// find a path between two vertices using breadth-first traversal
int findPath(HunterView h, LocationID src, LocationID dest, int *path, int road, int rail, int sea)
	printf("finding path from %d to %d\n",src,dest);
	if(src==dest) {
		printf("trying to get to where you are\n");
		path[1] = dest;
		return 1;
	int tmp_city = src;
	// Temporary store of path_distance for calculations
	int tmp_distance = 0;
	int path_distance = 0;

	// Array of visited cities, if not visited 0, else 1
	int visited[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS] = {0};

	// Stores index of the previous city, default value -1
	int prev[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS] = {[0 ... (NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS-1)] = -1};

	Queue cityQ = newQueue();
	QueueJoin(cityQ, src);

	// While Queue is not empty and the tmp_city is not the destination city (e.g. when path to destination city from src is found)
	while (QueueIsEmpty(cityQ) == 0 && tmp_city != dest) {
		tmp_city = QueueLeave(cityQ);
		int num_locs;
		int *locs = connectedLocations(h->g, &num_locs,tmp_city, whoAmI(h), giveMeTheRound(h),road,rail,sea);
		int i;
		for (i=0;i<num_locs;i++) {
			if (!visited[locs[i]]) {
				QueueJoin(cityQ, locs[i]);
				prev[locs[i]] = tmp_city;
				visited[locs[i]] = 1;

		if (tmp_city == dest) {
			prev[locs[i]] = tmp_city;

			// Calculating size of path
			int index = locs[i];
			while (index != src) {
				index = prev[index];
			// Building path array, storing destination first
			tmp_distance = path_distance-1;
			path[tmp_distance] = dest;

			// Storing rest of array
			index = prev[dest];
			while (tmp_distance >= 0) {
				path[tmp_distance] = index;
				index = prev[index];
	int j;
	for(j=0;j<path_distance;j++) {
	return path_distance;
int shortestPath(Map g, LocationID start, LocationID end, LocationID path[], TransportID trans[])
   // TODO: replace the code by a shortest path algorithm

   // a valid path from London to Paris
   // just to show what kinds of values are in the arrays
   //path[0] = LONDON; trans[0] = ANY;
   //path[1] = PLYMOUTH; trans[1] = ROAD;
   //path[2] = LE_HAVRE; trans[2] = BOAT;
   //path[3] = PARIS; trans[3] = RAIL;
   assert(g != NULL);

   //printf("%d %d\n", start, end);
   int *visited = malloc (g->nV * sizeof(int));
   int *pathway = malloc (g->nV * sizeof(int));
   int i = 0;
   int order = 0;
   while (i < g->nV){
      visited[i] = pathway[i] = -1;
   Queue q = newQueue();
   VList current;
   int isFound = 0;
   //int loop = 0;
   QueueJoin(q, start);
   while (!QueueIsEmpty(q))
      int w = QueueLeave(q);
      //printf("here is w %d %d %d\n", g->nV, w, visited[w]);

      if (visited[w] == -1) 
         visited[w] = order;
         //printf("%d\n", order);

         for (current = g->connections[w]; 
              current != NULL; 
              current = current->next)
            QueueJoin(q, current->v);

            if (pathway[current->v] == -1) {
               pathway[current->v] = w;
               //printf("isFound is %d\n", isFound);

            if (current->v == end)
               isFound = 1;

      } else {

   int distance = -1;
   if (!isFound)
      //printf("It's not found\n");
      path[0] = -1;
   } else {
      //printf("It's found\n");
      int j = end;
      distance = 1;
      while (j != start)
         j = pathway[j];
      //printf("after first\n");
      //printf("count = %d\n", count);
      path[0] = start;
      path[distance-1] = end;
      //printf("%d->%d\n",path[0],path[count] );
      j = end;
      int x = distance;
      i = distance-1;
      while (j != start)
         path[--i] = pathway[j];
         trans[--x] = g->connections[j]->type;
         j = pathway[j];
   return distance;

// road rail and sea are flags, TRUE or FALSE (const)
LocationID * connectedLocations(HunterView currentView, int * numLocations, LocationID from, 
                              PlayerID player, Round round, int road, int rail, int sea) {
	assert(from >= 0);
    int i, j;
    int isConnected[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS];
    int numIsConnected = 0;
    int railTravelLength = (round + player) % 4;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; i++) {
        // long if statement which essentially says:
        // if want road, and connected by road,
        // or want rail, and allowed to use rail, and connected by rail,
        // or want sea, and connected by sea.
        if ((road && (currentView->map[from][i] == ROAD || currentView->map[from][i] == BOTH))
                || (rail && player != PLAYER_DRACULA && railTravelLength > 0 &&
                     (currentView->map[from][i] == RAIL || currentView->map[from][i] == BOTH))
                || (sea && currentView->map[from][i] == SEA)) {
            isConnected[i] = TRUE;
        } else {
            isConnected[i] = FALSE;
    // adds "from" here to avoid being overwritten by above code
    // doing this saves putting extra checks in above code
    if (!isConnected[from]) {
        isConnected[from] = TRUE;
    // BFS for finding rail travel connections
    // if railTravelLength is 1, already checked above to avoid unnecessary BFS
    if (rail && player != PLAYER_DRACULA && railTravelLength > 1) {
        Queue q = newQueue();
        int distance[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS];
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; i++) {
            distance[i] = -1;
        distance[from] = 0;
        QueueJoin(q, from);
        while (!QueueIsEmpty(q)) {
            LocationID l = QueueLeave(q);
            if (distance[l] >= railTravelLength) {
                break; // already searched deep enough
            for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; i++) {
                if (distance[i] == -1 && (currentView->map[l][i] == RAIL || currentView->map[l][i] == BOTH)) {
                    distance[i] = 1 + distance[l];
                    QueueJoin(q, i);
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; i++) {
            if (distance[i] >= 0 && distance[i] <= railTravelLength && !isConnected[i]) {
                isConnected[i] = TRUE;
    // Copy any reached location into new array to return
    LocationID * connections = malloc(sizeof(LocationID) * numIsConnected);
    *numLocations = numIsConnected;
    i = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; j++) {
        if (isConnected[j]) {
            connections[i] = j;
    assert(i == numIsConnected); // will fail if numIsConnected was miscalculated
    return connections;