/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Transmit single byte to the TFT * @param c Character to transmit * @return Transmitted character *****************************************************************************/ int RETARGET_WriteChar(char c) { if ((BSP_RegisterRead(&BC_REGISTER->UIF_AEM) == BC_UIF_AEM_EFM)) { if ((BSP_RegisterRead(&BC_REGISTER->ARB_CTRL) != BC_ARB_CTRL_EBI) || (initialized == false)) { if (initialized) { bufferReset = false; tftReset = true; RETARGET_SerialInit(); } else { bufferReset = true; tftReset = true; RETARGET_SerialInit(); } fullUpdate = true; } } /* Check for form feed - clear screen */ if (c == '\f') { bufferReset = true; tftReset = false; RETARGET_SerialInit(); fullUpdate = true; return c; } /* Add CR or LF to CRLF if enabled */ if (LFtoCRLF && (c == '\n')) { RETARGET_TFTTX('\r'); } RETARGET_TFTTX(c); if (LFtoCRLF && (c == '\r')) { RETARGET_TFTTX('\n'); } /* Update display */ RETARGET_TFTUpdate(fullUpdate); fullUpdate = false; return c; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { int result; /* Initialize DK board register access */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initialize USART and map LF to CRLF */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); printf("\nEFM32LG_DK3650 HardFault handler example\n"); HardFault_TrapDivByZero(); HardFault_TrapUnaligned(); /* Enable one of these function calls */ // result = BadFunctionAccess(); // result = BadFunctionDiv(); result = BadFunctionUnaligned(); printf("ERROR: The fault was not trapped (result=%d)\n", result); while(1); }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { I2C_Init_TypeDef i2cInit = I2C_INIT_DEFAULT; TEMPSENS_Temp_TypeDef temp; /* Define previous temp to invalid, just to ensure update first time */ TEMPSENS_Temp_TypeDef prevTemp = {1000, 0}; int prevShowFahrenheit = showFahrenheit; /* Initialize DK board register access */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initialize TFT */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); printf("\nEFM32 I2C temperature sensor example\n\n"); /* Enable board control interrupts */ BSP_InterruptDisable(0xffff); BSP_InterruptFlagsClear(0xffff); BSP_InterruptEnable(BC_INTEN_JOYSTICK); temperatureIRQInit(); /* Initialize I2C driver, using standard rate. Devices on DK itself */ /* supports fast mode, but in case some slower devices are added on */ /* prototype board, we use standard mode. */ I2CDRV_Init(&i2cInit); /* Main loop - just read temperature and update LCD */ while (1) { if (TEMPSENS_TemperatureGet(I2C0, TEMPSENS_DK_ADDR, &temp) < 0) { printf("ERROR\n"); /* Enter EM2, no wakeup scheduled */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); } /* Update LCD display if any change. This is just an example of how */ /* to save some energy, since the temperature normally is quite static. */ /* The compare overhead is much smaller than actually updating the display. */ if ((prevTemp.i != temp.i) || (prevTemp.f != temp.f) || (prevShowFahrenheit != showFahrenheit)) { temperatureUpdate(&temp); } prevTemp = temp; prevShowFahrenheit = showFahrenheit; /* Read every 2 seconds which is more than it takes worstcase to */ /* finish measurement inside sensor. */ RTCDRV_Trigger(2000, NULL); EMU_EnterEM2(true); } }
int main(void) { /* Chip errata */ CHIP_Init(); /* Enable HFXO */ CMU_ClockSelectSet(cmuClock_HF, cmuSelect_HFXO); /* Enable deboug output over UART */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); /* Enable the segment LCD */ SegmentLCD_Init(false); SegmentLCD_Write("USB"); printf("\nStarting USB Device...\n"); /* Set up GPIO interrupts */ gpioInit(); /* Start USB stack. Callback routines in callbacks.c will be called * when connected to a host. */ USBD_Init(&initstruct);; /* * When using a debugger it is pratical to uncomment the following three * lines to force host to re-enumerate the device. */ /* USBD_Disconnect(); */ /* USBTIMER_DelayMs( 1000 ); */ /* USBD_Connect(); */ while(1) { if ( USBD_SafeToEnterEM2() ) { /* Enter EM2 when in suspend or disconnected */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); } else { /* When USB is active we can sleep in EM1. */ EMU_EnterEM1(); } } }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * main() * * Description : This is the standard entry point for C code. It is assumed that your code will call * main() once you have performed all necessary initialization. * * Argument(s) : none. * * Return(s) : none. ********************************************************************************************************* */ int main(void) { #if (OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0) CPU_INT08U err; #endif /* Disable all interrupts until we are ready to accept * them. */ CPU_IntDis(); /* Chip errata */ CHIP_Init(); /* setup SW0 for energyAware Profiler */ BSP_TraceSwoSetup(); /* Initialize serial port */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); /* Map LF to CRLF */ RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); /* Initialize "uC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel". */ OSInit(); /* Create the start task */ OSTaskCreateExt((void (*)(void *)) App_TaskStart, (void *) 0, (OS_STK *)&App_TaskStartStk[APP_CFG_TASK_START_STK_SIZE - 1], (INT8U ) APP_CFG_TASK_START_PRIO, (INT16U ) APP_CFG_TASK_START_PRIO, (OS_STK *)&App_TaskStartStk[0], (INT32U ) APP_CFG_TASK_START_STK_SIZE, (void *) 0, (INT16U )(OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK | OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CLR)); #if (OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0) OSTaskNameSet(APP_CFG_TASK_START_PRIO, (INT8U *)"Start", &err); #endif /* Start multitasking (i.e. give control to uC/OS-II). */ OSStart(); /* OSStart() never returns, serious error had occured if * code execution reached this point */ while(1) ; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief main - the entrypoint after reset. *****************************************************************************/ int main( void ) { #if !defined(BUSPOWERED) BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* Initialize DK board register access */ /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); #endif CMU_ClockSelectSet( cmuClock_HF, cmuSelect_HFXO ); CMU_OscillatorEnable(cmuOsc_LFXO, true, false); #if !defined(BUSPOWERED) RETARGET_SerialInit(); /* Initialize DK UART port */ RETARGET_SerialCrLf( 1 ); /* Map LF to CRLF */ printf( "\nEFM32 Mass Storage Device example\n" ); #endif if ( !MSDDMEDIA_Init() ) { #if !defined(BUSPOWERED) printf( "\nMedia error !\n" ); #endif EFM_ASSERT( false ); for( ;; ){} } MSDD_Init(gpioPortE, 1); for (;;) { if ( MSDD_Handler() ) { /* There is no pending activity in the MSDD handler. */ /* Enter sleep mode to conserve energy. */ if ( USBD_SafeToEnterEM2() ) EMU_EnterEM2(true); else EMU_EnterEM1(); } } }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Transmit single byte to USART/LEUART * @param c Character to transmit * @return Transmitted character *****************************************************************************/ int RETARGET_WriteChar(char c) { if (initialized == false) { RETARGET_SerialInit(); } /* Add CR or LF to CRLF if enabled */ if (LFtoCRLF && (c == '\n')) { RETARGET_TX(RETARGET_UART, '\r'); } RETARGET_TX(RETARGET_UART, c); if (LFtoCRLF && (c == '\r')) { RETARGET_TX(RETARGET_UART, '\n'); } return c; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Receive a byte from USART/LEUART and put into global buffer * @return -1 on failure, or positive character integer on sucesss *****************************************************************************/ int RETARGET_ReadChar(void) { int c = -1; if (initialized == false) { RETARGET_SerialInit(); } INT_Disable(); if (rxCount > 0) { c = rxBuffer[rxReadIndex]; rxReadIndex++; if (rxReadIndex == RXBUFSIZE) { rxReadIndex = 0; } rxCount--; } INT_Enable(); return c; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { I2C_Init_TypeDef i2cInit = I2C_INIT_DEFAULT; uint8_t data[3]; /* Initialize DK board register access */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initialize TFT */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); printf("\nEFM32 I2C EEPROM example\n\n"); /* Enable board control interrupts */ BSP_InterruptDisable(0xffff); BSP_InterruptFlagsClear(0xffff); BSP_InterruptEnable(BC_INTEN_JOYSTICK); BSP_InterruptEnable(BC_INTEN_PB); eepromtestIRQInit(); /* Initialize I2C driver, using standard rate. Devices on DK itself */ /* supports fast mode, but in case some slower devices are added on */ /* prototype board, we use standard mode. */ I2CDRV_Init(&i2cInit); /* Main loop - just read data and update LCD */ while (1) { /* Should data be reset to factory default? */ if (eepromReset) { eepromReset = false; /* Data changed by user? */ data[0] = 0xFF; data[1] = 0xFF; data[2] = 0xFF; if (EEPROM_Write(I2C0, EEPROM_DVK_ADDR, 0, data, 3) < 0) { printf("RST ERR\n"); /* Enter EM2, no wakeup scheduled */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); } } if (EEPROM_Read(I2C0, EEPROM_DVK_ADDR, 0, data, 3) < 0) { printf("RD ERR\n"); /* Enter EM2, no wakeup scheduled */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); } eepromData = data[0]; eepromtestUpdateLCD(data); /* Just enter EM2 until joystick pressed */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); /* Data changed by user? */ if (eepromData != data[0]) { data[0] = eepromData; data[1] = eepromData + 1; data[2] = eepromData + 2; if (EEPROM_Write(I2C0, EEPROM_DVK_ADDR, 0, data, 3) < 0) { printf("WR ERR\n"); /* Enter EM2, no wakeup scheduled */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); } } } }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * AppTaskStart() * * Description : The startup task. The uC/OS-III ticker should only be initialize once multitasking starts. * * Argument(s) : p_arg Argument passed to 'AppTaskStart()' by 'OSTaskCreate()'. * * Return(s) : none. * * Note(s) : (1) The first line of code is used to prevent a compiler warning because 'p_arg' is not * used. The compiler should not generate any code for this statement. * * (2) Interrupts are enabled once the task starts because the I-bit of the CCR register was * set to 0 by 'OSTaskCreate()'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ static void App_TaskStart(void *p_arg) { uint16_t osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3; OS_ERR err = OS_ERR_NONE; (void)p_arg; /* Note(1) */ /* Initialize BSP functions */ BSPOS_Init(); /* Initialize the uC/OS-III ticker */ OS_CPU_SysTickInit(OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq() / OS_CFG_TICK_RATE_HZ); #if (OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0U) /* Determine CPU capacity */ OSStatInit(); #endif /* Create application tasks */ App_TaskCreate(); /* Create application mailboxes */ App_MailboxCreate(); /* Enable RS232A peripheral */ BSP_PeripheralAccess(BSP_RS232A, true); /* Initialize Serial */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); /* Map LF to CRLF */ RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); /* Initialize LCD */ SegmentLCD_Init(true); /* Turn gecko symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_GECKO, 1); /* Turn EFM32 symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_EFM32, 1); /* Write welcome message on LCD */ SegmentLCD_Write("uC/OS-3"); osVersion3 = OSVersion( &err ); osVersion1 = osVersion3 / 10000; osVersion3 -= osVersion1 * 10000; osVersion2 = osVersion3 / 100; osVersion3 -= osVersion2 * 100; osVersion3 %= 100; /* Write welcome message on serial */ printf("\n*****************************************************************************"); printf("\n uC/OS-III v%d.