 * Tries to reconnect to the USB/IP host.
 * @returns VBox status code.
int USBProxyBackendUsbIp::reconnect()
    /* Make sure we are disconnected. */

    /* Connect to the USB/IP host. */
    int rc = RTTcpClientConnect(m->pszHost, m->uPort, &m->hSocket);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = RTTcpSetSendCoalescing(m->hSocket, false);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            LogRel(("USB/IP: Disabling send coalescing failed (rc=%Rrc), continuing nevertheless but expect increased latency\n", rc));

        rc = RTPollSetAddSocket(m->hPollSet, m->hSocket, RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR,
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTTcpClientCloseEx(m->hSocket, false /*fGracefulShutdown*/);
            m->hSocket = NIL_RTSOCKET;

    return rc;
 * Connects to the peer.
 * @returns VBox status code. Updates g_hTcpClient and g_fTcpClientFromServer on
 *          success
static int txsTcpConnect(void)
    int rc;
    if (g_enmTcpMode == TXSTCPMODE_SERVER)
        g_fTcpClientFromServer = true;
        rc = RTTcpServerListen2(g_pTcpServer, &g_hTcpClient);
        Log(("txsTcpRecvPkt: RTTcpServerListen2 -> %Rrc\n", rc));
    else if (g_enmTcpMode == TXSTCPMODE_CLIENT)
        g_fTcpClientFromServer = false;
        for (;;)
            Log2(("Calling RTTcpClientConnect(%s, %u,)...\n", g_szTcpConnectAddr, g_uTcpConnectPort));
            rc = RTTcpClientConnect(g_szTcpConnectAddr, g_uTcpConnectPort, &g_hTcpClient);
            Log(("txsTcpRecvPkt: RTTcpClientConnect -> %Rrc\n", rc));
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || txsTcpIsFatalClientConnectStatus(rc))

            /* Delay a wee bit before retrying. */
        Assert(g_enmTcpMode == TXSTCPMODE_BOTH);
        RTTHREAD hSelf = RTThreadSelf();

         * Create client threads.
        g_hThreadMain        = hSelf;
        g_fTcpStopConnecting = false;


        rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
        if (g_hThreadTcpConnect == NIL_RTTHREAD)
            g_pTcpConnectCancelCookie = NULL;
            rc = RTThreadCreate(&g_hThreadTcpConnect, txsTcpClientConnectThread, NULL, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT,
                                RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "tcpconn");
        if (g_hThreadTcpServer == NIL_RTTHREAD && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            rc = RTThreadCreate(&g_hThreadTcpServer, txsTcpServerConnectThread, NULL, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT,
                                RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "tcpserv");


         * Wait for connection to be established.
        while (   RT_SUCCESS(rc)
               && g_hTcpClient == NIL_RTSOCKET)
            RTThreadUserWait(hSelf, 1536);
            rc = txsTcpConnectWaitOnThreads(0);

         * Cancel the threads.
        g_hThreadMain        = NIL_RTTHREAD;
        g_fTcpStopConnecting = true;


    AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? g_hTcpClient != NIL_RTSOCKET : g_hTcpClient == NIL_RTSOCKET, ("%Rrc %p\n", rc, g_hTcpClient));
    g_cbTcpStashed = 0;
    return rc;
 * Do the teleporter.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pState              The teleporter state.
Console::teleporterSrc(TeleporterStateSrc *pState)
    AutoCaller autoCaller(this);
    if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc();

     * Wait for Console::Teleport to change the state.
        AutoWriteLock autoLock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);

    BOOL fCanceled = TRUE;
    HRESULT hrc = pState->mptrProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled);
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;
    if (fCanceled)
        return setError(E_FAIL, tr("canceled"));

     * Try connect to the destination machine, disable Nagle.
     * (Note. The caller cleans up mhSocket, so we can return without worries.)
    int vrc = RTTcpClientConnect(pState->mstrHostname.c_str(), pState->muPort, &pState->mhSocket);
    if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
        return setError(E_FAIL, tr("Failed to connect to port %u on '%s': %Rrc"),
                        pState->muPort, pState->mstrHostname.c_str(), vrc);
    vrc = RTTcpSetSendCoalescing(pState->mhSocket, false /*fEnable*/);

    /* Read and check the welcome message. */
    char szLine[RT_MAX(128, sizeof(g_szWelcome))];
    vrc = RTTcpRead(pState->mhSocket, szLine, sizeof(g_szWelcome) - 1, NULL);
    if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
        return setError(E_FAIL, tr("Failed to read welcome message: %Rrc"), vrc);
    if (strcmp(szLine, g_szWelcome))
        return setError(E_FAIL, tr("Unexpected welcome %.*Rhxs"), sizeof(g_szWelcome) - 1, szLine);

    /* password */
    vrc = RTTcpWrite(pState->mhSocket, pState->mstrPassword.c_str(), pState->mstrPassword.length());
    if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
        return setError(E_FAIL, tr("Failed to send password: %Rrc"), vrc);

    /* ACK */
    hrc = teleporterSrcReadACK(pState, "password", tr("Invalid password"));
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;

     * Start loading the state.
     * Note! The saved state includes vital configuration data which will be
     *       verified against the VM config on the other end.  This is all done
     *       in the first pass, so we should fail pretty promptly on misconfig.
    hrc = teleporterSrcSubmitCommand(pState, "load");
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;

    void *pvUser = static_cast<void *>(static_cast<TeleporterState *>(pState));
    vrc = VMR3Teleport(VMR3GetVM(pState->mpUVM),
                       &g_teleporterTcpOps,         pvUser,
                       teleporterProgressCallback,  pvUser,
    if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
        if (   vrc == VERR_SSM_CANCELLED
                && RT_SUCCESS(RTTcpSelectOne(pState->mhSocket, 1)))
            hrc = teleporterSrcReadACK(pState, "load-complete");
            if (FAILED(hrc))
                return hrc;
        return setError(E_FAIL, tr("VMR3Teleport -> %Rrc"), vrc);

    hrc = teleporterSrcReadACK(pState, "load-complete");
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;

