bool DisplayManager::initialize() { QLOG_INFO() << QString("DisplayManager found %1 Display(s).").arg(displays.size()); // list video modes foreach(int displayid, displays.keys()) { DMDisplayPtr display = displays[displayid]; QLOG_INFO() << QString("Available modes for Display #%1 (%2)").arg(displayid).arg(display->name); for (int modeid = 0; modeid < display->videoModes.size(); modeid++) { DMVideoModePtr mode = display->videoModes[modeid]; QLOG_INFO() << QString("Mode %1: %2").arg(modeid, 2).arg(mode->getPrettyName()); } } // Log current display mode int mainDisplay = getMainDisplay(); if (mainDisplay >= 0) { int currentMode = getCurrentDisplayMode(mainDisplay); if (currentMode >= 0) QLOG_INFO() << QString("DisplayManager : Current Display Mode on Display #%1 is %2") .arg(mainDisplay) .arg(displays[mainDisplay]->videoModes[currentMode]->getPrettyName()); else QLOG_ERROR() << "DisplayManager : unable to retrieve current video mode"; } else QLOG_ERROR() << "DisplayManager : unable to retrieve main display"; return true; }
void OcNetwork::slotAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkReply* rep, QAuthenticator *authenticator) { QVariantMap account = config.getAccount(); #ifdef QT_DEBUG qDebug() << "Account: " << account; qDebug() << "Current user: "******"Current password: "******"state"].toInt() == 0) { if (authenticator->user().isEmpty() && authenticator->password().isEmpty()) { authenticator->setUser(account["uname"].toString()); authenticator->setPassword(account["pword"].toString()); } else { if ((authenticator->user() != account["uname"].toString()) || (authenticator->password() != account["pword"].toString() )) { authenticator->setUser(account["uname"].toString()); authenticator->setPassword(account["pword"].toString()); } else { rep->abort(); QLOG_ERROR() << "Network: Abort authentication"; } } } else { rep->abort(); QLOG_ERROR() << "Network: Abort authentication, account state: " << account["state"].toInt(); } }
//******************************************************************* // Every time we add a new object, we call this to get its unique // local ID. This number never changes //******************************************************************* qint32 ConfigStore::incrementLidCounter() { QSqlQuery sql; // Prepare the SQL statement & fetch the row sql.prepare("Select value from ConfigStore where key=:key"); sql.bindValue(":key", CONFIG_STORE_LID); if (!sql.exec()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Fetch of ConfigStore LID counter statement failed: " << sql.lastError(); } if (! { QLOG_ERROR() << "LID NOT FOUND!!!"; } else { // Now that we have the next lid, increment the number & save it qint32 sequence = QVariant(sql.value(0)).toInt(); sequence++; sql.prepare("Update ConfigStore set value=:lid where key=:key;"); sql.bindValue(":lid",sequence); sql.bindValue(":key", CONFIG_STORE_LID); if (!sql.exec()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Error updating sequence number: " << sql.lastError(); } // Return the next lid to the caller return sequence; } return -1; }
void BuyoutManager::Deserialize(const std::string &data, std::map<std::string, Buyout> *buyouts) { buyouts->clear(); // if data is empty (on first use) we shouldn't make user panic by showing ERROR messages if (data.empty()) return; rapidjson::Document doc; if (doc.Parse(data.c_str()).HasParseError()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Error while parsing buyouts."; QLOG_ERROR() << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(doc.GetParseError()); return; } if (!doc.IsObject()) return; for (auto itr = doc.MemberBegin(); itr != doc.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { auto &object = itr->value; const std::string &name = itr->name.GetString(); Buyout bo; bo.currency = Currency::FromTag(object["currency"].GetString()); bo.type = Buyout::TagAsBuyoutType(object["type"].GetString()); bo.value = object["value"].GetDouble(); if (object.HasMember("last_update")){ bo.last_update = QDateTime::fromTime_t(object["last_update"].GetInt()); } if (object.HasMember("source")){ bo.source = Buyout::TagAsBuyoutSource(object["source"].GetString()); } bo.inherited = false; if (object.HasMember("inherited")) bo.inherited = object["inherited"].GetBool(); (*buyouts)[name] = bo; } }