%02d.%02d on Energy Micro EFM32 DVK ", osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3 ); printf("\n Demo Application \n"); printf("\n uC/OS-III "); printf("\n \"The real time kernel\" "); printf("\n www.micrium.com "); printf("\n\n is running on "); printf("\n\n Energy Micro EFM32 "); printf("\n \"The world's most energy friendly microcontrollers\" "); printf("\n www.energymicro.com \n"); printf("\nDescription:"); printf("\nTask1: LED blink task"); printf("\nTask2: Receives characters from serial and posts message to Task3"); printf("\nTask3: Receives message from Task2 and writes it on LCD and serial "); printf("\n*****************************************************************************\n"); printf("\nStart typing...\n"); /* Suspend this task as it is only used once in one Reset cycle */ OSTaskSuspend(&AppTaskStartTCB, &err); /* Error had occured if code execution reached this point as suspend calls the scheduler * that performs a context switch */ while (1U) ; }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * AppTaskStart() * * Description : The startup task. The uC/OS-II ticker should only be initialize once multitasking starts. * * Argument(s) : p_arg Argument passed to 'AppTaskStart()' by 'OSTaskCreate()'. * * Return(s) : none. * * Note(s) : (1) The first line of code is used to prevent a compiler warning because 'p_arg' is not * used. The compiler should not generate any code for this statement. * * (2) Interrupts are enabled once the task starts because the I-bit of the CCR register was * set to 0 by 'OSTaskCreate()'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ static void App_TaskStart(void *p_arg) { (void)p_arg; /* Note(1) */ uint16_t osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3; /* Initialize BSP functions */ BSPOS_Init(); /* Initialize the uC/OS-II ticker */ OS_CPU_SysTickInit(CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_HFPER)/OS_TICKS_PER_SEC); #if (OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0) /* Determine CPU capacity */ OSStatInit(); #endif /* Create application tasks */ App_TaskCreate(); /* Create application mailboxes */ App_MailboxCreate(); /* Initialize LCD */ SegmentLCD_Init(true); /* Turn gecko symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_GECKO, 1); /* Turn EFM32 symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_EFM32, 1); /* Write welcome message on LCD */ SegmentLCD_Write("uC/OS-2"); /* As USART connectors are not available on the STK by default, * therefore printf() functions are turned off. * Uncomment the macro definition in includes.h if serial * is connected to your STK board (USART1 or LEUART0)! */ #ifdef USART_CONNECTED /* Initialize serial port */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); osVersion3 = OSVersion(); osVersion1 = osVersion3 / 10000; osVersion3 -= osVersion1 * 10000; osVersion2 = osVersion3 / 100; osVersion3 -= osVersion2 * 100; osVersion3 %= 100; /* Write welcome message on serial */ printf("\n*****************************************************************************"); printf("\n uC/OS-II v%d.%02d.%02d on Silicon Labs EFM32WG STK ", osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3 ); printf("\n Demo Application \n"); printf("\n uC/OS-II "); printf("\n \"The real time kernel\" "); printf("\n www.micrium.com "); printf("\n\n is running on "); printf("\n\n Silicon Labs EFM32 "); printf("\n \"The world's most energy friendly microcontrollers\" "); printf("\n www.silabs.com \n"); printf("\nDescription:"); printf("\nTask1: LED blink task"); printf("\nTask2: Receives characters from serial and posts message to Task3"); printf("\nTask3: Receives message from Task2 and writes it on LCD and serial"); printf("\n*****************************************************************************\n"); printf("\nStart typing...\n"); #endif /* end of #ifndef USART_CONNECTED */ /* Suspend this task as it is only used once in one Reset cycle */ OSTaskSuspend(APP_CFG_TASK_START_PRIO); while (1) {/* endless loop of Start task */ ; } }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { int c; MPU_RegionInit_TypeDef flashInit = MPU_INIT_FLASH_DEFAULT; MPU_RegionInit_TypeDef sramInit = MPU_INIT_SRAM_DEFAULT; MPU_RegionInit_TypeDef peripheralInit = MPU_INIT_PERIPHERAL_DEFAULT; /* Chip revision alignment and errata fixes */ CHIP_Init(); /* Initialize DK board register access */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DK_SPI); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Enable printf on RS232 port - this example only supports LEUART */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); printf("\nEFM32 MPU access violation example.\n" "Hit lowercase 'x' to force access violations.