 * Registers the VMM wide format types.
 * Called by VMMR3Init, VMMR0Init and VMMRCInit.
int vmmInitFormatTypes(void)
    int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
    if (ASMAtomicIncU32(&g_cFormatTypeUsers) == 1)
        rc = RTStrFormatTypeRegister("vmcpuset", vmmFormatTypeVmCpuSet, NULL);
    return rc;
void ClientId::registerFormat()
    if (g_fFormatRegistered)

    int rc = RTStrFormatTypeRegister("id", rtStrFormat, NULL);

    g_fFormatRegistered = true;
 * Called on the lwip thread (aka tcpip thread) from tcpip_init() via
 * its "tcpip_init_done" callback.  Raw API is ok to use here
 * (e.g. rtadvd), but netconn API is not.
proxy_init(struct netif *proxy_netif, struct proxy_options *opts)
    int status;

    LWIP_ASSERT1(opts != NULL);

    status = RTStrFormatTypeRegister("sockerr", proxy_sockerr_rtstrfmt, NULL);

    g_proxy_options = opts;
    g_proxy_netif = proxy_netif;

#if 1

     * XXX: We use stateless DHCPv6 only to report IPv6 address(es) of
     * nameserver(s).  Since we don't yet support IPv6 addresses in
     * HostDnsService, there's no point in running DHCPv6.
#if 0

    if (opts->tftp_root != NULL) {
        tftpd_init(proxy_netif, opts->tftp_root);

    status = pollmgr_init();
    if (status < 0) {
        errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to initialize poll manager");
        /* NOTREACHED */




    pxping_init(proxy_netif, opts->icmpsock4, opts->icmpsock6);

    pollmgr_tid = sys_thread_new("pollmgr_thread",
                                 pollmgr_thread, NULL,
    if (!pollmgr_tid) {
        errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to create poll manager thread");
        /* NOTREACHED */
int main()
    RTTEST hTest;
    int rc = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstRTStrFormat", &hTest);
    if (rc)
        return rc;

    uint32_t    u32 = 0x010;
    uint64_t    u64 = 0x100;
#define BUF_SIZE    120
    char       *pszBuf  = (char *)RTTestGuardedAllocHead(hTest, BUF_SIZE);
    char       *pszBuf2 = (char *)RTTestGuardedAllocHead(hTest, BUF_SIZE);

    RTTestSub(hTest, "Basics");

    /* simple */
    size_t cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "u32=%d u64=%lld u64=%#llx", u32, u64, u64);
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, "u32=16 u64=256 u64=0x100"))
        RTTestIFailed("error: '%s'\n"
                      "wanted 'u32=16 u64=256 u64=0x100'\n", pszBuf);

    /* just big. */
    u64 = UINT64_C(0x7070605040302010);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "u64=%#llx 42=%d u64=%lld 42=%d", u64, 42, u64, 42);
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, "u64=0x7070605040302010 42=42 u64=8102081627430068240 42=42"))
        RTTestIFailed("error: '%s'\n"
                      "wanted 'u64=0x8070605040302010 42=42 u64=8102081627430068240 42=42'\n", pszBuf);
        RTTestIPrintf(RTTESTLVL_FAILURE, "%d\n", (int)(u64 % 10));

    /* huge and negative. */
    u64 = UINT64_C(0x8070605040302010);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "u64=%#llx 42=%d u64=%llu 42=%d u64=%lld 42=%d", u64, 42, u64, 42, u64, 42);
    /* Not sure if this is the correct decimal representation... But both */
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, "u64=0x8070605040302010 42=42 u64=9255003132036915216 42=42 u64=-9191740941672636400 42=42"))
        RTTestIFailed("error: '%s'\n"
                      "wanted 'u64=0x8070605040302010 42=42 u64=9255003132036915216 42=42 u64=-9191740941672636400 42=42'\n", pszBuf);
        RTTestIPrintf(RTTESTLVL_FAILURE, "%d\n", (int)(u64 % 10));