// Update the database's user record void UserTable::updateSyncState(SyncState s) { NSqlQuery query(*db); query.prepare("Delete from UserTable where key=:key1 or key=:key2 or key=:key3;"); query.bindValue(":key1", USER_SYNC_UPLOADED); query.bindValue(":key2", USER_SYNC_LAST_DATE); query.bindValue(":key3", USER_SYNC_LAST_NUMBER); query.exec(); query.prepare("Insert into UserTable (key, data) values (:key, :data);"); if (s.uploaded.isSet()) { query.bindValue(":key", USER_SYNC_UPLOADED); query.bindValue(":data",qlonglong(s.uploaded)); if (!query.exec()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Error updating USER_SYNC_UPLOADED : " << query.lastError(); } } query.prepare("Insert into UserTable (key, data) values (:key, :data);"); query.bindValue(":key", USER_SYNC_LAST_DATE); query.bindValue(":data", qlonglong(s.currentTime)); if (!query.exec()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Error updating USER_SYNC_LAST_DATE : " << query.lastError(); } query.prepare("Insert into UserTable (key, data) values (:key, :data);"); query.bindValue(":key", USER_SYNC_LAST_NUMBER); query.bindValue(":data", s.updateCount); if (!query.exec()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Error updating USER_SYNC_LAST_NUMBER : " << query.lastError(); } query.finish(); }
QString MediaManager::getMediaHash(const QString &path) { //Hashing QFile file(path); if(! { QLOG_ERROR() << "Unable to read file: " + path; return nullptr; } //Read first 50K of the file QByteArray arr(51200, 0); qint64 toRead = 51200; while(qint64 haveRead =, toRead) < toRead) { if(haveRead < 0) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Unable to read file: " + path; return nullptr; } toRead -= haveRead; } //Hash them hasher->addData(arr); QString rez = hasher->result().toBase64(); QLOG_TRACE() << file.fileName() + ": " + rez; //Reset hasher hasher->reset(); return rez; }
void LoginDialog::OnLeaguesRequestFinished() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(QObject::sender()); QByteArray bytes = reply->readAll(); rapidjson::Document doc; doc.Parse(bytes.constData()); leagues_.clear(); // ignore actual response completely since it's broken anyway (at the moment of writing!) if (true) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to parse leagues. The output was:"; QLOG_ERROR() << QString(bytes); // But let's do our best and try to add at least some leagues! // It's in case GGG's API is broken and suddenly starts returning empty pages, // which of course will never happen. leagues_ = { "Flashback Event (IC001)", "Flashback Event HC (IC002)", "Standard", "Hardcore" }; } else { for (auto &league : doc) leagues_.push_back(league["id"].GetString()); } ui->leagueComboBox->clear(); for (auto &league : leagues_) ui->leagueComboBox->addItem(league.c_str()); ui->leagueComboBox->setEnabled(true); if (saved_league_.size() > 0) ui->leagueComboBox->setCurrentText(saved_league_); }
void Shop::OnEditPageFinished() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(QObject::sender()); QByteArray bytes = reply->readAll(); std::string page(bytes.constData(), bytes.size()); std::string hash = Util::GetCsrfToken(page, "forum_thread"); if (hash.empty()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Can't update shop -- cannot extract CSRF token from the page. Check if thread ID is valid."; submitting_ = false; return; } // now submit our edit // holy shit give me some html parser library please std::string title = Util::FindTextBetween(page, "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" id=\"title\" value=\"", "\" class=\"textInput\">"); if (title.empty()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Can't update shop -- title is empty. Check if thread ID is valid."; submitting_ = false; return; } QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem("forum_thread", hash.c_str()); query.addQueryItem("title", title.c_str()); query.addQueryItem("content", requests_completed_ < shop_data_.size() ? shop_data_[requests_completed_].c_str() : "Empty"); query.addQueryItem("submit", "Submit"); QByteArray data(query.query().toUtf8()); QNetworkRequest request((QUrl(ShopEditUrl(requests_completed_).c_str()))); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); QNetworkReply *submitted = app_.logged_in_nm().post(request, data); new QReplyTimeout(submitted, kEditThreadTimeout); connect(submitted, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(OnShopSubmitted())); }
