIndex.End(p); state = S_NODE_CLOSEBRACKET; break; case _T('0'): case _T('1'): case _T('2'): case _T('3'): case _T('4'): case _T('5'): case _T('6'): case _T('7'): case _T('8'): case _T('9'): break; default: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; }; break; case S_NODE_ATTRNAME: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T('='): info.attrName.End(p); state = S_NODE_ATTREQUALS; break; default: break; }; break; case S_NODE_ATTREQUALS: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T('\''): info.attrValue.Begin(p + 1); state = S_NODE_ATTRVALUE; break; default: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; }; break; case S_NODE_ATTRVALUE: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T('\''): info.attrValue.End(p); state = S_NODE_ATTRCLOSEVALUE; break; default: break; }; break; case S_NODE_ATTRCLOSEVALUE: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; case _T(']'): state = S_NODE_CLOSEBRACKET; break; default: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; }; break; case S_NODE_CLOSEBRACKET: switch (*p) { case 0: state = S_FINAL_NODE; break; case _T('/'): state = S_START; break; default: state = S_FINAL_ERROR; break; }; break; } if (!*p && (state < S_FINAL)) state = S_FINAL_ERROR; } switch (state) { case S_FINAL_ATTR: m_szParam = info.attrName.p; return T_ATTRIBUTE; case S_FINAL_NODE: ProcessPath(info, bCreate); return T_NODE; case S_FINAL_NODESET: m_szParam = info.nodeName.p; return T_NODESET; } return T_ERROR; }
bool MazeGenerator::Generate(std::vector<int> &mazearray, int x, int y) { int TileX = x; int TileY = y; int VisitedCells = 1; // start point has been visited int CurrentCell = StartPoint; MyStack.push(CurrentCell); std::vector <int> AvailableDirections; while (!MyStack.empty()) { //check available directions. if one is found push it onto availabledirections vector if (TileX - 2 > 0 && !Visited[CurrentCell - 2] && TileX - 1 > 0 && !Visited[CurrentCell - 1]) // If both new tile and between tile is not visited and not outside map { // tiles are 1 option to visit. AvailableDirections.push_back(Direction::Left); } if (TileX + 2 < MazeSizeX && !Visited[CurrentCell + 2] && TileX + 1 < MazeSizeX && !Visited[CurrentCell + 1]) // If both new tile and between tile is not visited and not outside map { // tiles are 1 option to visit. AvailableDirections.push_back(Direction::Right); } if (TileY - 2 > 0 && !Visited[CurrentCell - (MazeSizeX*2)] && TileY - 1 > 0 && !Visited[CurrentCell - MazeSizeX]) // If both new tile and between tile is not visited and not outside map { // tiles are 1 option to visit. AvailableDirections.push_back(Direction::Up); } if (TileY + 2 < MazeSizeY && !Visited[CurrentCell + (MazeSizeX * 2)] && TileY + 1 < MazeSizeY && !Visited[CurrentCell + MazeSizeX]) // If both new tile and between tile is not visited and not outside map { // tiles are 1 option to visit. AvailableDirections.push_back(Direction::Down); } if (AvailableDirections.size() > 0) { std::random_shuffle(AvailableDirections.begin(), AvailableDirections.end()); // randomizes new direction for DFS switch (AvailableDirections[0]) { case Direction::Up: ProcessPath(mazearray, CurrentCell - (MazeSizeX * 2), CurrentCell - MazeSizeX); MyStack.push(CurrentCell); CurrentCell -= MazeSizeX*2; VisitedCells += 2; TileY -= 2; AvailableDirections.clear(); break; case Direction::Down: ProcessPath(mazearray, CurrentCell + (MazeSizeX * 2), CurrentCell + MazeSizeX); MyStack.push(CurrentCell); CurrentCell += MazeSizeX * 2; VisitedCells += 2; TileY += 2; AvailableDirections.clear(); break; case Direction::Left: ProcessPath(mazearray, CurrentCell - 2, CurrentCell - 1); MyStack.push(CurrentCell); CurrentCell -= 2; VisitedCells += 2; TileX -= 2; AvailableDirections.clear(); break; case Direction::Right: ProcessPath(mazearray, CurrentCell + 2, CurrentCell + 1); MyStack.push(CurrentCell); CurrentCell += 2; VisitedCells += 2; TileX += 2; AvailableDirections.clear(); break; } } // if available directions is not 0; else // no avialable direction to follow { // pop one from the stack to retry CurrentCell =; TileX = CurrentCell % MazeSizeX; // x pos in tiles TileY = CurrentCell / MazeSizeX; // y pos in tiles MyStack.pop(); } }// while totalcells !=0 return true; }