    /* 64-bit value bug. */
    u64 = 0xa0000000;
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "u64=%#llx 42=%d u64=%lld 42=%d", u64, 42, u64, 42);
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, "u64=0xa0000000 42=42 u64=2684354560 42=42"))
        RTTestIFailed("error: '%s'\n"
                      "wanted 'u64=0xa0000000 42=42 u64=2684354560 42=42'\n", pszBuf);

    /* uuid */
    RTUUID Uuid;
    char szCorrect[RTUUID_STR_LENGTH];
    RTUuidToStr(&Uuid, szCorrect, sizeof(szCorrect));
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%RTuuid", &Uuid);
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, szCorrect))
        RTTestIFailed("error:    '%s'\n"
                      "expected: '%s'\n",
                      pszBuf, szCorrect);

     * Nested
    RTTestSub(hTest, "Nested (%N)");
    testNested(__LINE__, "42 2684354560 42 asdf 42", "42 %u 42 %s 42", 2684354560U, "asdf");
    testNested(__LINE__, "", "");

     * allocation
    RTTestSub(hTest, "RTStrAPrintf");
    char *psz = (char *)~0;
    int cch2 = RTStrAPrintf(&psz, "Hey there! %s%s", "This is a test", "!");
    if (cch2 < 0)
        RTTestIFailed("RTStrAPrintf failed, cch2=%d\n", cch2);
    else if (strcmp(psz, "Hey there! This is a test!"))
        RTTestIFailed("RTStrAPrintf failed\n"
                      "got   : '%s'\n"
                      "wanted: 'Hey there! This is a test!'\n",
    else if ((int)strlen(psz) != cch2)
        RTTestIFailed("RTStrAPrintf failed, cch2 == %d expected %u\n", cch2, strlen(psz));

#define CHECK42(fmt, arg, out) \
    do { \
        cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, fmt " 42=%d " fmt " 42=%d", arg, 42, arg, 42); \
        if (strcmp(pszBuf, out " 42=42 " out " 42=42")) \
            RTTestIFailed("at line %d: format '%s'\n" \
                          "    output: '%s'\n"  \
                          "    wanted: '%s'\n", \
                          __LINE__, fmt, pszBuf, out " 42=42 " out " 42=42"); \
        else if (cch != sizeof(out " 42=42 " out " 42=42") - 1) \
            RTTestIFailed("at line %d: Invalid length %d returned, expected %u!\n", \
                          __LINE__, cch, sizeof(out " 42=42 " out " 42=42") - 1); \
    } while (0)

#define CHECKSTR(Correct) \
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, Correct)) \
        RTTestIFailed("error:    '%s'\n" \
                      "expected: '%s'\n", pszBuf, Correct); \

     * Runtime extensions.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "Runtime format types (%R*)");
    CHECK42("%RGi", (RTGCINT)127, "127");
    CHECK42("%RGi", (RTGCINT)-586589, "-586589");

    CHECK42("%RGp", (RTGCPHYS)0x0000000044505045, "0000000044505045");
    CHECK42("%RGp", ~(RTGCPHYS)0, "ffffffffffffffff");

    CHECK42("%RGu", (RTGCUINT)586589, "586589");
    CHECK42("%RGu", (RTGCUINT)1, "1");
    CHECK42("%RGu", (RTGCUINT)3000000000U, "3000000000");

#if GC_ARCH_BITS == 32
    CHECK42("%RGv", (RTGCUINTPTR)0, "00000000");
    CHECK42("%RGv", ~(RTGCUINTPTR)0, "ffffffff");
    CHECK42("%RGv", (RTGCUINTPTR)0x84342134, "84342134");
    CHECK42("%RGv", (RTGCUINTPTR)0, "0000000000000000");
    CHECK42("%RGv", ~(RTGCUINTPTR)0, "ffffffffffffffff");
    CHECK42("%RGv", (RTGCUINTPTR)0x84342134, "0000000084342134");

    CHECK42("%RGx", (RTGCUINT)0x234, "234");
    CHECK42("%RGx", (RTGCUINT)0xffffffff, "ffffffff");

