void R_SetupDecalTextureSpaceBasis( decal_t *pDecal, msurface_t *surf, int texture, vec3_t textureSpaceBasis[3], float decalWorldScale[2] )
	float	*sAxis = NULL;
	int	width, height;

	if( pDecal->flags & FDECAL_USESAXIS )
		sAxis = pDecal->saxis;

	// Compute the non-scaled decal basis
	R_DecalComputeBasis( surf, sAxis, textureSpaceBasis );
	R_GetDecalDimensions( texture, &width, &height );

	// world width of decal = ptexture->width / pDecal->scale
	// world height of decal = ptexture->height / pDecal->scale
	// scale is inverse, scales world space to decal u/v space [0,1]
	// OPTIMIZE: Get rid of these divides
	decalWorldScale[0] = (float)pDecal->scale / width;
	decalWorldScale[1] = (float)pDecal->scale / height;
	VectorScale( textureSpaceBasis[0], decalWorldScale[0], textureSpaceBasis[0] );
	VectorScale( textureSpaceBasis[1], decalWorldScale[1], textureSpaceBasis[1] );
// Check for intersecting decals on this surface
static decal_t *R_DecalIntersect( decalinfo_t *decalinfo, msurface_t *surf, int *pcount )
	int		texture;
	decal_t		*plast, *pDecal;
	vec3_t		decalExtents[2];
	float		lastArea = 2;
	int		mapSize[2];

	plast = NULL;
	*pcount = 0;

	// (Same as R_SetupDecalClip).
	texture = decalinfo->m_iTexture;
	// precalculate the extents of decalinfo's decal in world space.
	R_GetDecalDimensions( texture, &mapSize[0], &mapSize[1] );
	VectorScale( decalinfo->m_Basis[0], ((mapSize[0] / decalinfo->m_scale) * 0.5f), decalExtents[0] );
	VectorScale( decalinfo->m_Basis[1], ((mapSize[1] / decalinfo->m_scale) * 0.5f), decalExtents[1] );

	pDecal = surf->pdecals;

	while( pDecal ) 
		texture = pDecal->texture;

		// Don't steal bigger decals and replace them with smaller decals
		// Don't steal permanent decals
		if(!( pDecal->flags & FDECAL_PERMANENT ))
			vec3_t	testBasis[3];
			vec3_t	testPosition[2];
			float	testWorldScale[2];
			vec2_t	vDecalMin, vDecalMax;
			vec2_t	vUnionMin, vUnionMax;

			R_SetupDecalTextureSpaceBasis( pDecal, surf, texture, testBasis, testWorldScale );

			VectorSubtract( decalinfo->m_Position, decalExtents[0], testPosition[0] );
			VectorSubtract( decalinfo->m_Position, decalExtents[1], testPosition[1] );

			// Here, we project the min and max extents of the decal that got passed in into
			// this decal's (pDecal's) [0,0,1,1] clip space, just like we would if we were
			// clipping a triangle into pDecal's clip space.
			Vector2Set( vDecalMin,
				DotProduct( testPosition[0], testBasis[0] ) - pDecal->dx + 0.5f,
				DotProduct( testPosition[1], testBasis[1] ) - pDecal->dy + 0.5f );

			VectorAdd( decalinfo->m_Position, decalExtents[0], testPosition[0] );
			VectorAdd( decalinfo->m_Position, decalExtents[1], testPosition[1] );

			Vector2Set( vDecalMax,
				DotProduct( testPosition[0], testBasis[0] ) - pDecal->dx + 0.5f,
				DotProduct( testPosition[1], testBasis[1] ) - pDecal->dy + 0.5f );	

			// Now figure out the part of the projection that intersects pDecal's
			// clip box [0,0,1,1].
			Vector2Set( vUnionMin, max( vDecalMin[0], 0 ), max( vDecalMin[1], 0 ));
			Vector2Set( vUnionMax, min( vDecalMax[0], 1 ), min( vDecalMax[1], 1 ));

			if( vUnionMin[0] < 1 && vUnionMin[1] < 1 && vUnionMax[0] > 0 && vUnionMax[1] > 0 )
				// Figure out how much of this intersects the (0,0) - (1,1) bbox.			
				float	flArea = (vUnionMax[0] - vUnionMin[1]) * (vUnionMax[1] - vUnionMin[1]);

				if( flArea > 0.6f )
					*pcount += 1;

					if( !plast || flArea <= lastArea ) 
						plast = pDecal;
						lastArea =  flArea;
		pDecal = pDecal->pnext;
	return plast;
// Shoots a decal onto the surface of the BSP.  position is the center of the decal in world coords
void R_DecalShoot( int textureIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, vec3_t pos, int flags, vec3_t saxis, float scale )
	decalinfo_t	decalInfo;
	hull_t		*hull;
	cl_entity_t	*ent = NULL;
	model_t		*model = NULL;
	int		width, height;

	if( textureIndex <= 0 || textureIndex >= MAX_TEXTURES )
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Decal has invalid texture!\n" );

	if( entityIndex > 0 )
		ent = CL_GetEntityByIndex( entityIndex );

		if( modelIndex > 0 ) model = Mod_Handle( modelIndex );
		else if( ent != NULL ) model = Mod_Handle( ent->curstate.modelindex );
		else return;
	else if( modelIndex > 0 )
		model = Mod_Handle( modelIndex );
	else model = cl.worldmodel;

	if( !model ) return;
	if( model->type != mod_brush )
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Decals must hit mod_brush!\n" );

	decalInfo.m_pModel = model;
	hull = &model->hulls[0];	// always use #0 hull

	if( ent && !( flags & FDECAL_LOCAL_SPACE ))
		vec3_t	pos_l;

		// transform decal position in local bmodel space
		if( !VectorIsNull( ent->angles ))
			matrix4x4	matrix;

			Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( matrix, ent->angles, ent->origin, 1.0f );
			Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, pos, pos_l );
			VectorSubtract( pos, ent->origin, pos_l );

		VectorCopy( pos_l, decalInfo.m_Position );
		flags |= FDECAL_LOCAL_SPACE; // decal position moved into local space
		// pass position in global
		VectorCopy( pos, decalInfo.m_Position );

	// deal with the s axis if one was passed in
	if( saxis )
		VectorCopy( saxis, decalInfo.m_SAxis );

	// this decal must use landmark for correct transition
	if(!( model->flags & MODEL_HAS_ORIGIN ))

	// more state used by R_DecalNode()
	decalInfo.m_iTexture = textureIndex;
	decalInfo.m_Entity = entityIndex;
	decalInfo.m_Flags = flags;

	R_GetDecalDimensions( textureIndex, &width, &height );
	decalInfo.m_Size = width >> 1;
	if(( height >> 1 ) > decalInfo.m_Size )
		decalInfo.m_Size = height >> 1;

	decalInfo.m_scale = bound( MIN_DECAL_SCALE, scale, MAX_DECAL_SCALE );

	// compute the decal dimensions in world space
	decalInfo.m_decalWidth = width / decalInfo.m_scale;
	decalInfo.m_decalHeight = height / decalInfo.m_scale;

	R_DecalNode( model, &model->nodes[hull->firstclipnode], &decalInfo );