void ItemsManagerWorker::Init() { items_.clear(); std::string items = data_manager_.Get("items"); if (items.size() != 0) { rapidjson::Document doc; doc.Parse(items.c_str()); for (auto item = doc.Begin(); item != doc.End(); ++item) items_.push_back(std::make_shared<Item>(*item)); } tabs_.clear(); std::string tabs = data_manager_.Get("tabs"); if (tabs.size() != 0) { rapidjson::Document doc; if (doc.Parse(tabs.c_str()).HasParseError()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Malformed tabs data:" << tabs.c_str() << "The error was" << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(doc.GetParseError()); return; } for (auto &tab : doc) { if (!tab.HasMember("n") || !tab["n"].IsString()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Malformed tabs data:" << tabs.c_str() << "Tab doesn't contain its name (field 'n')."; continue; } tabs_.push_back(tab["n"].GetString()); } } emit ItemsRefreshed(items_, tabs_, true); }
void IQmolApplication::initOpenBabel() { QDir dir(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); dir.cdUp(); QString path(dir.absolutePath()); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC // Assumed directory structure: QApplication::addLibraryPath(path + "/Frameworks"); QApplication::addLibraryPath(path + "/PlugIns"); #else // Assumed directory structure: IQmol-xx/bin/IQmol QApplication::addLibraryPath(path + "/lib"); QApplication::addLibraryPath(path + "/lib/plugins"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX return; #endif QString env(qgetenv("BABEL_LIBDIR")); if (env.isEmpty()) { env = path + "/lib/openbabel"; qputenv("BABEL_LIBDIR", env.toAscii()); QLOG_INFO() << "Setting BABEL_LIBDIR = " << env; }else { QLOG_INFO() << "BABEL_LIBDIR already set: " << env; } env = qgetenv("BABEL_DATADIR"); if (env.isEmpty()) { env = path + "/share/openbabel"; qputenv("BABEL_DATADIR", env.toAscii()); QLOG_INFO() << "Setting BABEL_DATADIR = " << env; }else { QLOG_INFO() << "BABEL_DATADIR already set: " << env; } #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QLibrary openBabel("libopenbabel.dll"); #else QLibrary openBabel("openbabel"); #endif if (!openBabel.load()) { QString msg("Could not load library "); msg += openBabel.fileName(); QLOG_ERROR() << msg << " " << openBabel.errorString(); QLOG_ERROR() << "Library Paths:"; QLOG_ERROR() << libraryPaths(); msg += "\n\nPlease ensure the OpenBabel libraries have been installed correctly"; QMsgBox::critical(0, "IQmol", msg); QApplication::quit(); return; } }
bool LegacyUpdate::MergeZipFiles(QuaZip *into, QFileInfo from, QSet<QString> &contained, MetainfAction metainf) { setStatus(tr("Installing mods: Adding ") + from.fileName() + " ..."); QuaZip modZip(from.filePath());; QuaZipFile fileInsideMod(&modZip); QuaZipFile zipOutFile(into); for (bool more = modZip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = modZip.goToNextFile()) { QString filename = modZip.getCurrentFileName(); if (filename.contains("META-INF") && metainf == LegacyUpdate::IgnoreMetainf) { QLOG_INFO() << "Skipping META-INF " << filename << " from " << from.fileName(); continue; } if (contained.contains(filename)) { QLOG_INFO() << "Skipping already contained file " << filename << " from " << from.fileName(); continue; } contained.insert(filename); QLOG_INFO() << "Adding file " << filename << " from " << from.fileName(); if (! { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to open " << filename << " from " << from.fileName(); return false; } /* QuaZipFileInfo old_info; fileInsideMod.getFileInfo(&old_info); */ QuaZipNewInfo info_out(fileInsideMod.getActualFileName()); /* info_out.externalAttr = old_info.externalAttr; */ if (!, info_out)) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to open " << filename << " in the jar"; fileInsideMod.close(); return false; } if (!JlCompress::copyData(fileInsideMod, zipOutFile)) { zipOutFile.close(); fileInsideMod.close(); QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to copy data of " << filename << " into the jar"; return false; } zipOutFile.close(); fileInsideMod.close(); } return true; }