    CHECK42("%RRv", (RTRCUINTPTR)0, "00000000");
    CHECK42("%RRv", ~(RTRCUINTPTR)0, "ffffffff");
    CHECK42("%RRv", (RTRCUINTPTR)0x84342134, "84342134");

    CHECK42("%RHi", (RTHCINT)127, "127");
    CHECK42("%RHi", (RTHCINT)-586589, "-586589");

    CHECK42("%RHp", (RTHCPHYS)0x0000000044505045, "0000000044505045");
    CHECK42("%RHp", ~(RTHCPHYS)0, "ffffffffffffffff");

    CHECK42("%RHu", (RTHCUINT)586589, "586589");
    CHECK42("%RHu", (RTHCUINT)1, "1");
    CHECK42("%RHu", (RTHCUINT)3000000000U, "3000000000");

    if (sizeof(void*) == 8)
        CHECK42("%RHv", (RTHCUINTPTR)0, "0000000000000000");
        CHECK42("%RHv", ~(RTHCUINTPTR)0, "ffffffffffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RHv", (RTHCUINTPTR)0x84342134, "0000000084342134");
        CHECK42("%RHv", (RTHCUINTPTR)0, "00000000");
        CHECK42("%RHv", ~(RTHCUINTPTR)0, "ffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RHv", (RTHCUINTPTR)0x84342134, "84342134");

    CHECK42("%RHx", (RTHCUINT)0x234, "234");
    CHECK42("%RHx", (RTHCUINT)0xffffffff, "ffffffff");

    CHECK42("%RI16", (int16_t)1, "1");
    CHECK42("%RI16", (int16_t)-16384, "-16384");

    CHECK42("%RI32", (int32_t)1123, "1123");
    CHECK42("%RI32", (int32_t)-86596, "-86596");

    CHECK42("%RI64", (int64_t)112345987345LL, "112345987345");
    CHECK42("%RI64", (int64_t)-8659643985723459LL, "-8659643985723459");

    CHECK42("%RI8", (int8_t)1, "1");
    CHECK42("%RI8", (int8_t)-128, "-128");

    CHECK42("%Rbn", "file.c", "file.c");
    CHECK42("%Rbn", "foo/file.c", "file.c");
    CHECK42("%Rbn", "/foo/file.c", "file.c");
    CHECK42("%Rbn", "/dir/subdir/", "subdir/");

    CHECK42("%Rfn", "function", "function");
    CHECK42("%Rfn", "void function(void)", "function");

    CHECK42("%RTfile", (RTFILE)127, "127");
    CHECK42("%RTfile", (RTFILE)12341234, "12341234");

    CHECK42("%RTfmode", (RTFMODE)0x123403, "00123403");

    CHECK42("%RTfoff", (RTFOFF)12342312, "12342312");
    CHECK42("%RTfoff", (RTFOFF)-123123123, "-123123123");
    CHECK42("%RTfoff", (RTFOFF)858694596874568LL, "858694596874568");

    RTFAR16 fp16;
    fp16.off = 0x34ff;
    fp16.sel = 0x0160;
    CHECK42("%RTfp16", fp16, "0160:34ff");

    RTFAR32 fp32;
    fp32.off = 0xff094030;
    fp32.sel = 0x0168;
    CHECK42("%RTfp32", fp32, "0168:ff094030");

    RTFAR64 fp64;
    fp64.off = 0xffff003401293487ULL;
    fp64.sel = 0x0ff8;
    CHECK42("%RTfp64", fp64, "0ff8:ffff003401293487");
    fp64.off = 0x0;
    fp64.sel = 0x0;
    CHECK42("%RTfp64", fp64, "0000:0000000000000000");

    CHECK42("%RTgid", (RTGID)-1, "-1");
    CHECK42("%RTgid", (RTGID)1004, "1004");

    CHECK42("%RTino", (RTINODE)0, "0000000000000000");
    CHECK42("%RTino", (RTINODE)0x123412341324ULL, "0000123412341324");

    CHECK42("%RTint", (RTINT)127, "127");
    CHECK42("%RTint", (RTINT)-586589, "-586589");
    CHECK42("%RTint", (RTINT)-23498723, "-23498723");