\n"); MPU_Disable(); /* Flash memory */ MPU_ConfigureRegion( &flashInit ); /* SRAM */ MPU_ConfigureRegion( &sramInit ); /* SRAM, a 4k part with priviledged only access, this regions settings */ /* will override those of the previous region */ sramInit.regionNo = 2; sramInit.baseAddress = RAM_MEM_BASE + 0x2000; sramInit.size = mpuRegionSize4Kb; sramInit.accessPermission = mpuRegionApPRw; MPU_ConfigureRegion( &sramInit ); /* LEUART, priviledged only access */ peripheralInit.regionNo = 3; peripheralInit.baseAddress = LEUART1_BASE; peripheralInit.size = mpuRegionSize128b; peripheralInit.accessPermission = mpuRegionApPRw; MPU_ConfigureRegion( &peripheralInit ); MPU_Enable( MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFENA ); /* Full access to default memory map */ /* in priviledged state */ while (1) { EMU_EnterEM2(true); /* Retrieve new character */ c = getchar(); if (c > 0) { if ( c == 'x' ) { /* Generate an access violation in LEUART1 peripheral */ __set_CONTROL( 1 ); /* Enter User (unpriviledged) state */ putchar( c ); /* MemManage_Handler() will set back to priviledged state */ /* Generate an access violation in internal SRAM */ __set_CONTROL( 1 ); /* Enter User (unpriviledged) state */ *(volatile uint32_t *)(RAM_MEM_BASE + 0x2000) = 1; /* MemManage_Handler() will set back to priviledged state */ } else { /* Echo character */ putchar(c); } } /* Most terminals issue CR when pressing enter, add LF */ if (c == '\r') { putchar('\n'); } } }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Initialize console I/O redirection. *****************************************************************************/ static void ConsoleDebugInit(void) { RETARGET_SerialInit(); /* Initialize USART */ RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); /* Map LF to CRLF */ }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * main() * * Description : This is the standard entry point for C code. It is assumed that your code will call * main() once you have performed all necessary initialization. * * Argument(s) : none. * * Return(s) : none. ********************************************************************************************************* */ int main(void) { uint16_t osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3; #if (OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0) CPU_INT08U err; #endif /* Disable all interrupts until we are ready to accept * them. */ CPU_IntDis(); /* Chip errata */ CHIP_Init(); /* setup SW0 for energyAware Profiler */ setupSWO(); /* Initialize BSP functions */ BSPOS_Init(); /* Initialize "uC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel". */ OSInit(); /* Initialize the uC/OS-II ticker */ OS_CPU_SysTickInit(CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_HFPER)/OS_TICKS_PER_SEC); #if (OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0) /* Determine CPU capacity */ OSStatInit(); #endif /* Create application tasks */ App_TaskCreate(); /* Create application mailboxes */ App_MailboxCreate(); /* Initialize LCD */ SegmentLCD_Init(true); /* Turn gecko symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_GECKO, 1); /* Turn EFM32 symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_EFM32, 1); /* Write welcome message on LCD */ SegmentLCD_Write("uC/OS-2"); /* As USART connectors are not available on the STK by default, * therefore printf() functions are turned off. * Uncomment the macro definition in includes.h if serial * is connected to your STK board (USART1 or LEUART0)! */ #ifdef USART_CONNECTED /* Initialize */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); osVersion3 = OSVersion(); osVersion1 = osVersion3 / 10000; osVersion3 -= osVersion1 * 10000; osVersion2 = osVersion3 / 100; osVersion3 -= osVersion2 * 100; osVersion3 %= 100; /* Write welcome message on serial */ printf("\n*****************************************************************************"); printf("\n uC/OS-II v%d.%02d.%02d on Silicon Labs EFM32TG STK ", osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3 ); printf("\n Demo Application \n"); printf("\n uC/OS-II "); printf("\n \"The real time kernel\" "); printf("\n www.micrium.com "); printf("\n\n is running on "); printf("\n\n Silicon Labs EFM32 "); printf("\n \"The world's most energy friendly microcontrollers\" "); printf("\n www.silabs.com \n"); printf("\nDescription:"); printf("\nTask1: LED blink task"); printf("\nTask2: Receives characters from serial and posts message to Task3"); printf("\nTask3: Receives message from Task2 and writes it on LCD and serial "); printf("\n*****************************************************************************\n"); printf("\nStart typing...\n"); #endif /* end of #ifndef USART_CONNECTED */ /* Start multitasking (i.e. give control to uC/OS-II). */ OSStart(); /* OSStart() never returns, serious error had occured if * code execution reached this point */ while(1) ; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { uint8_t prod_rev; uint32_t temp; uint32_t temp_offset; /* Initialize DK board register access */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initialize TFT */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); printf("\nEFM32 onchip temperature sensor example\n\n"); CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_HFPER, true); CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_ADC0, true); CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_GPIO, true); /* Enable board control interrupts */ BSP_InterruptDisable(0xffff); BSP_InterruptFlagsClear(0xffff); BSP_InterruptEnable(BC_INTEN_JOYSTICK); temperatureIRQInit(); /* This is a work around for Chip Rev.D Errata, Revision 0.6. */ /* Check for product revision 16 and 17 and set the offset */ /* for ADC0_TEMP_0_READ_1V25. */ prod_rev = (DEVINFO->PART & _DEVINFO_PART_PROD_REV_MASK) >> _DEVINFO_PART_PROD_REV_SHIFT; if( (prod_rev == 16) || (prod_rev == 17) ) { temp_offset = 112; } else { temp_offset = 0; } /* Setup ADC for sampling internal temperature sensor. */ setupSensor(); /* Main loop - just