文件: acsrej_do.c 项目: pllim/hstcal
/*  acsrej_do -- Perform the cosmic ray rejection for ACS images

  This is mostly a file bookkeeping routine for the cosmic ray rejection task.
  It takes care of input/output files open/close, check for dimensions, read/
  write data from/to files, allocate memory spaces etc.

    Date          Author          Description
    ----          ------          -----------
    06-May-1996   J.-C. Hsu       Adapt from the SPP code crrej_do.x
    05-Aug-1998   W. Hack         Modified to handle ACS data
    11-Feb-1999   W. Hack         EXPTIME now in Pri. Hdr.
    18-Mar-1999   W.J. Hack       Revised to read EXPTIMEs from Primary headers
                                  for cr_scaling using tpin directly
    14-Sep-1999   W.J. Hack       Cleaned up SHADCORR usage. Added check for max
                                  number of files here.
int acsrej_do (IRAFPointer tpin, char *outfile, char *mtype, clpar *par, int newpar[])
    extern int  status;

    IODescPtr   ipsci[MAX_FILES];   /* science image descriptor */
    IODescPtr   ipdq[MAX_FILES];    /* data quality image descriptor */
    float       skyval[MAX_FILES];  /* background DN values */
    float       efac[MAX_FILES];    /* exposure factors */
    multiamp    noise;              /* readout noise */
    multiamp    gain;               /* A-to-D gain factors */
    float       exptot;
    float       texpt;
    int         nimgs;
    SingleGroup sg;
    int         niter = 0;
    float       sigma[MAX_ITER];

    Hdr         phdr;               /* primary header */
    int         extver;             /* Current extension being processed*/
    int         numext;             /* Number of extensions in each image */
    int         nextend;            /* Number of output extensions */
    char        imgname[MAX_FILES][CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH];
    char        fimage[CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH];  /* Name of first image in list */
    char        root[CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH];    /* ROOTNAME for output CRJ file */
    char        uroot[CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH];   /* Upper case version of rootname */
    char        *shadrefname;

    int         ext[MAX_FILES];
    int         dim_x, dim_y;       /* image dimensions */
    int         i, j, n;            /* loop indices */
    float       *efacsum, *work;
    int         nrej;               /* total number of rejected pixels */
    float       skysum;             /* total sky level */
    int         logit;
    RefImage    shadref;
    int         shadswitch;
    double      expend, expstart;
    int         non_zero;           /* number of input images with EXPTIME>0.*/
    int         found;
    char        imgdefault[CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH];  /* name of first input image with EXPTIME > 0. */

    int     GetSwitch (Hdr *, char *, int *);
    int     UpdateSwitch (char *, int, Hdr *, int *);

    void    InitRefImg (RefImage *);
    int     ImgHistory (const RefImage *, Hdr *);
    int     ImgPedigree (RefImage *);

    int     acsrej_check (IRAFPointer, int, int, clpar *, int [],  char [][CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH],
                int [], IODescPtr [], IODescPtr [],
                multiamp *, multiamp *, int *,
                int *, int);
    int     cr_scaling (char *, IRAFPointer, float [], int *, double *, double *);
    int     rejpar_in(clpar *, int [], int, float,   int *, float []);
    void    acsrej_sky (char *, IODescPtr [], IODescPtr [], int, short, float []);
    void    cr_history (SingleGroup *, clpar *, int);
    int     acsrej_init (IODescPtr [], IODescPtr [], clpar *, int, int, int,
                multiamp, multiamp, float [], float [],
                SingleGroup *,   float *);
    int     acsrej_loop (IODescPtr [], IODescPtr [], char [][CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH],
                int [], int, clpar *, int, int, int, float [],
                multiamp, multiamp, float [], float [],
                FloatTwoDArray *, FloatTwoDArray *, float *,
                ShortTwoDArray *, int *, char *);
    int     PutKeyFlt (Hdr *, char *, float, char *);
    int     PutKeyDbl (Hdr *, char *, double, char *);
    int     PutKeyStr (Hdr *, char *, char *, char *);
    int     GetKeyStr (Hdr *, char *, int, char *, char *, int);
    int     PutKeyInt (Hdr *, char *, int, char *);
    int     GetKeyInt (Hdr *, char *, int, int, int *);
    void    UFilename (char *, Hdr *);
    void    UMemType (char *, Hdr *);
    void    UExpname (char *, Hdr *);
    int     LoadHdr (char *, Hdr *);
    void    UpperAll (char *, char *, int);
    void    TimeStamp (char *, char *);
    void    WhichError (int);
    void    PrSwitch (char *, int);
    void    FindAsnRoot (char *, char *);
    void    initmulti (multiamp *);
    /* -------------------------------- begin ---------------------------------- */
    /* Initialize necessary structures */
    InitRefImg (&shadref);
    root[0] = '\0';
    uroot[0] = '\0';
    initmulti (&noise);
    initmulti (&gain);