    CHECK42("%RTiop", (RTIOPORT)0x3c4, "03c4");
    CHECK42("%RTiop", (RTIOPORT)0xffff, "ffff");

    RTMAC Mac;
    Mac.au8[0] = 0;
    Mac.au8[1] = 0x1b;
    Mac.au8[2] = 0x21;
    Mac.au8[3] = 0x0a;
    Mac.au8[4] = 0x1d;
    Mac.au8[5] = 0xd9;
    CHECK42("%RTmac", &Mac, "00:1b:21:0a:1d:d9");
    Mac.au16[0] = 0xffff;
    Mac.au16[1] = 0xffff;
    Mac.au16[2] = 0xffff;
    CHECK42("%RTmac", &Mac, "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff");

    Ipv4Addr.u = RT_H2N_U32_C(0xf040d003);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv4", Ipv4Addr.u, "");
    Ipv4Addr.u = RT_H2N_U32_C(0xffffffff);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv4", Ipv4Addr.u, "");


    /* any */
    memset(&Ipv6Addr, 0, sizeof(Ipv6Addr));
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "::");

    /* loopback */
    Ipv6Addr.au8[15] = 1;
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "::1");

    /* IPv4-compatible */
    Ipv6Addr.au8[12] = 1;
    Ipv6Addr.au8[13] = 1;
    Ipv6Addr.au8[14] = 1;
    Ipv6Addr.au8[15] = 1;
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "::");

    /* IPv4-mapped */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0xffff);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "::ffff:");

    /* IPv4-translated */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0xffff);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "::ffff:0:");

    /* single zero word is not abbreviated, leading zeroes are not printed */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "0:1:0:1:0:1:0:1");

    /* longest run is abbreviated (here: at the beginning) */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "::1:0:0:1:0");

    /* longest run is abbreviated (here: first) */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "1::1:0:0:1");

    /* longest run is abbreviated (here: second) */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "1:0:0:1::1");

    /* longest run is abbreviated (here: at the end) */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "1:0:0:1::");

    /* first of the two runs of equal length is abbreviated */
    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x2001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0db8);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "2001:db8::1:0:0:1");

    Ipv6Addr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x2001);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[1] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0db8);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[2] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x85a3);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[3] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[4] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0000);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[5] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x8a2e);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[6] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0370);
    Ipv6Addr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x7334);
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334");

    Ipv6Addr.au64[0] = UINT64_MAX;
    Ipv6Addr.au64[1] = UINT64_MAX;
    CHECK42("%RTnaipv6", &Ipv6Addr, "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff");

    RTNETADDR NetAddr;
    memset(&NetAddr, 0, sizeof(NetAddr));

    /* plain IPv6 address if port is not specified */
    NetAddr.enmType = RTNETADDRTYPE_IPV6;
    NetAddr.uAddr.au16[0] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    NetAddr.uAddr.au16[7] = RT_H2N_U16_C(0x0001);
    NetAddr.uPort = RTNETADDR_PORT_NA;
    CHECK42("%RTnaddr", &NetAddr, "1::1");

    /* square brackets around IPv6 address if port is specified */
    NetAddr.uPort = 1;
    CHECK42("%RTnaddr", &NetAddr, "[1::1]:1");

    CHECK42("%RTproc", (RTPROCESS)0xffffff, "00ffffff");
    CHECK42("%RTproc", (RTPROCESS)0x43455443, "43455443");

    if (sizeof(RTUINTPTR) == 8)
        CHECK42("%RTptr", (RTUINTPTR)0, "0000000000000000");
        CHECK42("%RTptr", ~(RTUINTPTR)0, "ffffffffffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RTptr", (RTUINTPTR)0x84342134, "0000000084342134");
        CHECK42("%RTptr", (RTUINTPTR)0, "00000000");
        CHECK42("%RTptr", ~(RTUINTPTR)0, "ffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RTptr", (RTUINTPTR)0x84342134, "84342134");

    if (sizeof(RTCCUINTREG) == 8)
        CHECK42("%RTreg", (RTCCUINTREG)0, "0000000000000000");
        CHECK42("%RTreg", ~(RTCCUINTREG)0, "ffffffffffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RTreg", (RTCCUINTREG)0x84342134, "0000000084342134");
        CHECK42("%RTreg", (RTCCUINTREG)0x23484342134ULL, "0000023484342134");
        CHECK42("%RTreg", (RTCCUINTREG)0, "00000000");
        CHECK42("%RTreg", ~(RTCCUINTREG)0, "ffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RTreg", (RTCCUINTREG)0x84342134, "84342134");

