uint8_t RNWK_OnPacketRx(RPHY_PacketDesc *packet) {
  RNWK_ShortAddrType addr;
  RMAC_MsgType type;
  uint8_t res;

  addr = RNWK_BUF_GET_DST_ADDR(packet->data);
  if (addr==RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST || addr==RNWK_GetThisNodeAddr()) { /* it is for me :-) */
    type = RMAC_GetType(packet->data, packet->dataSize); /* get the type of the message */
    if (type==RMAC_MSG_TYPE_ACK && RMAC_IsExpectedACK(packet->data, packet->dataSize)) {
      /* it is an ACK, and the sequence number matches. Mark it with a flag and return, as no need for further processing */
      packet->flags |= RPHY_PACKET_FLAGS_ACK;
      return ERR_OK; /* no need to process the packet further */
    } else if (type==RMAC_MSG_TYPE_DATA) { /* data packet received */
      if (RNWK_AppOnRxCallback!=NULL) { /* do we have a callback? */
        res = RNWK_AppOnRxCallback(packet); /* call upper layer */
        if (res==ERR_OK) { /* all fine, now send acknowledge back */
          addr = RNWK_BUF_GET_SRC_ADDR(packet->data); /* who should receive the ack? */
          RNWK_BUF_SET_DST_ADDR(packet->data, addr); /* destination address is from where we got the data */
          return RMAC_SendACK(packet); /* send ack message back */
    } else {
      return ERR_FAULT; /* wrong message type? */
  return ERR_FAILED;
uint8_t RNWK_PutPayload(uint8_t *buf, size_t bufSize, uint8_t payloadSize, RNWK_ShortAddrType dstAddr, RPHY_FlagsType flags) {
  RNWK_ShortAddrType srcAddr;
  srcAddr = RNWK_GetThisNodeAddr();
  RNWK_BUF_SET_SRC_ADDR(buf, srcAddr);
  RNWK_BUF_SET_DST_ADDR(buf, dstAddr);
  return RMAC_PutPayload(buf, bufSize, payloadSize+RNWK_HEADER_SIZE, flags);
uint8_t RNWK_SendACK(RPHY_PacketDesc *rxPacket, RNWK_ShortAddrType saddr) {
  RNWK_ShortAddrType addr;
  uint8_t buf[RMAC_BUFFER_SIZE];
  RPHY_PacketDesc ackPacket;
  ackPacket.flags = RPHY_PACKET_FLAGS_NONE;
  ackPacket.phyData = buf;
  ackPacket.phySize = sizeof(buf);
  /* send an ack message back: this is is of type ack with src and dst address */
  addr = RNWK_BUF_GET_SRC_ADDR(rxPacket->phyData); /* who should receive the ack? */
  RNWK_BUF_SET_SRC_ADDR(ackPacket.phyData, saddr); /* set source address */
  RNWK_BUF_SET_DST_ADDR(ackPacket.phyData, addr); /* destination address is from where we got the data */
  return RMAC_SendACK(rxPacket, &ackPacket);