    numext = 0;
    nextend = 0;

    /* Since CR-SPLIT images are in separate files, we need to
        combine the same chip's exposure from each file.  Therefore
        we will loop over each extension in the first image, determine
        what chip that corresponds to, and get the same chip from the
        rest of the images (which could be in any arbitrary
        extension in each of the images).

    /* First, let's determine how many extensions/chips in each file */
    c_imtgetim (tpin, fimage, CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH);

    if (LoadHdr (fimage, &phdr) )
        return (status = ERROR_RETURN);

    if (GetKeyInt (&phdr, "NEXTEND", NO_DEFAULT, 0, &nextend) == 0)
        numext = nextend / EXT_PER_GROUP;
        numext = 1;

    shadswitch = 0;
    /* Check to see if SHADCORR was set to PERFORM in image header */
    if (GetSwitch (&phdr, "SHADCORR", &shadswitch) )

    /* If shadcorr was set either by the user on the command line
        or in the image header, initialize shadcorr processing.
    if (par->shadcorr == PERFORM || shadswitch == PERFORM) {

        /* Use par->shadcorr as switch for performing shading correction */
        par->shadcorr = PERFORM;
        shadrefname = calloc(CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH, sizeof(char));

        if (GetKeyStr (&phdr, "SHADFILE", NO_DEFAULT, "", shadrefname, CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH) )
        strcpy (shadref.name, shadrefname);
        /* Read in PEDIGREE and DESCRIPTION for SHADFILE */
        if (ImgPedigree (&shadref) )
            return (status);
        /* If a DUMMY shadfile was specified, turn off shadcorr */
        if (shadref.goodPedigree == DUMMY)
            par->shadcorr = OMIT;
        free (shadrefname);

    freeHdr (&phdr);

    /* Initialize efac */
    for (n = 0; n < MAX_FILES; n++) efac[n] = 1.0;

    /* calculate the scaling factors due to different exposure time */
    strcpy (par->expname, "EXPTIME");
    if (cr_scaling (par->expname, tpin, efac, &nimgs, &expend, &expstart) ){
        WhichError (status);
        return (status);

    /* make sure there is more than one image to process */
    if (nimgs < 2) {
        trlmessage ("Needs more than one input image.");
        return (status = NOTHING_TO_DO);

    /* calculate the total exposure time */
    exptot = 0.;
    non_zero = 0;
    for (n = 0; n < nimgs; ++n) {
        exptot += efac[n];
        /* Count how many inputs have non-zero(valid) EXPTIME */
        if (efac[n] > 0.) non_zero++;
    /* for the case of all images have zero exposure time, use equal
        exposure time of 1. */
    if (exptot == 0.) {
        for (n = 0; n < nimgs; ++n) {
            efac[n] = 1.;
        texpt = (float) nimgs;
        non_zero = nimgs;
    } else {
        texpt = exptot;

    /* Now, start the loop. */
    for (extver = 1; extver <= numext; extver++) {

        if (par->printtime) {
            TimeStamp ("Start cosmic ray rejection","");

        /* open input files and temporary files, check the parameters */
        if (acsrej_check (tpin, extver, numext, par, newpar, imgname, ext,
            ipsci, ipdq, &noise, &gain, &dim_x, &dim_y, nimgs)) {
            WhichError (status);

        /* Now that we have read in SHADCORR, report if it will be performed */
        PrSwitch ("shadcorr", par->shadcorr);