void UpdaterComponent::downloadUpdate(const QVariantMap& updateInfo) { if (isDownloading()) return; QLOG_INFO() << updateInfo; if (!updateInfo.contains("version") || !updateInfo.contains("manifestURL") || !updateInfo.contains("manifestHash") || !updateInfo.contains("fileURL") || !updateInfo.contains("fileHash") || !updateInfo.contains("fileName")) { QLOG_ERROR() << "updateInfo was missing fields required to carry out this action."; return; } m_version = updateInfo["version"].toString(); m_manifest = new Update(updateInfo["manifestURL"].toString(), UpdateManager::GetPath("manifest.xml.bz2", m_version, false), updateInfo["manifestHash"].toString(), this); // determine if we have a manifest (some distros don't like OE) m_hasManifest = ((!m_manifest->m_url.isEmpty()) && (!m_manifest->m_hash.isEmpty())); m_file = new Update(updateInfo["fileURL"].toString(), UpdateManager::GetPath(updateInfo["fileName"].toString(), m_version, true), updateInfo["fileHash"].toString(), this); if (m_hasManifest) connect(m_manifest, &Update::fileDone, this, &UpdaterComponent::fileComplete); connect(m_file, &Update::fileDone, this, &UpdaterComponent::fileComplete); // create directories we need QDir dr(QFileInfo(m_file->m_localPath).dir()); if (!dr.exists()) { if (!dr.mkpath(".")) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to create update directory:" << dr.absolutePath(); emit downloadError("Failed to create download directory"); return; } } // this will first check if the files are done // and in that case emit the done signal. if (fileComplete(NULL)) return; if (!m_manifest->isReady() && m_hasManifest) downloadFile(m_manifest); if (!m_file->isReady()) downloadFile(m_file); }
bool M64BirDevice::connectDevice() { int err; char str[100]; // At this point device should point to a valid usb_device if a M64Bir was attached if( mDevice == NULL ) { QLOG_ERROR() << "No M64BIR device defined: " << usb_strerror(); return false; } // Open the USB device usb_dev_handle *handle = usb_open( mDevice ); err = usb_set_configuration( handle, 1 ); if( err < 0 ) { QLOG_ERROR() << "usb_set_configuration() returned " << usb_strerror(); usb_close( handle ); return false; } err = usb_claim_interface( handle, 0 ); if( err < 0 ) { QLOG_ERROR() << "usb_claim_interface() returned " << usb_strerror(); usb_close( handle ); return false; } mDeviceHandle = handle; // Print device information if( mDevice->descriptor.iManufacturer ) { err = usb_get_string_simple( mDeviceHandle, mDevice->descriptor.iManufacturer, str, sizeof(str) ); if( err > 0 ) { mDeviceManufacturer = str; QLOG_INFO() << "Manufacturer is " << mDeviceManufacturer; } } if( mDevice->descriptor.iProduct ) { err = usb_get_string_simple( mDeviceHandle, mDevice->descriptor.iProduct, str, sizeof(str) ); if( err > 0 ) { mDeviceProductName = str; QLOG_INFO() << "Product is " << mDeviceProductName; } } return true; }
void YggdrasilTask::sslErrors(QList<QSslError> errors) { int i = 1; for (auto error : errors) { QLOG_ERROR() << "LOGIN SSL Error #" << i << " : " << error.errorString(); auto cert = error.certificate(); QLOG_ERROR() << "Certificate in question:\n" << cert.toText(); i++; } }
void OcFeedsModelNew::init() { QLOG_INFO() << "Initializing feeds model"; if (!m_items.isEmpty()) clear(false); QSqlQuery query; int length = 1; QString querystring(QString("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM feeds WHERE folderId = %1").arg(folderId())); if (!query.exec(querystring)) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Feeds mode: failed to select feeds count from database: " << query.lastError().text(); }; length += query.value(0).toInt(); querystring = QString("SELECT %1 AS id, 1 AS type, '%2' AS title, (SELECT localUnreadCount FROM folders WHERE id = %1) AS unreadCount, '' AS iconSource, '' AS iconWidth, '' AS iconHeight ").arg(folderId()).arg(tr("All posts")); if (length > 1) { querystring.append("UNION "); querystring.append(QString("SELECT id, 0 AS type, title, localUnreadCount AS unreadCount, iconSource, iconWidth, iconHeight FROM feeds WHERE folderId = %1 ").arg(folderId())); } querystring.append("ORDER BY type DESC"); if (!query.exec(querystring)) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Feeds mode: failed to select feeds from database: " << query.lastError().text(); } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, length-1); while( { OcFeedObject *fobj = new OcFeedObject(query.value(0).toInt(), query.value(1).toInt(), query.value(2).toString(), query.value(3).toInt(), query.value(4).toString(), query.value(5).toInt(), query.value(6).toInt()); m_items.append(fobj); } endInsertRows(); }
Process* Process::deserialize(QVariant const& qvariant) { QList<QVariant> list(qvariant.toList()); bool ok = (list.size() == 6) && //list[0] is the JobInfo which we test separately list[1].canConvert<int>() && list[2].canConvert<QString>() && list[3].canConvert<QString>() && list[4].canConvert<QString>() && list[5].canConvert<QString>(); if (!ok) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Process deserialization error: Invalid format"; return 0; } JobInfo* jobInfo(JobInfo::deserialize(list[0])); if (!jobInfo) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Process deserialization error: Invalid JobInfo"; return 0; } int s(list[1].toInt(&ok)); Status status; if (0 <= s && s <= Unknown) { status = (Status)s; }else { QLOG_ERROR() << "Process deserialization error: Invalid status"; return 0; } // Now that the JobInfo has loaded, check we have a valid server QString serverName(jobInfo->get(JobInfo::ServerName)); Server* server = ServerRegistry::instance().get(serverName); if (!server) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Process deserialization error: Server " << serverName << " not found "; return 0; } Process* process = new Process(jobInfo); process->m_comment = list[2].toString(); process->m_id = list[3].toString(); process->m_submitTime = list[4].toString(); process->m_runTime = list[5].toString(); process->m_status = status; process->m_timer.reset(Timer::toSeconds(process->m_runTime)); return process; }
void RemoteSubscriber::timelineFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { QLOG_ERROR() << "got error code when sending timeline:" << reply->errorString(); #if 0 if (++m_errors > 10) { QLOG_ERROR() << "More than 10 errors received. Dropping this subscriber"; RemoteComponent::Get()->subscriberRemove(clientIdentifier()); } #endif } }
// OLD format: // void Mod::ReadMCModInfo(QByteArray contents) { auto getInfoFromArray = [&](QJsonArray arr)->void { if (! return; auto firstObj =; m_mod_id = firstObj.value("modid").toString(); m_name = firstObj.value("name").toString(); m_version = firstObj.value("version").toString(); m_homeurl = firstObj.value("url").toString(); m_description = firstObj.value("description").toString(); QJsonArray authors = firstObj.value("authors").toArray(); if (authors.size() == 0) m_authors = ""; else if (authors.size() >= 1) { m_authors =; for (int i = 1; i < authors.size(); i++) { m_authors += ", " +; } } m_credits = firstObj.value("credits").toString(); return; }; QJsonParseError jsonError; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(contents, &jsonError); // this is the very old format that had just the array if (jsonDoc.isArray()) { getInfoFromArray(jsonDoc.array()); } else if (jsonDoc.isObject()) { auto val = jsonDoc.object().value("modinfoversion"); int version = val.toDouble(); if (version != 2) { QLOG_ERROR() << "BAD stuff happened to mod json:"; QLOG_ERROR() << contents; return; } auto arrVal = jsonDoc.object().value("modlist"); if (arrVal.isArray()) { getInfoFromArray(arrVal.toArray()); } } }
