文件: sndg72x.cpp 项目: nealey/vera
wxSoundStream& wxSoundStreamG72X::Read(void *buffer, wxUint32 len)
    wxUint16 *old_linear;
    register wxUint16 *linear_buffer;
    register wxUint32 real_len;
    register wxUint32 countdown = len;
    real_len = (len * 8 / m_n_bits);
    old_linear = linear_buffer = new wxUint16[real_len];
    m_router->Read(linear_buffer, real_len);
    real_len = (wxUint32)(m_router->GetLastAccess() * ((float)m_n_bits / 8));
    if (!real_len)
        return *m_router;
    m_io_buffer = (wxUint8 *)buffer; 
    m_current_b_pos = 0;
    while (countdown != 0) {
        PutBits(m_coder(*linear_buffer++, AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, m_state));
    m_lastcount = real_len;
    m_snderror = m_router->GetError();
    delete[] old_linear;
    return *this;
static int writeData(void* _call)
    WriterAVCallData_t* call = (WriterAVCallData_t*) _call;

    unsigned char  PesHeader[PES_MAX_HEADER_SIZE];
    unsigned char  FakeHeaders[64]; // 64bytes should be enough to make the fake headers
    unsigned int   FakeHeaderLength;
    unsigned int   ExtraLength = 0;
    unsigned char  Version             = 5;
    unsigned int   FakeStartCode       = (Version << 8) | PES_VERSION_FAKE_START_CODE;
    unsigned int   HeaderLength = 0;
    unsigned int   usecPerFrame = 41708; /* Hellmaster1024: default value */
    BitPacker_t ld = {FakeHeaders, 0, 32};

    divx_printf(10, "\n");

    if (call == NULL)
        divx_err("call data is NULL...\n");
        return 0;

    divx_printf(10, "AudioPts %lld\n", call->Pts);

    if ((call->data == NULL) || (call->len <= 0))
        divx_err("parsing NULL Data. ignoring...\n");
        return 0;

    if (call->fd < 0)
        divx_err("file pointer < 0. ignoring ...\n");
        return 0;

    usecPerFrame = 1000000000 / call->FrameRate;
    divx_printf(10, "Microsecends per frame = %d\n", usecPerFrame);

    memset(FakeHeaders, 0, sizeof(FakeHeaders));

    /* Create info record for frame parser */
    /* divx4 & 5
       PutBits(&ld, 0x0, 8);
       PutBits(&ld, 0x0, 8);
    PutBits(&ld, 0x1b0, 32);      // startcode
    PutBits(&ld, 0, 8);           // profile = reserved
    PutBits(&ld, 0x1b2, 32);      // startcode (user data)
    PutBits(&ld, 0x53545443, 32); // STTC - an embedded ST timecode from an avi file
    PutBits(&ld, usecPerFrame , 32);
    // microseconds per frame

    FakeHeaderLength    = (ld.Ptr - (FakeHeaders));

    if (initialHeader) ExtraLength = call->private_size;

    HeaderLength = InsertPesHeader (PesHeader, call->len, MPEG_VIDEO_PES_START_CODE, call->Pts, FakeStartCode);
    int iovcnt = 0;
    struct iovec iov[4];
    iov[iovcnt].iov_base = PesHeader;
    iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = HeaderLength;
    iov[iovcnt].iov_base = FakeHeaders;
    iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = FakeHeaderLength;

    if (initialHeader) {
        initialHeader = 0;
        iov[iovcnt].iov_base = call->private_data;
        iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = call->private_size;

    iov[iovcnt].iov_base = call->data;
    iov[iovcnt].iov_len  = call->len;
    int len = writev(call->fd, iov, iovcnt); 

    divx_printf(10, "xvid_Write < len=%d\n", len);

    return len;