    CHECK42("%RTsel", (RTSEL)0x543, "0543");
    CHECK42("%RTsel", (RTSEL)0xf8f8, "f8f8");

    if (sizeof(RTSEMEVENT) == 8)
        CHECK42("%RTsem", (RTSEMEVENT)0, "0000000000000000");
        CHECK42("%RTsem", (RTSEMEVENT)0x23484342134ULL, "0000023484342134");
        CHECK42("%RTsem", (RTSEMEVENT)0, "00000000");
        CHECK42("%RTsem", (RTSEMEVENT)0x84342134, "84342134");

    CHECK42("%RTsock", (RTSOCKET)12234, "12234");
    CHECK42("%RTsock", (RTSOCKET)584854543, "584854543");

    if (sizeof(RTTHREAD) == 8)
        CHECK42("%RTthrd", (RTTHREAD)0, "0000000000000000");
        CHECK42("%RTthrd", (RTTHREAD)~(uintptr_t)0, "ffffffffffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RTthrd", (RTTHREAD)0x63484342134ULL, "0000063484342134");
        CHECK42("%RTthrd", (RTTHREAD)0, "00000000");
        CHECK42("%RTthrd", (RTTHREAD)~(uintptr_t)0, "ffffffff");
        CHECK42("%RTthrd", (RTTHREAD)0x54342134, "54342134");

    CHECK42("%RTuid", (RTUID)-2, "-2");
    CHECK42("%RTuid", (RTUID)90344, "90344");

    CHECK42("%RTuint", (RTUINT)584589, "584589");
    CHECK42("%RTuint", (RTUINT)3, "3");
    CHECK42("%RTuint", (RTUINT)2400000000U, "2400000000");

    RTUuidToStr(&Uuid, szCorrect, sizeof(szCorrect));
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%RTuuid", &Uuid);
    if (strcmp(pszBuf, szCorrect))
        RTTestIFailed("error:    '%s'\n"
                      "expected: '%s'\n",
                      pszBuf, szCorrect);

    CHECK42("%RTxint", (RTUINT)0x2345, "2345");
    CHECK42("%RTxint", (RTUINT)0xffff8fff, "ffff8fff");

    CHECK42("%RU16", (uint16_t)7, "7");
    CHECK42("%RU16", (uint16_t)46384, "46384");

    CHECK42("%RU32", (uint32_t)1123, "1123");
    CHECK42("%RU32", (uint32_t)86596, "86596");
    CHECK42("%4RU32",  (uint32_t)42, "  42");
    CHECK42("%04RU32", (uint32_t)42, "0042");
    CHECK42("%.4RU32", (uint32_t)42, "0042");

    CHECK42("%RU64", (uint64_t)112345987345ULL, "112345987345");
    CHECK42("%RU64", (uint64_t)8659643985723459ULL, "8659643985723459");
    CHECK42("%14RU64",  (uint64_t)4, "             4");
    CHECK42("%014RU64", (uint64_t)4, "00000000000004");
    CHECK42("%.14RU64", (uint64_t)4, "00000000000004");

    CHECK42("%RU8", (uint8_t)1, "1");
    CHECK42("%RU8", (uint8_t)254, "254");
    CHECK42("%RU8", 256, "0");

    CHECK42("%RX16", (uint16_t)0x7, "7");
    CHECK42("%RX16", 0x46384, "6384");

    CHECK42("%RX32", (uint32_t)0x1123, "1123");
    CHECK42("%RX32", (uint32_t)0x49939493, "49939493");

