static PyObject * curve(struct PyLibPlot *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ox, *oy; PyObject *x, *y; npy_intp i, n; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "OO", &ox, &oy ) ) return NULL; x = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ox, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); y = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oy, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); if ( x == NULL || y == NULL ) goto quit; n = BGL_MIN( PyArray_SIZE(x), PyArray_SIZE(y) ); if ( n <= 0 ) goto quit; pl_fmove_r( self->pl, BGL_DArray1(x,0), BGL_DArray1(y,0) ); for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) pl_fcont_r( self->pl, BGL_DArray1(x,i), BGL_DArray1(y,i) ); pl_endpath_r( self->pl ); quit: Py_XDECREF(x); Py_XDECREF(y); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject * symbols(struct PyLibPlot *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ox, *oy; PyObject *x, *y; double d0; int i0; npy_intp i, n; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "OOid", &ox, &oy, &i0, &d0 ) ) return NULL; x = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ox, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); y = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oy, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); if ( x == NULL || y == NULL ) goto quit; n = BGL_MIN( PyArray_SIZE(x), PyArray_SIZE(y) ); _symbol_begin( self->pl, i0, d0 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) _symbol_draw( self->pl, BGL_DArray1(x,i), BGL_DArray1(y,i), i0, d0 ); _symbol_end( self->pl, i0, d0 ); quit: Py_XDECREF(x); Py_XDECREF(y); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject *Py_table_join(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ret = NULL; PyObject *id1 = NULL, *id2 = NULL, *m1 = NULL, *m2 = NULL; const char *join_type = NULL; try { PyObject *id1_, *id2_, *m1_, *m2_; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOOOs", &id1_, &id2_, &m1_, &m2_, &join_type)) throw E(PyExc_Exception, "Wrong number or type of args"); if ((id1 = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(id1_, PyArray_UINT64, 1, 1)) == NULL) throw E(PyExc_Exception, "id1 is not a 1D uint64 NumPy array"); if ((id2 = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(id2_, PyArray_UINT64, 1, 1)) == NULL) throw E(PyExc_Exception, "Could not cast the value of id2 to 1D NumPy array"); if ((m1 = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(m1_, PyArray_UINT64, 1, 1)) == NULL) throw E(PyExc_Exception, "Could not cast the value of m1 to 1D NumPy array"); if ((m2 = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(m2_, PyArray_UINT64, 1, 1)) == NULL) throw E(PyExc_Exception, "Could not cast the value of m2 to 1D NumPy array"); if (PyArray_DIM(m1, 0) != PyArray_DIM(m2, 0)) throw E(PyExc_Exception, "The sizes of len(m1) and len(m2) must be the same"); #define DATAPTR(type, obj) ((type*)PyArray_DATA(obj)) PyOutput o; table_join( o, DATAPTR(uint64_t, id1), PyArray_Size(id1), DATAPTR(uint64_t, id2), PyArray_Size(id2), DATAPTR(uint64_t, m1), DATAPTR(uint64_t, m2), PyArray_Size(m2), join_type ); #undef DATAPTR o.resize(o.size); ret = PyTuple_New(4); // because PyTuple will take ownership (and PyOutput will do a DECREF on destruction). Py_INCREF(o.o_idx1); Py_INCREF(o.o_idx2); Py_INCREF(o.o_idxLink); Py_INCREF(o.o_isnull); PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 0, (PyObject *)o.o_idx1); PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 1, (PyObject *)o.o_idx2); PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 2, (PyObject *)o.o_idxLink); PyTuple_SetItem(ret, 3, (PyObject *)o.o_isnull); } catch(const E& e) { ret = NULL; } Py_XDECREF(id1); Py_XDECREF(id2); Py_XDECREF(m1); Py_XDECREF(m2); return ret; }
static PyObject * clipped_colored_symbols(struct PyLibPlot *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ox, *oy, *oc; PyObject *x, *y, *c; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; double d0; int i0; npy_intp i, n; double px, py; int r, g, b; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "OOOiddddd", &ox, &oy, &oc, &i0, &d0, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax ) ) return NULL; x = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ox, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); y = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oy, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); c = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oc, NPY_DOUBLE, 2, 2 ); if ( x == NULL || y == NULL || c == NULL ) goto quit; n = BGL_MIN( PyArray_SIZE(x), PyArray_SIZE(y) ); n = BGL_MIN( n, PyArray_SIZE(c) ); _symbol_begin( self->pl, i0, d0 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { px = BGL_DArray1(x,i); py = BGL_DArray1(y,i); if ( px >= xmin && px <= xmax && py >= ymin && py <= ymax ) { r = (int) floor( BGL_DArray2(c,i,0)*65535 ); g = (int) floor( BGL_DArray2(c,i,1)*65535 ); b = (int) floor( BGL_DArray2(c,i,2)*65535 ); pl_fillcolor_r( self->pl, r, g, b ); pl_pencolor_r( self->pl, r, g, b ); _symbol_draw( self->pl, px, py, i0, d0 ); } } _symbol_end( self->pl, i0, d0 ); quit: Py_XDECREF(x); Py_XDECREF(y); Py_XDECREF(c); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject * biggles_contour_segments( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *ox, *oy, *oz, *list, *ref; PyObject *x, *y, *z; double z0; double segs[BGL_MAX_SEGS][4]; int i, j, k, ns; list = NULL; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOOd", &ox, &oy, &oz, &z0) ) return NULL; x = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ox, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); y = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oy, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); z = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oz, NPY_DOUBLE, 2, 2 ); if ( x == NULL || y == NULL || z == NULL ) goto quit; if ( PyArray_DIM(z,0) != PyArray_DIM(x,0) || PyArray_DIM(z,1) != PyArray_DIM(y,0) ) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "array dimensions are not compatible" ); goto quit; } list = PyList_New( 0 ); if ( list == NULL ) goto quit; for ( i = 0; i < PyArray_DIM(z,0)-1; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < PyArray_DIM(z,1)-1; j++ ) { ns = _pixel_interpolate( x, y, z, z0, i, j, segs ); for ( k = 0; k < ns; k++ ) { ref = Py_BuildValue( "((dd)(dd))", segs[k][0], segs[k][1], segs[k][2], segs[k][3] ); PyList_Append( list, ref ); Py_DECREF(ref); /* ??? */ } } quit: Py_XDECREF(x); Py_XDECREF(y); Py_XDECREF(z); return list; }
