/** * Verifies a counter signature. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pCounterSignerInfo The counter signature. * @param pPrimarySignerInfo The primary signature (can be a counter * signature too if nested). * @param pSignedData The SignedData. * @param fFlags Verficiation flags. * @param hAdditionalCerts Store containing optional certificates, * optional. * @param hTrustedCerts Store containing trusted certificates, required. * @param pValidationTime The time we're supposed to validate the * certificates chains at. * @param pfnVerifyCert Signing certificate verification callback. * @param fVccFlags Signing certificate verification callback flags. * @param pvUser Callback parameter. * @param pErrInfo Where to store additional error details, * optional. */ static int rtCrPkcs7VerifyCounterSignerInfo(PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pCounterSignerInfo, PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pPrimarySignerInfo, PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNEDDATA pSignedData, uint32_t fFlags, RTCRSTORE hAdditionalCerts, RTCRSTORE hTrustedCerts, PCRTTIMESPEC pValidationTime, PFNRTCRPKCS7VERIFYCERTCALLBACK pfnVerifyCert, uint32_t fVccFlags, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Calculate the digest we need to verify. */ RTCRDIGEST hDigest; int rc = RTCrDigestCreateByObjId(&hDigest, &pCounterSignerInfo->DigestAlgorithm.Algorithm); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTCrDigestUpdate(hDigest, pPrimarySignerInfo->EncryptedDigest.Asn1Core.uData.pv, pPrimarySignerInfo->EncryptedDigest.Asn1Core.cb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrDigestFinal(hDigest, NULL, 0); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Pass it on to the common SignerInfo verifier function. */ rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfo(pCounterSignerInfo, pSignedData, hDigest, fFlags | RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_COUNTER_SIGNATURE, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, pValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, fVccFlags, pvUser, pErrInfo); } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_DIGEST_CALC_ERROR, "Hashing for counter signature failed unexpectedly: %Rrc", rc); RTCrDigestRelease(hDigest); } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_DIGEST_CREATE_ERROR, "Error creating digest for '%s': %Rrc", pCounterSignerInfo->DigestAlgorithm.Algorithm.szObjId, rc); return rc; }
RTDECL(int) RTCrPkixSignatureVerify(RTCRPKIXSIGNATURE hSignature, RTCRDIGEST hDigest, void const *pvSignature, size_t cbSignature) { PRTCRPKIXSIGNATUREINT pThis = hSignature; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTCRPKIXSIGNATUREINT_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(!pThis->fSigning, VERR_INVALID_FUNCTION); AssertReturn(pThis->uState == RTCRPKIXSIGNATURE_STATE_READY || pThis->uState == RTCRPKIXSIGNATURE_STATE_DONE, VERR_INVALID_STATE); uint32_t cRefs = RTCrDigestRetain(hDigest); AssertReturn(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); int rc = rtCrPkxiSignatureReset(pThis); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = pThis->pDesc->pfnVerify(pThis->pDesc, pThis->abState, hDigest, pvSignature, cbSignature); pThis->uState = RTCRPKIXSIGNATURE_STATE_DONE; } RTCrDigestRelease(hDigest); return rc; }
RTDECL(int) RTCrPkixPubKeyVerifySignature(PCRTASN1OBJID pAlgorithm, PCRTASN1DYNTYPE pParameters, PCRTASN1BITSTRING pPublicKey, PCRTASN1BITSTRING pSignatureValue, const void *pvData, size_t cbData, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Valid input. */ AssertPtrReturn(pAlgorithm, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(RTAsn1ObjId_IsPresent(pAlgorithm), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (pParameters) { AssertPtrReturn(pParameters, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (pParameters->enmType == RTASN1TYPE_NULL) pParameters = NULL; } AssertPtrReturn(pPublicKey, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(RTAsn1BitString_IsPresent(pPublicKey), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSignatureValue, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(RTAsn1BitString_IsPresent(pSignatureValue), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pvData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbData > 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Parameters are not currently supported (openssl code path). */ if (pParameters) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_CIPHER_ALGO_PARAMS_NOT_IMPL, "Cipher algorithm parameters are not yet supported."); /* * Validate using IPRT. */ RTCRPKIXSIGNATURE hSignature; int rcIprt = RTCrPkixSignatureCreateByObjId(&hSignature, pAlgorithm, false /*fSigning*/, pPublicKey, pParameters); if (RT_FAILURE(rcIprt)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_CIPHER_ALGO_NOT_KNOWN, "Unknown public key algorithm [IPRT]: %s", pAlgorithm->szObjId); RTCRDIGEST hDigest; rcIprt = RTCrDigestCreateByObjId(&hDigest, pAlgorithm); if (RT_SUCCESS(rcIprt)) { /* Calculate the digest. */ rcIprt = RTCrDigestUpdate(hDigest, pvData, cbData); if (RT_SUCCESS(rcIprt)) { rcIprt = RTCrPkixSignatureVerifyBitString(hSignature, hDigest, pSignatureValue); if (RT_FAILURE(rcIprt)) RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, rcIprt, "RTCrPkixSignatureVerifyBitString failed"); } else RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, rcIprt, "RTCrDigestUpdate failed"); RTCrDigestRelease(hDigest); } else RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rcIprt, "Unknown digest algorithm [IPRT]: %s", pAlgorithm->szObjId); RTCrPkixSignatureRelease(hSignature); #ifdef IPRT_WITH_OPENSSL /* * Validate using OpenSSL EVP. */ rtCrOpenSslInit(); /* Translate the algorithm ID into a EVP message digest type pointer. */ int iAlgoNid = OBJ_txt2nid(pAlgorithm->szObjId); if (iAlgoNid == NID_undef) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_OSSL_CIPHER_ALGO_NOT_KNOWN, "Unknown public key algorithm [OpenSSL]: %s", pAlgorithm->szObjId); const char *pszAlogSn = OBJ_nid2sn(iAlgoNid); const EVP_MD *pEvpMdType = EVP_get_digestbyname(pszAlogSn); if (!pEvpMdType) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_OSSL_CIPHER_ALGO_NOT_KNOWN_EVP, "EVP_get_digestbyname failed on %s (%s)", pszAlogSn, pAlgorithm->szObjId); /* Initialize the EVP message digest context. */ EVP_MD_CTX EvpMdCtx; EVP_MD_CTX_init(&EvpMdCtx); if (!EVP_VerifyInit_ex(&EvpMdCtx, pEvpMdType, NULL /*engine*/)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_OSSL_CIPHER_ALOG_INIT_FAILED, "EVP_VerifyInit_ex failed (algorithm type is %s / %s)", pszAlogSn, pAlgorithm->szObjId); /* Create an EVP public key. */ int rcOssl; EVP_PKEY *pEvpPublicKey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (pEvpPublicKey) { pEvpPublicKey->type = EVP_PKEY_type(pEvpMdType->required_pkey_type[0]); if (pEvpPublicKey->type != NID_undef) { const unsigned char *puchPublicKey = RTASN1BITSTRING_GET_BIT0_PTR(pPublicKey); if (d2i_PublicKey(pEvpPublicKey->type, &pEvpPublicKey, &puchPublicKey, RTASN1BITSTRING_GET_BYTE_SIZE(pPublicKey))) { /* Digest the data. */ EVP_VerifyUpdate(&EvpMdCtx, pvData, cbData); /* Verify the signature. */ if (EVP_VerifyFinal(&EvpMdCtx, RTASN1BITSTRING_GET_BIT0_PTR(pSignatureValue), RTASN1BITSTRING_GET_BYTE_SIZE(pSignatureValue), pEvpPublicKey) > 0) rcOssl = VINF_SUCCESS; else rcOssl = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_OSSL_VERIFY_FINAL_FAILED, "EVP_VerifyFinal failed"); } else rcOssl = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_OSSL_D2I_PUBLIC_KEY_FAILED, "d2i_PublicKey failed"); } else rcOssl = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKIX_OSSL_EVP_PKEY_TYPE_ERROR, "EVP_PKEY_type(%d) failed", pEvpMdType->required_pkey_type[0]); /* Cleanup and return.*/ EVP_PKEY_free(pEvpPublicKey); } else rcOssl = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_NO_MEMORY, "EVP_PKEY_new(%d) failed", pEvpMdType->required_pkey_type[0]); EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&EvpMdCtx); /* * Check the result. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rcIprt) && RT_SUCCESS(rcOssl)) return VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_FAILURE_NP(rcIprt) && RT_FAILURE_NP(rcOssl)) return rcIprt; AssertMsgFailed(("rcIprt=%Rrc rcOssl=%Rrc\n", rcIprt, rcOssl)); if (RT_FAILURE_NP(rcOssl)) return rcOssl; #endif /* IPRT_WITH_OPENSSL */ return rcIprt; }