        /* read in the parameters */
        if (rejpar_in (par, newpar, nimgs, exptot,   &niter, sigma) )

        /* allocate array space */
        efacsum = calloc (dim_x*dim_y, sizeof(float));
        work    = calloc (nimgs*dim_x, sizeof(float));

        /* calculate the sky levels */
        acsrej_sky (par->sky, ipsci, ipdq, nimgs, par->badinpdq, skyval);
        if (status != ACS_OK) {
            WhichError (status);
            return (status);
        if (par->verbose) {
            for (n = 0; n < nimgs; n++) {
                sprintf (MsgText, "sky of '%s[sci,%d]' is %0.3f DN", imgname[n], ext[n], skyval[n]);
                trlmessage (MsgText);

        /* use the first input image to set up the data structure */
        initSingleGroup (&sg);

        /* Find the first image in the input list which has an
            EXPTIME > 0. to use for initializing the output SingleGroup.
        found = 0;
        n = 0;
        /* By default, simply use the first one, so initialize accordingly.*/
        strcpy (imgdefault, imgname[0]);
        do {
            if (efac[n] > 0.) {
                found = 1;
        } while (found == 0);

        getSingleGroup (imgdefault, extver, &sg);

        if (non_zero > 1){
            /* compute the initial pixel values to be used to compare against all
               images. */
            if (non_zero < nimgs){
                trlwarn ("Some input exposures had EXPTIME = 0.");

            if (acsrej_init (ipsci, ipdq, par, nimgs, dim_x, dim_y,
                    noise, gain, efac, skyval, &sg, work) ) {
                closeSciDq(nimgs, ipsci, ipdq, par);
                return (status);

            if (par->printtime)
                TimeStamp ("Calculated initial guess for extension", "");

            /* do the iterative cosmic ray rejection calculations */
            if (acsrej_loop (ipsci, ipdq, imgname, ext, nimgs, par, niter, dim_x, dim_y,
                    sigma, noise, gain, efac, skyval,
                    &sg.sci.data, &sg.err.data, efacsum, &sg.dq.data,
                    &nrej, shadref.name) ) {
                closeSciDq(nimgs, ipsci, ipdq, par);
                return (status);
        } else {
            trlwarn ("Cosmic-ray rejection NOT performed!");
            if (non_zero > 0) {
                trlwarn ("Some input exposures had EXPTIME = 0.");
                trlwarn ("Output product will not be cosmic-ray cleaned!");
            } /*else {
                trlwarn ("ALL input exposures had EXPTIME = 0.");
                trlwarn ("Output product will be BLANK!");
            } */
        } /* End if(non_zero) block */

        /* must close all images, now that we are done reading them */
        closeSciDq(nimgs, ipsci, ipdq, par);

        /* calculate the total sky ... */
        skysum = 0.;
        for (n = 0; n < nimgs; ++n) {
            skysum += skyval[n];
        /* ... and force it to be non-negative */
        if (skysum < 0.) skysum = 0.;

        if (par->printtime){
            if (non_zero > 1){
                TimeStamp ("Finished detecting cosmic rays on extension", "");
            } else {
                TimeStamp ("Done checking this extension","");

        /* write to the output image */
        if (non_zero > 0){
            for (j = 0; j < dim_y; ++j) {
                for (i = 0; i < dim_x; ++i) {
                    PPix(&sg.sci.data,i,j) = PPix(&sg.sci.data,i,j)*texpt + skysum;
                    PPix(&sg.err.data,i,j) *= texpt;
        } else {
            for (j = 0; j < dim_y; ++j) {
                for (i = 0; i < dim_x; ++i) {
                    PPix(&sg.sci.data,i,j) = par->fillval;
                    PPix(&sg.err.data,i,j) = 0.;
                    /* Set DQ value to one which will always be considered BAD */
                    PPix(&sg.dq.data,i,j) = 1;
                    /* Set at least one pixel to a different value to insure
                      that an image array actually gets produced. */
                    PPix(&sg.err.data,0,0) = -1.;
                    PPix(&sg.dq.data,0,0) = 8;