static PyObject * biggles_hammer_geodesic_fill( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *ol, *ob, *ref; PyObject *l, *b, *l2, *b2; int div; npy_intp i, n, dims[1]; ref = NULL; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOi", &ol, &ob, &div) ) return NULL; l = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ol, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); b = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ob, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); if ( l == NULL || b == NULL ) { Py_XDECREF(l); Py_XDECREF(b); return NULL; } n = PyArray_SIZE(l); dims[0] = (n-1)*div + 1; l2 = PyArray_ZEROS( 1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE, 0); b2 = PyArray_ZEROS( 1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE, 0); if ( l2 == NULL || b2 == NULL ) goto quit; for ( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) { _lb_geodesic( div, BGL_DArray1(l,i), BGL_DArray1(b,i), BGL_DArray1(l,i+1), BGL_DArray1(b,i+1), BGL_DArray1_ptr(l2, i*div), BGL_DArray1_ptr(b2, i*div)); } ref = Py_BuildValue( "OO", l2, b2 ); quit: Py_DECREF(l); Py_DECREF(b); Py_XDECREF(l2); Py_XDECREF(b2); return ref; }
static int PyDistLookup_init( PyDistLookup* self, PyObject* args, /*@unused@*/ PyObject* kwds) { PyObject* py_array_obj = NULL; PyArrayObject* array_obj = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O(dd)(dd)(dd):DistortionLookupTable.__init__", &py_array_obj, &(self->x.crpix[0]), &(self->x.crpix[1]), &(self->x.crval[0]), &(self->x.crval[1]), &(self->x.cdelt[0]), &(self->x.cdelt[1]))) { return -1; } array_obj = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(py_array_obj, NPY_FLOAT32, 2, 2); if (array_obj == NULL) { return -1; } self->py_data = array_obj; self->x.naxis[0] = (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(array_obj, 1); self->x.naxis[1] = (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(array_obj, 0); self-> = (float *)PyArray_DATA(array_obj); return 0; }
static int PyDistLookup_set_data( PyDistLookup* self, PyObject* value, /*@unused@*/ void* closure) { PyArrayObject* value_array = NULL; if (value == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(self->py_data); self->py_data = NULL; self-> = NULL; return 0; } value_array = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(value, NPY_FLOAT32, 2, 2); if (value_array == NULL) { return -1; } Py_XDECREF(self->py_data); self->py_data = value_array; self->x.naxis[0] = (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(value_array, 1); self->x.naxis[1] = (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(value_array, 0); self-> = (float *)PyArray_DATA(value_array); return 0; }
int BuildRealArray(int size,PyObject *input,double *array) { int i,result = -1; PyArrayObject *array_py = NULL; Py_INCREF(input); if ((array_py = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(input,PyArray_DOUBLE,1,1)) == NULL) goto cleanup; if (PyArray_DIM(array_py,0) < size) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"array shorter than expected"); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = ((double *) PyArray_DATA(array_py))[i]; result = 0; cleanup: Py_XDECREF(input ); Py_XDECREF(array_py); return result; }
static int convert_matrix( /*@null@*/ PyObject* pyobj, PyArrayObject** array, double** data, unsigned int* order) { if (pyobj == Py_None) { *array = NULL; *data = NULL; *order = 0; return 0; } *array = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( pyobj, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if (*array == NULL) { return -1; } if (PyArray_DIM(*array, 0) != PyArray_DIM(*array, 1)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Matrix must be square."); return -1; } *data = (double*)PyArray_DATA(*array); *order = (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(*array, 0) - 1; return 0; }
static PyObject * biggles_hammer_call_vec( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *ol, *ob, *ret; PyObject *l, *b, *u, *v; double l0, b0, rot; double ll, bb; npy_intp i, n; ret = NULL; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOddd", &ol, &ob, &l0, &b0, &rot) ) return NULL; // 1-d C contiguous l = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ol, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); b = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ob, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); if ( l == NULL || b == NULL ) goto quit0; n = BGL_MIN( PyArray_SIZE(l), PyArray_SIZE(b) ); u = PyArray_ZEROS(1, &n, NPY_DOUBLE, 0); v = PyArray_ZEROS(1, &n, NPY_DOUBLE, 0); if ( u == NULL || v == NULL ) goto quit1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { _lb_input( BGL_DArray1(l,i), BGL_DArray1(b,i), l0, b0, rot, &ll, &bb ); _lb2uv( ll, bb, BGL_DArray1_ptr(u,i), BGL_DArray1_ptr(v,i) ); } ret = Py_BuildValue( "OO", u, v ); quit1: Py_XDECREF(u); Py_XDECREF(v); quit0: Py_XDECREF(l); Py_XDECREF(b); return ret; }
static PyObject * clipped_symbols(struct PyLibPlot *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ox, *oy; PyObject *x, *y; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; double d0; int i0; npy_intp i, n; double px, py; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "OOiddddd", &ox, &oy, &i0, &d0, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax ) ) return NULL; x = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ox, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); y = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oy, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); if ( x == NULL || y == NULL ) goto quit; n = BGL_MIN( PyArray_SIZE(x), PyArray_SIZE(y) ); _symbol_begin( self->pl, i0, d0 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { px = BGL_DArray1(x,i); py = BGL_DArray1(y,i); if ( px >= xmin && px <= xmax && py >= ymin && py <= ymax ) _symbol_draw( self->pl, px, py, i0, d0 ); } _symbol_end( self->pl, i0, d0 ); quit: Py_XDECREF(x); Py_XDECREF(y); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyArrayObject * _get_transform_mesh(PyObject *py_affine, npy_intp *dims) { /* TODO: Could we get away with float, rather than double, arrays here? */ /* Given a non-affine transform object, create a mesh that maps every pixel in the output image to the input image. This is used as a lookup table during the actual resampling. */ PyObject *py_inverse = NULL; npy_intp out_dims[3]; out_dims[0] = dims[0] * dims[1]; out_dims[1] = 2; py_inverse = PyObject_CallMethod( py_affine, (char *)"inverted", (char *)"", NULL); if (py_inverse == NULL) { return NULL; } numpy::array_view<double, 2> input_mesh(out_dims); double *p = (double *); for (npy_intp y = 0; y < dims[0]; ++y) { for (npy_intp x = 0; x < dims[1]; ++x) { *p++ = (double)x; *p++ = (double)y; } } PyObject *output_mesh = PyObject_CallMethod( py_inverse, (char *)"transform", (char *)"O", (char *)input_mesh.pyobj(), NULL); Py_DECREF(py_inverse); if (output_mesh == NULL) { return NULL; } PyArrayObject *output_mesh_array = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( output_mesh, NPY_DOUBLE, 2, 2); Py_DECREF(output_mesh); if (output_mesh_array == NULL) { return NULL; } return output_mesh_array; }