RTDECL(int) RTCrPkcs7VerifySignedData(PCRTCRPKCS7CONTENTINFO pContentInfo, uint32_t fFlags, RTCRSTORE hAdditionalCerts, RTCRSTORE hTrustedCerts, PCRTTIMESPEC pValidationTime, PFNRTCRPKCS7VERIFYCERTCALLBACK pfnVerifyCert, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Check the input. */ if (pfnVerifyCert) AssertPtrReturn(pfnVerifyCert, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); else pfnVerifyCert = RTCrPkcs7VerifyCertCallbackDefault; if (!RTCrPkcs7ContentInfo_IsSignedData(pContentInfo)) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_NOT_SIGNED_DATA, "Not PKCS #7 SignedData."); PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNEDDATA pSignedData = pContentInfo->u.pSignedData; int rc = RTCrPkcs7SignedData_CheckSanity(pSignedData, 0, pErrInfo, ""); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Hash the content info. */ /* Exactly what the content is, for some stupid reason unnecessarily complicated. Figure it out here as we'll need it for the OpenSSL code path as well. */ void const *pvContent = pSignedData->ContentInfo.Content.Asn1Core.uData.pv; uint32_t cbContent = pSignedData->ContentInfo.Content.Asn1Core.cb; if (pSignedData->ContentInfo.Content.pEncapsulated) { pvContent = pSignedData->ContentInfo.Content.pEncapsulated->uData.pv; cbContent = pSignedData->ContentInfo.Content.pEncapsulated->cb; } /* Check that there aren't too many or too few hash algorithms for our implementation and purposes. */ RTCRDIGEST ahDigests[2]; uint32_t const cDigests = pSignedData->DigestAlgorithms.cItems; if (!cDigests) /** @todo we might have to support this... */ return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_NO_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS, "No digest algorithms"); if (cDigests > RT_ELEMENTS(ahDigests)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_TOO_MANY_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS, "Too many digest algorithm: cAlgorithms=%u", cDigests); /* Create the message digest calculators. */ rc = VERR_CR_PKCS7_NO_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < cDigests; i++) { rc = RTCrDigestCreateByObjId(&ahDigests[i], &pSignedData->DigestAlgorithms.paItems[i].Algorithm); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_DIGEST_CREATE_ERROR, "Error creating digest for '%s': %Rrc", pSignedData->DigestAlgorithms.paItems[i].Algorithm.szObjId, rc); break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Hash the content. */ for (i = 0; i < cDigests && RT_SUCCESS(rc); i++) { rc = RTCrDigestUpdate(ahDigests[i], pvContent, cbContent); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrDigestFinal(ahDigests[i], NULL, 0); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Validate the signed infos. */ uint32_t fPrimaryVccFlags = !(fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_USAGE_TIMESTAMPING) ? RTCRPKCS7VCC_F_SIGNED_DATA : RTCRPKCS7VCC_F_TIMESTAMP; rc = VERR_CR_PKCS7_NO_SIGNER_INFOS; for (i = 0; i < pSignedData->SignerInfos.cItems; i++) { PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pSignerInfo = &pSignedData->SignerInfos.paItems[i]; RTCRDIGEST hThisDigest = NIL_RTCRDIGEST; /* (gcc maybe incredible stupid.) */ rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifyFindDigest(&hThisDigest, pSignedData, pSignerInfo, ahDigests, pErrInfo); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* * See if we can find a trusted signing time. * (Note that while it would make sense splitting up this function, * we need to carry a lot of arguments around, so better not.) */ bool fDone = false; PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pSigningTimeSigner = NULL; PCRTASN1TIME pSignedTime; while ( !fDone && (pSignedTime = RTCrPkcs7SignerInfo_GetSigningTime(pSignerInfo, &pSigningTimeSigner)) != NULL) { RTTIMESPEC ThisValidationTime; if (RT_LIKELY(RTTimeImplode(&ThisValidationTime, &pSignedTime->Time))) { if (pSigningTimeSigner == pSignerInfo) { if (fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_COUNTER_SIGNATURE_SIGNING_TIME_ONLY) continue; rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfo(pSignerInfo, pSignedData, hThisDigest, fFlags, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, &ThisValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, fPrimaryVccFlags | RTCRPKCS7VCC_F_TIMESTAMP, pvUser, pErrInfo); } else { rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!(fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_USE_SIGNING_TIME_UNVERIFIED)) rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifyCounterSignerInfo(pSigningTimeSigner, pSignerInfo, pSignedData, fFlags, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, &ThisValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, RTCRPKCS7VCC_F_TIMESTAMP, pvUser, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfo(pSignerInfo, pSignedData, hThisDigest, fFlags, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, &ThisValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, fPrimaryVccFlags, pvUser, pErrInfo); } fDone = RT_SUCCESS(rc) || (fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_ALWAYS_USE_SIGNING_TIME_IF_PRESENT); } else { rc = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3, "RTTimeImplode failed"); fDone = true; } } /* * If not luck, check for microsoft timestamp counter signatures. */ if (!fDone && !(fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_IGNORE_MS_TIMESTAMP)) { PCRTCRPKCS7CONTENTINFO pSignedTimestamp = NULL; pSignedTime = RTCrPkcs7SignerInfo_GetMsTimestamp(pSignerInfo, &pSignedTimestamp); if (pSignedTime) { RTTIMESPEC ThisValidationTime; if (RT_LIKELY(RTTimeImplode(&ThisValidationTime, &pSignedTime->Time))) { rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!(fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_USE_MS_TIMESTAMP_UNVERIFIED)) rc = RTCrPkcs7VerifySignedData(pSignedTimestamp, fFlags | RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_IGNORE_MS_TIMESTAMP | RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_USAGE_TIMESTAMPING, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, &ThisValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, pvUser, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfo(pSignerInfo, pSignedData, hThisDigest, fFlags, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, &ThisValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, fPrimaryVccFlags, pvUser, pErrInfo); fDone = RT_SUCCESS(rc) || (fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_ALWAYS_USE_MS_TIMESTAMP_IF_PRESENT); } else { rc = RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3, "RTTimeImplode failed"); fDone = true; } } } /* * No valid signing time found, use the one specified instead. */ if (!fDone) rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfo(pSignerInfo, pSignedData, hThisDigest, fFlags, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, pValidationTime, pfnVerifyCert, fPrimaryVccFlags, pvUser, pErrInfo); RTCrDigestRelease(hThisDigest); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_DIGEST_CALC_ERROR, "Hashing content failed unexpectedly (i=%u): %Rrc", i, rc); /* Clean up digests. */ i = cDigests; } while (i-- > 0) { int rc2 = RTCrDigestRelease(ahDigests[i]); AssertRC(rc2); } #ifdef IPRT_WITH_OPENSSL /* * Verify using OpenSSL and combine the results (should be identical). */ /** @todo figure out how to verify MS timstamp signatures using OpenSSL. */ if (fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_USAGE_TIMESTAMPING) return rc; int rcOssl = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignedDataUsingOpenSsl(pContentInfo, fFlags, hAdditionalCerts, hTrustedCerts, pvContent, cbContent, RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? pErrInfo : NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rcOssl) && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return rc; // AssertMsg(RT_FAILURE_NP(rcOssl) && RT_FAILURE_NP(rc), ("%Rrc, %Rrc\n", rcOssl, rc)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; return rcOssl; #else return rc; #endif }