QSharedPointer<Tag> Tag::getOrCreate(TagType type, QString &name) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT * FROM " TABLE_Tags " WHERE " KEY_Tag_Type " = ? AND " KEY_Tag_Name " = ?"); query.addBindValue(QVariant((int)type)); query.addBindValue(QVariant(name)); query.exec(); if( return QSharedPointer<Tag>(new Tag(query)); else { Tag *tag = new Tag(type, name); query.prepare("INSERT INTO " TABLE_Tags " (" KEY_Tag_Type ", " KEY_Tag_Name ") VALUES(?, ?)"); query.addBindValue(QVariant((int)type)); query.addBindValue(QVariant(name)); if(!query.exec()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to insert tag: " + query.lastError().text(); return QSharedPointer<Tag>(); } else { tag->setId(query.lastInsertId().toInt()); } return QSharedPointer<Tag>(tag); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); // init the logging mechanism QsLogging::Logger& logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); logger.setLoggingLevel(QsLogging::TraceLevel); const QString sLogPath(QDir(a.applicationDirPath()).filePath("log.txt")); QsLogging::DestinationPtr fileDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeFileDestination(sLogPath) ); QsLogging::DestinationPtr debugDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeDebugOutputDestination() ); logger.addDestination(debugDestination.get()); logger.addDestination(fileDestination.get()); //logger.setLoggingLevel(QsLogging::InfoLevel); QLOG_INFO() << "Program started"; QLOG_INFO() << "Built with Qt" << QT_VERSION_STR << "running on" << qVersion(); QLOG_TRACE() << "Here's a" << QString("trace") << "message"; QLOG_DEBUG() << "Here's a" << static_cast<int>(QsLogging::DebugLevel) << "message"; QLOG_WARN() << "Uh-oh!"; qDebug() << "This message won't be picked up by the logger"; QLOG_ERROR() << "An error has occurred"; qWarning() << "Neither will this one"; QLOG_FATAL() << "Fatal error!"; const int ret = 0; std::cout << std::endl << "Press any key..."; std::cin.get(); QLOG_INFO() << "Program exited with return code" << ret; return ret; }
void ImageThread::errorHandler(QUrl url, int err) { switch (err) { case 202: case 404: if (isImage(url)) { _blackList->add(url.toString()); setCompleted(url.toString(), ""); } else { // If there are still images in the list, wait until they finished (maybe they still exist) // else close immediately if (isDownloadFinished()) { stop(); emit errorMessage("404 - Page not found"); emit closeRequest(this, 404); } else { _closeWhenFinished = true; } } break; case 999: emit errorMessage("You are banned"); break; default: QLOG_ERROR() << "ImageOverview :: Unhandled error (" << url.toString() << "," << err << ")"; break; } }
void ByteArrayDownload::downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { // error happened during download. QLOG_ERROR() << "Error getting URL:" << m_url.toString().toLocal8Bit() << "Network error: " << error; m_status = Job_Failed; }
void BuildEfpFragment::addFragment(QMouseEvent* e) { qDebug() << "Adding EFP fragment with name" << m_name; Data::EfpFragment* data(new Data::EfpFragment(m_name)); if (!data) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to create EFP fragment data in builder:" << m_name; return; } Layer::EfpFragment* efp = new Layer::EfpFragment(*data); qDebug() << "EfpData to go to molecule Data::Bank?"; Vec v(m_viewer->worldCoordinatesOf(e)); Vec c(m_viewer->camera()->position()); efp->setOrientation(Quaternion(Vec(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), c)); efp->setPosition(v); QList<Layer::Primitive*> primitives; primitives << efp; Command::EditPrimitives* cmd(new Command::EditPrimitives("Add EFP fragment", m_molecule)); cmd->add(primitives); m_viewer->postCommand(cmd); m_viewer->addToSelection(efp); m_manipulateOnly = false; }
void OcFeedsModelNew::feedCreated(const QString &name, const int &id) { QSqlQuery query; if (!query.exec(QString("SELECT id, localUnreadCount, iconSource, iconWidth, iconHeight, folderId FROM feeds WHERE id = %1").arg(id))) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Feeds model: failed to select data of newly created feed from database: " << query.lastError().text(); }; if (query.value(5).toInt() == folderId()) { QLOG_INFO() << "Feeds model: adding newly created feed"; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount()); OcFeedObject *fobj = new OcFeedObject(query.value(0).toInt(), 0, name, query.value(1).toInt(), query.value(2).toString(), query.value(3).toInt(), query.value(4).toInt()); m_items.append(fobj); endInsertRows(); queryAndSetTotalUnread(); } }
