static void R_SetupGL( void )
	if( RI.refdef.waterlevel >= 3 )
		float	f;
		f = sin( cl.time * 0.4f * ( M_PI * 2.7f ));
		RI.refdef.fov_x += f;
		RI.refdef.fov_y -= f;

	R_SetupModelviewMatrix( &RI.refdef, RI.worldviewMatrix );
	R_SetupProjectionMatrix( &RI.refdef, RI.projectionMatrix );
//	if( RI.params & RP_MIRRORVIEW ) RI.projectionMatrix[0][0] = -RI.projectionMatrix[0][0];

	Matrix4x4_Concat( RI.worldviewProjectionMatrix, RI.projectionMatrix, RI.worldviewMatrix );

	pglScissor( RI.scissor[0], RI.scissor[1], RI.scissor[2], RI.scissor[3] );
	pglViewport( RI.viewport[0], RI.viewport[1], RI.viewport[2], RI.viewport[3] );

	pglMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
	GL_LoadMatrix( RI.projectionMatrix );

	pglMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
	GL_LoadMatrix( RI.worldviewMatrix );

	if( RI.params & RP_CLIPPLANE )
		GLdouble	clip[4];
		mplane_t	*p = &RI.clipPlane;

		clip[0] = p->normal[0];
		clip[1] = p->normal[1];
		clip[2] = p->normal[2];
		clip[3] = -p->dist;

		pglClipPlane( GL_CLIP_PLANE0, clip );
		pglEnable( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 );

	if( RI.params & RP_FLIPFRONTFACE )
		GL_FrontFace( !glState.frontFace );

	GL_Cull( GL_FRONT );

	pglDisable( GL_BLEND );
	pglDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
	pglColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

A view may be either the actual camera view,
a mirror / remote location, or a 3D view on a gui surface.

Parms will typically be allocated with R_FrameAlloc
void R_RenderView( viewDef_t *parms ) {
	// save view in case we are a subview
	viewDef_t * oldView = tr.viewDef;

	tr.viewDef = parms;

	// setup the matrix for world space to eye space
	R_SetupViewMatrix( tr.viewDef );

	// we need to set the projection matrix before doing
	// portal-to-screen scissor calculations
	R_SetupProjectionMatrix( tr.viewDef );

	// setup render matrices for faster culling
	idRenderMatrix::Transpose( *(idRenderMatrix *)tr.viewDef->projectionMatrix, tr.viewDef->projectionRenderMatrix );
	idRenderMatrix viewRenderMatrix;
	idRenderMatrix::Transpose( *(idRenderMatrix *)tr.viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, viewRenderMatrix );
	idRenderMatrix::Multiply( tr.viewDef->projectionRenderMatrix, viewRenderMatrix, tr.viewDef->worldSpace.mvp );

	// the planes of the view frustum are needed for portal visibility culling
	idRenderMatrix::GetFrustumPlanes( tr.viewDef->frustum, tr.viewDef->worldSpace.mvp, false, true );

	// the DOOM 3 frustum planes point outside the frustum
	for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
		tr.viewDef->frustum[i] = - tr.viewDef->frustum[i];
	// remove the Z-near to avoid portals from being near clipped
	tr.viewDef->frustum[4][3] -= r_znear.GetFloat();

	// identify all the visible portal areas, and create view lights and view entities
	// for all the the entityDefs and lightDefs that are in the visible portal areas
	static_cast<idRenderWorldLocal *>(parms->renderWorld)->FindViewLightsAndEntities();

	// wait for any shadow volume jobs from the previous frame to finish

	// make sure that interactions exist for all light / entity combinations that are visible
	// add any pre-generated light shadows, and calculate the light shader values

	// adds ambient surfaces and create any necessary interaction surfaces to add to the light lists

	// build up the GUIs on world surfaces
	R_AddInGameGuis( tr.viewDef->drawSurfs, tr.viewDef->numDrawSurfs );

	// any viewLight that didn't have visible surfaces can have it's shadows removed

	// sort all the ambient surfaces for translucency ordering
	R_SortDrawSurfs( tr.viewDef->drawSurfs, tr.viewDef->numDrawSurfs );

	// generate any subviews (mirrors, cameras, etc) before adding this view
	if ( R_GenerateSubViews( tr.viewDef->drawSurfs, tr.viewDef->numDrawSurfs ) ) {
		// if we are debugging subviews, allow the skipping of the main view draw
		if ( r_subviewOnly.GetBool() ) {

	// write everything needed to the demo file
	if ( common->WriteDemo() ) {
		static_cast<idRenderWorldLocal *>(parms->renderWorld)->WriteVisibleDefs( tr.viewDef );

	// add the rendering commands for this viewDef
	R_AddDrawViewCmd( parms, false );

