	// 设置世界朝向
	VOID CSceneNode::SetWorldOrientation(FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z, FLOAT w)
		if (m_pParentNode) {
			// 算法:
			// worldOrientation = localOrientation * parentOrientation
			// localOrientation = worldOrientation * parentOrientationInv

			QUAT parentOrientationInv;
			QuatInverse(&parentOrientationInv, m_pParentNode->GetWorldOrientation());

			QUAT localOrientation;
			QUAT worldOrientation;
			QuatSet(&worldOrientation, x, y, z, w);
			QuatMul(&localOrientation, &worldOrientation, &parentOrientationInv);

			x = localOrientation[0];
			y = localOrientation[1];
			z = localOrientation[2];
			w = localOrientation[3];

		SetLocalOrientation(x, y, z, w);
Vec3 TurretComponent::AbsoluteAnglesToRelativeAngles(const Vec3 absoluteAngles) const {
	quat_t torsoRotation;
	quat_t absoluteRotation;
	quat_t relativeRotation;
	vec3_t relativeAngles;

	AnglesToQuat(TorsoAngles().Data(), torsoRotation);
	AnglesToQuat(absoluteAngles.Data(), absoluteRotation);

	// This is the inverse of RelativeAnglesToAbsoluteAngles. See the comment there for details.
	quat_t inverseTorsoOrientation;
	QuatCopy(torsoRotation, inverseTorsoOrientation);
	QuatMultiply(inverseTorsoOrientation, absoluteRotation, relativeRotation);

	QuatToAngles(relativeRotation, relativeAngles);

	/*turretLogger.Debug("AbsoluteAnglesToRelativeAngles: %s → %s. Torso angles: %s.",
		Utility::Print(absoluteAngles), Utility::Print(Vec3::Load(relativeAngles)), TorsoAngles()

	return Vec3::Load(relativeAngles);
bool AnimDelta::LoadData(clientInfo_t* ci)
	char newModelName[ MAX_QPATH ];
	// special handling for human_(naked|light|medium)
	if ( !Q_stricmp( ci->modelName, "human_naked"   ) ||
		!Q_stricmp( ci->modelName, "human_light"   ) ||
		!Q_stricmp( ci->modelName, "human_medium" ) )
		Q_strncpyz( newModelName, "human_nobsuit_common", sizeof( newModelName ) );
		Q_strncpyz( newModelName, ci->modelName, sizeof( newModelName ) );

	refSkeleton_t base;
	refSkeleton_t delta;
	for ( int i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; ++i )
		int handle = LoadDeltaAnimation( static_cast<weapon_t>( i ), newModelName, ci->iqm );
		if ( !handle ) continue;
		Log::Debug("Loaded delta for %s %s", newModelName, BG_Weapon( i )->humanName);
		trap_R_BuildSkeleton( &delta, handle, 1, 1, 0, false );
		// Derive the delta from the base stand animation.
		trap_R_BuildSkeleton( &base, ci->animations[ TORSO_STAND ].handle, 1, 1, 0, false );
		auto ret = deltas_.insert( std::make_pair( i, std::vector<delta_t>( boneIndicies_.size() ) ) );
		auto& weaponDeltas = ret.first->second;
		for ( size_t j = 0; j < boneIndicies_.size(); ++j )
			VectorSubtract( delta.bones[ boneIndicies_[ j ] ].t.trans, base.bones[ boneIndicies_[ j ] ].t.trans, weaponDeltas[ j ].delta );
			QuatInverse( base.bones[ boneIndicies_[ j ] ].t.rot );
			QuatMultiply( base.bones[ boneIndicies_[ j ] ].t.rot, delta.bones[ boneIndicies_[ j ] ].t.rot, weaponDeltas[ j ].rot );
	return true;