//*********************************************************** //* This is the main entry point for an import. It is passed //* the file which contains the export data. It then //* opens up the file, checks the validity of the data, and //* then begins to parse through all of the crap. //*********************************************************** void BatchImport::import(QString file) { fileName = file; errorMessage = ""; lastError = 0; QFile xmlFile(fileName); QFile scanFile(fileName); if (! || ! { lastError = 16; errorMessage = "Cannot open file."; return; } reader = new QXmlStreamReader(&xmlFile); while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); QLOG_DEBUG() << reader->name().toString(); if (reader->hasError()) { errorMessage = reader->errorString(); QLOG_ERROR() << "************************* ERROR READING BACKUP " << errorMessage; lastError = 16; return; } if (reader->name().toString().toLower() == "noteadd" && reader->isStartElement()) { addNoteNode(); } } xmlFile.close(); }
bool InputCEC::openAdapter() { bool ret = false; m_lock.lock(); // try to find devices cec_adapter devices[10]; int devicesCount = m_adapter->FindAdapters(devices, 10, NULL); if (devicesCount > 0) { // list devices QLOG_INFO() << "libCEC found" << devicesCount << "CEC adapters."; // open first adapter m_adapterPort = devices[0].comm; if (m_adapter->Open(m_adapterPort.toStdString().c_str())) { QLOG_INFO() << "Device " << devices[0].path << "was successfully openned"; ret = true; } else { QLOG_ERROR() << "Opening device" << devices[0].path << "failed"; ret = false; } } m_lock.unlock(); return ret; }
void DataSelectionScreen::disableItem(QString name) { QString first = name.split(".")[0]; QString second = name.split(".")[1]; QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> items = ui.treeWidget->findItems(second,Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive,0); if (items.size() == 0) { return; } for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { //If the item has no parent, it's a top level item and we ignore it anyway. if (items[i]->parent()) { if (items[i]->parent()->text(0) == first) { if (items[i]->checkState(0) != Qt::Unchecked) { items[i]->setCheckState(0,Qt::Unchecked); m_enabledList.removeOne(name); return; } } } } QLOG_ERROR() << "No item found in DataSelectionScreen:disableItem:" << name; }
int InputCEC::CecLogMessage(void* cbParam, const cec_log_message message) { InputCEC *cec = (InputCEC*)cbParam; switch (message.level) { case CEC_LOG_ERROR: QLOG_ERROR() << "libCEC ERROR:" << message.message; break; case CEC_LOG_WARNING: QLOG_WARN() << "libCEC WARNING:" << message.message; break; case CEC_LOG_NOTICE: QLOG_INFO() << "libCEC NOTICE:" << message.message; break; case CEC_LOG_DEBUG: if (cec->m_verboseLogging) { QLOG_DEBUG() << "libCEC DEBUG:" << message.message; } break; case CEC_LOG_TRAFFIC: break; default: break; } return 0; }
void ParamCompareDialog::populateParamListFromString(QString paramString, QMap<QString, UASParameter*>* list) { QStringList paramSplit = paramString.split("\n"); foreach (QString paramLine, paramSplit) { if (!paramLine.startsWith("#")) { QStringList lineSplit = paramLine.split(","); if (lineSplit.size() == 2) { bool ok; QLOG_DEBUG() << "load param: " << lineSplit[0] << "=" << lineSplit[1]; UASParameter* param = new UASParameter(); param->setName(lineSplit[0]); double value = lineSplit[1].toFloat(&ok); if (ok){ param->setValue(QVariant(value)); } else { QLOG_ERROR() << "Conversion Failure"; param->setValue(QVariant("NaN")); } list->insert(param->name(), param); } } else { QLOG_DEBUG() << "Comment: " << paramLine; } } }
void Shop::SubmitShopToForum(bool force) { if (submitting_) { QLOG_WARN() << "Already submitting your shop."; return; } if (threads_.empty()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Asked to update a shop with no shop ID defined."; return; } if (shop_data_outdated_) Update(); std::string previous_hash ="shop_hash"); // Don't update the shop if it hasn't changed if (previous_hash == shop_hash_ && !force) return; if (threads_.size() < shop_data_.size()) { QLOG_WARN() << "Need" << shop_data_.size() - threads_.size() << "more shops defined to fit all your items."; } requests_completed_ = 0; submitting_ = true; SubmitSingleShop(); }