static PyObject *py_acf_maximum_point(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int n, rows; PyObject* f_py = NULL; PyObject* f1_py = NULL; ACFInterpolationMethod mth = ACFUnspecified; double r; double *f = NULL; int start_j = 0; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oii", &f1_py, &start_j, &mth)) return NULL; switch (mth) { case ACFInterpolationConstant: ; case ACFInterpolationLinear: ; case ACFInterpolationCatmullRom: case ACFInterpolationConstantWithSizeReduction: ; case ACFInterpolationLinearWithSizeReduction: ; case ACFInterpolationCatmullRomWithSizeReduction: ; break; default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"third argument must be 0, 1, or 2"); return NULL; } f_py = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(f1_py, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 2); if (f_py==NULL) return NULL; if (PyArray_NDIM(f_py)==2) { n = PyArray_DIMS(f_py)[0]; rows = PyArray_DIMS(f_py)[1]; if (rows<=0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"first argument is empty"); return NULL; } } else { n = PyArray_DIMS(f_py)[0]; rows = 1; } assert(rows>0); f = (double*)PyArray_DATA(f_py); r = acf_maximum_point(f, n, rows, start_j, mth); if (f1_py != f_py) { Py_DECREF(f_py); } return Py_BuildValue("d",r); }
static PyObject * clipped_curve(struct PyLibPlot *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ox, *oy; PyObject *x, *y; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; npy_intp i, n; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "OOdddd", &ox, &oy, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax ) ) return NULL; x = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ox, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); y = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( oy, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1 ); if ( x == NULL || y == NULL ) goto quit; n = BGL_MIN( PyArray_SIZE(x), PyArray_SIZE(y) ); if ( n <= 0 ) goto quit; for ( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) { clipped_pl_fline_r( self->pl, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, BGL_DArray1(x,i), BGL_DArray1(y,i), BGL_DArray1(x,i+1), BGL_DArray1(y,i+1) ); } pl_endpath_r( self->pl ); quit: Py_XDECREF(x); Py_XDECREF(y); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject *dofilt_wrap(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int n; npy_intp dim[1]; PyObject *ao, *fo; PyArrayObject *a, *r; FILTER *handle; IIRSPEC *filter; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO:dofilt", &ao, &fo)) { return NULL; } if (!PyCObject_Check(fo)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "second argument must be a filter object"); return NULL; } handle = (FILTER *)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(fo); a = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(ao, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if (a == NULL) { return NULL; } n = PyArray_DIM(a, 0); dim[0] = n; r = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dim, NPY_DOUBLE); if (r == NULL) { Py_DECREF(a); return NULL; } if (handle->type == FILTER_TYPE_IIR) { filter = (IIRSPEC *)&handle->iirspec; if (bdiir((double *)PyArray_DATA(a), (double *)PyArray_DATA(r), n, filter) < 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "bdiir() failed"); // because it allocates memory, Py_DECREF(a); // which it shouldn't Py_DECREF(r); return NULL; } } else { FFTfilter((double *)PyArray_DATA(a), (double *)PyArray_DATA(r), handle->gain, n); } Py_DECREF(a); return PyArray_Return(r); }
static PyObject * color_density_plot(struct PyLibPlot *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ogrid; PyObject *grid; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; double px, py, dx, dy; npy_intp xi, yi, xn, yn; int r, g, b; if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "Odddd", &ogrid, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax ) ) return NULL; grid = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( ogrid, NPY_DOUBLE, 3, 3 ); if ( grid == NULL ) goto quit; if ( PyArray_NDIM(grid) != 3) { printf("Expect a NxMx3 array for color densgrid"); goto quit; } xn = PyArray_DIM(grid, 0); yn = PyArray_DIM(grid, 1); dx = (xmax - xmin) / xn; dy = (ymax - ymin) / yn; for ( xi=0, px=xmin; xi < xn; xi++, px+=dx ) { for ( yi=0, py=ymin; yi < yn; yi++, py+=dy ) { r = (int) floor( BGL_DArray3(grid,xi,yi,0)*65535 ); g = (int) floor( BGL_DArray3(grid,xi,yi,1)*65535 ); b = (int) floor( BGL_DArray3(grid,xi,yi,2)*65535 ); pl_filltype_r ( self->pl, 1.0 ); pl_fillcolor_r( self->pl, r, g, b ); pl_pencolor_r ( self->pl, r, g, b ); pl_fbox_r( self->pl, px, py, px+dx, py+dy ); } } quit: Py_XDECREF(grid); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
int set_double_array( const char* propname, PyObject* value, int ndims, const npy_intp* dims, double* dest) { PyArrayObject* value_array = NULL; npy_int i = 0; char shape_str[SHAPE_STR_LEN]; if (check_delete(propname, value)) { return -1; } value_array = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(value, PyArray_DOUBLE, ndims, ndims); if (value_array == NULL) { return -1; } if (dims != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < ndims; ++i) { if (PyArray_DIM(value_array, i) != dims[i]) { shape_to_string(ndims, dims, shape_str); PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "'%s' array is the wrong shape, must be %s", propname, shape_str); Py_DECREF(value_array); return -1; } } } copy_array_to_c_double(value_array, dest); Py_DECREF(value_array); return 0; }
ValVector numpyToValVector(PyObject* obj) { PyArrayObject *arrayobj = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(obj, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if(arrayobj == NULL) { throw "Cannot covert item to 1D numpy array"; } const double* data = (double*)PyArray_DATA(arrayobj); unsigned dim = PyArray_DIMS(arrayobj)[0]; ValVector out; out.reserve(dim); for(unsigned i=0; i<dim; ++i) out.push_back(data[i]); Py_DECREF((PyObject*)arrayobj); return out; }