        /* update the exposure time of the output images */
        PutKeyFlt (sg.globalhdr, "TEXPTIME", exptot, "");
        PutKeyFlt (sg.globalhdr, "SKYSUM", skysum, "Total sky level (DN)");
        PutKeyDbl (sg.globalhdr, "EXPSTART", expstart, "computed exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)");
        PutKeyDbl (sg.globalhdr, "EXPEND", expend, "exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)");
            Updated REJ_RATE to use 'texpt' as a safe value when
            EXPTIME=0 for all members. WJH, 24 Feb 2003
        PutKeyFlt (sg.globalhdr, "REJ_RATE", (float)nrej/texpt,
                "Cosmic ray impact rate (pixels/sec)");
        PutKeyFlt (sg.globalhdr, "EXPTIME", exptot, "");
        if (par->shadcorr) {
            logit = 0;
            if (UpdateSwitch ("SHADCORR", par->shadcorr, sg.globalhdr, &logit) )
                return (status);

                PrSwitch ("shadcorr", COMPLETE);

            if (logit) {
                /*Records SHADFILE information in header comments... */
                if (ImgHistory (&shadref, sg.globalhdr))
                    return (status);


        /* record parameters to the output file */
        cr_history (&sg, par, nextend);
        PutKeyInt (&sg.sci.hdr, "NCOMBINE", nimgs, "");
        UFilename (outfile, sg.globalhdr);
        UMemType (mtype, sg.globalhdr);
        FindAsnRoot (outfile, root);
        UpperAll (root, uroot, strlen(root)+1 );
        /*  EXPNAME values modified for all extensions in a SingleGroup.
                   WJH 7 July 1999
        UExpname (root, &sg.sci.hdr);
        UExpname (root, &sg.err.hdr);
        UExpname (root, &sg.dq.hdr);

        PutKeyStr (sg.globalhdr, "ROOTNAME", uroot,"Rootname of the observation set");

        /* Output CHIP to the same EXTVER as the CHIP ID */
        putSingleGroup (outfile, extver, &sg, 0);
        freeSingleGroup (&sg);

        if (par->printtime)
            TimeStamp ("Finished writing out extension", "");

        /* deallocate memories */
        free (efacsum);
        free (work);

    /* Set status to a value which will be understood by
        CALACS to turn off subsequent processing. */
    if (non_zero == 0) status = NO_GOOD_DATA;

    return (status);
int photcalc (WF3Info *wf3, MultiNicmosGroup *input) {
/* Arguments:
**	wf3	 i: WFC3 info structure
**	input	io: input image

	/* Local variables */
	PhotPar obs;
	float photfnu;
	char  photmode[CHAR_LINE_LENGTH+1], obsmode[CHAR_LINE_LENGTH+1];
    int status;

	/* Function definitions */
	int GetKeyStr (Hdr *, char *, int, char *, char *, int);
	int PutKeyFlt (Hdr *, char *, float, char *);
	void PrSwitch (char *, int);

	if (wf3->photcorr == PERFORM) {

	/* Extract photmode from sci extension header */
	if ( (status=GetKeyStr (input->group[0].globalhdr, "PHOTMODE", USE_DEFAULT, "",
		       photmode, CHAR_LINE_LENGTH)))
	    return (status);

	/* Convert PHOTMODE string into synphot OBSMODE syntax */
	Phot2Obs (photmode, obsmode);
	if (wf3->verbose) {
	    sprintf (MsgText, "Created obsmode of: %s", obsmode);
	    trlmessage (MsgText);

	/* Initialize PhotPar structure */
	InitPhotPar (&obs, wf3->phot.name, wf3->phot.pedigree);

	/* Get the photometry values from the IMPHTTAB table */
	if (GetPhotTab (&obs, obsmode)) {
	    trlerror ("Error return GetPhotTab.");

	if (wf3->verbose) {
	    sprintf (MsgText, "Computed PHOTFLAM value of %g", obs.photflam);