read temperature and update LCD */ while (1) { /* Start one ADC sample */ ADC_Start(ADC0, adcStartSingle); /* Wait in EM1 for ADC to complete */ EMU_EnterEM1(); /* Read sensor value */ /* According to rev. D errata ADC0_TEMP_0_READ_1V25 should be decreased */ /* by the offset but it is the same if ADC reading is increased - */ /* reference manual */ temp = ADC_DataSingleGet(ADC0) + temp_offset; /* Convert ADC sample to Fahrenheit / Celsius and print string to display */ if (showFahrenheit) { printf("%1.1f F\n", convertToFahrenheit(temp)); } else { printf("%1.1f C\n", convertToCelsius(temp)); } /* Sleep for 2 seconds in EM 2 */ RTCDRV_Trigger(2000, NULL); EMU_EnterEM2(true); } }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief Main function *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { int c; int index; /* Initialize DK board register access */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initialize USART and map LF to CRLF */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); #ifdef RETARGET_LEUART1 printf("\nEFM32WG_DK3850 LEUART1 example\n"); #else printf("\nEFM32WG_DK3850 UART1 example\n"); #endif for (index = 0; index < ECHOBUFSIZE; index++) { echoBuffer[index] = (char) 'a' + index; } /* Retrieve characters, print local echo and full line back */ index = 0; while (1) { /* Retrieve new character */ c = getchar(); if (c > 0) { /* Output character - most terminals use CRLF */ if (c == '\r') { echoBuffer[index] = '\0'; /* Output entire line */ printf("\n%s\n", echoBuffer); index = 0; } else { /* Filter non-printable characters */ if ((c < ' ') || (c > '~')) continue; /* Enter into buffer */ echoBuffer[index] = c; index++; if (index == ECHOBUFSIZE) { /* Flush buffer */ index = 0; } /* Local echo */ putchar(c); } } else { #ifdef RETARGET_LEUART1 /* Enter EM2 when idle */ EMU_EnterEM2(true); #else /* Enter EM1 when idle */ EMU_EnterEM1(); #endif } } }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * AppTaskStart() * * Description : The startup task. The uC/OS-III ticker should only be initialize once multitasking starts. * * Argument(s) : p_arg Argument passed to 'AppTaskStart()' by 'OSTaskCreate()'. * * Return(s) : none. * * Note(s) : (1) The first line of code is used to prevent a compiler warning because 'p_arg' is not * used. The compiler should not generate any code for this statement. * * (2) Interrupts are enabled once the task starts because the I-bit of the CCR register was * set to 0 by 'OSTaskCreate()'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ static void App_TaskStart(void *p_arg) { uint16_t osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3; OS_ERR err = OS_ERR_NONE; (void)p_arg; /* Note(1) */ /* Use 48MHZ HFXO as core clock frequency */ CMU_ClockSelectSet(cmuClock_HF, cmuSelect_HFXO); /* Initialize DK board register access */ /* This demo currently only works in EBI mode */ BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DEFAULT); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Initialize the uC/OS-III ticker */ OS_CPU_SysTickInit(CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_CORE) / OS_CFG_TICK_RATE_HZ); #if (OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0U) /* Determine CPU capacity */ OSStatInit(); #endif /* Create application tasks */ App_TaskCreate(); /* Create application mailboxes */ App_MailboxCreate(); UART1_SerialInit(); UART1_SerialCrLf(1); /* Initialize tft serial */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); osVersion3 = OSVersion( &err ); osVersion1 = osVersion3 / 10000; osVersion3 -= osVersion1 * 10000; osVersion2 = osVersion3 / 100; osVersion3 -= osVersion2 * 100; osVersion3 %= 100; printf("\n*************************************"); printf("\n uC/OS-III v%d.%02d.%02d on EFM32 DK ", osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3 ); printf("\n Demo Application \n"); printf("\n uC/OS-III "); printf("\n \"The real time kernel\" "); printf("\n www.micrium.com "); printf("\n is running on "); printf("\n Energy Micro EFM32 "); printf("\n www.energymicro.com \n"); printf("\nDescription:"); printf("\n\nTask1: LED blink task"); printf("\n\nTask2: Receives characters from serial and posts message to Task3"); printf("\n\nTask3: Receives message from Task2 and writes it on screen"); printf("\n\n**************************************\n"); printf("\nStart typing...\n"); /* Suspend this task as it is only used once in one Reset cycle */ OSTaskSuspend(&AppTaskStartTCB, &err); /* Error had occured if code execution reached this point as suspend calls the scheduler * that performs a context switch */ while (1U) ; }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * AppTaskStart() * * Description : The startup task. The uC/OS-II ticker should only be initialize once multitasking starts. * * Argument(s) : p_arg Argument passed to 'AppTaskStart()' by 'OSTaskCreate()'. * * Return(s) : none. * * Note(s) : (1) The first line of code is used to prevent a compiler warning because 'p_arg' is not * used. The compiler should not generate any code for this statement. * * (2) Interrupts are enabled once the task starts because the I-bit of the CCR register was * set to 0 by 'OSTaskCreate()'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ static void App_TaskStart(void *p_arg) { (void)p_arg; /* Note(1) */ uint16_t osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3; /* Initialize BSP functions */ BSPOS_Init(); /* Initialize the uC/OS-II ticker */ OS_CPU_SysTickInit(CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_HFPER)/OS_TICKS_PER_SEC); #if (OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0) /* Determine