static PyObject* pydat_cell(HDSObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *pobj1, *osub; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:pydat_cell", &osub)) return NULL; // Recover C-pointer passed via Python HDSLoc* loc1 = HDS_retrieve_locator(self); // Attempt to convert the input to something useable PyArrayObject *sub = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(osub, NPY_INT, 1, 1); if(!sub) return NULL; // Convert Python-like --> Fortran-like int ndim = PyArray_SIZE(sub); int i, rdim[ndim]; int *sdata = (int*)PyArray_DATA(sub); for(i=0; i<ndim; i++) rdim[i] = sdata[ndim-i-1]+1; HDSLoc* loc2 = NULL; int status = SAI__OK; errBegin(&status); // Finally run the routine datCell(loc1, ndim, rdim, &loc2, &status); if(status != SAI__OK) goto fail; // PyCObject to pass pointer along to other wrappers Py_DECREF(sub); return HDS_create_object(loc2); fail: raiseHDSException(&status); Py_XDECREF(sub); return NULL; };
static PyObject * cpmaximum(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *image = NULL; /* the image ndarray */ PyObject *cimage = NULL; /* a contiguous version of the array */ PyObject *structure = NULL; /* the structure ndarray */ PyObject *cstructure= NULL; /* a contiguous version of the structure */ PyObject *im_shape = NULL; /* the image shape sequence */ PyObject *str_shape = NULL; /* the structure shape sequence */ PyObject *offset = NULL; /* 2-tuple giving the x and y offset of the origin of the structuring element */ long height = 0; /* the image height */ long width = 0; /* the image width */ long strheight = 0; /* the structuring element height */ long strwidth = 0; /* the structuring element width */ PyObject *output = NULL; /* the output ndarray */ double *imdata = NULL; /* the image data */ char *strdata = NULL; /* the structure data (really boolean) */ double *out_data = NULL; /* the output data */ const char *error = NULL; PyObject **shapes[] = { &im_shape, &im_shape, &str_shape, &str_shape }; long *slots[] = { &width, &height, &strwidth, &strheight }; int indices[] = { 0,1,0,1 }; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int l = 0; npy_intp dims[2]; long xoff = 0; long yoff = 0; image = PySequence_GetItem(args,0); if (! image) { error = "Failed to get image from arguments"; goto exit; } cimage = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(image, NPY_DOUBLE,2,2); if (! cimage) { error = "Failed to make a contiguous array from first argument"; goto exit; } structure = PySequence_GetItem(args,1); if (! structure) { error = "Failed to get structuring element from arguments"; goto exit; } cstructure = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(structure, NPY_BOOL,2,2); if (! cstructure) { error = "Failed to make a contiguous array from second argument"; goto exit; } im_shape = PyObject_GetAttrString(cimage,"shape"); if (! im_shape) { error = "Failed to get image.shape"; goto exit; } if (! PyTuple_Check(im_shape)) { error = "image.shape not a tuple"; goto exit; } if (PyTuple_Size(im_shape) != 2) { error = "image is not 2D"; goto exit; } str_shape = PyObject_GetAttrString(cstructure,"shape"); if (! str_shape) { error = "Failed to get structure.shape"; goto exit; } if (! PyTuple_Check(str_shape)) { error = "structure.shape not a tuple"; goto exit; } if (PyTuple_Size(str_shape) != 2) { error = "structure is not 2D"; goto exit; } for (i=0;i<4;i++) { PyObject *obDim = PyTuple_GetItem(*shapes[i],indices[i]); *(slots[i]) = PyInt_AsLong(obDim); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { error = "Array shape is not a tuple of integers"; goto exit; } } imdata = (double *)PyArray_DATA(cimage); if (! imdata) { error = "Failed to get image data"; goto exit; } strdata = (char *)PyArray_DATA(cstructure); if (! strdata) { error = "Failed to get structure data"; goto exit; } offset = PySequence_GetItem(args,2); if (! offset) { error = "Failed to get offset into structure from args"; goto exit; } if (! PyTuple_Check(offset)) { error = "offset is not a tuple"; goto exit; } else { PyObject *temp = PyTuple_GetItem(offset,0); if (! temp) { error = "Failed to get x offset from tuple"; goto exit; } xoff = PyInt_AsLong(temp); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { error = "Offset X is not an integer"; goto exit; } temp = PyTuple_GetItem(offset,1); if (! temp) { error = "Failed to get y offset from tuple"; goto exit; } yoff = PyInt_AsLong(temp); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { error = "Offset Y is not an integer"; goto exit; } } dims[0] = width; dims[1] = height; output = PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, NPY_DOUBLE); if (! output) { error = "Failed to create output array"; goto exit; } out_data = (double *)PyArray_DATA(output); memcpy(out_data,imdata,height*width*sizeof(double)); for (j=0;j<height;j++) { for (i=0;i<width;i++,imdata++) { char *strptr = strdata; double value = - 1000000; /* was INFINITY but Unix doesn't like */ if (i-xoff < 0 || j-yoff < 0 || i+strwidth-xoff >= width || j+strheight-yoff >= height) { /* A corner case (literally) - check limit as we go */ for (l=-yoff;l<strheight-yoff;l++) { double *imdata_ptr = imdata + l*width-xoff; for (k=-xoff;k<strwidth-xoff;k++,imdata_ptr++) { double data; if (! *strptr++) continue; if (i+k < 0) continue; if (i+k >= width) continue; if (j+l < 0) continue; if (j+l >= width) continue; data = *imdata_ptr; if (data > value) value = data; } } } else { /* Don't worry about corners and go faster */ for (l=-yoff;l<strheight-yoff;l++) { double *imdata_ptr = imdata + l*width-xoff; for (k=-xoff;k<strwidth-xoff;k++,imdata_ptr++) { double data; if (! *strptr++) continue; data = *imdata_ptr; if (data > value) value = data; } } } *out_data++ = value; } } exit: if (image) { Py_DECREF(image); } if (cimage) { Py_DECREF(cimage); } if (structure) { Py_DECREF(structure); } if (cstructure) { Py_DECREF(cstructure); } if (im_shape) { Py_DECREF(im_shape); } if (str_shape) { Py_DECREF(str_shape); } if (offset) { Py_DECREF(offset); } if (error) { if (output) { Py_DECREF(output); } output = PyString_FromString(error); if (! output) { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } return output; }
static int PySip_init( PySip* self, PyObject* args, /*@unused@*/ PyObject* kwds) { PyObject* py_a = NULL; PyObject* py_b = NULL; PyObject* py_ap = NULL; PyObject* py_bp = NULL; PyObject* py_crpix = NULL; PyArrayObject* a = NULL; PyArrayObject* b = NULL; PyArrayObject* ap = NULL; PyArrayObject* bp = NULL; PyArrayObject* crpix = NULL; double* a_data = NULL; double* b_data = NULL; double* ap_data = NULL; double* bp_data = NULL; unsigned int a_order = 0; unsigned int b_order = 0; unsigned int ap_order = 0; unsigned int bp_order = 0; int status = -1; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOOOO:Sip.__init__", &py_a, &py_b, &py_ap, &py_bp, &py_crpix)) { return -1; } if (convert_matrix(py_a, &a, &a_data, &a_order) || convert_matrix(py_b, &b, &b_data, &b_order) || convert_matrix(py_ap, &ap, &ap_data, &ap_order) || convert_matrix(py_bp, &bp, &bp_data, &bp_order)) { goto exit; } crpix = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(py_crpix, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if (crpix == NULL) { goto exit; } if (PyArray_DIM(crpix, 0) != 2) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "CRPIX wrong length"); goto exit; } status = sip_init(&self->x, a_order, a_data, b_order, b_data, ap_order, ap_data, bp_order, bp_data, PyArray_DATA(crpix)); exit: Py_XDECREF(a); Py_XDECREF(b); Py_XDECREF(ap); Py_XDECREF(bp); Py_XDECREF(crpix); if (status == 0) { return 0; } else if (status == -1) { /* Exception already set */ return -1; } else { wcserr_to_python_exc(self->x.err); return -1; } }