	/* Update the photometry keyword values in the header */
	if (PutKeyFlt (input->group[0].globalhdr, "PHOTFLAM", obs.photflam, ""))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (input->group[0].globalhdr, "PHOTZPT", obs.photzpt, ""))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (input->group[0].globalhdr, "PHOTPLAM", obs.photplam, ""))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (input->group[0].globalhdr, "PHOTBW", obs.photbw, ""))
	    return (status);

	photfnu = 3.33564e+4 * obs.photflam * obs.photplam*obs.photplam;

	if (PutKeyFlt (input->group[0].globalhdr, "PHOTFNU", photfnu, ""))
	    return (status);

	FreePhotPar (&obs);

	PrSwitch ("photcorr", COMPLETE);

	/* Successful return */
	return (status = 0);
/* remove stripes from post-SM4 full frame WFC data using information in
 * the prescan regions. chip2 is amps C & D, chip1 is amps A & B. */
int doDestripe(ACSInfo *acs, SingleGroup *chip2, SingleGroup *chip1) {
  extern int status;

  /* iteration variables */
  int i, j, k;

  /* amp array size variables */
  int arr_rows, arr_cols;

  /* array of arrays for each amp's data in order of AMPSORDER */
  double * ampdata[NAMPS];

  /* arrays of bias column means and standard deviation */
  double bias_col_means[NBIAS_COLS];
  double bias_col_stds[NBIAS_COLS];

  /* array of arrays designating whether a row is usable or not. 0: bad, 1:good */
  char * good_rows[NAMPS];

  /* array of number of good rows for each amp */
  int num_good_rows[NAMPS];
  /* number of rows ultimately worked on and fixed */
  int rows_fixed;
  int rows_skipped;
  /* character array for holding history messages */
  char history[ACS_LINE];

  /* bias pixel mean, standard deviation, and number of good pixels */
  double bias_mean, bias_std;
  int good_bias_pix;

  /* holder of bias means from each amp, saved here so I can put the
   * MEANBLEV keyword in the science extension headers */
  double bias_mean_arr[NAMPS];
  int PutKeyFlt(Hdr *, char *, float, char *);
  int blevHistory(ACSInfo *, Hdr *, int, int);
  int MkName (char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, int);

  /* figure out the size of individual amp arrays
   * should be 2068 rows by 2072 columns */
  arr_rows = chip2->sci.data.ny;
  arr_cols = chip2->sci.data.nx/2;

  /* allocate space for the amp arrays */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {
    ampdata[i] = malloc(arr_rows * arr_cols * sizeof(double));
    good_rows[i] = malloc(arr_rows * sizeof(char));

  /* copy data from SingleGroup structs to amp arrays */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {
    if (i < 2) {
      make_amp_array(arr_rows, arr_cols, chip1, i, ampdata[i]);
    } else {
      make_amp_array(arr_rows, arr_cols, chip2, i, ampdata[i]);

  /* subtract each column's mean as computed after removing the mean of each
   * bias row, ignoring bias rows near saturated pixels, and doing
   * sigma rejection of outlying bias pixels. */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {
    if (bias_col_mean_std(arr_rows, arr_cols, ampdata[i],
                          bias_col_means, bias_col_stds)) {
      return status;
    if (sub_bias_col_means(arr_rows, arr_cols, NBIAS_COLS, bias_col_means,
                           ampdata[i])) {
      return status;

  /* for each amp figure out which rows to use and how many good rows there are */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {
    find_good_rows(arr_rows, arr_cols, ampdata[i], good_rows[i], &num_good_rows[i]);

  /* for each amp, figure out the mean of the good bias pixels with "sigma"
   * clipping, then subtract that mean from all that amp's data. */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {
    if (calc_bias_mean_std(arr_rows, arr_cols, ampdata[i], good_rows[i],
                           &bias_mean, &bias_std, &good_bias_pix)) {
      return status;

    /* subtract the mean from all the pixels in the image. */
    for (j = 0; j < arr_rows; j++) {
      for (k = 0; k < arr_cols; k++) {
        ampdata[i][arr_cols*j + k] -= bias_mean;

    /* report bias level subtracted to user */
    sprintf(MsgText, "     bias level of %.6g electrons was subtracted for AMP %c.",
            bias_mean, AMPSORDER[i]);

    acs->blev[i] += bias_mean;
    bias_mean_arr[i] = bias_mean;

