/* zeroin2(f, ax, bx, f.ax, f.bx, tol, maxiter) */
SEXP zeroin2(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    double f_ax, f_bx;
    double xmin, xmax, tol;
    int iter;
    SEXP v, res;
    struct callinfo info;

    args = CDR(args);

    /* the function to be minimized */
    v = CAR(args);
    if (!isFunction(v)) error(_("attempt to minimize non-function"));
    args = CDR(args);

    /* xmin */
    xmin = asReal(CAR(args));
    if (!R_FINITE(xmin)) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xmin");
    args = CDR(args);

    /* xmax */
    xmax = asReal(CAR(args));
    if (!R_FINITE(xmax)) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xmax");
    if (xmin >= xmax) error(_("'xmin' not less than 'xmax'"));
    args = CDR(args);

    /* f(ax) = f(xmin) */
    f_ax = asReal(CAR(args));
    if (ISNA(f_ax)) error(_("NA value for '%s' is not allowed"), "f.lower");
    args = CDR(args);

    /* f(bx) = f(xmax) */
    f_bx = asReal(CAR(args));
    if (ISNA(f_bx)) error(_("NA value for '%s' is not allowed"), "f.upper");
    args = CDR(args);

    /* tol */
    tol = asReal(CAR(args));
    if (!R_FINITE(tol) || tol <= 0.0) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "tol");
    args = CDR(args);

    /* maxiter */
    iter = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if (iter <= 0) error(_("'maxiter' must be positive"));

    info.R_env = rho;
    PROTECT(info.R_fcall = lang2(v, R_NilValue)); /* the info used in fcn2() */
    PROTECT(res = allocVector(REALSXP, 3));
    REAL(res)[0] =
	R_zeroin2(xmin, xmax, f_ax, f_bx, (double (*)(double, void*)) fcn2,
		 (void *) &info, &tol, &iter);
    REAL(res)[1] = (double)iter;
    REAL(res)[2] = tol;
    return res;
 * root finder routines are copied from stats/src/zeroin.c
double Logicle::R_zeroin(			/* An estimate of the root */
    double ax,				/* Left border | of the range	*/
    double bx,				/* Right border| the root is seeked*/
    double (*f)(double x, void *info),	/* Function under investigation	*/
    void *info,				/* Add'l info passed on to f	*/
    double *Tol,			/* Acceptable tolerance		*/
    int *Maxit)				/* Max # of iterations */
    double fa = (*f)(ax, info);
    double fb = (*f)(bx, info);
    return R_zeroin2(ax, bx, fa, fb, f, info, Tol, Maxit);
void Zeroin_(			/* An estimate of the root */
    double *ax,				/* Left border | of the range	*/
    double *bx,				/* Right border| the root is seeked*/
    double *fa,double *fb,
	double (*f)(double x, void *info),	/* Function under investigation	*/
    void *info,				/* Add'l info passed on to f	*/
	double *Tol,			/* Acceptable tolerance		*/
    int *Maxit,				/* Max # of iterations */
	double *root)           /* returned root    */
*root= R_zeroin2(*ax, *bx,*fa,*fb,f, info,Tol, Maxit);