DimensionDictionary::DimensionDictionary(PyObject * dim_dict) { // Check that dim_dict is a dictionary if (!PyDict_Check(dim_dict)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'dim_dict' element is not a dictionary"); throw PythonException(); } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << "dim_dict = " << PyString_AsString(PyObject_Str(dim_dict)) << std::endl; #endif //////////////////////////////// // Get the 'dist_type' attribute //////////////////////////////// PyObject * distTypeObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "dist_type"); if (distTypeObj == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' has no 'dist_type' key"); throw PythonException(); } if (!PyString_Check(distTypeObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'dist_type' is not a string"); throw PythonException(); } char * distTypeStr = PyString_AsString(distTypeObj); if (strcmp(distTypeStr, "b") == 0) dist_type = BLOCK; else if (strcmp(distTypeStr, "c") == 0) dist_type = CYCLIC; else if (strcmp(distTypeStr, "u") == 0) dist_type = UNSTRUCTURED; else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dist_type' value '%s' is unrecognized", distTypeStr); throw PythonException(); } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " dist_type = '" << distTypeStr << "'" << std::endl; #endif /////////////////////////// // Get the 'size' attribute /////////////////////////// PyObject * sizeObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "size"); if (sizeObj == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' required key 'size' not present"); throw PythonException(); } if (!PyInt_Check(sizeObj)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "'size' is not an int"); throw PythonException(); } size = PyInt_AsLong(sizeObj); if (size < 0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'size' = %d is less " "than zero", size); } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " size = " << size << std::endl; #endif ///////////////////////////////////// // Get the 'proc_grid_size' attribute ///////////////////////////////////// PyObject * commDimObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "proc_grid_size"); if (commDimObj == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' required key 'proc_grid_size' not present"); throw PythonException(); } if (!PyInt_Check(commDimObj)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "'proc_grid_size' is not an int"); throw PythonException(); } proc_grid_size = PyInt_AsLong(commDimObj); if (proc_grid_size < 1) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'proc_grid_size' = " "%d is less than one", proc_grid_size); } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " proc_grid_size = " << proc_grid_size << std::endl; #endif ///////////////////////////////////// // Get the 'proc_grid_rank' attribute ///////////////////////////////////// PyObject * commRankObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "proc_grid_rank"); if (commRankObj == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' required key 'proc_grid_rank' not present"); throw PythonException(); } if (!PyInt_Check(commRankObj)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "'proc_grid_rank' is not an int"); throw PythonException(); } proc_grid_rank = PyInt_AsLong(commRankObj); if ((proc_grid_rank < 0) || (proc_grid_rank >= proc_grid_size)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'proc_grid_rank' = " "%d is out of range [0, %d)", proc_grid_rank, proc_grid_size); } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " proc_grid_rank = " << proc_grid_rank << std::endl; #endif //////////////////////////// // Get the 'start' attribute //////////////////////////// PyObject * startObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "start"); if (startObj == NULL) { if ((dist_type == BLOCK) || (dist_type == CYCLIC)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' is of type BLOCK or CYCLIC but has no " "'start' key"); throw PythonException(); } else { start = -1; } } else { if (!PyInt_Check(startObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'start' is not an int"); throw PythonException(); } start = PyInt_AsLong(startObj); if ((start < 0) || (start > size)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'start' = " "%d is out of range [0, %d]", start, size); } } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " start = " << start << std::endl; #endif /////////////////////////// // Get the 'stop' attribute /////////////////////////// PyObject * stopObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "stop"); if (stopObj == NULL) { if (dist_type == BLOCK) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' is of type BLOCK but has no 'stop' key"); throw PythonException(); } else { stop = -1; } } else { if (!PyInt_Check(stopObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'stop' for axis %d is not an int"); throw PythonException(); } stop = PyInt_AsLong(stopObj); if ((stop < 0) || (stop > size)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'stop' = " "%d is out of range [0, %d]", stop, size); } } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " stop = " << stop << std::endl; #endif ///////////////////////////////// // Get the 'block_size' attribute ///////////////////////////////// PyObject * blockSizeObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "block_size"); if (blockSizeObj == NULL) { block_size = 1; } else { if (!PyInt_Check(blockSizeObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'block_size' is not an int"); throw PythonException(); } block_size = PyInt_AsLong(stopObj); if (block_size < 1) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'block_size' = " "%d is less than one", block_size); } } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " block_size = " << block_size << std::endl; #endif ////////////////////////////// // Get the 'padding' attribute ////////////////////////////// PyObject * paddingObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "padding"); if (paddingObj == NULL) { padding[0] = 0; padding[1] = 0; } else { if (!PySequence_Check(paddingObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "'padding' attribute must be a " "sequence of two integers"); throw PythonException(); } if (PySequence_Size(paddingObj) != 2) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "'padding' attribute must be a " "sequence of two integers"); throw PythonException(); } PyObject * padObj = PySequence_GetItem(padObj, 0); if (!PyInt_Check(padObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Lower 'padding' object is not an " "integer"); throw PythonException(); } padding[0] = PyInt_AsLong(padObj); if (padding[0] < 0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'padding'[0] = " "%d is less than zero", padding[0]); } padObj = PySequence_GetItem(padObj, 1); if (!PyInt_Check(padObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Upper 'padding' object is not an " "integer"); throw PythonException(); } padding[1] = PyInt_AsLong(padObj); if (padding[1] < 0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'padding'[1] = " "%d is less than zero", padding[1]); } } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " padding = " << padding << std::endl; #endif /////////////////////////////// // Get the 'periodic' attribute /////////////////////////////// PyObject * periodicObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "periodic"); if (periodicObj == NULL) { periodic = false; } else { if (!PyBool_Check(periodicObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'periodic' is not a bool"); throw PythonException(); } if (periodicObj == Py_True) periodic = true; else periodic = false; } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " periodic = " << (periodic ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; #endif ///////////////////////////////// // Get the 'one_to_one' attribute ///////////////////////////////// PyObject * oneToOneObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "one_to_one"); if (oneToOneObj == NULL) { one_to_one = false; } else { if (!PyBool_Check(oneToOneObj)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "'one_to_one' is not a bool"); throw PythonException(); } if (oneToOneObj == Py_True) one_to_one = true; else one_to_one = false; } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " one_to_one = " << (one_to_one ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; #endif ////////////////////////////// // Get the 'indices' attribute ////////////////////////////// PyObject * indicesObj = PyDict_GetItemString(dim_dict, "indices"); if (indicesObj == NULL) { if (dist_type == UNSTRUCTURED) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "'dim_dict' with type UNSTRUCTURED " "requires 'indices' key"); throw PythonException(); } } else { PyObject * indicesArray = PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(indicesObj, NPY_INT, 1, 1); if (indicesArray == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "'dim_dict' attribute 'indices' " "specified illegally"); throw PythonException(); } npy_intp numIndices = PyArray_Size(indicesArray); indices.resize(numIndices); int * source = (int*) PyArray_DATA((PyArrayObject*)indicesArray); for (IndicesType::size_type i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) indices[i] = *(source++); Py_DECREF(indicesArray); } #ifdef PYTRILINOS_DAP_VERBOSE std::cout << " indices = " << indices() << std::endl; #endif }
/* * arr_bincount is registered as bincount. * * bincount accepts one, two or three arguments. The first is an array of * non-negative integers The second, if present, is an array of weights, * which must be promotable to double. Call these arguments list and * weight. Both must be one-dimensional with len(weight) == len(list). If * weight is not present then bincount(list)[i] is the number of occurrences * of i in list. If weight is present then bincount(self,list, weight)[i] * is the sum of all weight[j] where list [j] == i. Self is not used. * The third argument, if present, is a minimum length desired for the * output array. */ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyObject * arr_bincount(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PyArray_Descr *type; PyObject *list = NULL, *weight=Py_None, *mlength=Py_None; PyArrayObject *lst=NULL, *ans=NULL, *wts=NULL; npy_intp *numbers, *ians, len , mx, mn, ans_size, minlength; npy_intp i; double *weights , *dans; static char *kwlist[] = {"list", "weights", "minlength", NULL}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|OO", kwlist, &list, &weight, &mlength)) { goto fail; } lst = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(list, NPY_INTP, 1, 1); if (lst == NULL) { goto fail; } len = PyArray_SIZE(lst); type = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_INTP); if (mlength == Py_None) { minlength = 0; } else { minlength = PyArray_PyIntAsIntp(mlength); if (minlength <= 0) { if (!PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "minlength must be positive"); } goto fail; } } /* handle empty list */ if (len == 0) { if (!(ans = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Zeros(1, &minlength, type, 0))){ goto fail; } Py_DECREF(lst); return (PyObject *)ans; } numbers = (npy_intp *) PyArray_DATA(lst); minmax(numbers, len, &mn, &mx); if (mn < 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "The first argument of bincount must be non-negative"); goto fail; } ans_size = mx + 1; if (mlength != Py_None) { if (ans_size < minlength) { ans_size = minlength; } } if (weight == Py_None) { ans = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Zeros(1, &ans_size, type, 0); if (ans == NULL) { goto fail; } ians = (npy_intp *)(PyArray_DATA(ans)); NPY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) ians[numbers[i]] += 1; NPY_END_ALLOW_THREADS; Py_DECREF(lst); } else { wts = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny( weight, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if (wts == NULL) { goto fail; } weights = (double *)PyArray_DATA (wts); if (PyArray_SIZE(wts) != len) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "The weights and list don't have the same length."); goto fail; } type = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_DOUBLE); ans = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Zeros(1, &ans_size, type, 0); if (ans == NULL) { goto fail; } dans = (double *)PyArray_DATA(ans); NPY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { dans[numbers[i]] += weights[i]; } NPY_END_ALLOW_THREADS; Py_DECREF(lst); Py_DECREF(wts); } return (PyObject *)ans; fail: Py_XDECREF(lst); Py_XDECREF(wts); Py_XDECREF(ans); return NULL; }