/** * Verifies one signature on a PKCS \#7 SignedData. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pSignerInfo The signature. * @param pSignedData The SignedData. * @param hDigests The digest corresponding to * pSignerInfo->DigestAlgorithm. * @param fFlags Verficiation flags. * @param hAdditionalCerts Store containing optional certificates, * optional. * @param hTrustedCerts Store containing trusted certificates, required. * @param pValidationTime The time we're supposed to validate the * certificates chains at. * @param pfnVerifyCert Signing certificate verification callback. * @param fVccFlags Signing certificate verification callback flags. * @param pvUser Callback parameter. * @param pErrInfo Where to store additional error details, * optional. */ static int rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfo(PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pSignerInfo, PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNEDDATA pSignedData, RTCRDIGEST hDigest, uint32_t fFlags, RTCRSTORE hAdditionalCerts, RTCRSTORE hTrustedCerts, PCRTTIMESPEC pValidationTime, PFNRTCRPKCS7VERIFYCERTCALLBACK pfnVerifyCert, uint32_t fVccFlags, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Locate the certificate used for signing. */ PCRTCRCERTCTX pSignerCertCtx = NULL; PCRTCRX509CERTIFICATE pSignerCert = NULL; RTCRSTORE hSignerCertSrc = hTrustedCerts; if (hSignerCertSrc != NIL_RTCRSTORE) pSignerCertCtx = RTCrStoreCertByIssuerAndSerialNo(hSignerCertSrc, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.Name, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.SerialNumber); if (!pSignerCertCtx) { hSignerCertSrc = hAdditionalCerts; if (hSignerCertSrc != NIL_RTCRSTORE) pSignerCertCtx = RTCrStoreCertByIssuerAndSerialNo(hSignerCertSrc, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.Name, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.SerialNumber); } if (pSignerCertCtx) pSignerCert = pSignerCertCtx->pCert; else { hSignerCertSrc = NULL; pSignerCert = RTCrPkcs7SetOfCerts_FindX509ByIssuerAndSerialNumber(&pSignedData->Certificates, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.Name, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.SerialNumber); if (!pSignerCert) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA_CERT_NOT_FOUND, "Certificate not found: serial=%.*Rhxs", pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.SerialNumber.Asn1Core.cb, pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.SerialNumber.Asn1Core.uData.pv); } /* * If not a trusted certificate, we'll have to build certificate paths * and verify them. If no valid paths are found, this step will fail. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if ( hSignerCertSrc == NIL_RTCRSTORE || hSignerCertSrc != hTrustedCerts) { RTCRX509CERTPATHS hCertPaths; rc = RTCrX509CertPathsCreate(&hCertPaths, pSignerCert); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTCrX509CertPathsSetValidTimeSpec(hCertPaths, pValidationTime); if (hTrustedCerts != NIL_RTCRSTORE && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrX509CertPathsSetTrustedStore(hCertPaths, hTrustedCerts); if (hAdditionalCerts != NIL_RTCRSTORE && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrX509CertPathsSetUntrustedStore(hCertPaths, hAdditionalCerts); if (pSignedData->Certificates.cItems > 0 && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrX509CertPathsSetUntrustedSet(hCertPaths, &pSignedData->Certificates); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTCrX509CertPathsBuild(hCertPaths, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrX509CertPathsValidateAll(hCertPaths, NULL, pErrInfo); /* * Check that the certificate purpose and whatnot matches what * is being signed. