BOOL CMD_MAKEUNIF (void) { int i; char PRGback[MAX_PATH], CHRback[MAX_PATH], NESback[MAX_PATH]; int battery, mirror = 0, fourscrn = 0, mcon = 0; char filepath[MAX_PATH], filename[MAX_PATH]; Plugin *plugin = PromptPlugin(PLUG_STD); if (plugin == NULL) return FALSE; if (!PromptFile(topHWnd,"PRG data (*.PRG)\0*.prg\0\0",filepath,filename,NULL,"Select PRG segment","prg",FALSE)) return FALSE; mirror = (MessageBox(topHWnd,"Vertical mirroring?",MSGBOX_TITLE,MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); fourscrn = (MessageBox(topHWnd,"4-screen VRAM?",MSGBOX_TITLE,MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); mcon = (MessageBox(topHWnd,"Mapper-controlled mirroring?",MSGBOX_TITLE,MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); battery = (MessageBox(topHWnd,"Battery-backed RAM?",MSGBOX_TITLE,MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); strcpy(PRGback,Path_PRG); strcpy(CHRback,Path_CHR); strcpy(NESback,Path_NES); i = strlen(filepath); while (i > 0) if (filepath[--i] == '\\') { filepath[++i] = 0; break; } i = strlen(filename); while (i > 0 && filename[i] != '.') i--; if (i) filename[i] = 0; strcpy(Path_PRG,filepath); strcpy(Path_CHR,filepath); strcpy(Path_NES,filepath); WriteUNIF(filename, plugin->name.c_str(), battery, mirror, fourscrn, mcon); strcpy(Path_PRG,PRGback); strcpy(Path_CHR,CHRback); strcpy(Path_NES,NESback); return FALSE; }
BOOL CMD_DUMPCART (void) { int dtype = 2; int rbyte = 0, rcount = 0; PPlugin plugin; char *path, *ext; char filename[MAX_PATH]; char fnamebuf[MAX_PATH]; int cmode, battery, bytes, numk; int mapper,submapper=0; int nes2=0, wram=0, vram=0; BYTE ctype; WORD nblks; char Status[256]; FILE *CRC, *DATA; // select board name plugin = PromptPlugin(PLUG_STD); if (plugin == NULL) return FALSE; mapper = plugin->num; PromptTitle = "Choose a ROM filename (omit extension)"; if (!Prompt(topHWnd)) return FALSE; strcpy(filename,PromptResult); OpenStatus(topHWnd); StatusText("Resetting USB CopyNES..."); ResetNES(RESET_COPYMODE); StatusText("Unloading any existing plugin..."); if (!LoadPlugin("clear.bin")) { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } RunCode(); Sleep(SLEEP_SHORT); StatusText("Resetting USB CopyNES..."); ResetNES(RESET_COPYMODE); StatusText("Loading plugin..."); if (!LoadPlugin(plugin->file)) { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } StatusText("Running plugin..."); RunCode(); Sleep(SLEEP_LONG); if (SaveCRC) CRC = fopen(strjoin3(fnamebuf,Path_CRC,filename,".txt"),"wb"); cmode = 0; if (!ReadByte((BYTE *)&cmode)) // mirroring { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } battery = 0; while (1) { // for the first 'header' byte, wait longer than usual // since the plugin might be busy doing size detection, which can take a while int s; if (!ReadByteEx((BYTE *)&nblks,10,TRUE) || !ReadByte((BYTE *)&nblks+1)) { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } bytes = nblks << 8; numk = bytes / 1024; if (!ReadByte(&ctype)) { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } if (ctype == 0) break; switch (ctype) { case 1: ext = ".prg"; if(numk >= 4096) nes2 = 1; path = Path_PRG; sprintf(Status,"Dumping %iK PRG ROM...",numk); break; case 2: ext = ".chr"; if(numk >= 2048) nes2 = 1; path = Path_CHR; sprintf(Status,"Dumping %iK CHR ROM...",numk); break; case 3: ext = ".sav"; path = Path_WRAM; sprintf(Status,"Dumping %iK WRAM/VRAM...",numk); battery = 1; break; case 4: rbyte = nblks / 4; continue; case 5: nes2 = 1; wram = nblks & 0xFF; vram = nblks >> 8; if(wram & 0xF0) battery = 1; if(vram & 0xF0) battery = 1; sprintf(Status,"Non battery WRAM size: %i Bytes...", ((wram & 0x0f)?64 << (wram & 0x0F):0)); StatusText(Status); sprintf(Status,"battery WRAM size: %i Bytes...", ((wram >> 4)?64 << (wram & 0x0F):0)); StatusText(Status); sprintf(Status,"Non battery VRAM size: %i Bytes...", ((vram & 0x0f)?64 << (vram & 0x0F):0)); StatusText(Status); sprintf(Status,"battery VRAM size: %i Bytes...", ((vram >> 4)?64 << (vram & 0x0F):0)); StatusText(Status); continue; case 6: //Mapper number override by plugin. mapper = nblks & 0xFFF; submapper = (nblks & 0xF000) >> 12; sprintf(Status,"Mapper number: %i, submapper: %i...",mapper,submapper); StatusText(Status); if((mapper > 255) || (submapper > 0)) nes2 = 1; continue; case 255: sprintf(Status,"."); continue; //Prevent timeout. default:StatusText("Unknown block type %i! Aborting...",ctype); StatusOK(); return FALSE; break; } StatusText(Status); DATA = fopen(strjoin3(fnamebuf,path,filename,ext),"w+b"); if (DATA == NULL) { StatusText("Unable to open output file!"); StatusOK(); return FALSE; } for (s = 0; s < numk; s++) { int a; BYTE n; for (a = 0; a < 1024; a++) { if (!ReadByte(&n)) { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } fwrite(&n,1,1,DATA); } if (rbyte) { rcount++; if (rbyte <= rcount) { rcount = 0; StatusText("Resetting USB CopyNES as requested by plugin..."); ResetNES(RESET_COPYMODE); StatusText("Reloading plugin..."); LoadPlugin(plugin->file); StatusText("Rerunning plugin..."); RunCode(); rbyte = 0; if (!ReadByte((BYTE *)&rbyte) || !ReadByte((BYTE *)&rbyte+1)) { CloseStatus(); return FALSE; } rbyte /= 4; } } StatusPercent((s*100)/numk); DoEvents(); } StatusPercent(100); StatusText("...done!"); if (SaveCRC) fprintf(CRC,"%s%s %08X\n",filename,ext,GetCRC(DATA)); fclose(DATA); } if (SaveCRC) fclose(CRC); StatusText("Dump complete!"); StatusOK(); ResetNES(RESET_COPYMODE); { int scrn4 = (cmode & 0x2) >> 1; int mirror = (~cmode & 0x1); int mcon = (cmode & 0x4) >> 2; if (plugin->num == 9999) return TRUE; WriteNES(filename,mapper,battery,mirror,scrn4,nes2,wram,vram,submapper,0); if (MakeUnif == 1) WriteUNIF(filename,plugin->name,battery,mirror,scrn4,mcon); if (SaveFiles == 0) { unlink(strjoin3(fnamebuf,Path_CHR,filename,".chr")); unlink(strjoin3(fnamebuf,Path_PRG,filename,".prg")); } } return TRUE; }