  /* add MEANBLEV keyword to science extension headers */
  if (PutKeyFlt (&chip1->sci.hdr, "MEANBLEV", (bias_mean_arr[0] + bias_mean_arr[1])/2.,
                 "mean of bias levels subtracted in electrons")) {
    return (status);
  if (PutKeyFlt (&chip2->sci.hdr, "MEANBLEV", (bias_mean_arr[2] + bias_mean_arr[3])/2.,
                 "mean of bias levels subtracted in electrons")) {
    return (status);

  /* remove stripes */
  if (remove_stripes(arr_rows, arr_cols, good_rows, ampdata, &rows_fixed, &rows_skipped)) {
    return status;
  /* add history keywords about rows fixed and rows skipped */
  sprintf(history, "DESTRIPE: number of rows fixed per amp: %i", rows_fixed);
  addHistoryKw(chip2->globalhdr, history);
  if (hstio_err()) {
    return (status = HEADER_PROBLEM);
  sprintf(history, "DESTRIPE: number of rows skipped per amp: %i", rows_skipped);
  addHistoryKw(chip2->globalhdr, history);
  if (hstio_err()) {
    return (status = HEADER_PROBLEM);

  /* copy modified data back to SingleGroup structs */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {
    if (i < 2) {
      unmake_amp_array(arr_rows, arr_cols, chip1, i, ampdata[i]);
    } else {
      unmake_amp_array(arr_rows, arr_cols, chip2, i, ampdata[i]);

  /* free allocated arrays */
  for (i = 0; i < NAMPS; i++) {

  return status;
文件: dostat.c 项目: jhunkeler/hstcal
int doStat (SingleGroup *out, short sdqflags) {

/* arguments:
SingleGroup *out  io: image to be calibrated; the headers are modified
short sdqflags     i: "serious" data quality flags

	extern int status;

	double value;			/* current data value */
	double valsum, valmin, valmax;
	double stddev;			/* current error estimate */
	double errsum, errmin, errmax;
	double snr;			/* current signal-to-noise ratio */
	double snrsum, snrmin, snrmax;
	int numgood;			/* number of good pixels */
	int num_bad_stddev;		/* number of pixels with err = 0 */
	int area;			/* total number of pixels */
	int i, j;
	int dimx, dimy;
	short flagval;			/* data quality flag value */
	int PutKeyFlt (Hdr *, char *, float, char *);
	int PutKeyInt (Hdr *, char *, int, char *);

	/* Statistics for the science data. */
	numgood = 0;
	num_bad_stddev = 0;
	valsum = 0.;
	errsum = 0.;
	snrsum = 0.;
	dimx = out->sci.data.nx;
	dimy = out->sci.data.ny;

	for (j = 0;  j < dimy;  j++) {
	     for (i = 0;  i < dimx;  i++) {
		  flagval = DQPix (out->dq.data, i, j);

		  if (!(sdqflags & flagval)) {

		      /* no serious flag bit set */
		      value = Pix (out->sci.data, i, j);
		      stddev = Pix (out->err.data, i, j);
		      if (stddev <= 0.) {
			  continue;		/* bad error value */
		      } else {
			  snr = value / stddev;
		      if (numgood < 1) {
			  valsum = value;
			  valmin = value;
			  valmax = value;
			  errsum = stddev;
			  errmin = stddev;
			  errmax = stddev;
			  snrsum = snr;
			  snrmin = snr;
			  snrmax = snr;
			  numgood = 1;
		      } else {
			  valsum += value;
			  errsum += stddev;
			  snrsum += snr;
			  if (value < valmin)
			      valmin = value;
			  if (value > valmax)
			      valmax = value;
			  if (stddev < errmin)
			      errmin = stddev;
			  if (stddev > errmax)
			      errmax = stddev;
			  if (snr < snrmin)
			      snrmin = snr;
			  if (snr > snrmax)
			      snrmax = snr;

	if (numgood > 0) {
	    valsum /= (double) numgood;
	    errsum /= (double) numgood;
	    snrsum /= (double) numgood;
	} else {
	    area = dimy * dimx;
	    if (area == 0) {
		trlwarn ("Output image size is zero.");
	    } else if (num_bad_stddev > 0) {
		if (num_bad_stddev == area) {
		    trlwarn ("No ERR values > 0.");
		} else {
		       ("All output pixels either flagged as bad or ERR <= 0.");
	    } else {
		trlwarn ("All output pixels flagged as bad.");
	    PutKeyInt (&out->sci.hdr, "NGOODPIX", numgood, "");
	    PutKeyInt (&out->err.hdr, "NGOODPIX", numgood, "");
	    return (status);

