void RandomPlayerbotMgr::RandomTeleportForLevel(Player* bot)
    vector<WorldLocation> locs;
    QueryResult* results = WorldDatabase.PQuery("select map, position_x, position_y, position_z "
        "from (select map, position_x, position_y, position_z, avg(t.maxlevel), avg(t.minlevel), "
        "%u - (avg(t.maxlevel) + avg(t.minlevel)) / 2 delta "
        "from creature c inner join creature_template t on c.id = t.entry group by t.entry) q "
        "where delta >= 0 and delta <= %u and map in (%s)",
        bot->getLevel(), sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotTeleLevel, sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotMapsAsString.c_str());
    if (results)
            Field* fields = results->Fetch();
            uint32 mapId = fields[0].GetUInt32();
            float x = fields[1].GetFloat();
            float y = fields[2].GetFloat();
            float z = fields[3].GetFloat();
            WorldLocation loc(mapId, x, y, z, 0);
        } while (results->NextRow());
        delete results;

    RandomTeleport(bot, locs);
void RandomPlayerbotMgr::RandomTeleportForLevel(Player* bot)
    vector<WorldLocation> locs;
    QueryResult results = WorldDatabase.PQuery("select map, position_x, position_y, position_z "
        "from (select map, position_x, position_y, position_z, avg(t.maxlevel), avg(t.minlevel), "
        "%u - (avg(t.maxlevel) + avg(t.minlevel)) / 2 delta "
        "from creature c inner join creature_template t on c.id = t.entry group by t.entry) q "
        "where delta >= 0 and delta <= %u and map in (%s) and not exists ( "
        "select map, position_x, position_y, position_z from "
        "select map, c.position_x, c.position_y, c.position_z, avg(t.maxlevel), avg(t.minlevel), "
        "%u - (avg(t.maxlevel) + avg(t.minlevel)) / 2 delta "
        "from creature c "
        "inner join creature_template t on c.id = t.entry group by t.entry "
        ") q1 "
        "where delta > %u and q1.map = q.map "
        "and sqrt("
        "(q1.position_x - q.position_x)*(q1.position_x - q.position_x) +"
        "(q1.position_y - q.position_y)*(q1.position_y - q.position_y) +"
        "(q1.position_z - q.position_z)*(q1.position_z - q.position_z)"
        ") < %u)",
    if (results)
            Field* fields = results->Fetch();
            uint16 mapId = fields[0].GetUInt16();
            float x = fields[1].GetFloat();
            float y = fields[2].GetFloat();
            float z = fields[3].GetFloat();
            WorldLocation loc(mapId, x, y, z, 0);
        } while (results->NextRow());

    RandomTeleport(bot, locs);
void RandomPlayerbotMgr::RandomizeFirst(Player* bot)
    uint32 maxLevel = sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotMaxLevel;
    if (maxLevel > sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL))
        maxLevel = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL);

    for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 100; ++attempt)
        int index = urand(0, sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotMaps.size() - 1);
        uint32 mapId = sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotMaps[index];

        vector<GameTele const*> locs;
        GameTeleMap const & teleMap = sObjectMgr.GetGameTeleMap();
        for(GameTeleMap::const_iterator itr = teleMap.begin(); itr != teleMap.end(); ++itr)
            GameTele const* tele = &itr->second;
            if (tele->mapId == mapId)

        index = urand(0, locs.size() - 1);
        if (index >= locs.size())
        GameTele const* tele = locs[index];
        uint32 level = GetZoneLevel(tele->mapId, tele->position_x, tele->position_y, tele->position_z);
        if (level > maxLevel + 5)

        level = min(level, maxLevel);
        if (!level) level = 1;

        if (urand(0, 100) < 100 * sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotMaxLevelChance)
            level = maxLevel;

        if (level < sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotMinLevel)

        PlayerbotFactory factory(bot, level);
        RandomTeleport(bot, tele->mapId, tele->position_x, tele->position_y, tele->position_z);
void RandomPlayerbotMgr::RandomTeleport(Player* bot, uint16 mapId, float teleX, float teleY, float teleZ)
    vector<WorldLocation> locs;
    QueryResult results = WorldDatabase.PQuery("select position_x, position_y, position_z from creature where map = '%u' and abs(position_x - '%f') < '%u' and abs(position_y - '%f') < '%u'",
            mapId, teleX, sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotTeleportDistance / 2, teleY, sPlayerbotAIConfig.randomBotTeleportDistance / 2);
    if (results)
            Field* fields = results->Fetch();
            float x = fields[0].GetFloat();
            float y = fields[1].GetFloat();
            float z = fields[2].GetFloat();
            WorldLocation loc(mapId, x, y, z, 0);
        } while (results->NextRow());