CPU capacity */ OSStatInit(); #endif /* Create application tasks */ App_TaskCreate(); /* Create application mailboxes */ App_MailboxCreate(); /* Enable RS232A peripheral */ BSP_PeripheralAccess(BSP_RS232_UART, true); /* Initialize serial port */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); /* Map LF to CRLF */ RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); /* Initialize LCD */ SegmentLCD_Init(true); /* Turn gecko symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_GECKO, 1); /* Turn EFM32 symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_EFM32, 1); /* Write welcome message on LCD */ SegmentLCD_Write("uC/OS-2"); osVersion3 = OSVersion(); osVersion1 = osVersion3 / 10000; osVersion3 -= osVersion1 * 10000; osVersion2 = osVersion3 / 100; osVersion3 -= osVersion2 * 100; osVersion3 %= 100; /* Write welcome message on serial */ printf("\n*****************************************************************************"); printf("\n uC/OS-II v%d.%02d.%02d on Silicon Labs EFM32G_DK3550 ", osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3 ); printf("\n Demo Application \n"); printf("\n uC/OS-II "); printf("\n \"The real time kernel\" "); printf("\n www.micrium.com "); printf("\n\n is running on "); printf("\n\n Silicon Labs EFM32 "); printf("\n \"The world's most energy friendly microcontrollers\" "); printf("\n www.silabs.com \n"); printf("\nDescription:"); printf("\nTask1: LED blink task"); printf("\nTask2: Receives characters from serial and posts message to Task3"); printf("\nTask3: Receives message from Task2 and writes it on LCD and serial."); printf("\n*****************************************************************************\n"); printf("\nStart typing...\n"); /* Suspend this task as it is only used once in one Reset cycle */ OSTaskSuspend(APP_CFG_TASK_START_PRIO); while (1) {/* endless loop of Start task */ ; } }
/**************************************************************************//** * The main entry point. *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { int msElapsed, i; /* Set new vector table pointer */ SCB->VTOR = 0x20000000; /* Enable peripheral clocks. */ CMU->HFPERCLKDIV = CMU_HFPERCLKDIV_HFPERCLKEN; CMU->HFPERCLKEN0 = CMU_HFPERCLKEN0_GPIO | BOOTLOADER_USART_CLOCK | AUTOBAUD_TIMER_CLOCK ; /* Enable DMA interface */ CMU->HFCORECLKEN0 = CMU_HFCORECLKEN0_DMA; #if defined( BL_DEBUG ) RETARGET_SerialInit(); /* Setup debug serialport etc. */ USB_PUTS( "EFM32 USB/USART0 bootloader\r\n" ); #endif /* Calculate CRC16 for the bootloader itself and the Device Information page. */ /* This is used for production testing and can safely be omitted in */ /* your own code. */ bootloaderCRC = CRC_calc((void *) 0x0, (void *) BOOTLOADER_SIZE); bootloaderCRC |= CRC_calc((void *) 0x0FE081B2, (void *) 0x0FE08200) << 16; StartRTC(); #if !defined( SIMULATE_SWDCLK_PIN_HI ) while ( SWDCLK_PIN_IS_LO() ) { USB_PUTS( "SWDCLK is low\r\n" ); if ( BOOT_checkFirmwareIsValid() ) { USB_PUTS( "Booting application\r\n " ); BOOT_boot(); } else { USB_PUTS( "No valid application, resetting EFM32... \r\n" ); /* Go to EM2 and wait for RTC wakeup. */ EMU_EnterEM2( false ); } } #endif NVIC_DisableIRQ( RTC_IRQn ); /* Try to start HFXO. */ CMU_OscillatorEnable( cmuOsc_HFXO, true, false ); /* Wait approx. 1 second to see if HFXO starts. */ i = 1500000; while ( i && !( CMU->STATUS & CMU_STATUS_HFXORDY ) ) { i--; } USBTIMER_Init(); if ( i == 0 ) { CMU_HFRCOBandSet( cmuHFRCOBand_28MHz ); } else { CMU_ClockSelectSet( cmuClock_HF, cmuSelect_HFXO ); USBD_Init( &initstruct ); /* Start USB CDC functionality */ } AUTOBAUD_start(); /* Start autobaud */ /* Wait 30 seconds for USART or USB connection */ msElapsed = 0; while ( msElapsed < 30000 ) { if ( AUTOBAUD_completed() ) break; if ( CDC_Configured ) { BOOTLDIO_setMode( CDC_Configured ); break; } USBTIMER_DelayMs( 100 ); msElapsed += 100; } AUTOBAUD_stop(); if ( msElapsed >= 30000 ) { USB_PUTS( "USART0/USB timeout, resetting EFM32...\r\n " ); Disconnect( 0, 2000 ); SCB->AIRCR = 0x05FA0004; /* Reset EFM32. */ } /* Print a message to show that we are in bootloader mode */ BOOTLDIO_printString("\r\n\r\n" BOOTLOADER_VERSION_STRING ); /* Print the chip ID. This is useful for production tracking */ BOOTLDIO_printHex(DEVINFO->UNIQUEH); BOOTLDIO_printHex(DEVINFO->UNIQUEL); BOOTLDIO_printString("\r\n"); /* Figure out correct flash geometry. */ FLASH_CalcPageSize(); /* Initialize flash for writing */ FLASH_init(); /* Start executing command line */ commandlineLoop(); }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * AppTaskStart() * * Description : The startup task. The uC/OS-III ticker should only be initialize once multitasking starts. * * Argument(s) : p_arg Argument passed to 'AppTaskStart()' by 'OSTaskCreate()'. * * Return(s) : none. * * Note(s) : (1) The first line of code is used to prevent a compiler warning because 'p_arg' is not * used. The compiler should not generate any code for this statement. * * (2) Interrupts are enabled once the task starts because the I-bit of the CCR register was * set to 0 by 'OSTaskCreate()'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ static void App_TaskStart(void *p_arg) { uint16_t osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3; OS_ERR err = OS_ERR_NONE; (void)p_arg; /* Note(1) */ /* Initialize BSP functions */ BSPOS_Init(); /* Initialize the uC/OS-III ticker */ OS_CPU_SysTickInit(OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq() / OS_CFG_TICK_RATE_HZ); #if (OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0U) /* Determine CPU capacity */ OSStatInit(); #endif /* Create application tasks */ App_TaskCreate(); /* Create application mailboxes */ App_MailboxCreate(); /* Initialize LCD */ SegmentLCD_Init(true); /* Turn gecko symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_GECKO, 1); /* Turn EFM32 symbol ON */ SegmentLCD_Symbol(LCD_SYMBOL_EFM32, 1); /* Write welcome message on LCD */ SegmentLCD_Write("uC/OS-3"); /* As USART connectors are not available on the STK by default, * therefore printf() functions are turned off. * Uncomment the macro definition in includes.h if serial * is connected to your STK board (USART1 or LEUART0)! */ #ifdef USART_CONNECTED /* Initialize serial port */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); osVersion3 = OSVersion( &err ); osVersion1 = osVersion3 / 10000; osVersion3 -= osVersion1 * 10000; osVersion2 = osVersion3 / 100; osVersion3 -= osVersion2 * 100; osVersion3 %= 100; /* Write welcome message on serial */ printf("\n*****************************************************************************"); printf("\n uC/OS-III v%d.%02d.%02d on Energy Micro EFM32 STK ", osVersion1, osVersion2, osVersion3 ); printf("\n Demo Application \n"); printf("\n uC/OS-III "); printf("\n \"The real time kernel\" "); printf("\n www.micrium.com "); printf("\n\n is running on "); printf("\n\n Energy Micro EFM32 "); printf("\n \"The world's most energy friendly microcontrollers\" "); printf("\n www.energymicro.com \n"); printf("\nDescription:"); printf("\nTask1: LED blink task"); printf("\nTask2: Receives characters from serial and posts message to Task3"); printf("\nTask3: Receives message from Task2 and writes it on LCD and serial."); printf("\n*****************************************************************************\n"); printf("\nStart typing...\n"); #endif /* end of #ifndef USART_CONNECTED */ /* Suspend this task as it is only used once in one Reset cycle */ OSTaskSuspend(&AppTaskStartTCB, &err); /* Error had occured if code execution reached this point as suspend calls the scheduler * that performs a context switch */ while (1U) ; }
/**************************************************************************//** * @brief main - the entrypoint after reset. *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { uint32_t time; /* Chip errata */ CHIP_Init(); /* If first word of user data page is non-zero, enable eA Profiler trace */ BSP_TraceProfilerSetup(); /* Select 48MHz clock. */ CMU_ClockSelectSet( cmuClock_HF, cmuSelect_HFXO ); /* Setup EBI for NAND Flash. */ BSP_EbiInit(); /* Enable DWT */ CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; /* Make sure CYCCNT is running */ DWT_CTRL |= 1; /* Initialize USART and map LF to CRLF */ RETARGET_SerialInit(); RETARGET_SerialCrLf(1); printf("\nEFM32GG_STK3700 NAND Flash example\n"); printHelp(); /* Initialize nand flash module, use DMA channel 5. */ NANDFLASH_Init( 5 ); while (1) { getCommand(); /* Get misc. NAND flash info */ if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "fi" ) ) { printf( " NAND flash device information:\n" ); printf( "\n Manufacturer Code : 0x%02X", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->manufacturerCode ); printf( "\n Device Code : 0x%02X", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->deviceCode ); printf( "\n Device size : %ld (%ldMB)", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->deviceSize, NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->deviceSize/1024/1024 ); printf( "\n Page size : %ld", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->pageSize ); printf( "\n Spare size : %ld", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->spareSize ); printf( "\n Block size : %ld", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->blockSize ); putchar( '\n' ); } /* Read a page */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "rp" ) ) { int status; uint32_t pageNum, addr; pageNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); addr = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( pageNum ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr ) ) { printf( " Read page content, page %ld is not a valid page\n", pageNum ); } else { time = DWT_CYCCNT; status = NANDFLASH_ReadPage( addr, buffer[0] ); time = DWT_CYCCNT - time; if ( status == NANDFLASH_STATUS_OK ) { printf( " Read page %ld content, %ld cpu-cycles used\n", pageNum, time ); } else { printf( " Read page error %d, %ld cpu-cycles used\n", status, time ); } dumpPage( addr, buffer[0] ); } } /* Blankcheck a page */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "bp" ) ) { uint32_t pageNum, addr; pageNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); addr = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( pageNum ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr ) ) { printf( " Blankcheck page, page %ld is not a valid page\n", pageNum ); } else { printf( " Blankchecking page %ld\n", pageNum ); if ( blankCheckPage( addr, buffer[0] ) ) { printf( " Page %ld is blank\n", pageNum ); } } } /* Blankcheck entire device */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "bd" ) ) { uint32_t addr; int i, pageSize, pageCount; pageSize = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->pageSize; pageCount = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->deviceSize / pageSize; addr = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->baseAddress; printf( " Blankchecking entire device\n" ); for ( i=0; i<pageCount; i++, addr+=pageSize ) { if ( !blankCheckPage( addr, buffer[0] ) ) { break; } } if ( i == pageCount ) { printf( " Device is blank\n" ); } } /* Check bad-block info */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "bb" ) ) { uint32_t addr; int i, blockSize, blockCount, badBlockCount = 0; blockCount = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->deviceSize / NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->blockSize; blockSize = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->blockSize; addr = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->baseAddress; for ( i=0; i<blockCount; i++, addr+=blockSize ) { NANDFLASH_ReadSpare( addr, buffer[0] ); /* Manufacturer puts bad-block info in byte 6 of the spare area */ /* of the first page in each block. */ if ( buffer[0][NAND_SPARE_BADBLOCK_POS] != 0xFF ) { printf( " ---> Bad-block at address 0x%08lX (block %ld) <---\n", addr, ADDR_2_BLOCKNUM(addr) ); badBlockCount++; } } if ( badBlockCount == 0 ) { printf( " Device has no bad-blocks\n" ); } } /* Write a page */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "wp" ) ) { int i, status; uint32_t pageNum, addr; pageNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); addr = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( pageNum ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr ) ) { printf( " Write page, page %ld is not a valid page\n", pageNum ); } else { printf( " Write page %ld, ", pageNum ); for ( i=0; i<BUF_SIZ; i++ ) { buffer[0][i] = i; } time = DWT_CYCCNT; status = NANDFLASH_WritePage( addr, buffer[0] ); time = DWT_CYCCNT - time; printf( "ecc : 0x%08lX\n", NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->ecc ); if ( status == NANDFLASH_STATUS_OK ) { printf( " Page written OK, %ld cpu-cycles used\n", time ); } else if ( status == NANDFLASH_WRITE_ERROR ) { printf( " Page write failure, bad-block\n" ); } else { printf( " Page write error %d\n", status ); } } } /* Erase a block */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "eb" ) ) { int status; uint32_t blockNum, addr; blockNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); addr = BLOCKNUM_2_ADDR( blockNum ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr ) ) { printf( " Erase block, block %ld is not a valid block\n", blockNum ); } else { printf( " Erase block %ld, ", blockNum ); status = NANDFLASH_EraseBlock( addr ); if ( status == NANDFLASH_STATUS_OK ) { printf( " Block erased OK\n" ); } else if ( status == NANDFLASH_WRITE_ERROR ) { printf( " Block erase failure, bad-block\n" ); } else { printf( " Block erase error %d\n", status ); } } } /* Check ECC algorithm */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "ecc" ) ) { int i, status; uint32_t addr0, addr1, ecc0, ecc1, pageNum; for ( i=0; i<BUF_SIZ; i++ ) { buffer[0][i] = i; buffer[1][i] = i; } pageNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); addr0 = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( pageNum ); addr1 = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( pageNum + 1 ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr0 ) || !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr1 ) ) { printf( " Check ECC algorithm, page %ld or %ld is not a valid page\n", pageNum, pageNum+1 ); } else { printf( " Checking ECC algorithm\n" ); status = NANDFLASH_WritePage( addr0, buffer[0] ); if ( status != NANDFLASH_STATUS_OK ) { printf( " Write in page <n> failed\n" ); } ecc0 = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->ecc; /* Get ECC generated during write*/ /* Patch one bit in the second buffer. */ buffer[1][147] ^= 4; status = NANDFLASH_WritePage( addr1, buffer[1] ); if ( status != NANDFLASH_STATUS_OK ) { printf( " Write in page <n+1> failed\n" ); } ecc1 = NANDFLASH_DeviceInfo()->ecc; /* Get ECC generated during write*/ /* Try to correct the second buffer using ECC from first buffer */ NANDFLASH_EccCorrect( ecc0, ecc1, buffer[1] ); if ( memcmp( buffer[0], buffer[1], BUF_SIZ ) == 0 ) { printf( " ECC correction succeeded\n" ); } else { printf( " ECC correction failed\n" ); } /* Byte 147 (addr 0x93) of page n+1 is now 0x97. */ /* Single step next function call, stop when ECC is read, set the */ /* read ECC to ecc10 (0) and verify that 0x97 is corrected to 0x93! */ NANDFLASH_ReadPage( addr1, buffer[1] ); } } /* Copy a page */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "cp" ) ) { int status; uint32_t dstPageNum, srcPageNum, dstAddr, srcAddr; dstPageNum = strtoul( argv[2], NULL, 0 ); srcPageNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); dstAddr = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( dstPageNum ); srcAddr = PAGENUM_2_ADDR( srcPageNum ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( dstAddr ) || !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( srcAddr ) ) { printf( " Copy page, page %ld or %ld is not a valid page\n", srcPageNum, dstPageNum ); } else { printf( " Copying page %ld to page %ld\n", srcPageNum, dstPageNum ); status = NANDFLASH_CopyPage( dstAddr, srcAddr ); if ( status == NANDFLASH_STATUS_OK ) { printf( " Page copied OK\n" ); } else if ( status == NANDFLASH_WRITE_ERROR ) { printf( " Page copy failure, bad-block\n" ); } else { printf( " Page copy error %d\n", status ); } } } /* Mark block as bad */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "mb" ) ) { uint32_t blockNum, addr; blockNum = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 ); addr = BLOCKNUM_2_ADDR( blockNum ); if ( !NANDFLASH_AddressValid( addr ) ) { printf( " Mark bad block, %ld is not a valid block\n", blockNum ); } else { printf( " Marked block %ld as bad\n", blockNum ); NANDFLASH_MarkBadBlock( addr ); } } /* Display help */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[0], "h" ) ) { printHelp(); } else { printf( " Unknown command" ); } } }