    bool TileAssembler::calculateTransformedBound(ModelSpawn &spawn)
        std::string modelFilename(iSrcDir);

        ModelPosition modelPosition;
        modelPosition.iDir = spawn.iRot;
        modelPosition.iScale = spawn.iScale;

        FILE* rf = fopen(modelFilename.c_str(), "rb");
        if (!rf)
            printf("ERROR: Can't open model file: %s\n", modelFilename.c_str());
            return false;

        AABox modelBound;
        bool boundEmpty=true;
        char ident[8];

        int readOperation = 1;

        // temporary use defines to simplify read/check code (close file and return at fail)
        #define READ_OR_RETURN(V, S) if (fread((V), (S), 1, rf) != 1) { \
                                        fclose(rf); printf("readfail, op = %i\n", readOperation); return(false); }readOperation++;
        // only use this for array deletes
        #define READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(V, S) if (fread((V), (S), 1, rf) != 1) { \
                                        fclose(rf); printf("readfail, op = %i\n", readOperation); delete[] V; return(false); }readOperation++;

        #define CMP_OR_RETURN(V, S)  if (strcmp((V), (S)) != 0)        { \
                                        fclose(rf); printf("cmpfail, %s!=%s\n", V, S);return(false); }

        READ_OR_RETURN(&ident, 8);
        CMP_OR_RETURN(ident, "VMAP003");

        // we have to read one int. This is needed during the export and we have to skip it here
        uint32 tempNVectors;
        READ_OR_RETURN(&tempNVectors, sizeof(tempNVectors));

        uint32 groups, wmoRootId;
        char blockId[5];
        blockId[4] = 0;
        int blocksize;
        float *vectorarray = 0;

        READ_OR_RETURN(&groups, sizeof(uint32));
        READ_OR_RETURN(&wmoRootId, sizeof(uint32));
        if (groups != 1) printf("Warning: '%s' does not seem to be a M2 model!\n", modelFilename.c_str());

        for (uint32 g=0; g<groups; ++g) // should be only one for M2 files...
            fseek(rf, 3*sizeof(uint32) + 6*sizeof(float), SEEK_CUR);

            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "GRP ");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            fseek(rf, blocksize, SEEK_CUR);

            // ---- indexes
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "INDX");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            fseek(rf, blocksize, SEEK_CUR);

            // ---- vectors
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "VERT");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            uint32 nvectors;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&nvectors, sizeof(uint32));

            if (nvectors >0)
                vectorarray = new float[nvectors*3];
                READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(vectorarray, nvectors*sizeof(float)*3);
                std::cout << "error: model '" << spawn.name << "' has no geometry!" << std::endl;
                return false;

            for (uint32 i=0, indexNo=0; indexNo<nvectors; indexNo++, i+=3)
                Vector3 v = Vector3(vectorarray[i+0], vectorarray[i+1], vectorarray[i+2]);
                v = modelPosition.transform(v);

                if (boundEmpty)
                    modelBound = AABox(v, v), boundEmpty=false;
            delete[] vectorarray;
            // drop of temporary use defines
            #undef READ_OR_RETURN
            #undef READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE
            #undef CMP_OR_RETURN
        spawn.iBound = modelBound + spawn.iPos;
        spawn.flags |= MOD_HAS_BOUND;
        return true;
    bool TileAssembler::convertRawFile(const std::string& pModelFilename)
        bool success = true;
        std::string filename = iSrcDir;
        if (filename.length() >0)
        FILE* rf = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");

        if (!rf)
            printf("ERROR: Can't open model file in form: %s", pModelFilename.c_str());
            printf("...                          or form: %s", filename.c_str() );
            return false;

        char ident[8];

        int readOperation = 1;

        // temporary use defines to simplify read/check code (close file and return at fail)
        #define READ_OR_RETURN(V, S) if (fread((V), (S), 1, rf) != 1) { \
                                        fclose(rf); printf("readfail, op = %i\n", readOperation); return(false); }readOperation++;
        #define READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(V, S) if (fread((V), (S), 1, rf) != 1) { \
                                        fclose(rf); printf("readfail, op = %i\n", readOperation); delete[] V; return(false); }readOperation++;
        #define CMP_OR_RETURN(V, S)  if (strcmp((V), (S)) != 0)        { \
                                        fclose(rf); printf("cmpfail, %s!=%s\n", V, S);return(false); }

        READ_OR_RETURN(&ident, 8);
        CMP_OR_RETURN(ident, "VMAP003");

        // we have to read one int. This is needed during the export and we have to skip it here
        uint32 tempNVectors;
        READ_OR_RETURN(&tempNVectors, sizeof(tempNVectors));

        uint32 groups;
        uint32 RootWMOID;
        char blockId[5];
        blockId[4] = 0;
        int blocksize;

        READ_OR_RETURN(&groups, sizeof(uint32));
        READ_OR_RETURN(&RootWMOID, sizeof(uint32));

        std::vector<GroupModel> groupsArray;

        for (uint32 g=0; g<groups; ++g)
            std::vector<MeshTriangle> triangles;
            std::vector<Vector3> vertexArray;

            uint32 mogpflags, GroupWMOID;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&mogpflags, sizeof(uint32));
            READ_OR_RETURN(&GroupWMOID, sizeof(uint32));

            float bbox1[3], bbox2[3];
            READ_OR_RETURN(bbox1, sizeof(float)*3);
            READ_OR_RETURN(bbox2, sizeof(float)*3);

            uint32 liquidflags;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&liquidflags, sizeof(uint32));