    CHECK42("%RX64", UINT64_C(0x348734), "348734");
    CHECK42("%RX64", UINT64_C(0x12312312312343f), "12312312312343f");
    CHECK42("%5RX64",   UINT64_C(0x42), "   42");
    CHECK42("%05RX64",  UINT64_C(0x42), "00042");
    CHECK42("%.5RX64",  UINT64_C(0x42), "00042");
    CHECK42("%.05RX64", UINT64_C(0x42), "00042"); /* '0' is ignored */

    CHECK42("%RX8", (uint8_t)1, "1");
    CHECK42("%RX8", (uint8_t)0xff, "ff");
    CHECK42("%RX8", 0x100, "0");

     * Thousand separators.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "Thousand Separators (%'*)");

    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf,       1, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("1");              memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);
    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf,      10, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("10");             memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);
    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf,     100, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("100");            memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);
    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf,    1000, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("1 000");          memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);
    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf,   10000, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("10 000");         memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);
    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf,  100000, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("100 000");        memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);
    RTStrFormatNumber(pszBuf, 1000000, 10, 0, 0, RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP); CHECKSTR("1 000 000");      memset(pszBuf, '!', BUF_SIZE);

    CHECK42("%'u", 1,                              "1");
    CHECK42("%'u", 10,                            "10");
    CHECK42("%'u", 100,                          "100");
    CHECK42("%'u", 1000,                       "1 000");
    CHECK42("%'u", 10000,                     "10 000");
    CHECK42("%'u", 100000,                   "100 000");
    CHECK42("%'u", 1000000,                "1 000 000");
    CHECK42("%'RU64", _1T,         "1 099 511 627 776");
    CHECK42("%'RU64", _1E, "1 152 921 504 606 846 976");

     * String formatting.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "String formatting (%s)");

//            0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
//            0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%-10s %-30s %s", "cmd", "args", "description");
    CHECKSTR("cmd        args                           description");

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%-10s %-30s %s", "cmd", "", "description");
    CHECKSTR("cmd                                       description");

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE,  "%*s", 0, "");

    /* automatic conversions. */
    static RTUNICP s_usz1[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 0 }; //assumes ascii.
    static RTUTF16 s_wsz1[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 0 }; //assumes ascii.

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%ls", s_wsz1);
    CHECKSTR("hello world");
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%Ls", s_usz1);
    CHECKSTR("hello world");

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%.5ls", s_wsz1);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%.5Ls", s_usz1);

     * Unicode string formatting.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "Unicode string formatting (%ls)");
    static RTUTF16 s_wszEmpty[]  = { 0 }; //assumes ascii.
    static RTUTF16 s_wszCmd[]    = { 'c', 'm', 'd', 0 }; //assumes ascii.
    static RTUTF16 s_wszArgs[]   = { 'a', 'r', 'g', 's', 0 }; //assumes ascii.
    static RTUTF16 s_wszDesc[]   = { 'd', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 0 }; //assumes ascii.

//            0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
//            0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%-10ls %-30ls %ls", s_wszCmd, s_wszArgs, s_wszDesc);
    CHECKSTR("cmd        args                           description");

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%-10ls %-30ls %ls", s_wszCmd, s_wszEmpty, s_wszDesc);
    CHECKSTR("cmd                                       description");

#if 0
    static RTUNICP s_usz2[] = { 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xf8, 0 };
    static RTUTF16 s_wsz2[] = { 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xf8, 0 };
    static char    s_sz2[]  = { 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xf8, 0 };///@todo multibyte tests.