    RandomTeleport(bot, locs);
bool RandomPlayerbotMgr::ProcessBot(uint32 bot)
    uint32 isValid = GetEventValue(bot, "add");
    if (!isValid)
        Player* player = GetPlayerBot(bot);
        if (!player || !player->GetGroup())
            sLog.outDetail("Bot %d expired", bot);
            SetEventValue(bot, "add", 0, 0);
        return true;

    if (!GetPlayerBot(bot))
        sLog.outDetail("Bot %d logged in", bot);
        AddPlayerBot(bot, 0);
        if (!GetEventValue(bot, "online"))
            SetEventValue(bot, "online", 1, sPlayerbotAIConfig.minRandomBotInWorldTime);
        return true;

    Player* player = GetPlayerBot(bot);
    if (!player)
        return false;

    PlayerbotAI* ai = player->GetPlayerbotAI();
    if (!ai)
        return false;

    if (player->GetGroup())
        sLog.outDetail("Skipping bot %d as it is in group", bot);
        return false;

    if (player->IsDead())
        if (!GetEventValue(bot, "dead"))
            sLog.outDetail("Setting dead flag for bot %d", bot);
            uint32 randomTime = urand(sPlayerbotAIConfig.minRandomBotReviveTime, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotReviveTime);
            SetEventValue(bot, "dead", 1, randomTime);
            SetEventValue(bot, "revive", 1, randomTime - 60);
            return false;

        if (!GetEventValue(bot, "revive"))
            sLog.outDetail("Reviving dead bot %d", bot);
            SetEventValue(bot, "dead", 0, 0);
            SetEventValue(bot, "revive", 0, 0);
            RandomTeleport(player, player->GetMapId(), player->GetPositionX(), player->GetPositionY(), player->GetPositionZ());
            return true;

        return false;

    uint32 randomize = GetEventValue(bot, "randomize");
    if (!randomize)
        sLog.outDetail("Randomizing bot %d", bot);
        uint32 randomTime = urand(sPlayerbotAIConfig.minRandomBotRandomizeTime, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotRandomizeTime);
        ScheduleRandomize(bot, randomTime);
        return true;

    uint32 logout = GetEventValue(bot, "logout");
    if (!logout)
        sLog.outDetail("Logging out bot %d", bot);
        SetEventValue(bot, "logout", 1, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotInWorldTime);
        return true;

    uint32 teleport = GetEventValue(bot, "teleport");
    if (!teleport)
        sLog.outDetail("Random teleporting bot %d", bot);
        SetEventValue(bot, "teleport", 1, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotInWorldTime);
        return true;

    return false;
bool RandomPlayerbotMgr::ProcessBot(uint32 bot)
    uint32 isValid = GetEventValue(bot, "add");
    if (!isValid)
		Player* player = GetPlayerBot(bot);
		if (!player || !player->GetGroup())
			sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Bot %d expired", bot);
			SetEventValue(bot, "add", 0, 0);
        return true;

    if (!GetPlayerBot(bot))
        sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Bot %d logged in", bot);
        AddPlayerBot(bot, 0);
        if (!GetEventValue(bot, "online"))
            SetEventValue(bot, "online", 1, sPlayerbotAIConfig.minRandomBotInWorldTime);
        return true;

    Player* player = GetPlayerBot(bot);
    if (!player)
        return false;

    PlayerbotAI* ai = player->GetPlayerbotAI();
    if (!ai)
        return false;

    if (player->GetGroup())
        sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Skipping bot %d as it is in group", bot);
        return false;

    if (player->isDead())
        if (!GetEventValue(bot, "dead"))
            sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Setting dead flag for bot %d", bot);
            uint32 randomTime = urand(sPlayerbotAIConfig.minRandomBotReviveTime, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotReviveTime);
            SetEventValue(bot, "dead", 1, randomTime);
            SetEventValue(bot, "revive", 1, randomTime - 60);
            return false;

        if (!GetEventValue(bot, "revive"))
            sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Reviving dead bot %d", bot);
            SetEventValue(bot, "dead", 0, 0);
            SetEventValue(bot, "revive", 0, 0);
            RandomTeleport(player, player->GetMapId(), player->GetPositionX(), player->GetPositionY(), player->GetPositionZ());
            return true;

        return false;

    if (player->GetGuild() && player->GetGuild()->GetLeaderGUID() == player->GetGUID())
        for (vector<Player*>::iterator i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ++i)
            sGuildTaskMgr.Update(*i, player);

    uint32 randomize = GetEventValue(bot, "randomize");
    if (!randomize)
        sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Randomizing bot %d", bot);
        uint32 randomTime = urand(sPlayerbotAIConfig.minRandomBotRandomizeTime, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotRandomizeTime);
        ScheduleRandomize(bot, randomTime);
        return true;

    uint32 logout = GetEventValue(bot, "logout");
    if (!logout)
        sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Logging out bot %d", bot);
        SetEventValue(bot, "logout", 1, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotInWorldTime);
        return true;

    uint32 teleport = GetEventValue(bot, "teleport");
    if (!teleport)
        sLog->outMessage("playerbot", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Random teleporting bot %d", bot);
        SetEventValue(bot, "teleport", 1, sPlayerbotAIConfig.maxRandomBotInWorldTime);
        return true;

    return false;