int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc==1) { return ProcessStream(cin, cout); } else if(argv[1][0]=='-' || argc > 1+1) { cout << usage; return 1; } else { CNcbiIfstream in(argv[1]); if( !in.good() ) { cerr << "Error - cannot open for reading: " << argv[1] << "\n"; return 1; } return ProcessStream(in, cout); } }
void Video::Run(){ server = CameraServer::GetInstance(); LiveConfigure(); SelectFront(); while (!myConfig->StopCapture) { // Check for a camera toggle if (myController->Get_ButtonState().LeftBumper) ToggleView(); ProcessStream(); if (myConfig->configUpdateCount > currentUpdate) LiveConfigure(); } }
inline void PAPlayer::ProcessStreams(double &delay, double &buffer) { CSharedLock sharedLock(m_streamsLock); if (m_isFinished && m_streams.empty() && m_finishing.empty()) { m_isPlaying = false; delay = 0; m_callback.OnPlayBackEnded(); return; } /* destroy any drained streams */ for(StreamList::iterator itt = m_finishing.begin(); itt != m_finishing.end();) { StreamInfo* si = *itt; if (si->m_stream->IsDrained()) { itt = m_finishing.erase(itt); CAEFactory::FreeStream(si->m_stream); delete si; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "PAPlayer::ProcessStreams - Stream Freed"); } else ++itt; } sharedLock.Leave(); CExclusiveLock lock(m_streamsLock); for(StreamList::iterator itt = m_streams.begin(); itt != m_streams.end(); ++itt) { StreamInfo* si = *itt; if (!m_currentStream && !si->m_started) { m_currentStream = si; UpdateGUIData(si); //update for GUI } /* if the stream is finishing */ if ((si->m_playNextTriggered && si->m_stream && !si->m_stream->IsFading()) || !ProcessStream(si, delay, buffer)) { if (!si->m_prepareTriggered) { si->m_prepareTriggered = true; m_callback.OnQueueNextItem(); } /* remove the stream */ itt = m_streams.erase(itt); /* if its the current stream */ if (si == m_currentStream) { /* if it was the last stream */ if (itt == m_streams.end()) { /* if it didnt trigger the next queue item */ if (!si->m_prepareTriggered) { m_callback.OnQueueNextItem(); si->m_prepareTriggered = true; } m_currentStream = NULL; } else { m_currentStream = *itt; UpdateGUIData(*itt); //update for GUI } } /* unregister the audio callback */ si->m_stream->UnRegisterAudioCallback(); si->m_decoder.Destroy(); si->m_stream->Drain(); m_finishing.push_back(si); return; } if (!si->m_started) continue; /* is it time to prepare the next stream? */ if (si->m_prepareNextAtFrame > 0 && !si->m_prepareTriggered && si->m_framesSent >= si->m_prepareNextAtFrame) { si->m_prepareTriggered = true; m_callback.OnQueueNextItem(); } /* it is time to start playing the next stream? */ if (si->m_playNextAtFrame > 0 && !si->m_playNextTriggered && si->m_framesSent >= si->m_playNextAtFrame) { if (!si->m_prepareTriggered) { si->m_prepareTriggered = true; m_callback.OnQueueNextItem(); } if (!m_isFinished) { if (m_upcomingCrossfadeMS) { si->m_stream->FadeVolume(1.0f, 0.0f, m_upcomingCrossfadeMS); si->m_fadeOutTriggered = true; } m_currentStream = NULL; /* unregister the audio callback */ si->m_stream->UnRegisterAudioCallback(); } si->m_playNextTriggered = true; } } }
Int2 Main(void) { Char app [64]; CharPtr directory; CharPtr ptr; Char sfx [32]; OutputStreamData osd; InputStreamData isd; AsnStreamData asd; Int4 gap_sizes[2]; Int4 rval = 0; Int4 u_eq = 0, u_gteq = -1, k_eq = 0, k_gteq = -1; /* standard setup */ ErrSetFatalLevel (SEV_MAX); ErrClearOptFlags (EO_SHOW_USERSTR); UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg (); ErrPathReset (); /* finish resolving internal connections in ASN.1 parse tables */ if (! AllObjLoad ()) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "AllObjLoad failed"); return 1; } if (! SubmitAsnLoad ()) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "SubmitAsnLoad failed"); return 1; } if (! FeatDefSetLoad ()) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "FeatDefSetLoad failed"); return 1; } if (! SeqCodeSetLoad ()) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "SeqCodeSetLoad failed"); return 1; } if (! GeneticCodeTableLoad ()) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "GeneticCodeTableLoad failed"); return 1; } SetUpAsnStreamData (&asd); /* initialize OuputStreamData */ MemSet (&osd, 0, sizeof (osd)); /* initialize InputStreamData */ MemSet (&isd, 0, sizeof (isd)); /* initialize gap_sizes */ gap_sizes[0] = 0; gap_sizes[1] = 0; /* process command line arguments */ sprintf (app, "raw2delt %s", RAW2DELT_APPLICATION); if (! GetArgs (app, sizeof (myargs) / sizeof (Args), myargs)) { return 0; } u_eq = (Int4) myargs [u_argEqUnknownGap].intvalue; u_gteq = (Int4) myargs [U_argGTEqUnknownGap].intvalue; k_eq = (Int4) myargs [k_argEqUnknownGap].intvalue; k_gteq = (Int4) myargs [K_argGtEqUnknownGap].intvalue; if (u_eq < 1 && u_gteq < 1 && k_eq < 1 && k_gteq < 1) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "Must specify values for at least one of -u, -U, -k, -K"); return 1; } else if (u_eq > -1 && u_gteq > -1) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "May only specify value for -u or -U, not both"); return 1; } else if (k_eq > -1 && k_gteq > -1) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "May only specify value for -k or -K, not both"); return 1; } if (u_eq > 0) { gap_sizes[0] = u_eq; } else if (u_gteq > 0) { gap_sizes[0] = 0 - u_gteq; } if (k_eq > 0) { gap_sizes[1] = k_eq; } else if (k_gteq > 0) { gap_sizes[1] = 0 - k_gteq; } if (gap_sizes[0] == gap_sizes[1]) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "Cannot specify the same size for known and unknown length gaps"); return 1; } directory = (CharPtr) myargs [p_argInputPath].strvalue; osd.results_dir = (CharPtr) myargs [r_argOutputPath].strvalue; if (StringHasNoText (osd.results_dir)) { osd.results_dir = NULL; } osd.suffix = (CharPtr) myargs [x_argSuffix].strvalue; osd.outsuffix = (CharPtr) myargs [s_argOutSuffix].strvalue; osd.base = (CharPtr) myargs [i_argInputFile].strvalue; osd.outfile = (CharPtr) myargs [o_argOutputFile].strvalue; if (StringHasNoText (osd.outfile)) { osd.outfile = NULL; } osd.is_binary = (Boolean) myargs [d_argOutputBinary].intvalue; if (osd.base == "stdin") { osd.base = NULL; } /* if we don't have an output directory or an output file, and the user hasn't provided an * output suffix, add a default. */ if (osd.results_dir == NULL && osd.outfile == NULL && StringHasNoText (osd.outsuffix)) { osd.outsuffix = ".delta"; } isd.is_binary = (Boolean) myargs [b_argInputBinary].intvalue; isd.is_seqentry = (Boolean) myargs [e_argInputSeqEntry].intvalue; = directory; isd.base = osd.base; isd.suffix = osd.suffix; if (StringDoesHaveText (osd.outfile)) { osd.aip = AsnIoOpen (osd.outfile, "w"); if (osd.aip == NULL) { Message (MSG_FATAL, "Unable to open output file"); return 1; } } else { if (StringHasNoText (osd.results_dir)) { osd.results_dir = directory; } /* if we're putting the results in a separate directory, strip the directory name from the output base */ if (!StringHasNoText (osd.results_dir) && !StringHasNoText (osd.base)) { #ifdef OS_MSWIN ptr = StringRChr (osd.base, '\\'); #else ptr = StringRChr (osd.base, '/'); #endif; if (ptr != NULL) { osd.base = ptr + 1; } } } if (StringHasNoText(directory) && StringHasNoText(osd.base)) { rval = ProcessStream (&isd, &osd, &asd, gap_sizes); } else if (StringDoesHaveText (osd.base)) { ptr = StringRChr (osd.base, '.'); sfx[0] = '\0'; if (ptr != NULL) { StringNCpy_0 (sfx, ptr, sizeof (sfx)); *ptr = '\0'; } osd.suffix = sfx; isd.suffix = sfx; if (isd.is_binary) { rval = ProcessStream (&isd, &osd, &asd, gap_sizes); } else { rval = ProcessOneRecord (directory, &osd, gap_sizes); } } else { rval = FileRecurse (directory, &isd, &osd, &asd, gap_sizes); } if (osd.aip != NULL) { AsnIoFlush (osd.aip); AsnIoClose (osd.aip); } return rval; }
/* return -1 on failure, 0 on success */ static Int4 FileRecurse ( CharPtr directory, InputStreamPtr isp, OutputStreamPtr osp, AsnStreamPtr asp, Int4Ptr gap_sizes ) { Char path [PATH_MAX]; CharPtr ptr; CharPtr str; ValNodePtr head, vnp; CharPtr orig_dir, orig_base; Int4 rval = 0; /* get list of all files in source directory */ head = DirCatalog (directory); for (vnp = head; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) { if (vnp->choice == 0) { str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue; if (StringDoesHaveText (str)) { /* does filename have desired substring? */ ptr = StringStr (str, osp->suffix); if (ptr != NULL) { /* make sure detected suffix is really at end of filename */ if (StringCmp (ptr, osp->suffix) == 0) { *ptr = '\0'; /* process file that has desired suffix (usually .fsa) */ osp->base = str; orig_dir = isp->directory; isp->directory = directory; orig_base = isp->base; isp->base = str; if (isp->is_binary) { rval |= ProcessStream (isp, osp, asp, gap_sizes); } else { rval |= ProcessOneRecord (directory, osp, gap_sizes); } isp->directory = orig_dir; isp->base = orig_base; osp->base = NULL; } } } } else if (vnp->choice == 1) { /* recurse into subdirectory */ StringNCpy_0 (path, directory, sizeof (path)); str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue; FileBuildPath (path, str, NULL); rval |= FileRecurse (path, isp, osp, asp, gap_sizes); } } /* clean up file list */ ValNodeFreeData (head); return rval; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { int list_s; int sock; short int port; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; int maxBuffer = PHS_GetRequestBufferLength(); unsigned char* request; unsigned int requestLen; unsigned int responseType; int res; unsigned char responseHeader[4]; unsigned char* response; unsigned int responseLength; char** cursor; int ok; int repeat; #if defined(WIN32) WSADATA data; if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &data)) { printf("WSAStartup failed\n"); exit(1); } #endif request = malloc(maxBuffer); if(argc < 3) { printf("Usage %s [ip4address:]port request ...\n",argv[0]); printf("where request is one of\n"); printf(" status logid\n"); printf(" fetch logid blockid\n"); printf(" stream logid latency buffersize\n"); exit(1); } /* Set up server address */ if(!FillAddress(argv[1],&servaddr)) { printf( "%s: Invalid server address %s\n",argv[0], argv[1]); exit(1); } cursor = argv+2; argc-=2; /* Create the socket */ if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 ) { printf( "Error creating socket %d.\n",sock); perror("Error"); exit(1); } if(connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr))<0) { printf("Error calling connect()\n"); exit(1); } /* Loop round all requests on the command line */ ok = 1; while(argc) { /* Create a request */ if(!strcmp("status",cursor[0])) { int logid; if(argc<2) { printf("Usage: status logid\n"); exit(1); } logid = ParseInt(cursor[1],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid logid\n"); exit(1); } requestLen = PHS_MakeStatusRequest(request,maxBuffer,&responseType,logid); printf("Sending Status Request logid %d\n",logid); cursor += 2; argc -= 2; } else if(!strcmp("fetch",cursor[0])) { int logid, blockid; if(argc<3) { printf("Usage: fetch logid blockid\n"); exit(1); } logid = ParseInt(cursor[1],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid logid\n"); exit(1); } blockid = ParseInt(cursor[2],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid blockid\n"); exit(1); } requestLen = PHS_MakeFetchRequest(request,maxBuffer,&responseType, logid,blockid); printf("Sending Fetch Request logid %d blockid %d\n", logid,blockid); cursor += 3; argc -= 3; } else if(!strcmp("stream",cursor[0])) { int logid, latency, buffersize, tag; if(argc<5) { printf("Usage: stream logid latency buffersize highesttag\n"); exit(1); } logid = ParseInt(cursor[1],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid logid\n"); exit(1); } latency = ParseInt(cursor[2],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid latency\n"); exit(1); } buffersize = ParseInt(cursor[3],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid buffersize\n"); exit(1); } tag = ParseInt(cursor[4],&ok); if(!ok) { printf("Invalid highesttag\n"); exit(1); } requestLen = PHS_MakeStreamRequest(request,maxBuffer,&responseType, logid,latency,buffersize,tag); printf("Sending Stream Request logid %d latency %d buffersize %d tag %d\n", logid,latency,buffersize,tag); cursor += 5; argc -= 5; } else { printf("Request %s is not understood\n",cursor[0]); exit(1); } /* Send request out */ res = send(sock,request,requestLen,0); if(res != requestLen) { printf("Expected to write %d but only wrote %d\n",requestLen,res); } repeat = 1; while(repeat) { /* Read the length back */ res = Recv(sock,responseHeader,4,0); if(res != 4) { printf("Could not read response header\n"); exit(1); } /* Make space for the response */ responseLength=PHS_GetResponseRemaining(responseHeader); response = malloc(responseLength); /* Read the rest of the response */ res = Recv(sock,response,responseLength,0); if(res != responseLength) { printf("Could not read response body\n"); exit(1); } printf("Read %d bytes in body\n",responseLength); /* Check that response is valid or in error */ res = PHS_GetResponseError(response,responseLength,responseType); if(res) { printf("Response has error %d\n",res); exit(1); } switch(responseType) { case PHS_RQ_STATUS: ProcessStatus(response); repeat = 0; break; case PHS_RQ_FETCH: ProcessFetch(response); repeat = 0; break; case PHS_RQ_STREAM: ProcessStream(response); break; default: printf("Cannot handle response type %d\n",responseType); break; } free(response); } } return 0; }