int cp_cmd(int argc, char **argv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { #ifdef FF_UNICODE_SUPPORT const wchar_t *szpSource, *szpDestination, *szpWildCard; #else const char *szpSource, *szpDestination, *szpWildCard; #endif char szsrcPath[FF_MAX_PATH], szdestPath[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_DIRENT findData; FFT_GETOPT_CONTEXT optionContext; // CommandLine processing FF_T_BOOL bRecursive = FF_FALSE, bVerbose = FF_FALSE; // Option Flags. int option; memset(&optionContext, 0, sizeof(FFT_GETOPT_CONTEXT)); // Initialise the option context to zero. option = FFTerm_getopt(argc, (const char **) argv, "rRvx", &optionContext); // Get the command line option charachters. while(option != EOF) { // Process Commandline options switch(option) { case 'r': case 'R': bRecursive = FF_TRUE; // Set recursive flag if -r or -R appears on the commandline. break; case 'v': bVerbose = FF_TRUE; // Set verbose flag if -v appears on the commandline. break; case 'x': bExternal = FF_TRUE; break; default: break; } option = FFTerm_getopt(argc, (const char **) argv, "rRvx", &optionContext); // Get the next option. } szpSource = FFTerm_getarg(argc, (const char **) argv, 0, &optionContext); // The remaining options or non optional arguments. szpDestination = FFTerm_getarg(argc, (const char **) argv, 1, &optionContext); // getarg() retrieves them intelligently. if(!szpSource) { printf("%s: No source file argument.\n", argv[0]); // No source file provided. return 0; } if(!szpDestination) { printf("%s: No destination file argument.\n", argv[0]); // No destination provided. return 0; } ProcessPath(szsrcPath, szpSource, pEnv); // Process the paths into absolute paths. ProcessPath(szdestPath, szpDestination, pEnv); szpWildCard = GetWildcard(szpSource); // Get the last token of the source path. (This may include a wildCard). if(strchr(szpWildCard, '*')) { // If the 'WildCard' contains a * then its a wild card, otherwise its a file or directory. // WildCard Copying! //copy_wild(); return 0; } if(FF_FindFirst(pEnv->pIoman, &findData, szsrcPath)) { // Get the dirent for the file or directory, to detect if its a directory. // Not found! printf("%s: %s: no such file or directory.\n", argv[0], szpSource); return 0; } if(!strcmp(findData.FileName, szpWildCard) && (findData.Attrib & FF_FAT_ATTR_DIR)) { if(!bRecursive) { // Its a dir! printf("%s: omitting directory '%s'\n", argv[0], szsrcPath); return 0; } copy_dir(szsrcPath, szdestPath, bRecursive, bVerbose, pEnv);// Start the copying! return 0; } copy_file(szsrcPath, szdestPath, bVerbose, pEnv); // Final option, its simply a file to file copy return 0; }
int mkfile_cmd(int xargc, char **xargv, FF_ENVIRONMENT *pEnv) { FF_FILE *f; FF_T_UINT32 Bytes; FF_T_UINT32 BytesWritten = 0; FF_T_UINT32 ElementSize = 0, Elements = 0, Multiplier = 0; FF_T_UINT32 IntBuffer[4096]; // 16Kb of Integers! FF_T_UINT32 i = 0, x; FF_T_INT8 path[FF_MAX_PATH]; FF_ERROR Error; //LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; //LARGE_INTEGER start_ticks, end_ticks, cputime; float transferRate = 0.0; //cputime.QuadPart = 0; //QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond); if(xargc == 5) { sscanf(xargv[1], "%d", &ElementSize); //cons_printf("%d ",ElementSize); if(!ElementSize) { cons_printf("Invalid Element Size!\n"); return 0; } sscanf(xargv[2], "%d", &Elements); //cons_printf("%d ",Elements); if(!Elements) { cons_printf("Invalid Number of Elements\n"); return 0; } sscanf(xargv[3], "%d", &Multiplier); //cons_printf("%d \n",Multiplier); if(!Multiplier) { cons_printf("Invalid Multiplier\n"); return 0; } Bytes = ElementSize * Elements * Multiplier; //cons_printf("Creating file of size %lu Bytes (%0.2f MB) (%0.3f GB)\n", Bytes, (float)((float)Bytes / 1048576.0), (float)(((float)Bytes / 1048576.0)/1024.0)); ProcessPath(path, xargv[4], pEnv); f = FF_Open(pEnv->pIoman, path, FF_GetModeBits("wb"), &Error); if(f) { for(x = 0; x < 4096; x++) { IntBuffer[x] = i++; } while(Bytes) { //QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_ticks); if(Bytes >= 4096) { BytesWritten += 4096; Bytes -= FF_Write(f, 1, 4096, (FF_T_UINT8 *) IntBuffer); } else { BytesWritten += Bytes; Bytes -= FF_Write(f, 1, Bytes, (FF_T_UINT8 *) IntBuffer); } //QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_ticks); //cputime.QuadPart += (end_ticks.QuadPart - start_ticks.QuadPart); //time = ((float)cputime.QuadPart/(float)ticksPerSecond.QuadPart); //transferRate = (BytesWritten / time) / 1024; //cons_printf("Written %0.2f MB (%7.2f KB/s)\r", (float) ((float)BytesWritten / 1048576.0), transferRate); } //cons_printf("Written %0.2f MB (%7.2f KB/s)\n", (float) ((float)BytesWritten / 1048576.0), transferRate); FF_Close(f); } else { cons_printf("Error opening file: %s\n", FF_GetErrMessage(Error)); } } else { cons_printf("Generates a File filled with 32-bit integers.\n\n"); cons_printf("Usage: %s [Element Size] [Elements] [Multiplier] [filename]\n\n", xargv[0]); cons_printf("E.g. a 1Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 1\t 1m.dat\n", xargv[0]); cons_printf("E.g. a 2Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 2\t 2m.dat\n", xargv[0]); cons_printf("E.g. a 2Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 10\t 10m.dat\n", xargv[0]); cons_printf("E.g. a 2Mb File, \tFullFAT\\>%s 1024\t 1024\t 100\t 100m.dat\n\n", xargv[0]); } return 0; }