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%ls", s_wsz2);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%Ls", s_usz2);

     * Hex formatting.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "Hex dump formatting (%Rhx*)");
    static uint8_t const s_abHex1[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 };
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%.1Rhxs", s_abHex1);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%.2Rhxs", s_abHex1);
    CHECKSTR("00 01");
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%Rhxs", s_abHex1);
    CHECKSTR("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f");
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%.*Rhxs", sizeof(s_abHex1), s_abHex1);
    CHECKSTR("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14");
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%4.*Rhxs", sizeof(s_abHex1), s_abHex1);
    CHECKSTR("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14");
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%1.*Rhxs", sizeof(s_abHex1), s_abHex1);
    CHECKSTR("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14");
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%256.*Rhxs", sizeof(s_abHex1), s_abHex1);
    CHECKSTR("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14");

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%4.8Rhxd", s_abHex1);
    RTStrPrintf(pszBuf2, BUF_SIZE,
                "%p 0000: 00 01 02 03 ....\n"
                "%p 0004: 04 05 06 07 ....",
                &s_abHex1[0], &s_abHex1[4]);

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%4.6Rhxd", s_abHex1);
    RTStrPrintf(pszBuf2, BUF_SIZE,
                "%p 0000: 00 01 02 03 ....\n"
                "%p 0004: 04 05       ..",
                &s_abHex1[0], &s_abHex1[4]);

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%.*Rhxd", sizeof(s_abHex1), s_abHex1);
    RTStrPrintf(pszBuf2, BUF_SIZE,
                "%p 0000: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f ................\n"
                "%p 0010: 10 11 12 13 14                                  ....."
                &s_abHex1[0], &s_abHex1[0x10]);

     * x86 register formatting.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "x86 register format types (%RAx86[*])");
    CHECK42("%RAx86[cr0]", UINT64_C(0x80000011),    "80000011{PE,ET,PG}");
    CHECK42("%RAx86[cr0]", UINT64_C(0x80000001),    "80000001{PE,PG}");
    CHECK42("%RAx86[cr0]", UINT64_C(0x00000001),    "00000001{PE}");
    CHECK42("%RAx86[cr0]", UINT64_C(0x80000000),    "80000000{PG}");
    CHECK42("%RAx86[cr4]", UINT64_C(0x80000001),    "80000001{VME,unkn=80000000}");
    CHECK42("%#RAx86[cr4]", UINT64_C(0x80000001),    "0x80000001{VME,unkn=0x80000000}");

     * Custom types.
    RTTestSub(hTest, "Custom format types (%R[*])");
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeRegister("type3", TstType, (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type3",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 3)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3]", (void *)1);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeRegister("type1", TstType, (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type1",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 1)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1]", (void *)1, (void *)2);
    CHECKSTR("type3=1 type1=2");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeRegister("type4", TstType, (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type4",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 4)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1] %R[type4]", (void *)1, (void *)2, (void *)3);
    CHECKSTR("type3=1 type1=2 type4=3");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeRegister("type2", TstType, (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type2",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 2)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1] %R[type4] %R[type2]", (void *)1, (void *)2, (void *)3, (void *)4);
    CHECKSTR("type3=1 type1=2 type4=3 type2=4");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeRegister("type5", TstType, (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type5",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 5)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1] %R[type4] %R[type2] %R[type5]", (void *)1, (void *)2, (void *)3, (void *)4, (void *)5);
    CHECKSTR("type3=1 type1=2 type4=3 type2=4 type5=5");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type1",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 1)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type2",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 2)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type3",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 3)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type4",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 4)), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeSetUser("type5",           (void *)((uintptr_t)TstType + 5)), VINF_SUCCESS);

    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1] %R[type4] %R[type2] %R[type5]", (void *)10, (void *)20, (void *)30, (void *)40, (void *)50);
    CHECKSTR("type3=10 type1=20 type4=30 type2=40 type5=50");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeDeregister("type2"), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1] %R[type4] %R[type5]", (void *)10, (void *)20, (void *)30, (void *)40);
    CHECKSTR("type3=10 type1=20 type4=30 type5=40");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeDeregister("type5"), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1] %R[type4]", (void *)10, (void *)20, (void *)30);
    CHECKSTR("type3=10 type1=20 type4=30");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeDeregister("type4"), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3] %R[type1]", (void *)10, (void *)20);
    CHECKSTR("type3=10 type1=20");

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeDeregister("type1"), VINF_SUCCESS);
    cch = RTStrPrintf(pszBuf, BUF_SIZE, "%R[type3]", (void *)10);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrFormatTypeDeregister("type3"), VINF_SUCCESS);

     * Summarize and exit.
    return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);