     * We're at the point of no return.
    if (!pState->mptrProgress->notifyPointOfNoReturn())
        teleporterSrcSubmitCommand(pState, "cancel", false /*fWaitForAck*/);
        return E_FAIL;

     * Hand over any media which we might be sharing.
     * Note! This is only important on localhost teleportations.
    /** @todo Maybe we should only do this if it's a local teleportation... */
    hrc = mControl->UnlockMedia();
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;
    pState->mfUnlockedMedia = true;

    hrc = teleporterSrcSubmitCommand(pState, "lock-media");
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;

     * The FINAL step is giving the target instructions how to proceed with the VM.
    if (    vrc == VINF_SSM_LIVE_SUSPENDED
            ||  pState->menmOldMachineState == MachineState_Paused)
        hrc = teleporterSrcSubmitCommand(pState, "hand-over-paused");
        hrc = teleporterSrcSubmitCommand(pState, "hand-over-resume");
    if (FAILED(hrc))
        return hrc;

     * teleporterSrcThreadWrapper will do the automatic power off because it
     * has to release the AutoVMCaller.
    return S_OK;
 * Construct a TCP socket stream driver instance.
static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvTCPConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags)

     * Init the static parts.
    pThis->pDrvIns                      = pDrvIns;
    pThis->pszLocation                  = NULL;
    pThis->fIsServer                    = false;

    pThis->hTcpServ                     = NULL;
    pThis->hTcpSock                     = NIL_RTSOCKET;

    pThis->hPollSet                     = NIL_RTPOLLSET;
    pThis->hPipeWakeR                   = NIL_RTPIPE;
    pThis->hPipeWakeW                   = NIL_RTPIPE;
    pThis->fTcpSockInPollSet            = false;

    pThis->ListenThread                 = NIL_RTTHREAD;
    pThis->fShutdown                    = false;
    /* IBase */
    pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface    = drvTCPQueryInterface;
    /* IStream */
    pThis->IStream.pfnPoll              = drvTcpPoll;
    pThis->IStream.pfnPollInterrupt     = drvTcpPollInterrupt;
    pThis->IStream.pfnRead              = drvTcpRead;
    pThis->IStream.pfnWrite             = drvTcpWrite;

     * Validate and read the configuration.
    PDMDRV_VALIDATE_CONFIG_RETURN(pDrvIns, "Location|IsServer", "");

    int rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfg, "Location", &pThis->pszLocation);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                   N_("Configuration error: querying \"Location\" resulted in %Rrc"), rc);
    rc = CFGMR3QueryBool(pCfg, "IsServer", &pThis->fIsServer);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                   N_("Configuration error: querying \"IsServer\" resulted in %Rrc"), rc);

    rc = RTPipeCreate(&pThis->hPipeWakeR, &pThis->hPipeWakeW, 0 /* fFlags */);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                   N_("DrvTCP#%d: Failed to create wake pipe"), pDrvIns->iInstance);

    rc = RTPollSetCreate(&pThis->hPollSet);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                   N_("DrvTCP#%d: Failed to create poll set"), pDrvIns->iInstance);

    rc = RTPollSetAddPipe(pThis->hPollSet, pThis->hPipeWakeR,
                            RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR,
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                   N_("DrvTCP#%d failed to add wakeup pipe for %s to poll set"),
                                   pDrvIns->iInstance, pThis->pszLocation);

     * Create/Open the socket.
    if (pThis->fIsServer)
        uint32_t uPort = 0;
        rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pThis->pszLocation, NULL, 10, &uPort);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d: The port part of the location is not a numerical value"),

        /** @todo Allow binding to distinct interfaces. */
        rc = RTTcpServerCreateEx(NULL, uPort, &pThis->hTcpServ);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc,  RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d failed to create server socket"), pDrvIns->iInstance);

        rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThis->ListenThread, drvTCPListenLoop, (void *)pThis, 0,
                            RTTHREADTYPE_IO, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "DrvTCPStream");
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc,  RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d failed to create listening thread"), pDrvIns->iInstance);
        char *pszPort = strchr(pThis->pszLocation, ':');
        if (!pszPort)
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, VERR_NOT_FOUND, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d: The location misses the port to connect to"),

        *pszPort = '\0'; /* Overwrite temporarily to avoid copying the hostname into a temporary buffer. */
        uint32_t uPort = 0;
        rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pszPort + 1, NULL, 10, &uPort);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d: The port part of the location is not a numerical value"),

        rc = RTTcpClientConnect(pThis->pszLocation, uPort, &pThis->hTcpSock);
        *pszPort = ':'; /* Restore delimiter before checking the status. */
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d failed to connect to socket %s"),
                                       pDrvIns->iInstance, pThis->pszLocation);

        rc = RTPollSetAddSocket(pThis->hPollSet, pThis->hTcpSock,
                                RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR,
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                                       N_("DrvTCP#%d failed to add socket for %s to poll set"),
                                       pDrvIns->iInstance, pThis->pszLocation);

        pThis->fTcpSockInPollSet = true;

    LogRel(("DrvTCP: %s, %s\n", pThis->pszLocation, pThis->fIsServer ? "server" : "client"));
    return VINF_SUCCESS;