	// restore view in case we are a subview
	tr.viewDef = oldView;
文件: gl_rmain.c 项目: jeefo/xash3d
static void R_SetupGL( void )
	if( r_underwater_distortion->value && RI.refdef.waterlevel >= 3 )
		float	f;
		f = sin( cl.time * r_underwater_distortion->value * ( M_PI * 2.7f ));
		RI.refdef.fov_x += f;
		RI.refdef.fov_y -= f;

	R_SetupModelviewMatrix( &RI.refdef, RI.worldviewMatrix );
	R_SetupProjectionMatrix( &RI.refdef, RI.projectionMatrix );
//	if( RI.params & RP_MIRRORVIEW ) RI.projectionMatrix[0][0] = -RI.projectionMatrix[0][0];

	Matrix4x4_Concat( RI.worldviewProjectionMatrix, RI.projectionMatrix, RI.worldviewMatrix );

		int	x, x2, y, y2;

		// set up viewport (main, playersetup)
		x = floor( RI.viewport[0] * glState.width / glState.width );
		x2 = ceil(( RI.viewport[0] + RI.viewport[2] ) * glState.width / glState.width );
		y = floor( glState.height - RI.viewport[1] * glState.height / glState.height );
		y2 = ceil( glState.height - ( RI.viewport[1] + RI.viewport[3] ) * glState.height / glState.height );

		pglViewport( x, y2, x2 - x, y - y2 );
		// envpass, mirrorpass
		pglViewport( RI.viewport[0], RI.viewport[1], RI.viewport[2], RI.viewport[3] );

	pglMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
	GL_LoadMatrix( RI.projectionMatrix );

	pglMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
	GL_LoadMatrix( RI.worldviewMatrix );

	if( RI.params & RP_CLIPPLANE )
		GLdouble	clip[4];
		mplane_t	*p = &RI.clipPlane;

		clip[0] = p->normal[0];
		clip[1] = p->normal[1];
		clip[2] = p->normal[2];
		clip[3] = -p->dist;

		pglClipPlane( GL_CLIP_PLANE0, clip );
		pglEnable( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 );

	if( RI.params & RP_FLIPFRONTFACE )
		GL_FrontFace( !glState.frontFace );

	GL_Cull( GL_FRONT );

	pglDisable( GL_BLEND );
	pglDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
	pglColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
static viewDef_t* R_MirrorViewBySurface( const drawSurf_t* drawSurf )
	// copy the viewport size from the original
	viewDef_t* parms = ( viewDef_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *parms ) );
	*parms = *tr.viewDef;
	parms->renderView.viewID = 0;	// clear to allow player bodies to show up, and suppress view weapons
	parms->isSubview = true;
	parms->isMirror = true;
	parms->isObliqueProjection = false;
	// create plane axis for the portal we are seeing
	idPlane originalPlane, plane;
	R_PlaneForSurface( drawSurf->frontEndGeo, originalPlane );
	R_LocalPlaneToGlobal( drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, originalPlane, plane );
	orientation_t surface;
	surface.origin = plane.Normal() * -plane[3];
	surface.axis[0] = plane.Normal();
	surface.axis[0].NormalVectors( surface.axis[1], surface.axis[2] );
	surface.axis[2] = -surface.axis[2];
	orientation_t camera;
	camera.origin = surface.origin;
	camera.axis[0] = -surface.axis[0];
	camera.axis[1] = surface.axis[1];
	camera.axis[2] = surface.axis[2];
	// set the mirrored origin and axis
	R_MirrorPoint( tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg, &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.vieworg );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[0], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[0] );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[1], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[1] );
	R_MirrorVector( tr.viewDef->renderView.viewaxis[2], &surface, &camera, parms->renderView.viewaxis[2] );
	// make the view origin 16 units away from the center of the surface
	const idVec3 center = (drawSurf->frontEndGeo->bounds[0] + drawSurf->frontEndGeo->bounds[1]) * 0.5f;
	const idVec3 viewOrigin = center + (originalPlane.Normal() * 16.0f);

	R_LocalPointToGlobal(drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, viewOrigin, parms->initialViewAreaOrigin);

	// set the mirror clip plane
	parms->numClipPlanes = 1;
	parms->clipPlanes[0] = -camera.axis[0];
	parms->clipPlanes[0][3] = -( camera.origin * parms->clipPlanes[0].Normal() );
	if (r_waterReflectFix.GetBool() && !parms->is2Dgui && drawSurf->material->GetSurfaceType() == SURFTYPE_MIRROR)
		parms->isObliqueProjection = true;
		float dist = parms->clipPlanes[0].Dist();
		float viewdist = parms->renderView.vieworg * parms->clipPlanes[0].Normal();
		float fDist = -dist + viewdist;
		static const float fudge = 2.f;	//fudge avoids depth precision artifacts when performing oblique projection
		if (fDist > fudge || fDist < -fudge)
			if (fDist < 0.f)
				fDist += fudge;
				fDist -= fudge;

		parms->clipPlanes[0][3] = fDist;		


	return parms;