NPY_NO_EXPORT PyObject * arr_interp(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict) { PyObject *fp, *xp, *x; PyObject *left = NULL, *right = NULL; PyArrayObject *afp = NULL, *axp = NULL, *ax = NULL, *af = NULL; npy_intp i, lenx, lenxp; npy_double lval, rval; const npy_double *dy, *dx, *dz; npy_double *dres, *slopes = NULL; static char *kwlist[] = {"x", "xp", "fp", "left", "right", NULL}; NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "OOO|OO", kwlist, &x, &xp, &fp, &left, &right)) { return NULL; } afp = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(fp, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if (afp == NULL) { return NULL; } axp = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(xp, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1); if (axp == NULL) { goto fail; } ax = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(x, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 0); if (ax == NULL) { goto fail; } lenxp = PyArray_SIZE(axp); if (lenxp == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "array of sample points is empty"); goto fail; } if (PyArray_SIZE(afp) != lenxp) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "fp and xp are not of the same length."); goto fail; } af = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(PyArray_NDIM(ax), PyArray_DIMS(ax), NPY_DOUBLE); if (af == NULL) { goto fail; } lenx = PyArray_SIZE(ax); dy = (const npy_double *)PyArray_DATA(afp); dx = (const npy_double *)PyArray_DATA(axp); dz = (const npy_double *)PyArray_DATA(ax); dres = (npy_double *)PyArray_DATA(af); /* Get left and right fill values. */ if ((left == NULL) || (left == Py_None)) { lval = dy[0]; } else { lval = PyFloat_AsDouble(left); if ((lval == -1) && PyErr_Occurred()) { goto fail; } } if ((right == NULL) || (right == Py_None)) { rval = dy[lenxp - 1]; } else { rval = PyFloat_AsDouble(right); if ((rval == -1) && PyErr_Occurred()) { goto fail; } } /* binary_search_with_guess needs at least a 3 item long array */ if (lenxp == 1) { const npy_double xp_val = dx[0]; const npy_double fp_val = dy[0]; NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_THRESHOLDED(lenx); for (i = 0; i < lenx; ++i) { const npy_double x_val = dz[i]; dres[i] = (x_val < xp_val) ? lval : ((x_val > xp_val) ? rval : fp_val); } NPY_END_THREADS; } else { npy_intp j = 0; /* only pre-calculate slopes if there are relatively few of them. */ if (lenxp <= lenx) { slopes = PyArray_malloc((lenxp - 1) * sizeof(npy_double)); if (slopes == NULL) { goto fail; } } NPY_BEGIN_THREADS; if (slopes != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < lenxp - 1; ++i) { slopes[i] = (dy[i+1] - dy[i]) / (dx[i+1] - dx[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < lenx; ++i) { const npy_double x_val = dz[i]; if (npy_isnan(x_val)) { dres[i] = x_val; continue; } j = binary_search_with_guess(x_val, dx, lenxp, j); if (j == -1) { dres[i] = lval; } else if (j == lenxp) { dres[i] = rval; } else if (j == lenxp - 1) { dres[i] = dy[j]; } else { const npy_double slope = (slopes != NULL) ? slopes[j] : (dy[j+1] - dy[j]) / (dx[j+1] - dx[j]); dres[i] = slope*(x_val - dx[j]) + dy[j]; } } NPY_END_THREADS; } PyArray_free(slopes); Py_DECREF(afp); Py_DECREF(axp); Py_DECREF(ax); return (PyObject *)af; fail: Py_XDECREF(afp); Py_XDECREF(axp); Py_XDECREF(ax); Py_XDECREF(af); return NULL; }
/*@null@*/ static PyObject* Wcs_all_pix2world( Wcs* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { int naxis = 2; PyObject* pixcrd_obj = NULL; int origin = 1; PyArrayObject* pixcrd = NULL; PyArrayObject* world = NULL; int status = -1; const char* keywords[] = { "pixcrd", "origin", NULL }; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords( args, kwds, "Oi:all_pix2world", (char **)keywords, &pixcrd_obj, &origin)) { return NULL; } naxis = self->x.wcs->naxis; pixcrd = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(pixcrd_obj, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if (pixcrd == NULL) { return NULL; } if (PyArray_DIM(pixcrd, 1) < naxis) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_RuntimeError, "Input array must be 2-dimensional, where the second dimension >= %d", naxis); goto exit; } world = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, PyArray_DIMS(pixcrd), PyArray_DOUBLE); if (world == NULL) { goto exit; } /* Make the call */ Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS preoffset_array(pixcrd, origin); wcsprm_python2c(self->x.wcs); status = pipeline_all_pixel2world(&self->x, (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(pixcrd, 0), (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(pixcrd, 1), (double*)PyArray_DATA(pixcrd), (double*)PyArray_DATA(world)); wcsprm_c2python(self->x.wcs); unoffset_array(pixcrd, origin); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS /* unoffset_array(world, origin); */ exit: Py_XDECREF(pixcrd); if (status == 0 || status == 8) { return (PyObject*)world; } else if (status == -1) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "Wrong number of dimensions in input array. Expected 2."); return NULL; } else { Py_DECREF(world); if (status == -1) { /* exception already set */ return NULL; } else { wcserr_to_python_exc(self->x.err); return NULL; } } }
/*@null@*/ static PyObject* Wcs_det2im( Wcs* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { PyObject* detcrd_obj = NULL; int origin = 1; PyArrayObject* detcrd = NULL; PyArrayObject* imcrd = NULL; int status = -1; const char* keywords[] = { "detcrd", "origin", NULL }; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "Oi:det2im", (char **)keywords, &detcrd_obj, &origin)) { return NULL; } if (self->x.det2im[0] == NULL && self->x.det2im[1] == NULL) { Py_INCREF(detcrd_obj); return detcrd_obj; } detcrd = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(detcrd_obj, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if (detcrd == NULL) { return NULL; } if (PyArray_DIM(detcrd, 1) != NAXES) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Pixel array must be an Nx2 array"); goto exit; } imcrd = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, PyArray_DIMS(detcrd), PyArray_DOUBLE); if (imcrd == NULL) { status = 2; goto exit; } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS preoffset_array(detcrd, origin); status = p4_pix2foc(2, (void *)self->x.det2im, (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(detcrd, 0), (double*)PyArray_DATA(detcrd), (double*)PyArray_DATA(imcrd)); unoffset_array(detcrd, origin); unoffset_array(imcrd, origin); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS exit: Py_XDECREF(detcrd); if (status == 0) { return (PyObject*)imcrd; } else { Py_XDECREF(imcrd); if (status == -1) { /* Exception already set */ return NULL; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "NULL pointer passed"); return NULL; } } }