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pfnVerifyCert(pSignerCert, hCertPaths, fVccFlags, pvUser, pErrInfo); } else RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc, "Error configuring path builder: %Rrc", rc); RTCrX509CertPathsRelease(hCertPaths); } } /* * Check that the certificate purpose matches what is signed. */ else rc = pfnVerifyCert(pSignerCert, NIL_RTCRX509CERTPATHS, fVccFlags, pvUser, pErrInfo); /* * Reference the digest so we can safely replace with one on the * authenticated attributes below. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RTCrDigestRetain(hDigest) != UINT32_MAX) { /* * If there are authenticated attributes, we've got more work before we * can verify the signature. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RTCrPkcs7Attributes_IsPresent(&pSignerInfo->AuthenticatedAttributes)) rc = rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfoAuthAttribs(pSignerInfo, pSignedData, &hDigest, fFlags, pErrInfo); /* * Verify the signature. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTCRPKIXSIGNATURE hSignature; rc = RTCrPkixSignatureCreateByObjId(&hSignature, &pSignerCert->TbsCertificate.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.Algorithm, false /*fSigning*/, &pSignerCert->TbsCertificate.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.SubjectPublicKey, &pSignerInfo->DigestEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /** @todo Check that DigestEncryptionAlgorithm is compatible with hSignature * (this is not vital). */ rc = RTCrPkixSignatureVerifyOctetString(hSignature, hDigest, &pSignerInfo->EncryptedDigest); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED, "Signature verficiation failed: %Rrc", rc); RTCrPkixSignatureRelease(hSignature); } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc, "Failure to instantiate public key algorithm [IPRT]: %s (%s)", pSignerCert->TbsCertificate.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.Algorithm.szObjId, pSignerInfo->DigestEncryptionAlgorithm.Algorithm.szObjId); } RTCrDigestRelease(hDigest); } else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR; RTCrCertCtxRelease(pSignerCertCtx); return rc; }
/** * Deals with authenticated attributes. * * When authenticated attributes are present (checked by caller) we must: * - fish out the content type and check it against the content inof, * - fish out the message digest among and check it against *phDigest, * - compute the message digest of the authenticated attributes and * replace *phDigest with this for the signature verification. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pSignerInfo The signer info being verified. * @param pSignedData The signed data. * @param phDigest On input this is the digest of the content. On * output it will (on success) be a reference to * the message digest of the authenticated * attributes. The input reference is consumed. * The caller shall release the output reference. * @param fFlags Flags. * @param pErrInfo Extended error info, optional. */ static int rtCrPkcs7VerifySignerInfoAuthAttribs(PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pSignerInfo, PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNEDDATA pSignedData, PRTCRDIGEST phDigest, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Scan the attributes and validate the two required attributes * (RFC-2315, chapter 9.2, fourth bullet). Checking that we've got exactly * one of each of them is checked by the santiy checker function, so we'll * just assert that it did it's job here. */ uint32_t cContentTypes = 0; uint32_t cMessageDigests = 0; uint32_t i = pSignerInfo->AuthenticatedAttributes.cItems; while (i-- > 0) { PCRTCRPKCS7ATTRIBUTE pAttrib = &pSignerInfo->AuthenticatedAttributes.paItems[i]; if (RTAsn1ObjId_CompareWithString(&pAttrib->Type, RTCR_PKCS9_ID_CONTENT_TYPE_OID) == 0) { AssertReturn(!cContentTypes, VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR); AssertReturn(pAttrib->enmType == RTCRPKCS7ATTRIBUTETYPE_OBJ_IDS, VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR); AssertReturn(pAttrib->uValues.pObjIds->cItems == 1, VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR); if ( !(fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_COUNTER_SIGNATURE) /* See note about microsoft below. */ && RTAsn1ObjId_Compare(&pAttrib->uValues.pObjIds->paItems[0], &pSignedData->ContentInfo.ContentType) != 0) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_CONTENT_TYPE_ATTRIB_MISMATCH, "Expected content-type %s, found %s", &pAttrib->uValues.pObjIds->paItems[0], pSignedData->ContentInfo.ContentType.szObjId); cContentTypes++; } else if (RTAsn1ObjId_CompareWithString(&pAttrib->Type, RTCR_PKCS9_ID_MESSAGE_DIGEST_OID) == 0) { AssertReturn(!cMessageDigests, VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR); AssertReturn(pAttrib->enmType == RTCRPKCS7ATTRIBUTETYPE_OCTET_STRINGS, VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR); AssertReturn(pAttrib->uValues.pOctetStrings->cItems == 1, VERR_CR_PKCS7_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (!RTCrDigestMatch(*phDigest, pAttrib->uValues.pOctetStrings->paItems[0].Asn1Core.uData.pv, pAttrib->uValues.pOctetStrings->paItems[0].Asn1Core.cb)) { size_t cbHash = RTCrDigestGetHashSize(*phDigest); if (cbHash != pAttrib->uValues.pOctetStrings->paItems[0].Asn1Core.cb) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_MESSAGE_DIGEST_ATTRIB_MISMATCH, "Authenticated message-digest attribute mismatch: cbHash=%#zx cbValue=%#x", cbHash, pAttrib->uValues.pOctetStrings->paItems[0].Asn1Core.cb); return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_MESSAGE_DIGEST_ATTRIB_MISMATCH, "Authenticated message-digest attribute mismatch (cbHash=%#zx):\n" "signed: %.*Rhxs\n" "our: %.*Rhxs\n", cbHash, cbHash, pAttrib->uValues.pOctetStrings->paItems[0].Asn1Core.uData.pv, cbHash, RTCrDigestGetHash(*phDigest)); } cMessageDigests++; } } /* * Full error reporting here as we don't currently extensively santiy check * counter signatures. * Note! Microsoft includes content info in their timestamp counter signatures, * at least for vista, despite the RFC-3852 stating counter signatures * "MUST NOT contain a content-type". */ if (RT_UNLIKELY( cContentTypes != 1 && !(fFlags & RTCRPKCS7VERIFY_SD_F_COUNTER_SIGNATURE))) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_MISSING_CONTENT_TYPE_ATTRIB, "Missing authenticated content-type attribute."); if (RT_UNLIKELY(cMessageDigests != 1)) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_MISSING_MESSAGE_DIGEST_ATTRIB, "Missing authenticated message-digest attribute."); /* * Calculate the digest of the the authenticated attributes for use in the * signature validation. */ if ( pSignerInfo->DigestAlgorithm.Parameters.enmType != RTASN1TYPE_NULL && pSignerInfo->DigestAlgorithm.Parameters.enmType != RTASN1TYPE_NOT_PRESENT) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_CR_PKCS7_DIGEST_PARAMS_NOT_IMPL, "Digest algorithm has unsupported parameters"); RTCRDIGEST hDigest; int rc = RTCrDigestCreateByObjId(&hDigest, &pSignerInfo->DigestAlgorithm.Algorithm); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTCrDigestRelease(*phDigest); *phDigest = hDigest; /* ASSUMES that the attributes are encoded according to DER. */ uint8_t const *pbData = (uint8_t const *)RTASN1CORE_GET_RAW_ASN1_PTR(&pSignerInfo->AuthenticatedAttributes.SetCore.Asn1Core); uint32_t cbData = RTASN1CORE_GET_RAW_ASN1_SIZE(&pSignerInfo->AuthenticatedAttributes.SetCore.Asn1Core); uint8_t bSetOfTag = ASN1_TAG_SET | ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL | ASN1_TAGFLAG_CONSTRUCTED; rc = RTCrDigestUpdate(hDigest, &bSetOfTag, sizeof(bSetOfTag)); /* Replace the implict tag with a SET-OF tag. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrDigestUpdate(hDigest, pbData + sizeof(bSetOfTag), cbData - sizeof(bSetOfTag)); /* Skip the implicit tag. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrDigestFinal(hDigest, NULL, 0); } return rc; }