            // will this ever be used? what is it good for anyway??
            uint32 branches;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "GRP ");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            READ_OR_RETURN(&branches, sizeof(uint32));
            for (uint32 b=0; b<branches; ++b)
                uint32 indexes;
                // indexes for each branch (not used jet)
                READ_OR_RETURN(&indexes, sizeof(uint32));

            // ---- indexes
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "INDX");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            uint32 nindexes;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&nindexes, sizeof(uint32));
            if (nindexes >0)
                uint16 *indexarray = new uint16[nindexes];
                READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(indexarray, nindexes*sizeof(uint16));
                for (uint32 i=0; i<nindexes; i+=3)
                    triangles.push_back(MeshTriangle(indexarray[i], indexarray[i+1], indexarray[i+2]));
                delete[] indexarray;

            // ---- vectors
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "VERT");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            uint32 nvectors;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&nvectors, sizeof(uint32));

            if (nvectors >0)
                float *vectorarray = new float[nvectors*3];
                READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(vectorarray, nvectors*sizeof(float)*3);
                for (uint32 i=0; i<nvectors; ++i)
                    vertexArray.push_back( Vector3(vectorarray + 3*i) );
                delete[] vectorarray;
            // ----- liquid
            WmoLiquid* liquid = 0;
            if (liquidflags& 1)
                WMOLiquidHeader hlq;
                READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
                CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "LIQU");
                READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
                READ_OR_RETURN(&hlq, sizeof(WMOLiquidHeader));
                liquid = new WmoLiquid(hlq.xtiles, hlq.ytiles, Vector3(hlq.pos_x, hlq.pos_y, hlq.pos_z), hlq.type);
                uint32 size = hlq.xverts*hlq.yverts;
                READ_OR_RETURN(liquid->GetHeightStorage(), size*sizeof(float));
                size = hlq.xtiles*hlq.ytiles;
                READ_OR_RETURN(liquid->GetFlagsStorage(), size);

            groupsArray.push_back(GroupModel(mogpflags, GroupWMOID, AABox(Vector3(bbox1), Vector3(bbox2))));
            groupsArray.back().setMeshData(vertexArray, triangles);

            // drop of temporary use defines
            #undef READ_OR_RETURN
            #undef READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE
            #undef CMP_OR_RETURN

        // write WorldModel
        WorldModel model;
        if (!groupsArray.empty())

            std::string worldModelFileName(iSrcDir);
            success = model.writeFile(worldModelFileName);

        //std::cout << "readRawFile2: '" << pModelFilename << "' tris: " << nElements << " nodes: " << nNodes << std::endl;
        return success;
    bool GroupModel_Raw::Read(FILE* rf)
        char blockId[5];
        blockId[4] = 0;
        int blocksize;
        int readOperation = 0;

        READ_OR_RETURN(&mogpflags, sizeof(uint32));
        READ_OR_RETURN(&GroupWMOID, sizeof(uint32));

        Vector3 vec1, vec2;
        READ_OR_RETURN(&vec1, sizeof(Vector3));

        READ_OR_RETURN(&vec2, sizeof(Vector3));
        bounds.set(vec1, vec2);

        READ_OR_RETURN(&liquidflags, sizeof(uint32));

        // will this ever be used? what is it good for anyway??
        uint32 branches;
        READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
        CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "GRP ");
        READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
        READ_OR_RETURN(&branches, sizeof(uint32));
        for (uint32 b=0; b<branches; ++b)
            uint32 indexes;
            // indexes for each branch (not used jet)
            READ_OR_RETURN(&indexes, sizeof(uint32));

        // ---- indexes
        READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
        CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "INDX");
        READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
        uint32 nindexes;
        READ_OR_RETURN(&nindexes, sizeof(uint32));
        if (nindexes >0)
            uint16 *indexarray = new uint16[nindexes];
            READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(indexarray, nindexes*sizeof(uint16));
            triangles.reserve(nindexes / 3);
            for (uint32 i=0; i<nindexes; i+=3)
                triangles.push_back(MeshTriangle(indexarray[i], indexarray[i+1], indexarray[i+2]));

            delete[] indexarray;

        // ---- vectors
        READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
        CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "VERT");
        READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
        uint32 nvectors;
        READ_OR_RETURN(&nvectors, sizeof(uint32));

        if (nvectors >0)
            float *vectorarray = new float[nvectors*3];
            READ_OR_RETURN_WITH_DELETE(vectorarray, nvectors*sizeof(float)*3);
            for (uint32 i=0; i<nvectors; ++i)
                vertexArray.push_back( Vector3(vectorarray + 3*i) );

            delete[] vectorarray;
        // ----- liquid
        liquid = 0;
        if (liquidflags& 1)
            WMOLiquidHeader hlq;
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blockId, 4);
            CMP_OR_RETURN(blockId, "LIQU");
            READ_OR_RETURN(&blocksize, sizeof(int));
            READ_OR_RETURN(&hlq, sizeof(WMOLiquidHeader));
            liquid = new WmoLiquid(hlq.xtiles, hlq.ytiles, Vector3(hlq.pos_x, hlq.pos_y, hlq.pos_z), hlq.type);
            uint32 size = hlq.xverts*hlq.yverts;
            READ_OR_RETURN(liquid->GetHeightStorage(), size*sizeof(float));
            size = hlq.xtiles*hlq.ytiles;
            READ_OR_RETURN(liquid->GetFlagsStorage(), size);

        return true;