/*NUMPY_API * ArgMax */ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyObject * PyArray_ArgMax(PyArrayObject *op, int axis, PyArrayObject *out) { PyArrayObject *ap = NULL, *rp = NULL; PyArray_ArgFunc* arg_func; char *ip; intp *rptr; intp i, n, m; int elsize; int copyret = 0; NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF; if ((ap=(PyAO *)_check_axis(op, &axis, 0)) == NULL) { return NULL; } /* * We need to permute the array so that axis is placed at the end. * And all other dimensions are shifted left. */ if (axis != ap->nd-1) { PyArray_Dims newaxes; intp dims[MAX_DIMS]; int i; newaxes.ptr = dims; newaxes.len = ap->nd; for (i = 0; i < axis; i++) dims[i] = i; for (i = axis; i < ap->nd - 1; i++) dims[i] = i + 1; dims[ap->nd - 1] = axis; op = (PyAO *)PyArray_Transpose(ap, &newaxes); Py_DECREF(ap); if (op == NULL) { return NULL; } } else { op = ap; } /* Will get native-byte order contiguous copy. */ ap = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny((PyObject *)op, op->descr->type_num, 1, 0); Py_DECREF(op); if (ap == NULL) { return NULL; } arg_func = ap->descr->f->argmax; if (arg_func == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data type not ordered"); goto fail; } elsize = ap->descr->elsize; m = ap->dimensions[ap->nd-1]; if (m == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "attempt to get argmax/argmin "\ "of an empty sequence"); goto fail; } if (!out) { rp = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_New(ap->ob_type, ap->nd-1, ap->dimensions, PyArray_INTP, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, (PyObject *)ap); if (rp == NULL) { goto fail; } } else { if (PyArray_SIZE(out) != PyArray_MultiplyList(ap->dimensions, ap->nd - 1)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "invalid shape for output array."); } rp = (PyArrayObject *)\ PyArray_FromArray(out, PyArray_DescrFromType(PyArray_INTP), NPY_CARRAY | NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY); if (rp == NULL) { goto fail; } if (rp != out) { copyret = 1; } } NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DESCR(ap->descr); n = PyArray_SIZE(ap)/m; rptr = (intp *)rp->data; for (ip = ap->data, i = 0; i < n; i++, ip += elsize*m) { arg_func(ip, m, rptr, ap); rptr += 1; } NPY_END_THREADS_DESCR(ap->descr); Py_DECREF(ap); if (copyret) { PyArrayObject *obj; obj = (PyArrayObject *)rp->base; Py_INCREF(obj); Py_DECREF(rp); rp = obj; } return (PyObject *)rp; fail: Py_DECREF(ap); Py_XDECREF(rp); return NULL; }
static PyObject * PyACME_apply_weights(PyObject *self,PyObject *args) { PyObject *row_obj,*col_obj,*S_obj,*fracb_obj,*data_obj; PyArrayObject *row=NULL,*col=NULL,*S=NULL,*fracb=NULL,*dest_field=NULL,*data=NULL; double *S_vals,*fracb_vals; int *row_vals,*col_vals; char type; void *data_vals; double *out; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OOOOO",&data_obj,&S_obj,&row_obj,&col_obj,&fracb_obj)) return NULL; S =(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(S_obj,NPY_FLOAT64,1,1); col =(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(col_obj,NPY_INT32,1,1); row =(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(row_obj,NPY_INT32,1,1); data =(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(data_obj,NPY_NOTYPE,1,0); fracb =(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(fracb_obj,NPY_FLOAT64,1,1); type = data->descr->type; int nindep=1; int i,j; for (i=0;i<data->nd-1;i++) { nindep*=data->dimensions[i]; } /* Construct dest array */ int n1 = data->dimensions[data->nd-1]; int n2 = fracb->dimensions[0]; npy_intp newdims[2]; newdims[0]=nindep; newdims[1] = n2; out=malloc(newdims[0]*newdims[1]*sizeof(double)); #pragma omp parallel for for (j=0;j<newdims[0]*newdims[1];j++) { out[j]=0; } dest_field = PyArray_SimpleNew(2,newdims,NPY_DOUBLE); S_vals = (double *)S->data; row_vals = (int *) row->data; col_vals = (int *) col->data; data_vals = (void *) data->data; fracb_vals = (double *) fracb->data; #pragma omp parallel for private(j) for (i=0;i<nindep;i++) { if (type=='d') { for (j=0;j<S->dimensions[0];j++) { out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] = out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] + S_vals[j]*((double *)data_vals)[i*n1+col_vals[j]]; } } else if (type=='f') { for (j=0;j<S->dimensions[0];j++) { out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] = out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] + S_vals[j]*((float *)data_vals)[i*n1+col_vals[j]]; } } else if (type=='i') { for (j=0;j<S->dimensions[0];j++) { out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] = out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] + S_vals[j]*((int *)data_vals)[i*n1+col_vals[j]]; } } else if (type=='l') { for (j=0;j<S->dimensions[0];j++) { out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] = out[i*n2+row_vals[j]] + S_vals[j]*((long *)data_vals)[i*n1+col_vals[j]]; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"unsupported type: %c\n" , type); } for (j=0;j<n2;j++) { if (fracb_vals[j]>0.) out[i*n2+j]=out[i*n2+j]/fracb_vals[j]; } } dest_field->data=out; return Py_BuildValue("N",dest_field); }
/*@null@*/ static PyObject* Wcs_pix2foc( Wcs* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { PyObject* pixcrd_obj = NULL; int origin = 1; PyArrayObject* pixcrd = NULL; PyArrayObject* foccrd = NULL; int status = -1; const char* keywords[] = { "pixcrd", "origin", NULL }; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "Oi:pix2foc", (char **)keywords, &pixcrd_obj, &origin)) { return NULL; } pixcrd = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(pixcrd_obj, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2); if (pixcrd == NULL) { return NULL; } if (PyArray_DIM(pixcrd, 1) != NAXES) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Pixel array must be an Nx2 array"); goto _exit; } foccrd = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, PyArray_DIMS(pixcrd), PyArray_DOUBLE); if (foccrd == NULL) { goto _exit; } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS preoffset_array(pixcrd, origin); status = pipeline_pix2foc(&self->x, (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(pixcrd, 0), (unsigned int)PyArray_DIM(pixcrd, 1), (double*)PyArray_DATA(pixcrd), (double*)PyArray_DATA(foccrd)); unoffset_array(pixcrd, origin); unoffset_array(foccrd, origin); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS _exit: Py_XDECREF(pixcrd); if (status == 0) { return (PyObject*)foccrd; } else { Py_XDECREF(foccrd); if (status == -1) { /* Exception already set */ return NULL; } else { wcserr_to_python_exc(self->x.err); return NULL; } } }