	/* Update header values for the science array. */

	if (PutKeyInt (&out->sci.hdr, "NGOODPIX", numgood,
			"number of good pixels"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->sci.hdr, "GOODMIN", (float) valmin,
			"minimum good data value"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->sci.hdr, "GOODMAX", (float) valmax,
			"maximum good data value"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->sci.hdr, "GOODMEAN", (float) valsum,
			"average of good data values"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->sci.hdr, "SNRMIN", (float) snrmin,
			"minimum S/N of good data values"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->sci.hdr, "SNRMAX", (float) snrmax,
			"maximum S/N of good data values"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->sci.hdr, "SNRMEAN", (float) snrsum,
			"mean S/N of good data values"))
	    return (status);

	/* Update header values for the error array. */

	if (PutKeyInt (&out->err.hdr, "NGOODPIX", numgood,
			"number of good pixels"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->err.hdr, "GOODMIN", (float) errmin,
			"minimum sigma for good data"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->err.hdr, "GOODMAX", (float) errmax,
			"maximum sigma for good data"))
	    return (status);

	if (PutKeyFlt (&out->err.hdr, "GOODMEAN", (float) errsum,
			"average of sigma for good data"))
	    return (status);

	return (status);
文件: dophot.c 项目: jhunkeler/hstcal
int doPhot (ACSInfo *acs2d, SingleGroup *x) {

  /* arguments:
   ACSInfo *acs2d     i: calibration switches, etc
   SingleGroup *x    io: image to be calibrated; primary header is modified

  extern int status;

  PhotPar obs;

  char photmode[CHAR_LINE_LENGTH],obsmode[CHAR_LINE_LENGTH];

  /* function prototypes from lib */
  int GetKeyStr (Hdr *, char *, int, char *, char *, int);
  int PutKeyFlt (Hdr *, char *, float, char *);

  if (acs2d->photcorr == DUMMY)
    return (status);

  /* Extract photmode from sci extension header*/
  if (GetKeyStr(&x->sci.hdr,"PHOTMODE",USE_DEFAULT,"",photmode, CHAR_LINE_LENGTH))
    return (status);

  /* Add commas to PHOTMODE string and change all strings to
   lower case for use in synphot. */
  if (acs2d->verbose){
    sprintf(MsgText,"Created SYNPHOT obsmode of: %s",obsmode);

  /* Initialize PhotPar struct */
  InitPhotPar(&obs, acs2d->phot.name, acs2d->phot.pedigree);

  /* get phot values */
  if (GetPhotTab(&obs,obsmode)) {
    trlerror("Error return from GetPhotTab.");
    return status;

  if (acs2d->verbose){
    sprintf(MsgText,"Computed PHOTFLAM value of %g",obs.photflam);

  /* Update the photometry keyword values in the SCI header.
   Revised 10 March 1999 WJH

  if (PutKeyFlt (&x->sci.hdr, "PHOTFLAM", obs.photflam, "inverse sensitivity"))
    return (status);

  if (PutKeyFlt (&x->sci.hdr, "PHOTZPT", obs.photzpt, "zero point"))
    return (status);

  if (PutKeyFlt (&x->sci.hdr, "PHOTPLAM", obs.photplam, "pivot wavelength"))
    return (status);

  if (PutKeyFlt (&x->sci.hdr, "PHOTBW", obs.photbw, "RMS bandwidth"))
    return (status);


  /* check whether GetPhotTab returned -9999, which means it was asked
   to do extrapolation */
  if (obs.photflam == -9999) {
    trlwarn("IMPHTTAB extrapolation not supported, PHOTCORR skipped.");
    return (status = CAL_STEP_NOT_DONE);

  return (status);